This Forward is Not Serious

Chapter 191 follow.your.heart

What do you watch on your phone?

What to watch?

What movie for mobile phone?

Lin Ying was confused.

Durant, you are just talking nonsense!

Is there any evidence?

If there is no evidence, I will sue you for defamation!

"Ying, come to my place, let's replicate the miracle of the University of Texas together!"

Seeing Lin Ying's reaction, Durant changed his way of speaking.

He really wants Lin Ying to go to the Thunder and play with him!

It sounds like he gets along well with that guy Westbrook, but that guy's game is too one-sided.

The Thunder need someone to help sort out the team's offense and lead them.

Based on his understanding of Lin Ying, Lin Ying is the most suitable candidate!

Lin Ying smiled and did not answer directly.

Going to the Thunder is indeed one of his choices.

And this time is actually very suitable. The Thunder Youth Army basically has everything it needs.

Ibaka is a rookie in the same year as Westbrook, and Harden, the last piece of the puzzle, will join the Thunder this year.

If you add him, there will be a lineup of Westbrook + Harden + Durant + him + Ibaka, which will still be very competitive after a few years of development.

However, choosing this path means that it will take several years of development, and it is difficult to say whether he can win the championship in the end.

It's not the most important thing that Westbrook occasionally takes the lead. The Thunder's management is more suffocating.

The more discerning you are in selecting people, the more likely your operations will be.

Not many managers can give Harden an hour to think about this kind of thing.

This has nothing to do with whether the market is small or not. After all, there are many ways to solve the problem, and they chose the worst one.

And if the Thunder can't rush to the championship in a short time, the future will be very confusing.

Just like when you play 2K, hoarding a team of young players to renew their contracts can make you explode, and you can accidentally play without any players left.

The game can be repeated, but reality cannot.

Lin Ying was not in a hurry to make a decision, Durant... refused to leave!

Good guy, as expected of you.

But Durant is indeed boring.

Training is boring, especially day after day, and it makes a huge difference to have someone by your side.

This should be one of the reasons why Durant wants Lin Ying to go to the Thunder so much.

Although Westbrook is good, there is no Lin Yingxiang!

Then just two days after training, the familiar big truck and familiar mattress came again.

Lin Ying was used to it this time.

If you don't come here, he will think it's a fake Durant.

But what he didn't expect was that Kobe would appear with the truck.

Of course it was not Kobe who was driving, but they happened to arrive together.

After coming in and chatting for a few words, I found out that after the championship parade, Kobe rushed to Denver for training without stopping.

This is very Kobe.

I said before that I would come to Denver to train, so I came to Denver to train.

And he came right after the championship parade.

This time, the Pepsi Center suddenly became lively on non-game days.

Lin Ying, Durant, and Kobe, training together is particularly exciting.

Moreover, the three of them are all training freaks, and this actually feels a bit like a hard training camp.

When the training is almost complete, the three of them can still play one-on-one.

Of course, most of the time it was Lin Ying and Durant who were rubbed against Kobe.

Lin Ying played a lot of one-on-one games with Kobe. Durant was also suppressed by Kobe on both offense and defense during this period.

To compete with Pinnacle Branch, let me put it in a very vivid sentence:

It’s hard for you when he’s guarding you, and it’s even harder for you when you’re guarding him!

At the end of training that day, Durant's girlfriend Monica ran over.

One look at that expression and you can tell that this is here to press for rent.

Seeing Durant's expression being pulled out of the training facility, Kobe couldn't help but laugh.

People come and go.

Durant was not here, and when the training was over, Lin Ying and Kobe also sat and chatted.

What to talk about?

Naturally, this is what Lin Ying Xia chose.

There is no wall in the world that is airtight, not to mention that this wall is full of holes.

Warken Dean has been in contact with so many teams in the league, and it is impossible to avoid Lin Ying's trade rumors.

"If possible, I would really like you to come to Los Angeles."

Kobe didn't hide his inner thoughts.

Lin Ying smiled and did not answer directly.

When it comes to pursuing a championship, there really is no more suitable place than the Lakers.

And with Kobe here, he can continue to polish his skills and take over when the time is right.

In fact, Kobe is not the kind of person who keeps possession of the ball. When the Lakers' new F4 appeared, Kobe began to play without the ball.

This is also a change in people. Kobe had done the thing of squeezing out O'Neal when he was young, and he also knew at which stage it was time to hand over the baton.

It's just that his way of handing over the baton is different. He hopes that Howard will "snatch" the baton from him by relying on his performance, instead of him handing it over on his own initiative.

This is a bit like a wolf pack. The new wolf king must defeat the old wolf king before he can ascend to the throne.

However, Howard only wanted to be a happy beast at that time, and naturally he ended up in vain.

But Lin Ying is different. Lin Ying is very competitive without being on the same team as Kobe. When the time comes, it will be natural to "drive" Kobe away.

But for Lin Ying, the Nuggets will not send him to their main competitor, and he himself is not very willing to go to the Lakers.

For no other reason, he fell at the feet of the Lakers for two consecutive years!

Joining a team that had beaten him twice in a row was something he couldn't overcome.

What he wants more is to join a team and win back.

"We may have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Lin Ying finally said with a smile.

Kobe probably understood what he meant.

Although I was a little regretful, I was also inexplicably happy.

Although "inheritance" is a good choice, "competition" has a higher proportion in his mind.

Then, the two also talked about the choice problem Lin Ying faced now.

Lin Ying actually had reasons to go to all 6 teams.

76ers: Iverson and the core position;

Nets: Yi Jianlian and the core position;

Bulls: Rose and the championship;

Suns: Nash and the championship;

Thunder: Durant;

Warriors: Curry (if the Nuggets don’t ask for this year’s No. 7 pick), of course, there may be no splash. It is true that there is a chance to wait for Durant;

Moreover, as analyzed before, this is a choice between the core position and the championship.

But Kobe once again surprised Lin Ying.

He did not give Lin Ying any advice on which direction to prefer, but said this:


Translation: from the heart.

“Choosing a team that is competing for the championship may result in nothing, and may even cost you the opportunity to become the core of the team;

If you go to a team that is willing to train you and build a team around you, you may end up missing the championship.

These are two possibilities, or they may be two completely different paths, but either way is a life experience.

Because everything is only about yourself and you are strong enough, nothing is impossible.

So the most important thing is to follow your heart, because only when you want to do something from your heart can you do it well. "

Lin Ying was stunned for a while after hearing this.

These words touched him greatly.

And when you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

The voices of others are just voices after all, because others can only give suggestions at best but cannot do it for you. Even after making suggestions, it has nothing to do with them.

This was also the reason why Lin Ying himself was unwilling to give advice to others.

So, follow your heart.

So what does he want most in his heart now?

The answer is actually already there.

On June 25, Kobe returned to the training facility he rented in Denver to continue training, while Lin Ying and Durant went to New York together.

It was previously agreed that they would go to watch this year's draft.

It's to help Holiday, and it's also to help Curry.

Then, as soon as they sat down at the draft, they met an unexpected person, Jimmy Butler.

It was Holiday who brought him here to meet Lin Ying.

The wheel of history has turned its direction. Holiday and Butler are both members of the University of Texas.

This year, the University of Texas reached the Elite Eight again under the leadership of Holiday, but unfortunately it failed to go further.

Except for Holiday, the rest still chose to stay in school.

After Holiday left, the University of Texas also added two talented newcomers at once.

One is Derek Favors, the No. 1 high school student in the United States in the class of 2009, and the other is Avery Bradley from Nevada.

The University of Texas is getting better and better.

And I don’t know if it’s because of Lin Ying, but now Rick Barnes prefers “hard” players more and more.

Holiday, Butler, and Bradley are all of the same origin.

Speaking of which, Iverson said before that Barnes might choose to coach in the NBA, but people are so unpredictable that it probably won't happen for the time being.

Holiday entered the small green room, chatted for a while and then went back, leaving Butler with them.

Butler looked very reserved, and Lin Ying even saw his own reflection in him.

After chatting for a few words, several people started talking about training.

And at the end of the conversation, Durant said he would take Butler to his training camp.

It doesn't matter whether you have talent or not. What matters is that it's rare to meet someone who likes to go to the training gym like crazy.

The draft was about to begin, and Lin Ying looked at the small green room in front of him.

Griffin, Harden, Tyreke Evans, Curry, DeRozan…

If you look at it with open eyes, this can be regarded as a draft of the diamond generation.

Especially Harden and Curry will grow into MVP-level players in the future.

Lin Ying felt a little itchy. As a time traveler, it would be great if he could speak to the management.

Although players in different training environments may not necessarily grow into the players they were in history, the success rate will definitely be higher.

Although even someone as powerful as Jordan could not speak out in the management, James was also criticized for a long time because he did.

But in the final analysis, this kind of thing still depends on the management. It would be nice to meet someone who is willing to adopt his opinion.

It just depends on where you go and who you meet.

Just as he was thinking about it, Stern appeared.

He looks like he has more white hair.

The scene was still filled with the trademark boos.

Lin Ying doesn't pay much attention to other people's choices. He pays more attention to Curry and Holiday.

The results of the draft are similar to those in history, because draft picks are linked to record, and the teams that made the playoffs last season are not much different from those in history.

The Clippers selected Griffin as the No. 1 pick;

The Grizzlies took Thabeet as the second pick;

Speaking of Thabeet, he is exactly the same as Misicic back then. The Grizzlies planned to trade Zach Randolph in the summer, and they also had Gasol at center. The Pistons also had a double inside when Wallace selected Misicic. This choice Who cheats whom.

The Thunder successfully acquired Harden with the No. 3 pick;

The Kings drafted Evans fourth overall;

The Timberwolves used the fifth pick to pick up Rubio, who failed to come to the scene;

Then, they drafted Jonny Flynn with the sixth pick.

Lin Ying felt the same as before when she saw this.

Some players are beyond the reach of Adou, but the management is also beyond their reach!

There is no problem in picking Rubio with the fifth pick. Rubio performed well in the Beijing Olympics and was considered the most talented European player before Doncic.

But picking Flynn with the sixth pick would be very spiritual.

This is not a question of whether to select Curry or not. This is probably the only one who has selected point guards with two lottery picks in a row.

Don't say that Rubio won't come to the NBA for the time being and choose Flynn to use first. Flynn knows that he is a spare tire and can play with peace of mind.

Not to mention the luxury of using the No. 6 pick to select a spare tire.

And the key is that Flynn is an undersized point guard. I guess the management only watched the game when he led the team to defeat the University of Connecticut in 6 overtime.

Wolf Pipe, I would like to call him the strongest!

Then with the seventh pick, the Warriors got Curry as they wished!

Although Lin Ying had already decided to follow Kobe's advice, he still couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat when he saw Curry being selected.

Then, Lin Ying's old rival, Hansbrough, who finally got his wish and led the team to win the NCAA championship in his senior year, went to the Pacers with the 13th pick.

Holiday still fell out of the lottery.

With the 17th pick, the Suns used this pick to pick Jrue Holiday!

Players without much offensive talent will not be popular in the NBA draft.

Although Holiday is the core at the University of Texas, his statistics are not dazzling, and his scoring average does not reach double digits.

So the final pick was the same as in history, but of course he went to a different team.

What makes Lin Ying a little confused is that the Suns already have Nash and Dragic as point guards, and Gentry is an offensive coach, so choosing Holiday is a bit strange.

Thanks to Six Clean Depleted Uranium Bullets and pyccx for the reward~

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