"So I have to tell you! I love you! I love you deeply!"

Because the Queen no longer focused on leading the dance, Mozo subconsciously took over the responsibility of leading the dance.

Mozo, who didn't know how to end or react, could only mechanically lead the Queen's dance steps according to his own understanding.

This also made the surrounding guests shine again.

Is this resurrection? !

Pulled back from the underworld by a call from your lover? !

Resurrection is not unusual in the otherworldly world, so it can be readily accepted by anyone.

So every guest thinks that they are going to be happy and happy at the end of the tragedy and achieve perfection? !

The Queen, who was at the center of the incident, ignored these thoughts and continued to say to Mozo:

"Please understand that you don't need to answer me, but please remember that you can definitely rely on me!"

"You can come to me whatever you want, whether you use me as a chess piece or as an abandoned piece! Whenever you need me, please come to me!"

"Because this is the only thing I can do for you!"

"Of course, if possible, I also hope that you can always remember me! I only hope this, okay? Cromwell?"

The Queen explained all her thoughts, which also made the Queen stop all her movements.

The only thing she thinks about now is to enjoy as much as possible the warm embrace that does not belong to her.

When the Queen curled up in Mozo's arms with great nostalgia and a little fear.

The fourth quarter of "Forget Me Not" also comes to an end and climax.

Mozuo, who was holding the Queen in his arms, stared blankly at the Queen in his arms for a long time before carefully wrapping his other hand around her waist.

This scene was completely opposite to the previous ending of the third quarter and everything earlier, which made all the guests around him heartily applaud.

No guest knew who they were, but at this moment even the gods sent their blessings to them!

427 God bless the Queen, may she always be victorious and blessed with glory (3k)

This moment may be the happiest moment of Queen Isabel.

When was the last time something like this happened? It seemed that it was still when she became a god and waited happily for her Cromwell to return.

But that time, what she ended up getting was not what she wanted.

It was also at that time that the young queen truly understood that she who seemed to have everything was actually losing it all the time.

Losing her only parent, losing all her relatives, losing her last biological uncle, and losing Cromwell, the only one she thought she had, who actually didn't belong to her.

She seems to have everything, such as a dynasty, a divine position, and awe.

But she who seems to have everything is actually the one who truly owns nothing.

Because all she has is what she doesn't want.

Queen Isabel does not long for the supreme emperor's throne in the eyes of careerists, nor does she long for the admiration of all people, nor does she long for the throne of a god who stands at the top of everything.

What does she really want?

What she really wants is her lost childhood and, more importantly, her father and mother.

What she really wanted was a family relative she almost never met and an uncle who truly loved her.

What she really wants is Cromwell, who has the least reason to help her but will always stand by her without hesitation.

However, she could hardly get any of these things.

God bless the Queen, may she always be victorious and prosperous!

This is a hymn written for the Queen that appeared when she came to power after the Second Twist Trouble three hundred years ago. I don’t know who wrote it, or who circulated it.

But just as the lyrics and prayers say, God and the original seem to really care about her, allowing her to always be victorious and basking in glory.

However, the supreme glory in the eyes of others will always be in the eyes of others.

For the young queen, her only comfort now is that this warm embrace does not belong to her.

It's really warm and makes people don't want to leave.

Looking at Isabel who was slowly rubbing her chest in her arms.

Mozo just watched quietly.

He didn't answer or leave.

But this was enough for the Queen in his arms. Because even this little tenderness is enough to satisfy the queen who has been losing.

People who have never received anything will be extremely satisfied as long as they get a little something of their own.

After taking a deep breath of the air that was filled with Mozo's body temperature, the Queen straightened up from Mozo's arms with some reluctance.

The warm celebrations all around continued unabated.

For the guests around, this was the moment when a masterpiece was born, and they were happy to send their blessings to the strange couple.

Although this is fundamentally wrong, for the Queen at this moment, she is a little obsessed with it.

Once upon a time, she had fantasized more than once that if she and Mo Zuo got married, she would be in this situation and be surrounded by the blessings of countless guests, right?

Even false tenderness is enough to warm the Queen's lonely heart.

After looking around with envy and loneliness, the Queen looked up at Mozo and said:

"Please remember what I said. I will always stand by your side. Whether you want to achieve great things that have never been seen in the past or become an evil that has never been seen in the past, I will stand by your side!"

"So please believe me! Please drive me as you please! I know I am useless. Everything I have comes from charity from others and you, but I also believe that I can play some role!"

"Please use me as you wish, okay Cromwell?"

Mozo remained silent in front of the Queen.

Such silence made the Queen even more uneasy.

She lowered her head and looked at her toes and said silently:

"Please use me as you like, as long as, no, I don't even want you to remember me, just, just let me do something for you! Just a little bit is fine!"

After Mozo opened his mouth, he still didn't answer, but he finally made another response. Other responses should have been given before.

He gently hugged the queen in front of him and put her into his arms again.

At this time, the applause of the surrounding guests slowly stopped, but they still stood there with smiles and quietly watched the pair of wonderful people in the center of the dance floor.

Mozo, who had been silent for a long time, also thought for a moment in such a quiet time, then leaned his head against the Queen's ear and softly chanted:

"God bless the Queen, she may always win and be blessed with glory. She will be well-liked by the people and her heart will be happy. If she governs the country, her destiny will be long."

"God bless the Queen, promote divine power, and promote freedom. Protect the homeland and defeat all enemies. Protect the land and defend the four directions."

"God bless the Queen, she will be reborn with grace and prosperity, and her military fortune will be long-lasting. May the people's wishes be fulfilled, and we will sing with our heartfelt hearts!"

Hearing this familiar hymn, the Queen raised her head slightly in confusion.

Then Mozo opened his mouth and said seriously to Isabel in front of him:

"Your Majesty, you...you don't have nothing. This song is my gift to you!"

Yes, the author of this hymn that has been sung in the Lorraine Empire for three hundred years is actually Cromwell, Duke of the North, whose dictatorship was ended by the Queen.

This may also be the real gift that the Queen who has been losing has what she wants.

The dispossessed finally began to own something of their own.

This is very little, very insignificant, but this is just the beginning, isn't it?

The Queen burst into tears when she heard these words, and then she threw herself into Mo Zuo's arms and kept sobbing.

But this time, even the guests who didn't know the inside story could tell that the crying was definitely not caused by sadness.

Crying with joy, that’s all!

This also made many guests burst into good-natured laughter.

They are indeed superiors, but they have also experienced their own love.

When facing lovers who don't know their identities, they who also hide themselves can show a side of themselves that they shouldn't show easily without any scruples.

Looking at the sobbing empress, Mozo gently patted her shoulder and whispered to her:

"I will go find you, but before that, I hope you can pretend that nothing happened."

Then Mozo hesitated for a moment and then said:

"And please don't call me you again. Okay?"

The queen who raised her head looked at Mo Zuo carefully for a long time in the haze of tears, and then nodded vigorously with tears in her eyes.


Maybe she still couldn't fully possess him, but she had gone to a place she had never been before!

And this is just the beginning!

So this is enough, very enough!

Mo Zuo also lowered his head and smiled before saying:

"That's it for the time being? I'll leave first?"

The Queen nodded vigorously again:


After saying that, the queen wiped her tears and then she and Mozo took a step back, bowing to each other very respectfully, indicating the temporary end of the dance and companionship.

Then the two went in completely opposite directions.

This made all the guests present a little surprised, and the applause that was originally intended to be heard again also solidified.

What does it mean? Aren't they a couple?

During this somewhat embarrassing time, Dragon King Pramesis applauded enthusiastically:

"I'm so happy to see such great choreography, and let's go on, the party is still going to be long tonight!"

At the Dragon King's sudden intervention, all the guests clapped in unison and stepped onto the dance floor as the new movement was played again.

At the same time, where Mozo failed to notice, the two goddesses who were trying to think about who they were were also affected by the sudden separation of Mozo and Isabelle.

And somehow I felt better.

Suddenly feeling relaxed, they also stopped thinking before, because they suddenly found that they seemed to hate the strange woman standing next to them even more.

After smiling politely, Victoria and Ilúvatar turned their backs on each other and left.

After withdrawing his gaze from the two goddesses. ‘Sun King’ Thranduil chuckled and poked La next to him with his elbow.

When La's eyes came over, the 'Sun King' was holding the red wine glass and raised the corner of his mouth with a smile:

"How about it, does our Shadow Sun also want to go up and dance a song?"

La just glanced at the dance floor and shook his head decisively:

"No need, Your Majesty!"

The 'Sun King' put his face up to him with disbelief and said:

"Really? But I see that you have just been staring at the two people on the dance floor!"

La, who was being talked about, tilted his head slightly, and then whispered:

"Please stop teasing me, I have no interest in dancing with anyone here!"

Upon hearing this, the ‘Sun King’ immediately lamented in disappointment:

"Huh? Not even me? I'm obviously looking forward to it!"

This made La turn her head in panic and wanted to explain, but when she turned her head, she saw His Majesty with a narrow smile on his face.

After letting out a long sigh, Lacai said helplessly:

"Please really stop teasing me!"

Seeing that La seemed to be really unhappy, the 'Sun King' put his arm around La's shoulders and whispered into her ear:

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