This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 436 The absolute classic

Miller is a very pure alien enthusiast. For him, the importance of pursuing aliens transcends everything, including his life.

The whole meaning of his life is to search for aliens and extraterrestrial life.

To this end, he founded the Area 51 Research Association of the United States and spent most of his life tracking traces of aliens.

And now, he finally found conclusive evidence and finally saw the image of the mysterious alien.

At this moment, Miller was in an extremely excited mood, feeling that even if he died next moment, he would have no regrets.

Facing hundreds of association members, he spoke impassionedly: "Members, we have been working hard to trace traces of aliens, traces of UFOs, and the existence of aliens."

"But we have never found conclusive evidence. Some people even accused us of being whimsical and a group of psychopaths because of this."

"But now, we finally don't have to worry about other people's criticism, other people's strange looks, other people's mocking looks, because there are really aliens in this world."


All members of the Area 51 Research Association in the United States cheered.

Proving that there are aliens in Area 51 is equivalent to religious people seeing God, which is a great happiness.

Miller was very happy and felt like he was back to his youthful self and full of energy.

"But this is just the beginning. We only know that there are aliens in Area 51, but the American people don't know yet. We have to demonstrate and let the federal government disclose the existence of aliens and let everyone in the world know."

At this point, Miller raised his hands and shouted wildly.

"For all mankind."

Members of the American Area 51 Research Association shouted at the same time.

"For all mankind."

"For all mankind."

"For all mankind."

The atmosphere was extremely lively.

At the same time, the premiere of "West Side Story" was held.


The violent applause was deafening, almost knocking off the roof.


"It's shocking."

"This is definitely the best movie in recent years."

"I didn't expect Spielberg to make another classic."

The audience at the scene was extremely emotional, especially those in the industry, who were shocked and speechless.

Because "West Side Story" is really exciting. The graphics, shots, actors, and plot are all perfect.

This is definitely one of the best movies in recent years.

No one expected that Spielberg, who is nearly 70 years old, would be able to make such a classic film. He is truly a treasure trove.

After the film was screened, the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic. Reporters actively asked questions, and many people in the industry expressed congratulations and admiration for Spielberg.

In a high atmosphere, the premiere finally ended.

Spielberg smiled and said to the producer: "I said, our movie is destined to be successful."

The producers were speechless as the response from the audience was overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

Obviously "West Side Story" has completely shocked them. Such a classic movie, in theory, can definitely sweep everything.

But theory is theory, and in fact it’s hard for anyone to say.

Chinese director Xu Nan is a person who never follows common sense.

In a chat group where insiders gather.

"If anyone has watched the movie, please come out and talk about it."

"Just attended the premiere of Spielberg's Western Story, and all I can say is, it's an absolute classic."

"Super exciting, super classic, an absolute masterpiece, you will definitely regret missing it."

"From an insider's perspective, this movie is perfect."

"It's on the same level as The Shawshank Redemption. I guarantee this movie will definitely dominate its time period."

People in the industry who had just watched it were extremely excited, and people in the industry who had not watched it or had not yet had time to watch the movie were shocked.

100% positive reviews from insiders. I haven’t seen anything like this in years.

"No, is this movie really that good?"

"Without any exaggeration, "West Side Story" is indeed a classic, and I still haven't calmed down."

"As expected of Spielberg, he can still make such a classic movie at the age of seventy."

"Great, "West Side Story" is such a classic, it will definitely beat "Area 51"."

"Absolutely, I can't think of a way that West Side Story could lose."

Many people in the industry are excited. Ever since Xu Nan arrived in the United States, he has been smooth sailing, making waves, achieving success repeatedly, and frequently challenging the three views and bottom lines of people in the industry.

To describe it in one sentence, people in the industry have been suffering from Xu Nan for a long time.

Now that there is finally hope of killing Xu Nan, these insiders who dislike Xu Nan are extremely happy.

But some insiders remained calm.

"Don't rush to be happy yet. Have any brothers in the group watched Xu Nan's "Area 51"?"

"I just finished watching it."

"The quality of how?"

"The whole process was incomprehensible, full of surprises, and completely devoid of substantive content. It was just a college student's experience of going to Area 51, and the photos he took were not as good as those of a YouTube travel blogger."

"Great, this wave is completely stable, this Chinese man will finally be sanctioned."

"The dark clouds hanging over the United States are finally about to lift."

"But after watching the movie, many people in the theater were shocked and were still discussing aliens."

"No, you haven't realized that you were deceived after watching the movie?"

"It seems like there really isn't."

"I have known for a long time that anti-intellectualism in the United States is serious, but I didn't expect it to be this serious."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a bad movie after all. Even if there is a group of idiots supporting it, this movie can't beat "Western Story"."

"This trick of the Chinese director is quite good. We can learn from it in the future. As long as we can achieve good box office results, anti-intellectualism can also be used."

"Thankfully it was directed by Spielberg. Otherwise, if it had been someone else, this damn Chinese director might have succeeded."

"An absolute classic movie that can crush everything. "Area 51" will definitely fail."

Insiders who had watched "Area 51" held their mobile phones and looked at the optimistic speeches on it, scratching their heads and not knowing what to say.

This movie is indeed very vague, but the audience's reaction makes people feel that something is wrong.

But other insiders are ready to pop the champagne. "Western Story" is on the same level as "The Shawshank Redemption". How can such a classic lose?

Just celebrate in advance and that's it.

Everyone in the industry thinks so. Not only the insiders, but also many people who have watched Western Story have the same idea. Such a classic movie will definitely take the country by storm.

As for "Area 51", it is just a scam. It was okay to cheat before, but now that the movie is released, the scam will be exposed.


Then, the first-day box office results of the two movies came out.

"Area 51" grossed US$135 million at the box office on its first day!

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