The next moment, the armor on the King of Light suddenly flashed with golden light.

Then the goddess of fertility, who also discovered something was wrong, carefully protected her king behind her.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he brought the Dynasty of Light closer to Sanchez and kept winking at Campello.

After a brief hesitation, Cambelo also approached the three goddesses of fertility in silence.

And as these serious outsiders got closer, the ominous atmosphere became more and more obvious.

After successfully getting closer, Cambelo carefully tugged on Sanchez's sleeve and said:

"Do you know what's going on?"

Sanchez swallowed hard.

He didn't know what happened.

But he remembered a prophecy that he and his main god had received - the betrayed goddesses would be a nightmare for the entire world!

Relying on this prophecy, there is still this strange situation.

After all, Sanchez, who could be regarded as a smart man who had planned for thousands of years to successfully ascend to God, finally realized it!

The next moment, he looked at the Storm King in disbelief!

Sanchez relied on the relationship between Storm King and Lani to launch him early. The disappearance of the five kings is probably inseparable from him.

Later, even though the other party kept pushing her to give unintended prophecies to contain the goddesses.

He has never thought of such a ridiculous thing.

But now, he finally realized it!

And his enlightenment is deeper than that of many goddesses.

For example, is Lani’s king really that doll?

Isn't he really the Storm King who has been having an affair with her?

After squirming his lips for a long time, Sanchez, who saw such a horrifying scene, said to the three people beside him with a rare kindness:

"It's best for us, probably, to leave first."

The goddess of fertility frowned and looked at the goddesses who had fallen into silence since just now and said:

"Can you speak clearly first?"

Sanchez, who felt extremely hot, couldn't help but loosen his collar, and then wiped his sweat and said:

"I don't think this is the place to explain."

As if to reflect Sanchez's words.

Not long after he opened his mouth, Sanchez and others heard Heweis, who had never appeared, say from the air:

"I think some of you can leave first. Because we still have some private matters that are considered family matters that need to be properly handled."

Housework? !

Looking at the goddesses who acquiesced to this, and the Storm King who was sweating like crazy.

The goddess of fertility and Cambelo finally understood and began to twitch at the corners of their eyes.

Can God and King not be the only ones? !

The moon and the witch on the other side also fell into the same silence for some reason.

What was different was that Yue Yue looked at her good friend in amazement.

She was not ready to leave because she was afraid that her good friend Chike would be separated by the goddesses soon.

Also, her and Chic's plan hasn't been implemented yet.

Now that the Uniqueness of the Evil Gods has basically arrived, the ritual of resurrecting the original can be put on the agenda at any time.

But there is one thing that Yue Yue cares about very much, and that is her motivation for staying. Is that really all there is to it?

Why did she always feel like there was something else she hadn't noticed?

But the witch looked at the Storm King suspiciously.

Mozo's arrangement is still in effect.

Even though they were face to face, the witch was still not completely sure who Mozo was.

But Fenggao and the others were aware of it, and the witch also noticed it.

After looking at the goddesses around her with some astonishment, she was still unsure of the identity of the Storm King and had no intention of leaving.

But on the other side, the elf fleet that originally filled the sky silently left the scene at the request of the Twin Sacred Trees.

Even La, who was most likely to stay, withdrew from the Forest of the Holy Tree under the strong request of the Twin Holy Trees.

For Mozuo at this moment, this was a blessing in misfortune.

Although the situation has not improved much.

After repeatedly wiping the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

Mozzo was about to speak when he heard Cambelo's voice:

"Before you start, I would like to interrupt you a little!"

This sentence was as if a basin of ice water was poured directly on Mozo under the hot sun in the dog days of summer.

Mozzo, who was completely at a loss just now, immediately looked at Campello in surprise.

Are you planning to take advantage of me? !

But facing Mozo's eyes full of surprise, Cambelo looked away awkwardly under the gazes of the goddesses.

Finally, he coughed and handed over the four zero-level sealed objects he had obtained, and handed them to Mo Zuodao:

"Without your help, it is absolutely impossible for me to survive, so I think these zero-level sealed artifacts should be handed over to you."

After speaking, Cambelo put the four zero-level sealed objects in his hand on a book and passed them to Mozo.

After doing this, Campello could only look at Mozo with pity, and then he sighed and became the first god to leave this place.

Cambelo's idea of ​​handing over four zero-level sealed artifacts was simple.

One is that, as he said, he doesn't think he deserves it.

The second is that he hopes to use these four zero-level sealed objects to give poor Mo Zuo a chance to escape.

After doing this, he ran away without mercy.

The second god to leave is the Lord of Light and his Goddess of Fertility.

Needless to say, after the couple looked at each other, the King of Light threw the two zero-level sealed objects in his hand to Mo Zuo.

"The reason why my wife and I were able to preserve our country was entirely because of the future you wrote. Therefore, I dare not be greedy for these two treasures."

As he spoke, the King of Light glanced at Mozo with a complicated look, and then the Goddess of Fertility grabbed his ears and dragged him away.

Mo Zuo understood the King of Light's eyes very clearly.

It was pity, envy and admiration.

But Mo Zuo was not happy at all. The only good news is that at least he effortlessly obtained several zero-level sealed artifacts that he never thought he could get them all.

Mozo, who also remembered the terrible prophecy, couldn't help but shift his sad eyes from the six zero-level sealed objects in his hand to Sanchez.

It was also because of this glance that Sanchez got the wrong idea.

Sanchez, who originally planned to leave without saying a word, was pinned to the spot by Mozo's eyes full of meaning.

Sanchez's first reaction was - you don't want me to stand up and block the gun for you, do you?

Sanchez was really horrified by this.

The things he had done to help before were enough to make the goddesses chase him.

If he were to come again now, Sanchez felt that he might as well banish himself to the spiritual world in advance.

In addition, Sanchez also noticed that the goddesses looked at him strangely.

With just a brush, the sweat on Sanchez's forehead started to flow out.

After swallowing his saliva continuously.

Sanchez quickly and wisely threw the zero-level sealed object from Mengius, the Heart of the Black Witch, that he had accumulated in his hand to Mo Zuodao:

"I thought so too. I was just too anxious to go back and see my followers, so I almost forgot about it. Ahem, okay, I've given you the things, and it's time for me to leave."

Before Sanchez could finish speaking, he directly activated his ability to forcibly predict that he was not here.

At this point, the last ‘outer god’ has completely left.

But for the goddesses, outsiders are not completely gone yet.

Their eyes silently looked at the last three 'outsiders' - the moon, the witch, and Lani.

But I don’t know if it was out of a woman’s intuition or if she really smelled something.

The goddesses just glanced at the last three 'outsiders' and then looked at each other.

At the same time, Heweisi, who had been missing, finally appeared next to Mozo, clutching her chest.

All of a sudden, even the Queen and several other goddesses exploded into flames and shouted sharply at Heavis:

"You shameless bitch!" (Isabelle)

"Get out of Angel's side quickly!" (Victoria)

"Why do you stand behind my Tyr?" (Bernadette)

"Go away, I don't want to say another word!" (Ilúvatar)

"Hmm?!" This was Aishikaya who subconsciously wanted to speak, but finally reacted and stopped.

Similar to Aishikaya, there is a witch.

Unlike Aishikaya who started to look at her hands suspiciously, the witch directly raised her head and looked at Mozo coldly.

The witch felt that she had probably found the answer, but she just said that she was not sure yet. After all, this was something that the John in her mind could not do at all.

But, for men, it’s not impossible.

The scolding and outrage of the goddesses.

Havis snorted coldly. He hugged the stiff Mo Zuo from behind.

This is declaring one's sovereignty and provoking the other bitches.

"He is my husband, why do you want me to leave my husband? You are just a bunch of bitches who took advantage of the situation!"

After hearing these words, the goddesses who were already furious appeared beside Mo Zuo in an instant.

"What does it mean to take advantage of a situation? He is Angel, the master of painting, and my wife, Victoria. This happened so many years ago. Haven't you sneaky cats even learned history?"

On the timeline, except for the ignorant Moon and the silent Lani, the other goddesses cannot compare with Victoria, who met Mozo in the Age of Gods.

As soon as these words came out, the other goddesses who met Mozo after the other generations of gods were instantly speechless.

And that's not all Victoria has to say.

She sneered and continued to scan the goddesses and said:

"And I am Queen Victoria, and I am the king personally appointed by Angel!"

In this regard, Bernadette, who finally found her words, said quietly:

"I am also Tyr's chosen king. There is nothing special about you, you old woman!"


Gods are eternal, and they should not care about their age because they are eternal.

No mortal or thing would take this as an excuse.

But that’s except for the goddesses themselves!

But there was no need for Victoria to speak, naturally other goddesses would fight back on her behalf.

Havis raised her eyebrows and said:

"So what? It's just a vase that only managed to survive from the hands of the devil because of my Leonidas."

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