This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 175: go home

The captain of the Yefeng team is a sick seedling. x update fastest

The owner of Yefeng Club is also a sick child.

Therefore, this kind of thing, the sick seedling can handle it alone.

The only thing that surprises Fang Yi is that the sick seedling will agree to let go.

Although he is only a rookie, he stands out among so many opponents in the youth training camp, and his strength should be considered acceptable.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi asked strangely, "The club didn't ask you to compensate for the loss?"

"Yes... I would be breaking the contract by doing so."

Shi lowered his voice, as if he didn't want to talk about it.

"Then what do you think now? To be honest, on my side, I don't know much about you. It is still pending whether or not to accept you as a teammate."

However, since it was recommended by a sick seedling, Fang Yi would definitely not refuse it on the spot, and he would only enter the inspection period.

"Me? I... Of course I want to join a regular team. The best team is a female team..."

Shi lowered his head again, his face hot.

Under this condition, it is almost impossible to directly publish the name of the team.

"Mingluan team?"


Fang Yi shook his head, nothing more.

The Mingluan team is another all-female team, but their team members are stable.

No one of the old substitutes has officially taken the position for six or seven years, let alone a mere newcomer.

"This... Poetry is it. Originally, for the sake of the recommendation of the sick seedlings, I can appropriately reduce the requirements of teammates. As long as your level is decent, you can be considered for joining the team."

"But now it seems that this is not necessary."

After seeing the ward of the eye disease Yangzi, Fang Yi stepped forward and turned to leave.

"Wait, wait! You just left?"

Shi's expression was stunned, and she didn't expect Fang Yi to leave suddenly.

Fang Yi heard the words, stopped, turned back, and looked at the poem strangely.

"Is there any problem? Since the Mingluan team you want to join has nothing to do with me, I have an explanation for the sickling, why are you staying here?"

"Yes, but the captain's side..."

"You can understand."


"Well, you don't want to follow me, you want to join the Mingluan team. Sick Yangzi is not the kind of person who will force others. As long as you speak, she will agree to let go."

"How can I say such a thing. The captain is so kind to me, and I propose to withdraw from the team is already a cowardly behavior..."

Fang Yi frowned slightly and interrupted directly.

"That's your problem. It has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with the sick seedlings. It's your own problem to solve."

"I'm not sick, I won't accommodate you because of your age, and I won't help you because of your cute appearance."

"Simply put, I'm giving you advice on an equal footing. If this gives you the illusion that you can help me, then I take back my previous advice."

This time, the voice fell, and without waiting for Shi to reply, Fang Yi turned around and left, and entered the elevator.

Through the door of the elevator that was gradually closing, Fang Yi could see the poem that remained in place with a dull expression on his face.

These words are actually heavy.

But the attitude of the poem really made Fang Yi unhappy.

It doesn't matter if you don't like my team.

But it would be too much to hide the sick seedlings and let the sick seedlings work blindly.

"That guy's body can't stand the toss. He was busy with things that couldn't be successful from the beginning..."

Kindness is also valuable.

Asking an old friend to help is consuming favors.

Fang Yi could feel that the sick seedling was very optimistic about this girl.

It's just that the girl doesn't appreciate it, and whether she feels the good intentions of the sick seedling, then it will be difficult.

"The newcomers are getting better and better now."

As soon as he came out, he wanted to be an official member of a professional team.

This kind of treatment was only possible in the early days of "Unreal Fantasy".

And at that time, the teammates everyone was looking for were all top players in the game.

Each is experienced and well-known enough to qualify as teammates from the start.

In contrast, the friends who graduated from the youth training camp are really far behind.

In Fang Yi's view, it is normal for this kind of newcomer to be a substitute for a few years and learn from experience.

It's a pity that the newcomers don't think so, they all want to get ahead and become famous.

Just imagine how a high-rise building would be constructed if the foundations were not laid well.

Wang Yutian is a good example.

When cooperating with the team members as a whole, there will be no problems.

Wait until individual duels and show individual abilities.

The weak foundation was exposed, and Fang Yi was completely crushed.

After leaving the hospital, Fang Yi rushed back directly.

Before he came, because of Xu Ya's hint, he still had some expectations for the teammates recommended by the sick young man.

Disappointed now.

Although the game ability has not been examined, Fang Yi feels unhappy about the character and behavior that Shi has shown so far.

"Sure enough, it is more reliable to find it in the game."

Fang Yi can only hope that Ming Shang and the otaku can surprise him.

Taking the subway, Fang Yi quickly returned to the vicinity of the backtracking area.

At this time, it was close to seven or eight in the morning, and various stores had already opened.

Fang Yi went home and bought three fluid tubes.

Putting things in the refrigerator, Fang Yi put on his helmet and returned to the game.

Looking at the independent space with pink atmosphere around, Fang Yi couldn't help sighing again.

When the next dungeon gets points, I must re-decorate it, it's too gay.

Looking at the list of friends, Xian'er and the otaku are all secretive.

After all, he is not a professional player. Ordinary people usually only have time at night to play games.

After sending another friend request to Ming Shang, Fang Yi popped up the system menu.

It's not that Fang Yi wants to bomb Mingshang with friend requests, but that after the player goes offline, the friend request will automatically expire and needs to be resent.

As for calling up the system menu, it was Fang Yi who wanted to change his personal image.

The forum has already been raging, and Fang Yi is more or less a celebrity in the tenth district.

Although it is a negative reputation... But if someone associates id with personal appearance and digs out the information in reality, it will be troublesome.

In addition, Fang Yi intends to meet the potential teammates of Ming Shang and Otaku in the game, and have a good talk.

In this way, it is not suitable to use the real image directly.

Although there are some big, some precautions are still needed.

Select the [Personal Image] menu, and your own three-dimensional holographic image will appear directly in front of you.

Next to the image, there are various customization options.

Such as nose dilation, eye pupil discoloration, gender change, skin aging, ethnic change.

There are a variety of options, and prices vary widely.

Basically, it is the cheapest to make minor changes to the original image.

The larger the change, the more points will be consumed.


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