This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 418 Apple jumped out

Netflix is ​​well-informed in the industry and quickly learned about Disney’s asking price.

There is a relaxed atmosphere within them.

"The price Disney offered this time is quite high."

"It is indeed a rare high price, 23 million US dollars. Disney rarely pays such a price unless it is a large-scale production."

"It seems that Disney attaches great importance to this movie."

"This movie is indeed valuable. It is the only movie starring a presidential candidate. This is an election year. As long as Paris is not eliminated in the first place, it will bring us a steady stream of traffic. "

“The original price is indeed too low and can be raised appropriately.”

"I think twenty-five million is a good price."

"A little higher, 27 million. We can't be as stingy as Disney."

In the end, within Netflix, the voice of raising the price still prevailed.

Because the movie "Washington" does have unique value. Didn't you see that even Disney quoted US$23 million for it?

Since it is valuable, it must be placed in the video library of video software, even if it costs a lot of money.

Netflix has always been generous in this regard, which is also an important reason why they can become the dominant player in the streaming media field.

After reaching an agreement, Netflix representative Anthony called Xu Nan.

"Xu, my old friend, I have brought you good news."

Xu Nan responded calmly: "But what you brought me last time was out-and-out bad news, which seriously hurt my feelings."

Anthony said smoothly: "Let him let go of what happened before. I really brought you good news this time."

Xu Nan: "Okay, please tell me."

Anthony said: "According to our company's decision, we are willing to pay a price of 27 million to purchase the online broadcast rights of the movie "Washington"."

"Well, this is indeed good news, isn't it? Xu, you should buy me a drink."

Xu Nan smiled: "Anthony, you should know that our movie stars Paris, and Paris is now running for president. Do you know what this concept is?"

Anthony: "Of course we do, that's why we gave you a high price."

Xu Nan: "Anthony, I regard you as a friend, but you have never told me the truth. The election will last for a long time. During this period, every campaign of Paris will bring a large number of viewers to the movie. , party primaries, and general elections, how many campaigns can she participate in during this period, and how many audiences can she bring to the movie. Not to mention, if Paris becomes president, the value of this movie will exceed that of Hollywood history On all the movies.”

Anthony couldn't help but laugh: "Xu, do you think Paris might become the president? Politics is not such a simple matter, and she has no chance at all."

Xu Nan: "Polls show that Paris has a high probability of being elected."

Anthony: "To hell with the polls, they're never accurate, there's no way Paris can be elected president, I guarantee that."

Xu Nan: "Yes, some people said a few days ago that the box office of the movie "Washington" could not exceed 130 million US dollars, but now the box office of this movie has exceeded 260 million US dollars. . Nothing is impossible, and Paris may not be able to become president."

Anthony: "Xu, stop joking, let's get down to business. The price of 27 million US dollars is already the highest offer. I hope you will consider it carefully."

After chatting with Anthony for a while, Xu Nan hung up the phone.

During the call, Xu Nan and Anthony were at odds for a long time, but he just wouldn't let go.

In fact, the price is quite good, but Xu Nan is always a little reluctant and feels that the price is too low.

But here's the helpless part. Even if Xu Nan thinks the price is low, but Netflix insists on the price and won't let go, then he has no other way.

Because Netflix was the buyer with the highest price, as for Disney, it was too weak and had no checks and balances on Netflix, leaving Xu Nan with no confidence to negotiate with Netflix.

Xu Nan has already thought about it. He will spend a few days with Netflix to see if he can raise the price.

If Netflix really doesn't want to let go, it has no choice but to sell it, and Netflix is ​​the one with the highest bid.

In the next few days, Xu Nan asked Avi to go to Netflix and grind hard, trying to raise the price.

But Netflix is ​​not easy to mess with. This move is not very effective for them. They insisted on a price of 27 million and refused to let go.

Xu Nan was also helpless, but could only accept it.

At this moment, George suddenly provided him with new news.

"Apple is willing to pay 30 million US dollars to buy the online broadcast rights of the movie "Washington"."

Xu Nan was a little surprised: "Apple? Apple Video!"

To be honest, when George first mentioned apples, Xu Nan thought they were fruits to eat and didn't even think of Apple Video, a streaming media platform.

There is no way, in the field of streaming media, Apple is really too weak.

If Netflix occupies 60% of the market share in streaming media and Disney occupies 20% of the market share, then Apple's market share is almost only 8%.

Yes, 8% is so pitiful, and it is not at all consistent with their dominance in the mobile phone field.

So when George first mentioned Apple, Xu Nan first thought of edible apples, then thought of iPhones, and finally thought that Apple also has a video software, ranking third in the field of streaming media.

It's just that this third place is miserable and has no sense of presence in the industry.

In fact, Apple was very ambitious when it entered the field of streaming media at the beginning. They had a lot of money at the time, and with the blessing of the mobile phone platform, the momentum was still very strong.

At that time, Netflix was very scared because Apple had the support of Apple mobile phones and became the built-in software on the mobile phones, which took away a large part of Netflix's market from the beginning.

Just like Xu Nan was powerless in front of Netflix, Netflix was also powerless in front of Apple. How could he, a software guy, defeat the dominant player in the mobile phone field?

People don’t need Netflix’s video playback software, but they can’t lack mobile phones.

But it is a pity that Apple has great momentum, but its strategy is very rough. In the final analysis, video software still depends on content. Apple Video is crazy about buying and buying, and the final result is that it turns itself into a victim.

In the end, the market was not captured much, but a lot of money was spent.

Upon seeing this result, Apple quickly fell flat and no longer posed a threat to Netflix.

Many people even think that this video software will be shut down soon, because with perennial losses, even Apple, the dominant player in the mobile phone field, cannot sustain it.

Unexpectedly, Apple Video suddenly revived and wanted to spend 30 million to buy the online broadcast rights of the movie "Washington".

Are you unwilling to quit and want to give it one last try?

George nodded: "Yes, just now, people from Apple Video contacted me and said that they are willing to pay 30 million US dollars to buy the online broadcast rights of the movie "Washington", but they still want us to agree. One condition is that under the same conditions, they must be given the first right to purchase online copyrights.”

"That is to say, in the future, under the same conditions, for the movies produced by our company, the online broadcast rights must be sold to Apple."

Xu Nan pondered: "Is Apple unwilling to withdraw?"

George shook his head: "I'm not sure, but their price is really high."

Xu Nan thought for a while and suddenly smiled.

He was worried before that he had no bargaining chips with Netflix and could not raise the price, but he did not expect that God would give him the chips so quickly.

"Go and call Avi over." Xu Nan said.

George was stunned for a moment, and quickly called Avi over.

Avi asked strangely: "President, do you have something to do with me?"

Xu Nan revealed that Apple would spend 30 million US dollars to acquire the online broadcast rights of the movie "Washington".

Avi is very smart and keenly aware of Xu Nan's intentions.

"President, are you planning to let me rely on this Netflix negotiation to force them to make concessions?"


Avi asked tentatively: "What if they don't give in?"

Xu Nan shrugged: "Then we will sell the broadcast rights to Apple. Who asked them to give a high price?"

Avi nodded: "Okay, I understand."

With new hope, Avi went to Netflix again.

But this time, it was different from the previous times. In the previous times, Avi didn't have any bargaining chips. He was just being thick-skinned and begging others, just like a beggar begging.

If Netflix rejects Avi, Avi has no choice.

But this time, Avi came with confidence. If Netflix refused, he could sell the movie broadcast rights to Apple.

With confidence, Avi's voice was strong, and he quickly proposed new conditions to Netflix. The purchase price was US$35 million. If you don't buy it, don't blame us.

Netflix looked at Avi like a fool, wondering if this guy was mentally ill and dared to speak to them like this.

But after Avi told Netflix that Apple paid a high price, the people at Netflix stopped laughing.

Of course they would not be so stupid. They would believe whatever Avi said and chose to investigate on their own.

There is a problem with this investigation.

Apple seems to have really started to cheer up. Not only Xu Nan, they have also contacted several large film and television companies in the industry and bought the copyrights of many popular film and television dramas at high prices.

This time, Apple seems to be serious, relying on its own money to launch a money offensive.

Netflix held another meeting.

"Apple seems to have new financial support."

"What should we do? Apple has the support of the Apple system, so it naturally has a large audience."

"Don't worry, this is not the first time. We just need to do what we did last time. Apple will definitely fail without our experience."

"But don't underestimate them."

"It's time to pay attention. The most important thing in the streaming media field is content."

"Yes, as long as there is a steady stream of new content and high-quality content, then we will not fail."

"Next, we need to increase the acquisition of popular film and television copyrights, especially those film and television dramas with unique value, which must not be snatched away by Apple."

"What about the movie "The Fall of Washington"?"

"It has to be taken down. This is the only movie starring a presidential candidate, and we must not give up."

"Then the price will be high."

"Then pay a high price. We at Netflix are not short of money."

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