On a remote street in the city of Chicago, Helena was walking briskly with a hurried look on her face. Her face looked a little excited, but at the same time a little nervous.

The results of this investigation were even more shocking than she had imagined. Not only did they track down the whereabouts of several missing veterans, but they also found some more sensitive and alarming information.

The Titan Project, the Iapetus Foundation, human body transformation experiments, and senior government officials controlled by mysterious organizations.

This information is so astonishing, once it is disclosed, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the entire United States and even the entire world, and she will also become a heroine who exposes the conspiracy of evil organizations, just like the heroine in the movie she watched when she was a child. Same as the main character.

It is worthy of my sacrifice for the investigation, Helena thought in her heart, recalling the previous experience of being a sign girl, the feeling of being naked and exposed to countless eyes still made her face flushed, and she felt very happy. She was ashamed, and at the same time, what she didn't want to admit in her heart was a little excited.

Especially in order to leave as soon as possible, she didn't even have time to change her clothes, she just put on a windbreaker and left quickly.

But apart from these, deep down in her heart, she was also afraid. Although she only tracked down the tip of the iceberg of this organization, what was revealed was beyond her initial imagination. If someone from that organization finds out——

Helena immediately dispelled the thought in her mind, no, it's impossible, she was already careful enough, she didn't show any tell from the beginning to the end, the other party had no reason to find her.

Moreover, her teammates had already prepared to meet her, as long as she arrived at the designated place, she would be safe. Thinking of this, Helena couldn't help speeding up her pace.

At the same time, just behind her, a man in black was following Helena carefully, quietly following behind her.

This person is Angus. As a sixth-level operator of the Iapetus Foundation, Angus' background is also quite extraordinary. He used to be an agent of a secret intelligence organization in a certain country, but was later disbanded after the organization Afterwards, Angus was recruited by a mysterious person and became the current Level 6 operator of the Iapetus Foundation.

Although he no longer has an official status, he earns a lot and no longer has any scruples. He feels much more comfortable than working for the government before.

Hehe, this woman is really a newcomer, she doesn't have the slightest sense of vigilance at all, and she doesn't know if she is being followed, but even if she knows, it's useless, her every move has fallen into the surveillance of the Foundation, even Her boss has been bought by the organization, this woman has no chance at all, I don't know how desperate she will be when she finds out the truth. "

While thinking about it, Angus instinctively glanced behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed before moving on. Even though he knew he couldn't be followed, he still kept vigilant all the time. This is a real agent quality.

Seeing that Helena was gradually approaching the ambush circle, Angus also activated the communicator next to his ear, "The target is moving towards the target area, the second group, how is your side?"

"It's done. All three FBIs have been dealt with."

"Very well, you stay there and wait for the prey to be caught, one group, you pay attention to blocking the target's retreat, I want to catch alive."


at the same time--

It seems that things are getting more and more interesting. This Helena is really worried, why did she get into such a big trouble.

Chu Ge thought to himself while following Angus.

The reason why he was not discovered by the other party was because he was far enough away, because there was a small map to locate the target, so he didn't have to worry about getting lost, and naturally he didn't have to appear in the other party's line of sight at all. Because of this, even an old agent like Angus failed to discover his existence.

He could see the green dot representing Helena and the red dot representing Angus on the small map, walking towards an alley. At the end of the alley, there was a door, which seemed to be Helena's retreat route. , but at this moment, there are two red dots hiding behind that door.

There are also two red dots, ambush the garbage bins on both sides of the alley and the back of the car, which is completely a pocket array.

It seems that Helena has gotten into quite a lot of trouble because of such a big battle. He still remembers that Helena told him that he was going to investigate a major case. At the beginning, he persuaded the other party not to get involved. , Helena also agreed, now it seems that this Helena didn't listen to persuasion at all.

If she didn't have herself today, Helena would probably be dead, but if the husband and wife are in love for a day, if the girl is in trouble, we whores can't do nothing, can't we,

But considering that he might show up later, let's pretend for a while.

Thinking about it, Chu Ge first changed into Leon's appearance with the Disguise Technique, and then performed a one-click change. The clothes on his body suddenly changed into a black leather jacket on the upper body and gray jeans on the lower body. The outfit from Crisis 6.

Finally, Helena came to the door at the end of the alley.

That's it, my three partners are waiting here.

Helena thought about it, and was about to open the door to go in, when suddenly there was a coughing sound behind her.

"Hmm, hello ma'am."

Helena's face suddenly changed, who is it! He actually touched behind him without even noticing anything? She claimed to be well-trained, and wondered how she could be so careless.

She turned around suddenly, and saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man smiling at him with his hands in his pockets, with a leisurely smile on his face, but that smile made her feel very uncomfortable, as if smiling There is great malice hidden behind it.

Helena was very proud of her intuition, and instinctively wanted to draw a gun.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you."

A cold voice came from the right, a person suddenly emerged from behind a trash can, with a pistol pointed at her head.

"That's right, although the higher-ups asked us to capture you alive, if necessary, we don't mind making two holes in your body."

A man emerged from behind a parked car, also holding a pistol.

Helena's heart suddenly tensed up, and she slowly backed away until her back was leaning against the door, when the sound of the door opening suddenly sounded behind her, Helena was overjoyed that it was her companion, she turned her head abruptly, but His expression instantly froze on his face. Standing behind the door were two other strange gunmen.

PS: The next chapter is a few minutes late.

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