This ferocious Gulu dropped three pieces of equipment, namely [+5 Red Crystal Ring], which added 5 points of strength.

[Gulu's Fur], an ugly leather jacket, but it has a high damage reduction attribute and a resistance layer. Generally speaking, it is still a very strong piece of equipment, but it is a bit ugly.

There is also [Gulu's Stomach Bag], a very interesting treasure, which can be used as a space backpack with 20 grids. At the same time, there is also an equipment skill that can be used on a target to trap it for 20 seconds, but it needs to be close Can only be used from a distance.

Generally speaking, there is nothing Chu Ge particularly needs, but there are never too many rings, so he asked for it symbolically, but he didn't expect to roll it directly, and the other two were finally collected by Lin Aoyang and Wei La respectively.

After everyone recovered, they asked the four elders to continue calling.

It was the locust tree demon god that was summoned for the second time. The body of this monster was a huge locust tree more than ten meters high, covered with white locust tree flowers and black fruits. , There was a gust of wind in the audience, and with the sound of crying and howling, the petals on the locust tree fell one after another. These petals were shaped like paper money, and these petals exuded a strange white light, obviously with The spell effects of curse and negative energy are offensive spells, and they dance with the wind, covering the entire field.

But translucent and distorted evil spirits emerged from those black fruits one after another, and rushed towards the crowd. For a while, ghosts wailed and gods howled, and paper money flew around, but to everyone, it was nothing, Chu Ge, Prince Edward At the same time, Joanna blasted their respective magical arts and miracles towards the ghosts summoned by the locust tree demon god. These positive energy magical miracles were the nemesis of the undead, and those ghosts were killed one by one without any chance. Eliminate, and this locust tree demon god can't move, and it is a plant, which makes it the best target for legal professions. Zhurong Ziyan and the witch Elena burned countless flames, The locust tree demon god's blood was rushing down, and under the siege of the crowd, the locust tree demon god was quickly killed.

This time, they also lost three treasures, [Seed of the Sophora Tree Demon God], [Sorcerer Tree Evocation Banner], and a [+5 Purple Crystal Ring]. Chu Ge was taken aback when he saw the ring, and even dropped two A ring, it seems that the boss of this dungeon really has no family background, the system can only use this kind of crystal ring with added attributes, Chu Ge guessed that the attributes of this crystal ring are mostly related to the ability of evil gods, It should be a part of the power of the evil god. The evil god Gulu is a powerful boss, so he dropped a red crystal ring, and the locust tree demon god is a legal boss, so he dropped a purple crystal ring with spiritual power. Next Most of the bosses will drop similar equipment.

These three pieces of equipment Chu Ge had no share, and were directly collected by Elena, Phoenix, and Xin Jiuniang respectively.

After dividing the loot, Xin Jiuniang signaled the four elders to continue calling.

The third one to be summoned is Granny Black Water, an evil god of water attribute. In the southern barbarian wilderness, there are many dark and bottomless swamps or pools. Many people will fall into them if they accidentally step into them. Died quietly, and over time, people's fear of these swamp waters condensed such a legend. Whenever someone disappeared in the wild, people often said that most of them were taken in by Granny Heishui.

And because of this, such an evil god appeared.

Following the summons of the four elders, Boss No. 3 also appeared on the stage soon. Granny Heishui was a gloomy-looking old lady, wearing a black robe and leaning on a cane. Her eyes were as black as deep lake water. As soon as he came out, he smiled at everyone, "Girls and boys, do you want to play with Granny Heishui?"

Although it looks inconspicuous, the skill is very powerful. Not only can it turn the surrounding ground into a muddy swamp, forcing everyone to be in a hurry, but it can also summon black elemental creatures made of sewage and mud to assist in the battle. It's just that everyone is in a hurry, and when everyone flies into the sky, or jumps to the surrounding heights with light work, they will naturally avoid the muddy ground, and Zhurong Ziyan and Elena's flame spells are booming, Phoenix's exile technique kept throwing out, and those elemental creatures were defeated within two minutes. Then Chu Ge and a few melee powerhouses rushed up and slashed, and easily solved the boss.

As soon as the black water granny died, the ground became dry and flat again.

This time also dropped three treasures, a [+5 blue crystal ring], a skill book of "Advanced Swamp Technique", and a bottle of black liquid - [Black Water Essence (rare material)].

Sure enough, Chu Ge looked at the blue crystal ring and thought to himself that the equipment that increases intelligence feels more valuable than the equipment that increases strength. Unfortunately, he has already chosen it, and he no longer has his share.

Soon these three pieces of equipment were also divided, and the next one was the No. 4 boss, the Zhenshan giant. This boss is a rock giant with a height of eight or nine meters, and his whole body is made of hard rocks. Strictly speaking, this boss is not an evil god. In fact, it is a god embodied by the local people's worship and awe of the mountains. It has not done any bad things.

However, as the saying goes, peers are enemies. For the seance who created the belief in the earth god, this kind of primitive god that has not been carefully thought out and condensed under human guidance is itself a competitor, or an obstacle, and has no value in existence. , so I simply summoned them together to fight. When it first came out, it was even a yellow neutral unit, which made Chu Ge see something tricky at a glance. They didn't ask a question at all, anyway, everyone came to fight the boss to clear the equipment, whoever it is, as long as the equipment explodes, they will all be killed.

The strength of this Zhenshan giant is still very strong. Not only is it super durable, it has thick blood and high defense, and it has a strong anti-magic attribute. It can also use strange things such as earthquake spells and rockfall spells. The intruders are not a big threat, and their strong survivability only allows them to persist for a while under the siege of the crowd. Chu Ge can now see that as long as the number of intruders is large enough, there will be no general bosses at all. What kind of opportunity, unless it is like the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult who can instantly kill the intruders, maybe one or two intruders can be desperately killed, otherwise they will definitely be consumed in the war of attrition.

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