What needs to be mentioned here is that it is said that during the creation period, glass beads and gems were equivalent in the eyes of dragons because they were both shiny. But I don’t know what went wrong. Now, if you dare to use a glass bead to please the dragon, then you will be turned into a block of carbon!

Therefore, the smart people who visited the dragon species painstakingly prepared a lot of shiny treasures. Compared with the initial investment, their investment may be better than those who said they wanted to unconditionally help the Victoria Dynasty organize the great noble meeting. A little bit.

Some people may think that even if a banquet is luxurious, how luxurious can it be? This thing is theoretically correct, but the problem is, how can they be justified in the banquet prepared by mortals for gods?

So this is another group of idiots who are clever but are misled by their cleverness.

And this group of people here in Longzhong, do they want to be surprised to find that their trip is so smooth? !

What kind of smooth method is it? Let’s put it this way. This is how they wanted to come over before:

Did you say you were coming to visit? OK, give me the money! Well, why is the color of this gem so poor? roll!

And now it is:

Did you say you were coming to visit? Okay, of course, just come over!

Then when they arrived at the hinterland of the dragon species, they carefully said that they wanted to meet the dragon king, and they received a very straightforward answer:

Do you want to meet His Majesty Pramesh? Of course, I’ll tell you! Just wait! Gift? No, no gifts!

In the past, it would have been:

You hairless monkeys also want to pay a visit to His Majesty Pramises? Okay, do you see that statue outside? Saw? Okay, you have met His Majesty, leave your things and get out! Wait, why are there so few things? You look down on His Majesty, right? Okay, where is your family's territory? I'll go get it myself!

It can be said that it went smoothly. They all felt like they were dreaming.

This doesn't look like a dragon!

For this reason, many people here pinched their thighs and couldn't help but ask their companions whether the group of dragons collectively ate something they shouldn't have and suffered brain cramps.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have changed so quickly!

And why did the dragons suddenly become so good?

Naturally, this is not because they have changed their gender. Humans are also one of the participants in the War of Blasphemy, so dragons naturally have no good impressions of humans.

It's just that today's dragon species are very happy.

Because the Dragon God is back!

It's not the Dragon King Pramesis who's always been there, but the Dragon God Arothanx who has long since disappeared!


In the Dragon King's divine kingdom, even the Dragon King's overly majestic figure was dwarfed by this unimaginably huge palace.

In the records of dragon species, it is said that even such a mammoth palace of the Kingdom of God is far from being comparable to the former Heavenly Palace.

For that is the sacred abode of the Original and Firstborn Sons.

During the Creation period, no matter whether they were dragons, trees, or elves, they were all proud to have a glimpse of the heavenly palace!

Because that is not only where the Creator is, it is also a miracle that just needs to be seen to elevate the soul!

Unfortunately, as the eldest son and the second sons launched a war of blasphemy, the heavenly palace that was supposed to never fall disappeared forever into history.

But in this divine kingdom belonging to the Dragon King, the Dragon King Pramesis, as the master here, does not occupy the dominant position.

He stopped in the middle of the hall, behind his father!

The pure white Dragon God Arothanx is much smaller in stature than his own son. Even among the dragon species, Arothanx, who is known as the beast's scourge, is of the same size. A relatively small batch.

But no one dares to ignore His existence!

Because he is not only the Dragon God, but he is also the only ancient dragon among the dragon species today who has seen the Huatian of Heaven!

At this moment, Eurosankes is carefully looking at the ancient dragon statue placed in the main hall. That is his father, the grandfather of Dragon King Pramises - Eurosankes!

After a long time, the Dragon God Yarosanks asked without looking back:

"Why not go after that blasphemer?"

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The voice of Dragon God Arothanx was particularly loud in the empty hall.

In response to his father's question, Dragon King Pramesis fell silent.

He lowered his head slightly, neither daring to look nor to answer.

Seeing that his son did not respond for a long time, the voice of Dragon God Arothanx sounded again:

"I'm asking why you don't go after that blasphemer! My son!"

While speaking, Dragon God Allosanks finally withdrew his gaze from the statue of his grandfather Allosanks and looked back at his son.

They are gods and kings, but unlike the relationship between Mozo and the goddesses as husband and wife, and the relationship between twins as brothers, they are father and son. There is no doubt that Arothanx loves his son deeply, and it is for this reason that he endures Having lived in loneliness for countless years, all he did was to return to his son.

But even more because of this, He must do his duty as a father!

In the view of Arothanx, his son's behavior undoubtedly deviated from his proper path as the leader of the dragon race!

Among the many gods and kings, the relationship between the Dragon God and the Dragon King should be closest to Fortune and Lauralis.

The only difference is that the Goddess of Wealth does not have a spouse like the Dragon God, and Lauralis was just an ordinary child in the Iron Bank Almshouse at the beginning. However, because of her outstanding mind and talent, Lauralis was chosen by the Goddess of Wealth as her mortal agent in the Iron Bank and has been kept by her side to train her.

It was precisely this kind of encounter that made the goddess of wealth regard Lauralis as her adopted daughter during the long companionship between the two parties, and slowly discovered that this child had become her own king.

This may be the original curse at work, or it may just be her own will, but no matter what, the goddess of wealth does not feel regret or displeasure about this.

They are master and apprentice as well as mother and daughter.

But perhaps Dragon God and Wealth have different understandings of the love for their children. They are undoubtedly willing to give their lives for their children.

However, the two parties have different attitudes towards the path their children should take in the future. It is true that Fortune hopes that Lauralis can take over the entire Iron Bank, but she is also more willing to let her do whatever she wants. Wealth hopes that Lauralis can find her own freedom while shouldering responsibilities and expectations!

But the Dragon God is different. In his eyes, as an ancient dragon who has experienced the Blasphemy War, there is only one best way for his children - to become a qualified dragon leader!

And what is a qualified dragon leader?

That is to lead the ethnic group to prosperity, and most importantly, to defeat all the blasphemers!

The former is inevitable as a leader, and the latter is the mission of being a dragon!

As the Lord's only loyal sword and shield, Arothanx can never bear the thought that there are still blasphemers safe in the world!

So when He returned with great expectations and learned the news, His anger was out of control. But compared to the fact that the blasphemer was still alive and well, what was even more unacceptable to Him was the silence and inaction of His own son.

This frightened Arothanx deeply, because he discovered that his son seemed to have abandoned his mission as a dragon!

This undoubtedly blasphemed the Lord, blasphemed the entire dragon species, and blasphemed himself.

So in deep fear, Yarosankes burst out with endless anger towards his son:

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid of that damn traitor? Where is your honor as a dragon?"

"We are the sword and shield of the Lord, and we are the Lord's last sword of vengeance. If even we forget the Lord, can this world be saved?"

Dragon King Pramesis finally gave his own response to his father's growing anger.

The Dragon King, who used to respond proudly when facing the Gemini, now spoke in a low and intermittent tone like a child who had made a mistake:

"I, I didn't, father, I, I just, just."

"Just what?!"

Feeling the fear of his child, Yaro Sanx couldn't help but dodge his sight slightly, but soon he became tough again. When they reunited after a long separation, he didn't want the two sides to become like this. But He was even more unable to accept that his child had betrayed the mission of the dragon species.

But at the same time, there was also a bit of expectation in his tone. He expected that maybe he had made a mistake. His son did not compromise, but chose to do it in secret out of other considerations.

But Arothanx was doomed to be disappointed, because Pramise's answer was this:

"Father, I just feel that our race can no longer bear the consequences of war with God. We have shed too much blood..."

As his father's son, Pramises knew his father's thoughts very well. In his eyes, revenge on the blasphemer was engraved in his bones, just like mortals think that eating and sleeping are natural.

Every ancient dragon who has survived from that time or later knows this, not to mention his father, the only one who has ever seen the glory of the heavenly palace?

Pramesis knew that at this time, all he had to do was say that he wanted to take his time and everything would be fine, even if he only said so verbally.

But he was unwilling to deceive his father. He deceived his father who finally returned to him.

Just as Pramesis thought, his answer exploded in the heart of Arothanx like a thunderbolt from the blue.

What is this like? It's like a child telling his parents that he doesn't want to eat, sleep, or breathe anymore.

"I, you, what, do you know what you are talking about?"

Arothanx, who was speaking incoherently, asked this sentence in disbelief.

Pramesis lowered his head lower, but his voice continued:

"Father, it's over. Everything is over. Whether it's the war of blasphemy or the war of revenge, it's time to end. Father, we are the last dragon gods. We should find ways to make our tribe prosper instead of bringing down Let them repeat their endless revenge over and over again!"

A word with no lethality, but it completely overwhelmed Yaro Sanx, an ancient dragon who could not even kill his eldest sons with their overwhelming power.

He stumbled backwards and fell down, and finally collapsed directly to the ground.

"What are you talking about? My son..."

Pramise's words deny everything about him and his companions!

At this moment, Arothanx is no longer a god, he is just a poor father who cannot be understood by his son.

Pramesis was also more and more afraid to see his father, but he was even more afraid to stop his voice, because Pramsis knew that he was the only one who could persuade his father to stop revenge and stop the war. .

After taking over the broken dragon seed from his uncle Aerosanks, he really didn't want to go to war with any force anymore.

He knew very well what the war had brought to the dragon.

"Father, I don't want to lose anyone anymore, including you and my people. Why don't you go out and see how everyone is living now. I can't destroy it all."

"Yes, we may win, or even win easily, but, father, what about our people? How many deaths will they have for revenge? I cannot drag our future into the abyss of revenge for the past. .”

"What's more, both of them lost to Havis, who looked like she was definitely going to lose, so why are we so sure we can win? If we lose, our tribe will really be over."

This time it's not about stopping the twins. Everyone on both sides knows that it's impossible to really fight to the death, but it's about dragging the entire clan into a life-and-death fight with the vampire clan and the last eldest son!

So Pramesis was afraid. He was really afraid that his father would destroy the tribe that he had managed to save.

In response to his son's sincere words, Yarosanks just said with a sad expression:

"Everything will end, even the eternal and immortal God will eventually go to the quiet place prepared by the Lord for us. If we forget what happened to the Lord, then how can we step into the resting place prepared by the Lord for us?"

"That's not right, son. The resting place is the final destination of everything. We cannot ignore this for the sake of the present."

Regarding this, Pramesis felt a sense of annoyance. How could he drag his tribe into the abyss just for this? He raised his head for the first time and said:

"Father, the original is dead! The original that cannot die is dead! So there is no resting place! There is no final destination! Nothing is destined! Why do you want to drag the future of our tribe for such an ethereal thing?"

This was what Pramesis said from the bottom of his heart, but it was precisely because of this that it completely stimulated Yarosanks' nerves.

He also excitedly raised his head and looked at his son and said:

"The Lord is dead? How could the Lord be dead? The Lord just had his heart broken by his children, and finally chose to let go and go to the resting place He prepared for us!"

"What are you talking about? If that's the case, then why do we have to launch revenge wars again and again? What are you thinking about?"

"The Lord is the world! The Lord is everything! Therefore, it is impossible for the Lord to die. It is precisely because the Lord cannot die, so we who will eventually return to our resting place must never forget the betrayal of the blasphemers!"

"Killing them and sending them to the Lord to accept His judgment is what we must do! Otherwise, we will disappoint the Lord like those blasphemers, and even have to pay for all the efforts of our ancestors. Flowing eastward!"

In the roar of Yaro Sanx, one after another magnificent virtual images slowly appeared behind him.

Arosankes randomly walked up to a virtual image, pointed at the virtual image and said to his son without looking back:

"This is your uncle, my brother, Aeroshanks. He once guarded the Lord's palace with me. He is a good man. He has lived up to his status and the Lord's love. He has always been Those who kept their identity and fought hard for the Lord later also fought endlessly for their own race!”

"Uncle, uncle is not fighting for the ethnic group, he is fighting for our arrogance and conceit!"

"Really? What about him? My uncle, your great-uncle Carlo Sanx! Among the betrayals of those blasphemers, he was the first to notice, the first to fight, and the first to die! You Can we say that he is also fighting for arrogance and conceit?”

"And him, Prothanx! And him, Ersanx! And him, him, and him! Our people, our ancestors, our blood brothers, they are all fighting for the same goal Until death!"

“That’s fighting for the Lord!”

"Are you going to deny everything about me and them now?! Are you going to let all their blood go to waste?"

Arothanx's voice became louder and louder, and Pramesis replied not to be outdone:

"Father, no one has seen what the resting place looks like, but everyone knows that the original died, died in the Battle of Blasphemy, died in the hands of the eldest sons, and then the eldest sons also died in our hands , that’s enough, it’s time to end!”

"No matter what, we are worthy of our original love, father! Please, let our people live! There is no reason for them to die for your stubbornness!"

"What does it mean to die? What does it mean to be free from guilt? Are you still my son? How can you say these rebellious words? Why can't you understand that everything I do is for our ethnic group!"

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