This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 445: One Billion Dollars at the Box Office

Nanhai Film and Television.

Xu Nan is checking the data of the movie "Area 51".

how to say.

The movie's single-day box office began to decline uncontrollably, but the rate of decline was still within an acceptable range.

Xu Nan had already expected this.

When many media reported on "Area 51", they always exaggerated it.

Why it has broken the box office record for three consecutive days has been hotly debated across the Internet and triggered huge discussions.

Or it is expected to exceed 2 billion in box office and set a new record for movies.

There is also the revelation of years of secrets in Area 51, triggering extraterrestrial disputes

Each of these reports looks more exciting than the last, but you would be a fool if you believed them.

As for the media, of course they can exaggerate whatever they want. As long as there is traffic, a little ant can turn you into a giant dragon.

But you have to know it yourself.

In Xu Nan's view, luck is still a factor in the success of the movie "Area 51".

The core reason for the success of this movie is that it inspired human curiosity about the unknown and released this curiosity into the movie. This is the core reason for the movie's explosion.

According to his original prediction, the box office should be around 100 million, but he did not expect that human beings' curiosity about aliens is too strong, and with a little bit of luck, the movie will become a huge hit.

But this is just a temporary popularity, in fact the movie is very empty.

If you want to say that this movie is wonderful, you would be lying.

The content of this movie is about a college student going on an adventure to Area 51. The whole process is filled with ghosts, ghosts, and surprises. It is completely a movie version of approaching science, without any substantive content.

The only shot worthy of praise is the alien, but it only lasts three seconds.

But the market is so mysterious. A movie that cannot be called a movie has a box office performance that exceeds that of most movies.

Just like the movie Where Are We Going, Dad? It's obviously just an extended version of a variety show, but it has achieved good results that most movies can't even imagine.

This is a mysterious market, and no one can predict the tastes of netizens.

Of course, it is undeniable that the amazing American people account for most of the reasons.

If it weren't for this group of American people who believe in conspiracy theories and aliens, the movie wouldn't be so popular.

It's their passion for Area 51 and aliens that takes this film to a shocking level.

But enthusiasm will eventually fade.

Just like Internet celebrity stores and Internet celebrity cat claw cups, when the enthusiasm subsides, it will immediately return to ordinary.

Of course, movies cannot escape this rule.

Now it depends on how long the audience's enthusiasm can be maintained. When the audience's enthusiasm subsides, the film will basically be released.

But one thing is certain, with the current box office trend, this movie will definitely exceed one billion.

1.1 billion is possible, 1.2 billion is a bit mysterious, but there is hope, and 1.3 billion, the probability is very low.

But don't forget, the filming cost of this movie was less than $50,000.

Although the promotional funds are tens of millions, it is only a very small number compared with the revenue generated from the box office.

To put it another way.

You already have this result, what else do you want for a bicycle?

Anyway, Xu Nan was satisfied.

The box office trend of the next movie "Area 51" was similar to Xu Nan's expectation.

On the fifth day of release, the box office was 700 million.

On the seventh day of release, the film grossed 800 million yuan.

On the tenth day of release, the box office was 900 million.

On the 15th day of release, the box office reached 1 billion.

One billion box office! ! !

It is not that there has never been a movie with such a high box office in the history of the United States, but there are still only a handful of movies with such a high box office.

Directors who can make movies with a box office of one billion are extremely rare in American history. Every one of them is famous, and some are even world-famous.

If nothing else, this movie will be the box office champion this year.

Although this result had been expected for a long time, there was still silence in the circle.

It’s actually a billion!

If it had been anyone else and it had achieved such high box office results, there would have been a lot of congratulations, but if it had been Xu Nan, these American insiders would have remained silent.

Of course, media coverage is inevitable.

"'Area 51' has exceeded 1 billion in box office, becoming the 13th movie in American history to have a box office of over 1 billion."

"Make-documentary and viral publicity helped "Area 51" exceed one billion US dollars at the box office."

“Audience enthusiasm for Alien has created box-office wonders.”

"Will mockumentary films become mainstream?"

"Brown, the billionaire actor who is considered a clone."

"Controversy continues, and it is mistakenly regarded as not a movie. Why does "Area 51" have such a high box office."

"The box office of "Area 51" has declined severely, and experts in the industry have concluded that this movie will miss the 1.1 billion box office."

Lin Ziyi called.

"Congratulations, the box office has exceeded one billion US dollars."

Xu Nan smiled: "It's just luck. To be honest, I didn't expect this movie to have a box office of over 1 billion. I originally thought it would be great if it could reach 200 million."

Lin Ziyi said seriously: "Luck is part of strength. Without your fraudulent publicity, this movie would not have exceeded one billion US dollars. Your talent is the main reason why this movie has exceeded one billion US dollars in box office."

Xu Nan smiled.

This is so comforting to say.

Lin Ziyi added: "By the way, the box office exceeding one billion is a great event. We can hold a celebration banquet and invite some heavyweights to attend."

"This is a good opportunity to establish your status. What are your plans?"

Xu Nan shook his head: "Forget it Zi Yi, we won't hold the celebration party. It's not necessary."

Lin Ziyi was a little surprised: "Why not? A celebration banquet can not only announce the success of everyone's movie, but also have a certain stimulating effect on the movie's box office."

"The most important thing is that you can contact many heavyweights and eliminate the barriers between you and the American entertainment industry."

Lin Ziyi is a perceptive person. She has long seen the incompatibility between Xu Nan and the American entertainment industry.

There are many reasons for the inability to deal with him, including Xu Nan's foreign status, his acting style, his movie type, etc.

In Lin Ziyi's view, it is not a good thing to let this kind of isolation exist. In the United States, it is impossible to be alone. It is best to integrate into the group.

It may seem good to be independent from the world, but once something goes wrong, it will be the inevitable result that everyone will fall down the wall.

If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they behave above others, they will be rejected by the crowd.

Being too independent is not a good thing.

Xu Nan smiled: "Forget it Zi Yi, it's really not necessary."

Of course, he has long seen the gap between himself and the American entertainment industry. In China, people in the entertainment industry find him alienating and annoying, but in the United States, these people hate him, attack him, and even want to destroy him.

Just because he is a foreigner, he has slapped many directors in the face. At the same time, due to his bizarre success, there is a group of people who want him to die immediately.

People's malice is often unreasonable and extremely dark. No special reason is needed, just the simple reason that you are an outsider is enough.

If Xu Nan really plans to stay in the United States for a long time, then he really has to find a way to integrate into the American entertainment industry, at least not to let them reject him so obviously, otherwise something will happen one day.

But he doesn't plan to hang out in the United States for a long time, so there is no need to be hypocritical with the Americans, and he can just be himself quietly.

After all, this is not his hometown, so there is no need to forcefully integrate.

Lin Ziyi didn't know what Xu Nan was thinking, she just felt sorry for Xu Nan.

This is a good opportunity, but Xu Nan doesn't want it.

She had no choice but to go against Xu Nan's wishes.

On the twentieth day after "Area 51" was released, the single-day box office dropped to less than five million US dollars. Xu Nan chose to cancel the screening and sold the online broadcast rights to Netflix.

In fact, if Xu Nan is willing, the movie can still be released for a while, and maybe the box office can exceed 1.1 billion US dollars.

But Netflix was willing to pay a lot of money to buy Xu Nan's movie streaming rights. After Xu Nan calculated the profits, he decided to release it.

Since you can make more money by releasing the movie early, why not release it early?

It is worth mentioning that when Xu Nan's "Area 51" was released, the movie "Western Story" that competed with him at the same time had a box office of more than 300 million US dollars.

This is indeed a classic movie. Even the miraculous "Area 51" cannot completely cover up the light of this movie.

But it is a pity that this movie had a bad start and encountered "Area 51", which caused the box office to rise later.

In the end, it's Spielberg's fault for insisting on being stubborn. If he hadn't been stubborn, it wouldn't have been like this.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the movie "Area 51" is incredible and an absolute classic movie, but it has still been suppressed.

All I can say is that the United States is a magical land where anything can happen.

Also, after being severely beaten by society, Spielberg will no longer be stubborn in the future, and will not foolishly think that as long as the quality of the movie is good, he can kill everything instantly.

On this day, Xu Nan accepted an invitation for a TV show. It is the most famous talk show in the United States, The American Show.

This TV program may not be very popular, but its status is extraordinary. It is comparable to domestic CCTV interviews, and those who can be on it are not ordinary people.

Being able to appear on this show represents a significant breakthrough in Xu Nan's status in the United States, otherwise he would never have been able to appear on this show.

Xu Nan was actually ready to return to China, but after thinking about it, he decided to appear on this show as a farewell.

I have had a glorious journey in the United States, and I cannot afford to be mediocre.

Before I leave, I have to let you know what it means to be strong.

The host of the American show is named Vincent. He is an elegant and personable person. When you are with him, you will feel very relaxed.

No wonder he is able to host such a famous show.

Show scene.

After the opening remarks.

Vincent asked: "Mr. Xu Nan, I am very curious, why do you, a Chinese, come to the United States?"

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