This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 473 This advertisement is so annoying

time flies.

The film preparations for "The Staring Man" are also progressing steadily.

Soon people in the industry learned that Giant Group had spent 60 million to place an advertisement in "The Staring Man".

"RMB 60 million is enough to make a medium-cost movie, and it turns out to be used for advertising. It's really rich."

"I can only say that Xu Nan's ability to attract investment is really strong."

"It doesn't matter how much box office each movie can get."

"When can I get to this point? Let alone advertising, I can't even attract investment."

"It's like this in the industry. Everyone's eyes are focused on the top directors. It's too difficult for ordinary directors to get up."

Everyone was very emotional and envious of this matter.

Several media outlets also reported it.

But soon, the endless new news in the entertainment industry overshadowed this matter, and few people continued to pay attention.

The health care products industry is also in a state of calm.

But beneath the calm surface, a storm is brewing.

Shi Dingtian directly invested 300 million to buy advertisements from more than a dozen first-tier TV stations such as Yangshi, Blue TV, Huang TV, and Hong TV, as well as various channels such as the Internet and the media.

In short, wherever humans can receive information, they can see advertisements for Brain Gold.

It has to be said that Shi Dingtian is really courageous. If it fails this time, even if the Giant Group does not go bankrupt, it is estimated that it will only have half its life left.

But then again, without this courage, how could Shidingtian have made a comeback and conquered such a large territory in just a few years.

And this time, Shi Dingtian didn't feel that he was taking a risk at all. He was full of confidence and firmly believed that this advertising and marketing plan would be a great success and become a classic case that all peers should study seriously.

Shi Dingtian also spent one million to hire Xu Nan to shoot a ten-second commercial.

The ad is very simple, just two animated figures jumping around on the screen and singing a line.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

Then, the product picture of Naoshenjin appeared on the screen.

This advertisement can be said to be extremely simple to shoot. It could be shot by just any college student, but Shi Dingtian insisted on asking Xu Nan to shoot it.

Because he felt that only Xu Nan could produce the effect he wanted.

When he saw the finished product, Shi Dingtian knew he had done the right thing.

This magical brainwashing twist.

This magical brainwashing voice

This is the taste I want.

Lin Yingjie is a university professor who is in his forties today.

Although the world has entered the mobile Internet era and most people like to use mobile phones, he still watches TV habitually.

It’s not that I don’t know how to use a mobile phone, but I’m used to watching TV.

At seven o'clock every day, he would sit on the sofa on time, turn on the TV with the remote control, and then watch the program.

It was the same today. At 6:58, Lin Yingjie lay comfortably on the sofa, turned on the TV, and prepared to watch today's news broadcast to see what was happening around the world.

The TV screen lights up, and what appears is not a news broadcast, but an advertisement.

Lin Yingjie was used to this and had no expression at all.

No one can avoid this kind of advertising, but they are all forgotten after seeing them, and no one can remember them.

At 6:59, there is still one minute left before the news broadcast appears.

There are new ads on TV.

Two animated villains appear on the screen. Through their white hair and beards, it can be seen that they are old people.

Then, they danced on the screen, and while dancing, a slightly sharp voice sounded.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

In just seven or eight seconds, the dance of the animated villain ended, and then a Melatonin product appeared on the screen, accompanied by a magical voice.

"Brain! God! Gold!"

Lin Yingjie didn't feel anything.

As for advertising, I have seen it since I was a kid, and this ad is just like that.

There is no fluctuation in my heart.

But after this ad was played, it was quickly repeated again.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

Lin Yingjie still didn't feel anything.

Then it happened again on TV.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

Then, it happened again.

After coming a full five times, this commercial is finally over.

Lin Yingjie was a little annoyed.

Fortunately, the time has reached seven o'clock, and the news broadcast has officially started.

At 7:30, the news broadcast ended. Just when Lin Yingjie was about to turn off the TV, the previous advertisement came again.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

Another five consecutive advertisements made Lin Yingjie feel a little annoying.

I thought to myself that this advertiser is really uncreative. The same advertisement was shown five times in a row. It's annoying even if you don't bother me.

And this voice is very magical.

For other product advertisements, even if they are exquisitely done, the audience will forget about them after seeing them, but for this advertisement, even after it ends, the magical voice still echoes in their minds.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

Before going to bed, Lin Yingjie seemed to have this voice still echoing in his ears.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

The next day, the ad came again.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

The third day.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

The fourth day.

Day five.

Not only Yangtai, but also major local stations can see this advertisement from time to time. As long as you turn on the TV, you will definitely see this advertisement.

Anyone who owns a TV must have had this experience. When you are at home, even if you are alone, even if you are not watching TV, some people will turn on the TV.

For no other reason than to make my home livelier and more popular.

Then, every now and then, they can hear it.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

The magical voice makes many people dream from time to time when they are sleeping. Someone is singing in their ears: "No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

One day, Lin Yingjie and his wife were watching the news broadcast together and saw this advertisement again.

"No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only brain gold will be accepted as gifts."

"Brain! God! Gold!"

At that time, Lin Yingjie’s wife said: “This advertisement seems to have appeared many times and can also be seen online.”

Lin Yingjie immediately said: "There is no technical content at all, it is purely based on repeated brainwashing. This is the type I hate the most."

In fact, not only Lin Yingjie, but also netizens found this advertisement very annoying.

One day, after seeing this advertisement, an online blogger couldn't help but post a complaint online.

"What the hell is Brain God Gold? How come I can see their commercials as soon as I turn on the TV, multiple times at a time? It's so annoying."

After this Weibo was posted, many victims quickly complained.

"Who says it's not the case? I was happily watching TV when suddenly someone came and said I won't accept any gifts during the holidays this year. I will only accept brain gold as gifts. It's very annoying."

"I can say that when I saw this line of words, that magical voice sounded in my mind involuntarily."

"I couldn't help but sing."

"I can no longer recognize this line of characters normally."

"Same as above, it's so magical, you can see it anywhere, and you can't escape even with your mobile phone."

"I'm curious, how much money do advertisers spend? Why can they be seen everywhere? Can they really recoup their costs?"

"I think this advertisement is a complete failure. I was originally a little interested in this brain god gold, but I see their advertisements every day and I am bored to death. I hate it when I see the name."

A shopping mall counter.

The shopping guide enthusiastically promoted his products: "Hello, customer, we have a variety of health products here, including Turtle Essence, Water of Life, Brain Gold, and..."

The guest was confused after hearing this, and without hesitation chose the one he was most familiar with: "Let's get the brain gold."

"Good customer."

The shopping guide immediately helped the customer pack it.

After the customers left, the shopping guide next to him said: "The sales of Brain God Gold have been very popular recently. At least eight out of ten customers have chosen Brain God Gold."

The shopping guide who had just completed an order said: "There is no way. Naoshenjin is the most famous. Customers only know about Naoshenjin and they don't know anything else."

This evening, Lin Yingjie was having dinner with his wife.

While picking up the food, Lin Yingjie's wife said, "I'm going to see my parents in a few days. What do you think we should buy?"

Lin Yingjie said without hesitation: "Just buy Brain God Gold, the one often advertised on TV."

The wife was surprised: "Don't you hate this company's advertisements?"

Lin Yingjie said helplessly: "What's the use of hating, there are so many people who know."

"Elderly people may not necessarily like farewell items, but they definitely like health care products. Moreover, this is the most famous one, and everyone knows it. It will also give you face if you tell people."

The wife nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

This seems to be the case.

In fact, Lin Yingjie's behavior was not isolated. At the same time, such behavior was happening everywhere across the country.

There are many health care products on the market, and few people can tell clearly which brand of health care products does what. In this case, why not choose the most famous one.

Advertising every day, this company's products are definitely not that bad.

This is what normal people generally think.

There is also gift-giving. It doesn’t matter what the purpose of the gift is. What’s important is that it has face. Naoshenjin advertises it every day. Everyone knows that this is the most useful gift.

If you give other things as gifts, no matter how good they are, few people will know about it, but if you give brain gold, everyone will immediately remember that this is the one advertised on TV every day.

As a result, Naoshenjin became very popular. Sales of Naoshenjin surged all over the country. Upon seeing this, many dealers quickly called the headquarters of Giant Group and asked them to replenish the goods quickly, otherwise they would have to buy everything. Sold out.

Seeing this, everyone in the Giant Group was extremely happy.

Implanting 60 million into "Staring Man" can actually get such an easy-to-use marketing plan.

It's so worth it.

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