"From now on, we can talk about our own affairs. You call me brother, and I'll call you sister. How about we don't delay each other?"

Dekan continues to seek death!

He is not afraid at all!

"Is there something wrong with your mind?!"

The master craftsman finally shouted in Dekan's heart angrily.

Let her call him a despicable brother like Dekan, why not die together!

She couldn't help but feel lucky now. Fortunately, she didn't lose the bet!

Never make this kind of bet with Dekan again.

Even if I bet 10,000 meals, I wouldn’t do it.

Otherwise, if the car overturns, Dekan may instruct her to do something shameful.

It would definitely be 10,000 times more shameful than "calling him brother affectionately"!

He knows how to torture.

Master Jiang worked hard to adjust his mentality.

She knew Dekan all too well, and she would lose if she got really pissed off by this guy.

She also knows how to deal with Dekan.

So no matter what Dekan said next, Master Jiang seemed to have blocked him and ignored him.

"It's boring...Master Xiang who only plays the downwind game..."

Dekan complained.

It was stimulating, but not completely stimulating.

Not enjoyable enough.

I dare you next time.

Then Dekan twisted his neck and looked around the ward.

It's time to get down to business.

He found a wheelchair, picked up the paralyzed Talomati, put her on it, and fastened her seat belt.

Then Durkan stared at Talomati again.

If you take her out like this, she will probably be recognized if you meet a high-ranking officer.

So Dekan thought for a while, tied the bandage on Talomati's face again, then combed her hair and put it up, and put a wide-brimmed hat on her head that looked like a noble lady.

It would be difficult to recognize her as Talomati.

Then Dekan tried to push the wheelchair to make sure that Talomati would not be too shaken, and that later on the stairs he could safely take her down along the slope that had been built on the edge.

They looked like the injured eldest lady and the housekeeper who accompanied her for a walk.

He just waited to clear out the store, and then took Talomati to meet Eve at the entrance of the hospital.

"Okay, let's set off."

Although Talomati's attitude towards Dekan was very cold, Dekan did not regard her as an enemy after all, and still said something friendly to her.


Talomati still didn't intend to speak, as if he not only hated Delois, but was also afraid of verbal communication with Delois.

Dekan smiled helplessly.

I'm not the kind of devil who can corrupt people with words.

There is no need to be so wary of me.

Durkan thought.

In fact, when they first met Shijiang, the relationship between the two of them was not much better.

It will get better gradually.

Just as Durkan was about to leave with Talomati.


The sudden sound made both Dekan and Talomati slightly stunned.

Because the room was extremely quiet.

So the sound is too clear.

"By the way, you haven't eaten anything today, have you?"

Durkan asked, stopping his wheelchair.


Talomati was obviously embarrassed, but she still didn't speak.

However, she could not answer with silence.

Because soon, another growling sound came from her stomach.

Even though Talomati could keep her expression calm, she still couldn't help but tighten her hands a little.


This time Dekan was silent.

He felt as if anything he said would only embarrass Talomati further.

So Durkan stepped away from the wheelchair.

Dekan reluctantly opened the dessert gift box, then moved the chair in front of Talomati's wheelchair, sat face to face with her, took out a piece of dessert and handed it to Talomati's mouth.


Talomati just pursed his lips, showing no intention of opening his mouth.

This gave Dekan a little headache.

Do you hate yourself so much?

I can actually resist the temptation of delicious food.

She was obviously very hungry, and this ultra-luxurious limited-edition snack was obviously very tempting to Talomati.

For Lunn's commission to be completed under the normal plan, there is another prerequisite, which is to restore Talomati's favorability to a normal level.

But now Talomati would find it difficult not to help him, or even to deliberately confront him.

If it really doesn't work.

We can only tie Talomati to Lunn and let Lunn and Talomati negotiate in person.

This should also be regarded as completing Lunn's commission. After all, Lunn's commission was "I hope Delois can find a big demon in the demon world who is willing to cease war, and convey Lunn's personal wishes to reach a truce agreement to the demon king."

It was not emphasized that the negotiation part needed to be completed by Delois.

After all, Lunn might be particularly surprised if he brings a legion commander back.

After all, his original intention was just to find a big demon with whom he could communicate, and he didn't let Delois kidnap the legion commander directly.

But if you choose this method to complete the task...

I'm afraid that the relationship between Delois and Talomati will be completely over in the future.

Because in Talomati's eyes, it would be: Her hostile traitor brother Delois kidnapped her to the enemy's base camp when they met and forced her to work.

Delois would become her ultimate nemesis.

Durkan never wanted the story to go this way.

Although it is just a performance of history in the film world.

But for Durkan's personal preference, he prefers an ending in which Delois and Talomati can reconcile.

Then now is a good opportunity.

Dekan wants to show his mettle as an older brother!

"Our journey may be long, and we may not have food later."

Dekan just said calmly.


Talomati didn't reply, his eyes were full of disgust.

Even though her stomach still growled unsatisfactorily, she was determined not to eat the food that came her way.

This state of indifference to others left Dekan helpless, both by the master craftsman and Talomati.

He gradually developed a headache.

Even when he met his master, his initial favorability was not as bad as this.

Even communication is impossible.

It seems a bit confusing.

But Durkan had another trick up his sleeve.

At this time, the only option is to hire a teacher.

"Master, let's forget about our relationship for the moment and help me deal with Talomati. I promise never to mention the word 'sister' again."

Dekan returned to his usual respectful tone and said to the master in his heart.

After all, she is the real person, so she must know how to defeat herself.

With the master's online guidance, it is only a matter of time before Talomati's favorability level increases.

The master and craftsman who had ignored Dekan for a long time finally had some response:

"Use [Three Corpses Fury], then show a slightly mocking smile, put the snack to her mouth, and see if she eats it."

"This...isn't this too bad of a villain? Won't she hate me even more?"

"believe it or not."

The master just said this sentence coldly, and then ignored Dekan.

Dekan was confused.

Masters and craftsmen are always reliable when encountering problems. This has always been the case.

Although I can't understand it, it's okay not to understand it.

The answers have already been written down, so there’s nothing to hesitate about, just copy them and you’re done.

So Dekan secretly used [Three Corpses Fury] with his hand in his pocket, and followed the master's instructions to put on an expression that was familiar to him.


Suddenly, Talomati's eyes widened.

The sour and empty feeling in her stomach, as well as the taste buds that seemed to be unable to control their pursuit of fragrance, made her suddenly feel that her whole body was going into chaos.

She knew this was Delois's fault!

That hateful expression said it all!


At this time, the more I would rather die than surrender.

She bit her lip tightly, not caring that it was almost broken by her bite, and her eyes were so shameful and angry that she wanted to kill Dekan.

But the hunger signal from his stomach echoed continuously in the room.

Finally, it was like a continuous execution that made her eyes start to turn red.

Her body was paralyzed, and she had to look at Delois's evil smile in front of her, no matter how angry she felt, she couldn't let it out.

She only felt that every minute was torture.

However, the aroma of the snack was like magic, gradually threatening to break a string in her brain.

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