This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 75: dead bloom

The information about Alice and Mel flashed through his mind quickly, and Count Corsa tried to find a chance.

However, he just wanted to break his head, and he couldn't figure out what reason the two had to do it.

At the same time, the sense of crisis in the rear is getting stronger and stronger.

There is not much time left for him.

The wind howled behind him, and the cold light was biting to the bone.

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, but I can't figure it out.

In desperation, Count Xhosa raised his voice and shouted sharply.

"Wait! Miss Alice, don't forget that I'm an earl! Kill me, you don't even think about it..."


Before he could finish speaking, the voice stopped abruptly!

There was an icy touch from the back of the neck, as well as a sharp pain. It made Count Xhosa twitch and his eyes darkened.

The sharp iron tool runs directly from the back of the neck to the front of the neck.

When he lowered his head, he could even see the tip of the dagger, flashing with a terrifying cold light.

The red blood made Count Xhosa feel even more terrified.

Obviously there are so many things to do, and there are so many people who want to protect, but they are already here.

At this moment, he regretted so much that he let the shadow man leave his side.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

With difficulty rolling his throat, Count Xhosa issued his last words.

"For, why..."

Unfortunately, Alice was unmoved, and she didn't even have the desire to speak.


The dagger was withdrawn, neatly.


The corpse fell to the ground, stirring up dust.

Why? Of course for the points!

Alice stomped **** the fat face of Count Xhosa's body.

Disgust and disgust occupy the face, which is in sharp contrast to the previous enthusiasm.

At this moment, she seemed to be a different person.

The foxes and coquettishness are gone.

Cold and indifferent.

"Sister, is he dead?"

Dr. Mel was tense.

He seemed to be waiting for something, and he seemed to be on guard for something, and he was ready to go all out.

But on the surface, there are no flaws.

And facing this scene, not only did she not scream, but she quietly leaned towards Alice.

"Should be dead, but I'm not sure yet."

Alice didn't notice anything unusual.

She frowned slightly, as if she was waiting for something, and looked at the corpse under her feet uncertainly.

"Strange, why hasn't the copy announcement sounded?"

"As far as I know, three players have died in the game copy."

"The other two are unclear, but Doctor Birdbeak must be one of them!"

"It is now confirmed that Doctor Bird's Beak died at the hands of Count Xhosa, which means that he is a player."

"But why..."

Leaning down, Alice frowned and used a dagger to hit the heart of Count Xhosa's body, again with a dozen knives.

Blood splashed all over her face, and the dim candlelight added a terrifying aura.

"elder sister?"

"hold on."

The doubts in her heart were getting bigger and bigger, and Alice's heart was ruthless, and she took the dagger and started to cut off Count Xhosa's head.

It didn't take a moment for the icy corpse to separate.

However, Alice's long-awaited copy announcement still did not sound.

Why... why is this happening?

Is it? Could it be that this dead fat man is not a player? !

But he clearly stated that it was his order to kill Doctor Bird's Beak, and a copy announcement sounded...

and many more!

Order? !

A flash of light flashed in Alice's mind, and she suddenly realized.

The problem must be the person who took the order!

If Count Xhosa is the player, and the person who accepts the order, executes the order, and finally kills Doctor Beak is an NPC under Count Xhosa, then the head will naturally be counted on the head of Count Xhosa.

But if someone cuts off the beard, executes the order and kills Dr. Birdbeak, it's the player... that person's head will naturally be counted on the player who cut the beard!

And if Count Xhosa is an NPC... in the current situation, it should also be the player who carried out the order and won the result of victory.

It seems that no matter what kind it is, Count Xhosa is just a scapegoat for nothing.

Thinking of this, Alice's complexion suddenly turned gloomy.

Although killing Count Xhosa was originally planned, it was both flattering and ingratiating, but only one NPC was killed, which still made Alice unhappy.

"Sister! The Castle Lord's order has been completed. Let's quickly send the news back and let the Castle Lord launch a general attack."


Dr. Mel's urging sounded again.

This time, Alice did not delay.

After confirming that the copy announcement would really not sound, she put her mind away.

Put the dagger back on the cuff, took out the silk scarf from his pocket, wiped the blood from his face, and put the silk scarf on the candle next to the desk.


As soon as the fire lit up, the silk scarf ignited at one point, and most of it burned instantly.

Alice threw the burning silk scarf on the corpse, as if to destroy the corpse and to vent her anger.

And after doing all this, she also picked up the desk candle and lit the surrounding curtains and other combustibles.

It didn't take a moment for the fire to spread immediately, lighting up the room.

"Knowing that Count Xhosa is so easy to kill, what kind of foreign aid does the lord of the castle call."

Throwing the candle into the firelight, clapping her hands, Alice murmured and walked towards the exit with Dr. Mel.

"Sister, Ye Mo and those people are outsiders after all. Even the many-year-old undercover agent mentioned in the letter from the Castle Lord, because the undercover time is too long, their loyalty can no longer be estimated.

So this group of people were originally cannon fodder. The original plan was that they should take the lead, kill or severely injure Count Xhosa, and finally my doctor would come to complete the final killing plan.

And your task is to kill Dr. Gul, to ensure that there are no redundant medical personnel in the manor, to give me a reasonable reason to "treat" Count Xhosa, and to give me sufficient reasons to appear in the Xhosa manor. "

When Alice heard this, she pouted.

If the bird's beak doctor doesn't die, she really needs to take a risk.

But now, she just needs to hit Huanglong directly and complete the task.

Now that Count Xhosa is dead, she can retire and go back to Snowfield Castle to investigate.

The only thing that makes Alice a little depressed is that she doesn't know how many players are there in Xhosa Manor, and how many players are in Snowfield Castle...

It seems that there is still a lot of things to do next.

Thinking of the depths, Alice frowned again, lost in thought.

Because she was thinking too much, she didn't realize that Dr. Mel had been clinging to her body at some point, and there was a faint flicker of cold light on the cuffs.

"Speaking of which, this Earl of Xhosa is really easy to kill. He is obviously the owner of the manor and has the position of an earl, but he doesn't even have a decent guard..."

At this moment, Alice seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised her head and said to Dr. Mel.

However, in the next instant, she suddenly stopped.

Because she found that Dr. Mel's entire face almost stuck directly on her cheek.

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