"Thank you for your good words."

After saying this, Aishikaya quickly withdrew her hand.

She felt bad, but she didn't know what was wrong.

After looking around suspiciously, she said to Heweis:

"Okay, it's time for me to leave."

Havis also looked at her palm thoughtfully and said:

"I won't send you off."

In this way, the brief and strange meeting between the two goddesses ended.

Until this moment, they all thought that the interaction between the two of them was over. Even if they met again in the future, it would be nothing more than a nod of acquaintance.

Aishikaya just left the room, and Cassia appeared in front of Heweis shortly after.

Seeing her angel re-entering the room, Heweis also cheered up and asked:

"Cassia, why did you call me here?"

Listening to the goddess's inquiring words, but in fact she had no heart at all, Cassia's expression also seemed gloomy. But she soon regained her composure.

What is the knot in the goddess's heart is something that almost every sea citizen knows.

So Cassia is very sure that when the goddess sees His Majesty again, all problems will be solved instantly!

There is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking, but it seems a little helpless because I don't know the whole picture. Cassia chuckled and leaned forward and said:

"Ms. Ophelia asked me to take you to meet someone! A very important person!"

In response, Heweis just sighed and said:

"Who is it? Is it that god again? Maybe I shouldn't be here."

Cassia still didn't solve the mystery. She just turned around and opened the entrance to the secret door and said:

"Please come with me, but I hope you can control your emotions when the time comes!"

Although Havis followed, she only said sadly to Cassia's kind reminder:

"I hope the person you are talking about can interest me a little bit."

Cassia did not answer, but respectfully walked in front to lead the way.

When she returned to the entrance of the secret room, Cassia turned back to Havis and said seriously:

"Your Majesty Havis, I hope you must control your emotions!"

The continuous reminders finally made Heweisi's dull heart arouse a hint of curiosity:

"Who do you want me to see?"

As he spoke, Heweis suddenly frowned and said:

"It's not that reptile from Aerosanks, is it?"

Why do you think of this? Cassia looked a little confused, but she could only chuckle and said:

"Please believe that it will be much better than this guess!"

Hearing that the reptile that was not Aerosanks had returned, the anger that had just risen in Heweis's mind was extinguished.

Cassia stuck out her tongue and gently knocked on the wall that turned into a solid object again:

"Your Majesty, I have brought Her Majesty Havis!"

After a moment, Mozo's nervous voice sounded from the other side of the wall:

"Then please come in!"

The moment she heard this voice, Havis, who had just looked filled with grief and despair, suddenly widened her eyes in disbelief.

Although she didn't see it, even though it was an unfamiliar voice, just these words so close to her made Heweis realize who was behind the wall!

At this moment, all of Cassia's previous reminders were immediately forgotten by Heweis.

There is no need to wait for Cassia to activate the technique to blur the wall.

Heweis, who could no longer wait, simply tore open the obstructing wall!

Looking at Heweisi who suddenly broke through the wall.

Mozo and Ophelia in the room subconsciously straightened their bodies and quickly moved away from each other.

This scene is really a bit subtle.

436 Let’s go home first (4k)

Compared to Mozzo and Ophelia who were a little bit at a loss, Heweis, who broke through the wall directly and entered, was stunned on the spot.

The look has changed, the accent has changed, and the height has changed.

But the only thing that remains unchanged is the essence, the soul.

For extraordinary beings, the appearance is just the skin, and what is really important is always the soul called the essence.

As long as the soul is still the same person, no matter how his appearance changes, there is no problem!

After staring at Havis for a while, Mozuo raised his hand tentatively and said:

"I'm sorry I've only come back to see you now. Hedwig."

It was Mo Zuo's words that directly broke the atmosphere that seemed to have solidified at the scene.

As soon as Mozo finished speaking, Heweis flew directly into Mozo's arms.

"Is it you? Is it really you?"

Even though she was extremely sure that this was her Storm King, Havis still kept asking Mozo and stroking Mozo's cheek.

This seems to be a required course for every man who meets his goddess again.

But no matter how many times he saw her, Mo Zuo felt endless guilt and a little bit at a loss every time he saw her again.

Havis's hands slowly came to rest on Mozo's cheeks. Holding Mozo in her arms like this, Havis finally said with tears streaming down her face:

"Are you really back?"

After Mozo nodded, he raised his hand to hold Heweisi's hands, slowly pulled them down and placed them on his chest, allowing Heweisi to feel her very real heartbeat and said:

"Yes, I'm back, Hedwig!"

Heweisi felt the movement in her palm carefully, and after a moment, she subconsciously leaned her head against it.

At the same time, Havis directly stretched out her hands and hugged Mozo tightly.

"You're finally back! Great, this is really great!"

"I swear, I swear I will never let anyone take you away from me this time, I swear! Not even the original one!"

"Really, I am so scared, afraid that you will run away from me again."

"Even now I am afraid that all this is just a sweet dream. I am afraid that I will wake up from that lonely and cold temple next moment. I am so scared!"

Havis's voice seemed a little incoherent, but the more it was like this, the more it proved how much she loved Mozo, and how much impact the scene at this moment had on her.

Mozo didn't say anything, he just hugged Heweiss just as tightly and kept patting Heweiss's shoulders lightly.

This silent comfort and tangible presence finally made Heweisi slowly calm down.

The scared crying had stopped, and all that was left was a quiet embrace.

After the king and the god hugged each other for a long time, Havis raised her head and looked at Mozo and said:

"Can you let me know how you came back?"

This is a question that almost every goddess has asked, but Mozuo still doesn't know how to ask.

Not only did he not want to answer, but he himself didn't know where to start.

What kind of miracles those countless dream operas are is something Mozo still can't understand.

Therefore, Mozo could only say the answer he had used on other goddesses before after a short silence:

"Please allow me to keep this a secret for now, but I promise you!"

But before Mozo could finish speaking, Heweisi raised her finger and lightly tapped Mozo's lips, signaling that he didn't need to say any more.

"In this case, there is no need to answer, no need to feel guilty, and no need to guarantee. As long as you come back, that's enough. As long as you are still you, that's enough!"

Is Havis curious about why Mozo can come back? Of course she was curious, extremely curious, because this was probably related to whether Mozo could continue to stay by her side!

But since Mozo didn't want to answer, Heweis also stopped her exploration like the previous goddesses.

Why? Because they are goddesses and Mozo is their king!

This is enough!

But the goddesses' almost equal love and trust also made Mozo a little breathless as always.

People always like to say that conscience is a triangle hidden in your body. Every time you do something bad, your conscience will start to rotate and pierce your flesh. That's why you feel bad and guilty.

But if you do too many things that you feel guilty about, the edges and corners will be smoothed out, so naturally there will be nothing to feel guilty about.

But now it seems that this statement seems to be completely wrong.

At least Mozo didn't feel that the edges of his conscience were being smoothed...

Mo Zuo subconsciously turned his gaze away. Then he saw Ophelia, who also shifted his gaze.

The moment the two people's eyes met, they both shifted like an electric shock.

Fortunately, Havis didn't think much about it.

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and kept groping Mozo's body.

She was confirming the difference between Mozo today and the Storm King before.

"You have changed, really changed a lot."

"It's a lot, but I'm still me."

Mozo could only respond with a little embarrassment. There are many things that have changed, but what is really important is that his current identity is no longer as pure as it was during the Storm King period.

At that time, he was just Heweis's companion, but now...

Even excluding the girls who the goddesses don't care about, the remaining goddesses are still a huge problem...

The goddess Helvetica had no doubt that he was there, and nodded with great joy and said:

"Yes, you are right! You are still you, and that's enough!"

After saying that, Heweisi buried herself in Mozo's arms again with a happy face.

And he whispered in a low voice while constantly rubbing:

"This is enough."

Mozzo also sighed imperceptibly and hugged Havis again.

After a while, Mo Zuo finally convinced himself and said hard-heartedly:

"Havis, I need you to do a few favors for me!"


Sensing something amiss, Havis immediately raised her head, her beautiful eyes as deep as the ocean revealing unspeakable fear and hope.

The only thing that Havis, who is a god, would be afraid of is that her Storm King would leave her again.

Although there was no evidence, God's inspiration had vaguely given her the answer.

That's why her eyes became like this.

This also succeeded in making Mo Zuo a little afraid to speak.

But after opening his mouth, Mo Zuo continued speaking bravely:

"I can't make my presence known yet."

Heweis's heart trembled immediately when she heard this, but she still forced a smile and said:

"No problem. Okay, that's correct. After all, five kings have disappeared in succession. You should be allowed to continue hiding. In fact, I will do this even if you don't tell me."

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