This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 663: This movie’s box office is not high

After settling the matter of competing for the award, Xu Nan began to think about which time would be better for the movie "Alive" to be released.

If it were a commercial film, Xu Nan wouldn't even think about it and it would definitely be released on a popular schedule.

But literary and artistic films suffer a bit when placed in popular schedules.

Boring literary and artistic films are inherently inferior to hot and exciting commercial films in this regard.

After finally having a holiday, most of the audience's purpose is to relax and unwind, and few people are in the mood to watch a brain-consuming literary film.

Forcing the film to be released on a popular schedule will only result in good reviews but no box office success.

After weighing the pros and cons and thinking for a long time, Xu Nan finally decided to release the movie on May 25th.

Choosing to release it on this date was the result of his careful consideration.

At this time, the popularity of big-budget movies released on May Day has almost dropped, and it will not have an impact on his new movies.

And by choosing to release it on May 25th, it can also enjoy a wave of popularity during the summer season, which is a good time.

The decision is made.

Just choose May 25th.

Soon, news spread that Xu Nan's new movie "Alive" was scheduled to be released.

Every move of a top director like Xu Nan attracts the attention of many people. After the new movie was released, it immediately caused waves on the Internet.

In a certain movie discussion forum.

A user made a post.

"Xu Nan's new movie "Alive" will be released soon. What do you think?"

Someone responded quickly.

"I do not want to see."

"I don't want to see it either."

"I guess it's a good movie, but I really don't want to watch it."

"Yeah, life is tiring enough. I just want to watch something light-hearted and mindless. It's best to watch a refreshing movie. I really don't want to watch a movie that is bitter and hateful."

"I feel like Xu Nanwen is suffering from a mental illness. He insists on making some movies that people don't like to watch. Isn't it better to just make commercial movies honestly?"

"Great directors seem to have this problem. After a few successful films, they no longer know what their last name is. They insist on making some high-level and meaningful works, and incidentally make some plots that they think are educational, thinking that they can wake us up. These confused people, the truth is, we don’t want to be educated, we just want to relax.”

"Nothing wrong. Nowadays, many film and television dramas talk about how profound the concept of our work is and what connotations it depicts. But I just like to relax by watching a film and television drama."

"When I saw Xu Nan's movie for the first time, I was absolutely shocked. I thought he was a breath of fresh air, but I didn't expect that this guy has also changed."

"It's all the same. In the beginning, in order to make money, you knew you had to please the audience. Once you become famous, you can't bend down anymore. You always want to educate the audience or express something. Are there many examples of this in all walks of life?"

"The dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon. It seems that no industry can escape from this law."

"Anyway, I don't want to watch this movie. It would be terrible to watch."

"I have to wait for a while until the relevant reviews come out before I consider whether to watch it or not."

The reaction from netizens was lukewarm.

The main reason is that not many people like to watch artistic films.

There is a word called "high-pitched and low-key", which is specially used to describe this situation.

Maybe Xu Nan's movies really express profound connotations and convey lofty thoughts.

But I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with us ordinary viewers.

It's okay for me to applaud it, but it's impossible for me to spend money to watch it in the cinema.

The audience has been annoyed by those artists who want to express profound connotations and educate the audience. They have no inherent interest in things that are profound at first glance.

Especially nowadays, many film and television workers don't understand how to shoot their works, and they don't know how to use various moral kidnapping routines.

When making a firefighter drama, let’s say that this drama profoundly expresses the difficulties and hardships of firefighters. If you don’t think it’s good, then you look down on firefighters, have opinions about firefighters, etc.

Because there are too many similar moral kidnapping situations, the audience is inherently disgusted with all kinds of high-minded things.

Xu Nan was also affected by Chi Yu.

Of course, the crux of the problem is that people don't like to watch literary films. There is no special reason, they just don't like it, even if this movie was made by Xu Nan.

Unless this literary film is very exciting and can touch the most subtle emotions in many people's hearts, then it is possible to break the situation.

Audiences don't like to watch a dull and boring art film, but they will definitely not reject watching a classic art film.

But whether Xu Nan's movie is a classic depends on the feedback after the movie is released.

Comparatively speaking, Xu Nan's fans are doing fine.

These fans were very excited when they learned that Xu Nan's new movie has been scheduled.

"Ah, Xu Nan's new movie is scheduled."

"What time?"

"May 25th."

"I happen to be free that day."

"Me too."

"I'm not free that day, but I can wait a few days to see it."

"This is Xu Nan's first literary film. It's very memorable and worth watching."

"I have been a fan of Xu Nan since his first movie. I have witnessed his growth step by step to where he is today. I must watch Xu Nan's first literary film."

Every celebrity has more or less fans. As a maverick director, Xu Nan's number of fans is not as high as those of popular celebrities, but he is definitely the one with the most fans among directors.

These fans generally have expectations for Xu Nan's movies and are willing to donate a movie ticket.


These fans are willing to watch Xu Nan's movies, which does not mean that they like literary films, but just because they want to support Xu Nan.

Many movies are willing to hire popular stars because of this. It is easy to make money from fans. Some stars participate in movies and bring a lot of box office.

This doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.

The number of fans of celebrities is limited. Some popular stars seem to be very powerful, but there are only so many die-hard fans who are willing to spend money to buy tickets, which translates into a small amount of movie box office.

After all, Xu Nan is a behind-the-scenes worker, and there are even fewer fans who are willing to spend money to buy tickets to support him. The box office brought to him by these fans who support him is only tens of millions at most, which is just a drop in the bucket for Xu Nan.

If you want to really make a movie a hit, you still have to leverage the general audience.

These people are the natural ticket bank for movies.

People in the industry can see this clearly.

"Xu Nan's new movie is scheduled to be released."

"Is it that literary film that has been circulated in the industry for a long time?"

"Yes, that's the one."

"It seems to be called "Alive"."

“As soon as I heard the name, I knew this movie was very deep.”

“I don’t know what the quality is like.”

"The quality should not be much different. After all, it is a work produced by Xu Nan, and his directing skills are quite strong."

"Yes, when you think about it, you will know that the movie queen Zhang Li and the movie king Qin Hao are starring. These two are well-known and demanding actors in the industry. If you can hire them, the quality of the movie will definitely be good."

"Actually, I think the quality of this movie shouldn't be bad. After all, the cast is really top-notch."

"It's a pity that the box office won't be too high."

Yes, the box office won't be too high.

This is the consensus among insiders.

The reason is simple, this is an artistic film.

As for Xu Nan's ability, insiders believe that it will be a good literary film.

Then again, there are not many literary and artistic films with low ratings. As long as you choose the subject matter well, anyone can make a film of good quality that makes it hard to fault.

Not to mention a famous director like Xu Nan.

But good quality doesn’t mean the audience will buy it.

It is a well-known fact that the box office of literary and artistic films is generally not high.

At this time, an insider spoke.

"It's normal for literary and artistic films not to do well at the box office. It's not a war crime. We don't make literary and artistic films for the sake of box office anyway."

The saying "Making literary films is not just for the box office" speaks to the sentiments of many people.


Anyone who makes a literary film is doing it for the box office of three melons and two dates.

Everyone wants something more advanced.

Promote positive energy.

Communicate values.

Give the audience spiritual enlightenment.

And the most important thing is to win the prize.

When making literary films, nine times out of ten, the purpose is to win awards. This is an iron rule.

Xu Nan makes literary films to win awards. This is a consensus.

It is a general rule in the industry that successful commercial directors will not make good money but make a good film that is in-depth and can educate people.

There is no other reason than to win awards.

"By this time, Xu Nan's film should have been registered for the Golden Dragon Award."

"Definitely. Ordinary directors have no career, how can Xu Nan have no career?"

"I don't know if Xu Nan can win the award."

"It's definitely okay to win awards. After all, he is a great director, but he can only win some minor awards such as best visual effects and best action."

"How is that possible? Xu Nan is a great director. He is obviously aiming to win the Best Director and Best Picture this time. Xu Nan will definitely not be satisfied with these small awards."

"At least I can get a nomination."

"Brother, you are wrong. The most you can get is a nomination."

"Why, this is Xu Nan's first literary film, and the cast is so luxurious."

Some people are confused.

After all, the treatment of famous directors is completely different from that of ordinary directors. It seems strange that Xu Nan's first literary film could only get a nomination at most.

At this time, someone spoke.

"Don't talk about this in the group. If you really want to know the real situation, you can call and ask your seniors. In short, don't talk here."

Some confused people contacted some knowledgeable elders by phone or through chat software.

Soon they found out why.

So the water in this circle is so deep?

Even a famous director like Xu Nan will encounter unspoken rules?

It seemed like he knew something extraordinary.

at the same time.

Chen Pengfei Studio.

Looking at the movie schedule he had obtained through connections, he looked hesitant.

The reason is simple. He has finished filming his new movie and is ready to find a good time to release it.

What's more coincidental is that this movie is also a literary film, called "The Legend of the Demon Cat".

After several films failed, Chen Pengfei also reflected on it.

Maybe it's because I'm a director of literary films and I'm not very good at making commercial films and don't know much about the audience's preferences, so I lose money.

Coupled with the failure of several movies, investors lost trust in him, and it was difficult for Chen Pengfei to attract investment for his movies, so he simply decided to return to making literary films.

Literary films are his strongest field. When he debuted in a literary film, he directly won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival, establishing his status in the industry.

Later, he made several acclaimed and well-received art films in succession, and then he was promoted to one of the few great directors in the country.

Chen Pengfei was originally doing well in the field of literary films. If it weren't for the increasingly popular domestic film market, he wouldn't have plunged into the bottomless pit of commercial films.

Now that the commercial field is suffering setbacks, it is natural to turn back to making literary films.

And there is another advantage of making literary films, that is, the reputation will never collapse and the quality is very high.

As long as the content you shoot has a little depth and connotation, even if the box office is low, some people will still say that the movie is good, but the audience is too stupid to appreciate such a good movie.

Therefore, Chen Pengfei went back and made a literary film "Legend of the Demon Cat".

This movie tells the story of Concubine Yang's soul, which turned into a demon cat and caused trouble in Chang'an after her death. The neon monk Kukai came to Chang'an to investigate the case with the official Bai Letian, and gradually unearthed the truth, thereby understanding the sad and desolate story of Concubine Yang. Helpless life.

This movie is said to be a literary film, but it incorporates many elements of commercial films. It is a fantasy film disguised as a literary film.

To put it another way, it can also be said that this film combines the advantages of commercial films and literary films, and combines the strengths of both films.

After all, Chen Pengfei is also a great director, and he still pursues his career. After making commercial films for so many years, he has learned something even if he failed, and integrated many of the advantages of commercial films into literary and artistic films.

In order to make "Legend of the Demon Cat", Chen Pengfei spent a full two years, and the filming alone took a full year. It was not until it reached the best standard in his mind that it was finally completed.

Chen Pengfei has high hopes for this film. He not only signed up for the domestic Golden Dragon Award, but also signed up for the Berlin Film Festival.

His debut film won an award at the Berlin Film Festival. Berlin has always been a lucky place for him. At the same time, he met many people there. Several judges guaranteed that his film would definitely win an award, but the award was not fixed.

In fact, Chen Pengfei has great ambitions. He not only wants to win awards abroad, but also wants to win awards at home, so that he can flourish both at home and abroad and revive his position as a great director.

At the same time, he also hopes that this movie can achieve good results at the box office and let others see that he can make money even if he makes a literary film.

Knowing that Xu Nan's new movie is scheduled to be released on May 25th, Chen Pengfei was ready to move.

He may not be as good as Xu Nan when it comes to making commercial films, but when it comes to artistic films, he is definitely better than Xu Nan.

This is his area of ​​expertise.


After thinking for a long time, Chen Pengfei suddenly clenched his fists.


It will be scheduled for May 25th.

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