This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 429 This is a scam

"I'm really looking forward to seeing Brown's camera content soon."

"Yes, you can see it the day after tomorrow. Then you will know what is in Area 51."

"I can't wait."

"I really want to know what happened, what terrible thing happened to that college student."

"You saw the newly restored video clip, where the college student let out a scream."

"Yes, I saw it. The scream was so terrifying. I can't imagine what happened to him."

"I must read all the contents and know all the secrets."

"I dare say that this is definitely not the first time this has happened. It was just accidentally leaked."

"That's for sure, so we can't miss it this time. Maybe this is our only chance to know the secrets of Area 51."

"I've already bought my ticket."

Cameron was swiping his phone, his face darkened, and he was extremely speechless.

At this moment, Cameron and Spielberg were thinking the same thing.

Why are you netizens so stupid, you can't even see such obvious movie promotion, and you still take it seriously.

Is there any mistake?

While speechless, Cameron felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Is this damn Chinese director going to succeed again this time?

Cameron felt extremely uncomfortable when he thought of Xu Nan's proud expression after his success.

Extremely frustrated.

There is one sentence that can describe Cameron's current mood very well.

Seeing you make money is more uncomfortable than me losing money.


Cameron suddenly slapped his head. He would never allow Xu Nan to succeed so easily and deceive the audience so easily.

Thinking of this, Cameron logged into his Twitter and sent a tweet.

"Having just read all the information about the disappearance of college student Brown, I can only say that this is a very successful movie marketing."

After sending the tweet, Cameron waited for a while and opened the comment area.

"What marketing?"

"Cameron, what are you going to say?"

"Could it be that the disappearance of Brown, a college student, is fake and purely to promote the movie?"

"Director Cameron, can you make it clearer?"

"Are you really sure this is fake?"

"How could it be a movie promotion? You don't understand such a big thing as the disappearance of college student Brown?"

Cameron's eyes widened and he was extremely speechless.

No, it’s all said so clearly, but you haven’t reacted yet?

Cameron's worldview was strongly impacted. He really didn't understand why no one saw such obvious marketing.

It's understandable that you were confused at first, but then you were asked to watch the movie and you didn't realize that this was the promotion of the movie, which would be a bit stupid.

The most outrageous thing is that even though he has said it, some people still don't understand and some still question him.

How could the audience be so stupid?

No wonder Xu Nan, a Chinese director, has achieved success one after another by relying on some cheap tricks. It turns out that it is because the audience is too stupid.

After thinking about it, Cameron sent another tweet.

"I find that many people still don't understand. Here I solemnly remind all my fans that the so-called disappearance of college student Brown is a scam from beginning to end. It was specially fabricated by someone to promote the movie. If you still If you don’t understand, let me simply explain that the disappearance of college student Brown is fake, and the content in the camera is also fake. Please don’t be deceived, let alone go to the movie because of this.”

After sending the tweet, Cameron read it carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he clicked send.

If what he said is so clear and there are still netizens who don't understand, then he can do something about it.

After sending the tweet, Cameron still felt it was not enough.

A single tweet will have a limited effect, and not many people will see it.

After thinking for a while, he called his secretary over.

"Director, are you looking for me?" the secretary asked doubtfully.

Cameron said solemnly: "You saw the tweet I just sent, right? I mobilized the company's public relations department, and contacted the trolls and media people to make this matter bigger for me and let all netizens know. The disappearance of Brown, a college student, is a hoax, a hoax someone set up to promote a movie."

The secretary nodded: "Okay director, what is the budget?"

Whether it is public relations or publicity, money is needed. Without money, nothing can be done, so the secretary needs to confirm the budget.

Cameron hesitated for a moment: "No, one million, three million. I authorize you to have a budget of three million US dollars. You must let everyone know that the promotion of college student Brown is fake. It was done by Xu Nan for the purpose of promoting the movie." The scam that came out.”

By the end of the sentence, Cameron's tone was close to gritting his teeth.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with him at all. After all, he has no movie to release, and Xu Nan does extravagant activities to promote the movie, which has no impact on him.

But Cameron just doesn't want to see Xu Nan make money. He wants revenge. He wants Xu Nan to suffer a tragic failure and let him taste the unforgettable taste of failure.

So Cameron spent all his money, three million U.S. dollars, which was not a small amount of money, and it was also a relatively large expenditure for him.

The secretary nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Cameron took a long breath.

With so much money invested, it should be able to achieve considerable results.

Moreover, the suspicion of the disappearance of college student Brown is so obvious, the audience should be able to react quickly, right?

As long as the audience reacts and understands that this is a scam, Xu Nan's promotion will be in vain, and he will also taste the bitterness of failure.

Thinking of Xu Nan's angry expression because of the failure of the movie, Cameron laughed happily, and the wrinkles on his face stretched out, like an old chrysanthemum in bloom.

The three million dollars invested by Cameron soon had an effect.

This is not a small amount of money. Many medium-cost movies may not have three million in promotional funds.

Such a sum of money was invested, and a whirlwind quickly took place on the Internet.

Many well-known Internet Vs began to speak.

"Today's movie promotions are becoming more and more creative. To be able to come up with such an outrageous promotion method, using the disappearance of a college student as an introduction to stimulate everyone's curiosity and go to the cinema to watch the so-called video, I have to say it is very creative."

"If you look carefully, there are many doubts about the disappearance of college student Brown. The first is why he had to go to Area 51. The second is, if he was really silenced by the federal government, why were there traces left behind? The most suspicious thing is One thing, why do you have to go to the cinema to watch a movie when watching the video in the camera? Aren’t you able to watch it for free on the Internet before? "

"I can only say that it's okay to promote a movie, but it's outrageous to treat all viewers as fools. It's extremely shameless."

"Netizens please note that the disappearance of college student Brown is a scam from beginning to end. The purpose is to promote the movie. Please don't believe it, let alone go to the movie because of this."

"I found that many people are anxious because of the disappearance of college student Brown. I find it ridiculous, because this matter is obviously false."

"Don't go see the movie Area 51, repeat, don't go see the movie Area 51, it's a scam."

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