This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 440 Revealing the Truth

Even the president had no choice but to speak publicly in defense. You can imagine how much impact the movie "Area 51" has had.

Even Xu Nan, the initiator, was taken aback by the enthusiasm and momentum.

"Area 51" has only been released for three days, and the box office has reached nearly 500 million US dollars, soaring at a speed that normal people cannot understand.

too exaggerated.

too crazy.

Before the movie was released, Xu Nan was sure that the movie would be a hit, but he expected that the movie would be considered good if it had a box office of 100 million.

But he didn't expect that just one day after its release, the box office of "Area 51" exceeded 100 million, and then it rocketed to an incomprehensible height at the speed of a rocket.

According to the current box office trend, let alone 100 million, one billion, or two billion is possible.

Of course, there is a premise for this, which is that the movie "Area 51" will maintain its current popularity and box office trends.

The company has been filled with a carnival atmosphere these days, because the movie "Area 51" was a big hit, and they were proud of it.

Although in order to make the movie more like a real video, there is no company logo or credits on it, but the results are real.

Especially Avi, who is in charge of publicity, looks like he has been given a shot of chicken blood. His face is glowing every day and he is in high spirits.

"President, good news, our movie box office has exceeded 500 million U.S. dollars. According to the current box office trend, it will break through 1 billion U.S. dollars, and may even reach 2 billion U.S. dollars, setting a box office record."

Avi excitedly reported an exciting good news to Xu Nan.

Xu Nan smiled, although he was still very excited, but still tried to stay calm.

"Avi, it's not time to relax yet. We want the box office to exceed 2 billion, provided that the movie maintains its current box office trend."

"But it's difficult. How violent the audience's enthusiasm is when it bursts out, and how quickly it disappears."

Avi immediately said: "So we are going to make the next step?"

Xu Nan nodded: "It's time."

Avi nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll get ready."

The so-called next plan is to publicly admit to the entire Internet that there are aliens in Area 51 is a scam, and you idiots have all been deceived.

The reason for doing this is very simple, just to keep the heat going.

Although one-sided public opinion is refreshing, it cannot last forever. Going back and forth is the best secret to maintaining popularity.

Think about it, those who originally believed that there were aliens in Area 51 suddenly found out that it was a hoax. How devastated and angry they must be.

Driven by this emotion, why don't they scold Xu Nan bloody?

There are also those netizens who know that this is a scam, and finally have the support of decisive evidence, they will naturally laugh at the netizens who were deceived, and at the same time, their sense of superiority will be satisfied to the greatest extent.

The two emotions combined are like Mars hitting the earth, which will inevitably push the popularity of the movie to the highest peak, and at the same time push the box office to the highest peak.

Xu Nan firmly believes that his promotion of the movie will definitely become a classic case in Hollywood and be learned by all filmmakers.

Although he was ready to disclose that this was a scam, Xu Nan was very measured and was just prepared and did not intend to do it immediately.

He has to wait until the movie's box office drops before launching the most critical blow.

On the fourth day after the release of "Area 51", the box office dropped for the first time in a single day, only 110 million.

On the fifth day after "Area 51" was released, the single-day box office dropped rapidly to less than 100 million.

Seeing this box office trend, Xu Nan knew that it was time.

It’s time to reveal to the entire internet that Area 51 is a scam.

Let the storm come more violently.

Just as the two groups were arguing crazily on the Internet over whether there were aliens, a video suddenly spread across the Internet.

The video is only ten seconds long and the content is very simple.

Brown, the college student who was rumored to have died, reappeared, facing the camera.

"Hello everyone, I am Brown. I am not dead. Tomorrow, I will reveal the truth about Area 51 at the Los Angeles Stadium. Please pay attention."

This video is like a huge stone falling into calm water, causing huge waves in an instant.

"Brown is not dead?"

"He's actually still alive?"

"Do you want to reveal the truth about Area 51?"

This was the first reaction of netizens after seeing this video.

Brown, who was rumored to have been silenced by the federation long ago, is unexpectedly still alive. This fact is really surprising.

After being surprised, the two groups immediately took advantage of the news to make a fuss.

The first are netizens who question the existence of aliens.

They have long been tired of this matter. There are so many doubts, but there are a group of fools who firmly believe it.

Now armed with crucial evidence, they immediately began to fight back.

"You also said there are aliens, but Brown is fine at all?"

"You see, Brown is still alive, and the video he took is completely fake."

"What are you still quibbling about? You keep saying that Brown used his life to shoot the video. Now that Brown is alive, what excuse do you have to explain?"

People who believe there are aliens in Area 51 still insist on their views without any fluctuation in their hearts.

"There were aliens in Area 51, and there was relevant news decades ago."

"What does it mean that Brown is alive?"

"He said he wanted to reveal the truth about Area 51. When he says there are aliens there, I'll see how you guys can explain it."

The two sides quarreled again, each insisting on their own views, and no one could convince the other.

Passers-by are no longer surprised by this situation, because these days, struggles between two sides with opposite opinions can be seen online and offline everywhere.

Among them, there are more people who suspect aliens, but they are relatively scattered and unorganized.

There are very few people who insist that there are aliens in Area 51, but they are organized and determined to fight.

Therefore, both sides are evenly matched. No one can convince the other, and no one can suppress the other.

Insiders found it strange that Brown suddenly appeared and wanted to reveal the truth.

"Why did Brown suddenly appear?"

"He was alive to begin with. He has played some unknown small roles before. Do you really think that he explored Area 51 and was killed? How is that possible?"

"I know he is alive, but the question is, "Area 51" is still in theaters now. Why did he suddenly show up? Aren't you worried about affecting the movie?"

"Yes, what does Xu Nan want to do?"

"Who knows, what he does is always incomprehensible."

"I just received news that Xu Nan invited many media to the scene. It is said that there is big news to be announced."

"What big news? Could it be that there are aliens in Area 51?"

"This joke is not funny at all."

"It's really possible. Now that the box office of the movie "Area 51" has begun to decline, Xu Nan must be anxious and thinking about creating a hype."

"It's so shameless. It's not enough to deceive the audience once, but it's a second time."

"Who told the audience to be stupid enough? Moreover, the box office was a hit. If it were me, I would have added more publicity resources."

The people in the circle were dissatisfied.

Faced with shameless marketing from Chinese directors time and time again, they have worked hard, fought, and fought.

But the final results repeatedly disappointed them.

Especially after they tried hard to tell netizens that the movie was fictional and the aliens in it were fake, but the netizens just didn't buy it and even attacked them personally, all the people in the industry were hit hard.

Their state at this moment can be accurately described in one sentence.

Life is like that. Since you can't resist, you might as well enjoy it silently.

Anyway, they had no motivation to resist Xu Nan. Their efforts time and time again resulted in disappointment again and again. Who could bear this?

As the director who is most concerned about the "Area 51" movie, Spielberg also received relevant news.

"College student Brown showed up and said he wanted to reveal the truth about Area 51. This guy Xu Nan wants to do something."

Spielberg frowned.

The days after the movie was released were like a nightmare for Spielberg.

Except for the single-day box office of his movie "Western Story" which exceeded 10 million on the first day, the single-day box office did not exceed 10 million in the remaining days.

Moreover, this is achieved despite the high quality of his films.

Another movie that he considered to be a pure bad movie crushed his movie and broke box office records.

He can no longer understand this world at all.

When the movie was a complete mess, publicity alone was able to make the movie a box office hit and crush his movies.

The cold facts caused Spielberg's worldview to collapse.

The producer next to him said: "'Area 51' was a box office hit. Xu Nan probably wanted to seize this opportunity to increase publicity. This is also a common practice in the industry."

Spielberg nodded slightly.

This is indeed often done in the industry. For a movie that is a hit at the box office, film and television companies will increase their promotional funds to squeeze out as much of the box office potential as possible.

But the problem is that the increased publicity of "Area 51" will definitely have an impact on his "Western Story".

Spielberg hesitated: "Are we going to react?"

"Absolutely not." The producer hurriedly said: "I have investigated the situation of two movies. The movie "Area 51" has shown obvious decline. I can guarantee that its popularity will only last for a few years at most. sky."

"As for our movie "West Side Story," everyone gave it good reviews after watching it, and the reputation is brewing. It is only because of the high popularity of aliens in Area 51 that it has not exploded."

"So our best way to deal with it is to stay put and wait until the popularity of "Area 51" dissipates, and then vigorously promote it and use word-of-mouth to attract audiences into the cinema."

"Only in this way can our movies get rid of the adverse impact caused by "Area 51" and achieve good box office results."

The producer quickly gave a long list of reasons, which were well-founded, just to prevent Spielberg from going crazy again.

When the movie was released, he persuaded Spielberg not to release it in advance, but Spielberg was stubborn and insisted on releasing it in advance, which resulted in this tragic result.

Now if Spielberg still insists on having his own way, then their movie really has no hope at all and can only wait to die.

"Okay." Spielberg nodded and adopted the producer's suggestion.

Before, he would definitely not have listened to the producer's opinion, but now, he felt that what the producer said was reasonable and it was best to listen to it.

This is a person who has been beaten up by society and learned to behave.

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