This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 484 Staring Man is officially released

Xu Nan's bold words quickly reached the ears of people in the circle.

"His words made my blood boil."

"That's why everyone says that Hollywood movies are better than domestic movies, but we all know the fact that there are also bad movies in Hollywood."

"But their good movies are indeed much better than domestic ones, especially the special effects."

"That's not a reason for us to give in."

"I have to say that Xu Nan's words have changed my view of him a lot. As for his spirit of daring to fight with Hollywood blockbusters, I admire him."

"Xu Nan has indeed done a very good job in this regard. The domestic film industry really needs a big director to stand up and resist Hollywood movies, but other big directors have never said anything. Unexpectedly, the controversial Xu Nan fired the first shot. The one."

"If you think about it carefully, Xu Nan is also the only one qualified to compete with Hollywood movies, because he has defeated Hollywood blockbusters head-on, and he also won the annual box office championship in the United States."

"However, the last time he defeated a Hollywood blockbuster, he mainly relied on luck. No one will admit the improvement in the quality of domestic films. At most, they will say that Xu Nan knows how to market."

"But at least we won."

"I don't know what the quality of "Staring Man" is. If the quality is too low, the backlash will be huge."

"Xu Nan dares to say this, the quality will definitely be the same."

"Actually, it doesn't need to reach the level of a Hollywood blockbuster. It only needs to be 80% good and the audience will buy it."

"Yes, domestic special effects are actually not bad, but there is always a lack of an example, an example of success through special effects. As long as there is a successful special effects blockbuster, it can trigger the trend of special effects films."

"It is said that the movie "The Eyed Man" spent a lot of money on special effects, and domestic special effects companies made a lot of money from this one."

"It seems that the special effects are not bad. I hope it can surprise the audience. My requirements are not high. I can achieve 70% of Hollywood achievements."

"Half of it is barely acceptable."

“We’ll know whether it works or not when ‘The Eyed Man’ is released.”

Insiders are looking forward to Xu Nan's new movie.

Hollywood blockbusters are indeed very powerful, but this is not a reason for domestic films to admit defeat.

As long as the level of "The Staring Man" can reach 70% of Hollywood production standards, then domestic special effects blockbusters will be on the right track.

From this point of view, Xu Nan no longer represents him alone, but domestic films.

He embodies the hope of the rise of domestic special effects.

Xu Nan's bold words certainly aroused the enthusiasm of the audience and the morale of people in the circle, but at the same time they also annoyed a special group.

This special group, to put it mildly, is called foreign movie lovers; to put it worse, they are sheepdogs.

There is a trend in China that those who like to watch foreign films and television dramas despise those who like domestic films and television dramas, believing that foreign films and television dramas are superior to domestic ones.

Some people just have a sense of superiority.

But the more extreme ones believe that foreign films are naturally noble, while domestic films are naturally backward and will never be as good as foreign films.

In the end, it even got to the point where they watch foreign movies and TV series, so they think they are nobler than people in China who like to watch domestic movies and TV series.

Bean sprouts in a certain group.

"Have you read the recent news on the Internet? The well-known director Xu Nan said that he will use "The Eyed Man" to defeat "The Eternal Man" head-on."

"Look, this guy has gone crazy."

"That is, don't we still know the tone of domestic films? To put it bluntly, they are just a piece of garbage and have no value at all."

"No, it is still valuable. It is precisely because of the trash of domestic movies that it can bring out the excellence of Hollywood movies."

"Only Hollywood movies are qualified to be called movies. Domestic movies are just a bunch of stuff that is called a movie but is actually a defense."

"It makes me laugh. How dare it be released on the same day as a Hollywood blockbuster. This Xu Nan is really looking for death."

"You don't have to think about it. This movie is a sure hit. No movie can surpass Hollywood blockbusters."

"Domestic movies should not exist. Everyone should watch Hollywood blockbusters, because Hollywood blockbusters are more noble."

"It's a pity that there are too many stupid people in China who have been brainwashed. Some people actually say that they want to support domestic movies and watch "The Starry Man"."

"It doesn't matter, Hollywood movies are better. When the movies are released, they will know which movie to watch."

"The quality of "Eternal Man" is a hundred times better than "Eternal Man". When the movie is released, these idiots will know how good Hollywood movies are and how rubbish domestic movies are."

"Domestic theaters should only show Hollywood movies. Only in this way can Chinese people accept more advanced foreign cultures and think independently, instead of being brainwashed by domestic movies and TV dramas."

"Sooner or later the day will come, don't worry."

Time passed quickly, because Xu Nan brazenly chose to release "Eternal Man" and "Eternal Man" on the same day, which made many people interested in this special effects blockbuster.

The media even shamelessly used the gimmick of domestic movies competing against Hollywood blockbusters to attract more people to click on the news.

It is true that many people were attracted by this gimmick and became interested in "Staring Man".

Although many people criticize domestic movies as rubbish, in fact, they are more angry than others. It is not that they really dislike domestic movies, but they feel that domestic movies are not up to par and their performance is not good enough.

It's rare to find a movie that dares to compete head-on with Hollywood blockbusters, and many viewers are interested in it.

And this movie is one of the few special effects blockbusters in China.

The special effects in the movie do not need to surpass Hollywood, as long as they reach 70% to 80%, or even half of the level, the audience will actually be satisfied.

In this regard, domestic audiences are still very tolerant.

No way, I'm used to eating cabbage.

As the film's release date approaches, the publicity war between the two films has officially begun.

In this aspect, the domestic film "The Eyed Man" is better than the Hollywood blockbuster "The Eternal Man".

The reason is very simple. The ticket sales for Xu Nan's movie are in China, and the focus of publicity is also in China.

The ticket sales for the movie "Eternal Man" are in the United States, and the domestic market is just a supplement for the producers, so they don't attach much importance to the movie, and the publicity is not very strong.

However, relying on the reputation established by previous Hollywood movies and some leading parties who brought their own dry food, the popularity of "Eternal Man" is not too low.

Time soon came to June 1st. On this day, online pre-sale of movie tickets for both movies began.

With the development of the Internet, people no longer need to go offline to buy tickets. They can also buy tickets online. Theaters can also rely on pre-sale feedback to determine the proportion of movies in the schedule.

With the opening of the pre-sale channel, a large number of consumers began to buy tickets.

Three hours later, the pre-sale box office of "Eternal Man" quickly exceeded 100 million.

It took six hours for the pre-sale box office of "Eternal Man" to exceed 100 million, which was twice as long as that of "Eternal Man".

This situation made people in the industry shake their heads and sigh.

"Hollywood blockbusters are still strong."

"The main reason is that the reputation built in the past is so strong that the audience naturally trusts it."

"Isn't it okay for Xu Nan to take action? He is one of the leading directors in the country."

"Don't worry, pre-sales mean nothing. It depends on the quality of the movie."

Some groups in the country celebrate like the New Year.

"Hollywood movies are indeed invincible."

"Sure enough, in this world, after all, there are more people who think independently and know which movie to watch."

"I said that domestic films are not good and there are still people who are stubborn with me. Now what do you have to say?"

"Suddenly it felt like there was hope for this country again."

Some netizens were very angry when they saw these negative remarks.

"This is just the beginning, it can't prove anything."

"Yes, pre-sales mean nothing."

"Hollywood blockbusters are indeed strong, but domestic movies are not without merit."

"The movie's release date is a month away, so it's too early to tell."

"I believe that sooner or later, domestic films will rise and the collapse of Hollywood blockbusters will not be too far away."

The sheepdogs laughed at these tough-talking netizens.

"You won't admit defeat until the movie is released, right?"

"I said, domestic films will not catch up with Hollywood films in a hundred years,"

"Hollywood movies are good, but domestic movies are not."

"You have such a tough mouth. I'll see if you have anything else to say when the movie comes out."

Famous journalist Li Zhou even posted a screenshot of his successful online ticket purchase for "The Eternals" and posted a Weibo post.

"The reason why I chose to watch "The Eternals" is not because of anything else, but because Hollywood blockbusters are really good-looking."

"I would like to advise some viewers here that it is okay to support domestic films, but the premise is that domestic films themselves are worthy of support. But obviously, we have to admit the gap between domestic films and Hollywood, and it will take a long time to catch up. .”

"As consumers, we cannot give up good movies and choose bad movies for some unreasonable reasons."

On the Internet, even before the movie was released, there was already a lot of chaos, and some people started a scolding war over the two movies.

At this time, the debates on the Internet have nothing to do with movies, but are disputes caused by different concepts. Which movie is used is just a weapon for debate.

But this kind of argument is unlikely to be fruitful, because it is a difference in concepts that cannot be changed by talking.

But this kind of controversy is actually good for the movie itself.

Many passers-by may not want to watch the movie, but seeing so many people discussing it may make them excited and buy tickets.

But the most important thing is that it will never change.

Everything depends on the quality of the movie.

June 1st.

June 2nd.

June 3rd.

The movie "The Staring Man" has officially landed in major theaters.

At the same time, the Hollywood blockbuster "Eternal Man" also landed in major theaters.

Massive audiences flocked to cinemas to watch both films.

The dispute between domestic films and Hollywood films is about to be resolved.

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