This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 432 The Masonic Conspiracy

A university.

Arthur once again took his mobile phone to look for his little friend Paul.

"Paul, when you watch this video, I know that those who said Brown was a scam before were part of a federal conspiracy to conceal the secrets of Area 51."

Paul took the phone and clicked on the video.

Paul watched the Discovery Channel documentary three times, and he recognized it immediately. The protagonist of the video was the reporter who tracked down Brown's disappearance.

In the video, the reporter's face was solemn, holding a blood-stained bullet in his left hand, and a blood-stained white paper in his right hand.

There was a sentence written on the white paper.

"Stop whatever you're doing or face the consequences."

The reporter said: "Friends, I have received threats to my life."

"Two hours ago, someone dropped this at my house, no doubt someone who wanted to hide the secrets of Area 51 and keep people from pursuing answers to Brown's disappearance."

"There has always been an evil force that has concealed all this. Now I have just revealed something and my life has been threatened."

"In order to allow everyone to see the content of Brown Camera smoothly, I put it in the theater, but I didn't expect that someone would still try to stop it."

"I would like to say that anyone who wants to know the contents of the camera, please hurry up, because you never know when, all this will be deliberately erased."

The video is not long, less than a minute, but it reveals a lot of information.

Paul's expression was solemn: "Sure enough, there is a big secret in Area 51. There is a terrible organization trying to hide it all. The reporter just traced Brown's whereabouts and was threatened with his life."

Arthur whispered: "It is said that the Freemasons are controlling all this."

Paul suddenly realized: "It turns out it's them. No wonder. This force is terrible. It is said that half of the presidents of the Federation are members of them. It turns out they are hiding the secrets of Area 51. Then everything makes sense."

There have always been legends on the Internet that there is a mysterious organization called Freemasonry that controls the world behind the scenes. It is said that the heads of many countries are members of this organization. Their goal is to establish a unified world government and unify the entire world.

It was precisely because he had read the legend of Freemasonry very early that Paul believed it as soon as Arthur said it.

Only this legendary mysterious organization can possess such terrifying energy.

Arthur said mysteriously: "The Freemasonry is indeed scary. If you don't believe me, look at this."

Arthur pulled out several more videos from his phone and played them for Paul.

The protagonists of these videos all appeared in the documentary, and they are all classmates of the missing college student Brown, as well as Brown's girlfriend.

They all posted videos or tweets. Some said they had received death threats, just like reporters. Others immediately turned their backs and said there was no such person as Brown.

But because their attitude changed so abruptly, it made Arthur and Brown suspect that they were forced to say this, otherwise there would be no way to explain why their change was so sudden.

Paul couldn't help but sigh: "The power of the Freemasons is really terrifying. On the surface, they are very low-key, but once someone threatens them, they will show their terrifying strength and make the person who threatens them disappear from this world." superior."

Arthur nodded wildly: "Who says otherwise? It is said that President Kennedy was killed by Masonic gunmen. This is the president. They dare to kill him, let alone ordinary people."

Paul sighed: "Poor Brown, he just wanted to go in and see what was in Area 51, but he was killed like this. It's so pitiful."

Arthur echoed: "Who says it's not? By the way, look at this."

Arthur clicked on a link on his phone, and an official website appeared on it.

Paul read it carefully and found that the official website was established by the Area 51 Research Association of the United States. It was established thirty years ago. The purpose of the association is to study what secrets Area 51 hides.

This website records all the content about Area 51 that can be searched on the Internet, from the establishment of Area 51 to the improvement of Area 51's confidentiality level, as well as a series of rumors surrounding Area 51.

The disappearance of college student Brown was also recorded on the website, and there was also part of the content captured by Brown's body camera.

"Wow even."

Paul couldn't help but let out an exclamation of exclamation.

Because the content of this website is so rich, all the mysterious events that have occurred in Area 51 from its establishment to the present have been recorded in timeline order.

Judging from the above content, Area 51 definitely hides an earth-shattering secret.

Arthur said: "Paul, the Area 51 Research Association plans to organize a march to protest against the federal government's hiding of the secrets of Area 51 and to demand that they disclose the alien spacecraft information inside."

"I have decided to participate in this parade. What about you, do you want to participate?"

Paul nodded immediately: "Of course we must participate. We cannot let the evil Freemasons hide everything. We must fight for our rights and let the public know the truth."

Arthur happily punched Paul: "Brother, I knew you would participate. Yes, we need to take action to let the federal government reveal the secrets of Area 51 and let the public know the truth. We are not doing it for ourselves. But for the United States."

Paul nodded heavily: "Yes, we are for the United States."

The parade was quickly organized. In the United States, parades are a normal thing and no one would be surprised.

In fact, similar demonstrations occur every three days. Some are peaceful and some are violent, but these are all part of American society.

The marches were held in two cities, one in Washington and the other in New York. The number of people was not large, only one or two hundred.

They may be holding signs with various slogans written on them.

The people have the right to know the truth!

The Federation should not hide it!

Brown is innocent!

Please reveal everything about Area 51!

Aliens also have human rights!

In addition, there are people wearing cultural shirts that read: ""Area 51" will be released tomorrow. Do you want to know the secrets of Area 51? Do you want to know the truth of everything???"

Some people demonstrated because of this incident. Although the number was small, only a few hundred people, it was a landmark event, which meant that the influence of this incident had been transferred from the Internet to offline, and it had an impact on reality.

The media began to pay widespread attention.

"The Secrets of Area 51."

"The disappearance of Brown, a college student, has aroused people's concern."

"Because the content of Area 51 was photographed, a college student disappeared."

"Are there aliens in Area 51?"

"There are large-scale demonstrations across the United States demanding that the federal government release top-secret documents about aliens."

The media reports were equivalent to pouring a bucket of gasoline on the fire, making this matter more and more heated.

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that Area 51 has always been shrouded in a mysterious aura, and aliens have always been what people are most concerned about.

The disappearance of college student Brown and the content captured by the camera are just a trigger. Humanity's pursuit of the unknown is the root cause of the explosion of heat.

The famous presidential candidate Paris Hilton, during a campaign, publicly promised that if elected president, she would open Area 51 base as soon as possible and release all government content related to aliens.

At the same time, a senator publicly admitted in an interview that Area 51 hides a big secret, but he cannot tell it.

The fire is burning more and more fiercely.

Seeing this situation, the producers of "West Side Story" felt bad.

Their movie will be released tomorrow, but in terms of popularity, "West Side Story" is completely crushed by "Area 51".

Although he has modified his publicity plan, found ways to suppress the movie "Area 51", and invested heavily in promoting the movie, the effect is still very poor.

The attention of netizens is limited. When most people are paying attention to the aliens in Area 51, it is difficult for them to pay attention to the release of another movie.

The producer went to Spielberg and seriously suggested: "Director Spielberg, I suggest that we make "West Side Story". The popularity of "Area 51" is too high now, and we can't risk it."

Spielberg is full of confidence: "Believe me, when "Area 51" is released, the audience who feel deceived will yell at the Chinese director. Then it will be our chance to turn around."

The producer said seriously: "Maybe, but there are still risks, but if we move the schedule to a later date, there won't be any risks."

Spielberg said: "Trust me."

The producer sighed helplessly.

As Spielberg got older, his character became more and more stubborn and he insisted on having his own way. He really had no choice.

I hope there won’t be any surprises when it’s released tomorrow.

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