This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 241: right

Although it is dangerous, it is better than a deadly match against each other.

The stray bullets were very dense, but Han Zexin didn't have many to dodge.

What she had to do was to avoid every stray bullet while Fang Yi's bullet completely passed through No. 1's head.

As long as that time has passed, she can use the clone transfer again to return the main body to No. 1.

At that time, Fang Yi was solved with one punch, and everything fell to the ground.

But everything really developed as Han Zexin thought.

Except for one time when he couldn't dodge, and there was a blood hole in his arm, there was no problem.

Looking into the distance, Fang Yi's bullet was about to completely penetrate No. 1.

Han Zexin's face was happy, and she was about to transfer on the spot.

However, before the skill was activated, she suddenly stopped.

Because of the pistol in Fang Yi's hand, the bullet was fired again.

This bullet, and the first bullet, form a seamless connection, forming a situation where there is always a bullet in the head of No. 1.

Damn it! The skill mechanism is completely seen through, so there is no way to go back!

Her pupils shrank, and Han Zexin immediately realized Fang Yi's battle plan.

Use stray bullets to force his true body to remain on No. 1's body.

Then use a fatal attack to force himself to transfer from No. 1 to No. 2.

In the end, with continuous attacks, I restricted myself from being able to return from No. 2 to No. 1!

In other words, he was trapped in the body of No. 2.

As long as any stray bullet kills No. 2, he is truly dead!

And if you transfer back to No. 1 in advance, you will surely die!

The only way out is to transfer back to No. 1 after Fang Yi's pistol is exhausted.

This means that she needs to support for a long time in the rain-like rain of bullets!

Or simply use No. 2's body until the end of this wave of bullets.

Either way, the level of risk is very high.

At this moment, Fang Yi turned his head and looked in the direction of No. 2, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

The right hand continued to maintain the shooting action of the pistol, and the left hand took out the sniper rifle and began to aim at the number one position.

Do you want to kill them like this? !

Han Zexin's expression changed on the spot.

"Little brother, it's too much!"

"Have it?"


When the voice fell, Fang Yi shot directly.

Her pupils shrank, and Han Zexin rolled on the spot.


The five stray bullets that fell from the sky hit her shoulders, and she barely escaped this attack.

If the shot hadn't been pierced by the scalp, Han Zexin would have thought that Fang Yi's shot was just blocking his position and shooting an empty shot.

In the distance, Han Zexin No. 2 also rolled on the spot, but couldn't escape Fang Yi's gun.

"I admit defeat! Little brother, I admit defeat, and I'll save my life. It's not easy to find a good copy of the identity at random! Stay on the line, see you in the future, don't you think?"



As soon as the voice fell, Fang Yi fired another shot.

Han Zexin's eyes widened immediately.

Shot you too! Is there such a shameless one!

Although he admits defeat and surrenders, it is only a camouflage on the surface, and he will play counter-kill as soon as he is out of danger.

But the guy on the opposite side doesn't even pretend to be disguised, it's too much!

Despite the muddy ground, Han Zexin gritted her teeth and continued to roll on the ground, barely dodging the sniper rifle's attack again.

The price is that there are eight more blood holes in the body, and the physical strength is seriously lost.

"Little brother, I suspect that you have a tendency to abuse your sister! I surrendered and surrendered, and you still..."


Han Zexin's voice suddenly stopped.

Because she just discovered that directly above her, five crossbow arrows are flying down quickly!

These five crossbow arrows are not only extremely fast, making it impossible to dodge, but also block all her escape routes.

If he hadn't rolled to the ground to evade the sniper gun attack, he might have avoided this fatal situation.

But now, it's too late.

Is this also what the guy calculated?

Han Zexin was really shocked. Since she was forced to be trapped on the body of No. 2, she was like being blocked by the heaven and earth. She was restricted and targeted everywhere.

Every evasion, every forced move, seems to be under the opponent's control.

And now, as if the lion has had enough of its prey, it has entered the final lore!

"Little brother, everything is negotiable. My identity is in this dungeon, and there is a lot of room for manipulation!"

With her last effort, Han Zexin hurriedly used the clone transfer just when the crossbow arrow was about to pierce her head from top to bottom.

Turning her gaze, she looked up and saw a dark muzzle.

"Welcome back."


Blood splashed and the corpse fell to the ground.

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] kills player [Shadow of Charm Blue] and gets four kills!"


"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] is [running]!"


The dungeon announcement sounded, saving Fang Yi the trouble of making up the knife.

Looking in the direction of No. 2 Han Zexin, the body had disappeared, only the pool of blood showed that the body had once stayed in that place.

As for Han Zexin's corpse now, it can be described as appalling.

The head was shot, not to The body was still dripping with blood, all wounds.

The most important thing is that after rolling on the ground a few times, he is covered in mud and has no image at all, similar to a beggar starving to death on the side of the road.

After cleaning up the site, only the crossbow arrows were completely recovered.

Other bullets, wasted is wasted, there is no such thing as recycling.

Fang Yi realized when he wounded Han Zexin with a hidden pistol.

If you want the attack to take effect, you must be surprised and overwhelm the opponent.

So he used the attack method of justice from the sky, and then involved himself, and gradually pulled the other party into the trap of death.

At that time, he wasn't sure what Han Zexin's clone mechanism was, but he had already guessed.

It was not until the trap took effect that the mechanism of avatars - the mutual conversion of two avatars was fully understood.

When the clone number one is the main body, the number two is nothingness and can be immune to any attack.

When the clone number two is the main body, it is replaced by the number one in a state of nothingness.

The conversion interval between the two is very short, so there are few opportunities for attack.

It is necessary to completely involve one clone, and then attack the second clone.

Or an unexpected attack, so that the other party has no time to transfer the body.

Of course, these two methods are still relatively crude.

If there is an indiscriminate, full-range group attack, even if the power is a little smaller, it can instantly make the opponent prototype.

As long as it is injured, it is easy to find out which body it is.

Because another clone is just a clone after all, and the blood that flows out will not affect reality.

Just like Han Zexin's previous clone, blood was on the ground, but disappeared immediately.

ps1: Thanks to 'jaychiuz' for the 500 starting coins.

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