This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 348: number 11


The dean slapped the man directly to the ground with a slap, and then said coldly to the man in the trench coat, "Chop off all ten of his fingers, and then lock him in room 11 in the psychic experiment area."

Room Eleven...

It is said that the supernatural phenomenon in that room is the most bizarre and fickle.

Whoever entered it did not come out alive.

So this is already a death sentence.

The man in the trench coat and the woman in the room looked at each other and lowered their heads again.


With the screams, the man in the trench coat led the room.

The scene was quiet, and in the room, only the dean and the woman were still present.

The dean sat back in his seat, the veins on his forehead still bulging.

"Secretary Yang, which experimental subjects were taken away by Xuanmo's organization?"

Secretary Yang froze all over, looked down at the dean in fear, and said softly, "The No. 1 experimental subject was plundered, and the No. 7 experimental subject..."

Every time an experiment number was mentioned, the dean's face became gloomy.

When Secretary Yang mentioned the ninth experimental body, the dean's face was already gloomy, like a volcano about to erupt.

Just trying desperately to restrain and suppress this emotion.

"Go ahead, who was the last experimental subject to be snatched away?"

His eyes were full of oppression, and an invisible pressure, like Mount Tai, was pressing on Secretary Yang.


She swallowed, looked at the dean again, and looked down at the ground again, her voice starting to tremble.

"Yes, yes... Experiment No. 11."

What? !


The dean put his foot on Secretary Yang's stomach, kicked her directly, and slammed against the wall, before he could even scream, and died on the spot.

The corpse slid to the ground, leaving blood running down the wall.

This kind of power that transcends ordinary people doesn't look like an old man in his fifties or sixties can use it.

"No. 11... No. 11! It's No. 11, but it's the most important No. 11!"


The dean's face was hideous, and he punched the wooden table.

The sawdust flew horizontally, directly smashing it in half.

"what happened?"

"President, are you alright?"

Two guards rushed in outside the door, and when they saw the corpse inside, they quickly lowered their heads.

"You guys, go and call Jian Feng back for me. I have something to do with him."

"Yes Yes…"

The guard turns on the internal contact pager.

At the same time, the man in the trench coat who had just left, the pager on his waist rang.

"The Xuanmo organization has made a big move again! Lingyuan Research Institute suffered a surprise attack and suffered heavy losses!"

Watching the news broadcast on the TV, Fang Yi quietly lowered his cap.

Number eleven…

Unexpectedly, the identity of this copy is an experimental body that was completely cultivated with science, and it does not even have an official name.

From the corpses of the group of four, a lot of things were found.

There is a brief description of this task.

They are in charge of No. 11, which is their own experimental body.

According to the content of the plan, there are hundreds of staff members who initially escorted him, including logistics.

But for some reason, Fang Yi saw only the last four people, and it is unknown where the others went.

And according to the data, the **** team is subdivided into four teams.

Research team, response team, reconnaissance team, enemy team.

The four people who died in the toilet were the leaders of these four teams.

Xuanmo organization…

Fang Yi frowned.

His identity is Experimental No. 11.

This means that there must be a hostile relationship with the research institute.

As the enemy of the enemy, it is a friend, and the Xuanmo organization should have been a partner of Fang Yi.

But...he was kidnapped by the Xuanmo organization now.

Having seen the attitudes of the four, Fang Yi didn't think that the Xuanmo Organization would give him any good treatment.

In this case, we need to see what other forces can choose from this dungeon.

At present, this identity is rather embarrassing and very eye-catching.

If you want to play a good role and hide something, it is extremely difficult.

Because the Xuanmo organization will definitely send people to hunt down after knowing the truth.

As for the research institute, they will definitely not let go of their precious experimental body.

Headache, the two most powerful forces in the current dungeon seem to be the most powerful, and I can't mix into them.

How to develop one's own strength, and search other players...

"Children, why are you here alone? Did you get separated from your parents?"

A voice suddenly sounded next to him, pulling Fang Yi's thoughts back to reality.

Been noticed?

She looked at her beautiful older sister with a concerned expression.

Fang Yi raised his head and showed a genuine smile, and pointed to the front.

"No, they are right in front, thank you sister for your concern."

After speaking, just like a naughty child, he ran forward with a smile.

After a while, he disappeared from the crowd.

Looking at the back of Fang Yi's departure, the pretty sister shook her head slightly, as if she didn't take it to heart.


At the same time, the Bluetooth headset she was wearing rang out.

"Ruoying, how is the search in the b24 area?"

Ruoying quietly separated from the crowd of people coming and going, entered a dark alley, and then took out a map and glanced at it.

"Report to the captain, no target personnel were found in the b24 area."

"Isn't there any here... Damn it! Where are those mice hiding? You go to the b25 area to search first, and I will ask Captain Jane for instructions to see if we can send more staff."


Hang up the communication, if the video line looks into the distance.

There, a towering building stands in the center of the entire city.

Lingyuan Research Institute.

She hasn't made up her mind yet.

In the end, it is to follow this research institute completely and follow the trend of the trend.

Or self-reliance, steal the scientific and technological achievements in the research institute, and strengthen yourself.

In any case, it is always right to disguise yourself first.

Looking at the map, Ruoying's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

A minute later, Fang Yi's figure appeared in the alley.

"B24 area? There is also a search... This guy really is from the research institute."

Looking at the direction Ruoying was leaving, Fang Yi hesitated and chased forward.

He was walking on the street just now, not just to watch TV and collect information.

At the same time, he is also observing the movements of everyone around him.

Among them, Ruoying's frequent searches were immediately locked by Fang Yi.

Originally, he was going to find a suitable opportunity to subdue Ruoying, and then conduct an interrogation to obtain more information.

But the content of the sudden report on the TV attracted his attention, which revealed some flaws and turned into the current situation.

Even so, it's not too late to take action now.

The other party should only be an ordinary investigator of the research institute, and coupled with the identity of a woman, her physical fitness should not be much better.

As long as you grasp the timing of the shot, the possibility of uniform is very high.

Unless... the opponent is a player with a strange skill.

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