As Chu Guang expected, this monster from the void is not invincible.

Not only that, he also understood another thing.

Regardless of whether this monster comes from a corner of this universe or the so-called Creator Universe of the pioneer civilization, they are not qualified to look down on this world——

They are looking down at each other!

When he swung the nitrogen-powered hammer for the second time, he struck the Death Lizard's shoulder with thunderous force. The deep scales like a black hole instantly tore open the skin and flesh, and the broken flesh and blood shot towards the corridor and ceiling behind it like shotguns.


The death giant lizard twisted its huge body and stumbled backwards, its soybean-like eyes filled with fear.

It couldn't believe that this guy who didn't look much bigger than the other little mice actually had such terrifying power!

Not even just power—

This guy's reaction speed and calmness when facing it are so strong that he doesn't seem to belong to this universe.

Could it be——

Like himself, he also comes from the void? !

There was no time to continue thinking.

The whistling hammer was enveloped in violent airflow, and in an instant it hit its face again!

It tried to resist, turning back several times to avoid the fatal blow, and then its throat surged forward, and a mouthful of thick black phlegm sprayed towards the blue can.

However, its little thoughts did not escape Chu Guang's eyes.

Seeing the thick phlegm flying towards him, Chu Guang didn't hesitate at all in his hand movements, and the falling hammer hit the floor!


The violent airflow is released instantly!

The entire corridor felt like it had been bombarded by 155mm heavy artillery!

The twisted steel and broken wreckage were torn down with the roar of the explosion. As the surging air flow swept forward, the black phlegm evaporated in just a moment, and then blasted towards the open-mouthed death with unabated momentum. Monitor lizard!


The death dragon's face felt as if it had been slapped with a big ear, and the huge front half of its body was actually pushed up by the surging airflow!

The moment its front feet left the ground, this huge beast immediately realized something was wrong, and panicked and tried to press its body down to protect its relatively weak lower body.

However, its actions were obviously a step slower.

The blue armor penetrated the smoke, and the moment it saw the steel boots, a hammer like a cannonball had already hit its abdomen!

There was no room to dodge or move.

It could only watch helplessly as the hammer swept over and hit its chest firmly.


The extremely compressed nitrogen is like a bladeless battle axe, splitting its internal organs into pieces before cutting off its bones and flesh!

This time it couldn't even utter a cry, and its huge body like a locomotive was torn into two pieces and hit the shattered floor with a deafening bang.

The outcome seemed to be decided.

Looking at the hind limbs separated from the body, with only two front legs hanging on the ground, the death monitor lizard no longer had the arrogance it had before, and a terrified whimper squeezed out of its bloody throat.


Chu Guang looked down at it, but he didn't see the eyes begging for mercy. Instead, he watched the dark red flesh sprouts pouring out from the front half of its body, twisting and growing backwards, trying to grow the lost half of its body. .

As for the back half of the body that was separated from the head, dark red flesh buds also grew out, but it didn't last long. After twisting for a while, it gave up without finding the head.

Just as he expected.

This guy's regeneration ability is not unlimited, and the growth rate this time is obviously much slower than before.

But this guy is so ruthless that even his lower body can grow back after being cut off from the waist.

Where does the organic matter required for growth come from?

"What kind of monster are you?" Chu Guang stared at it and said.

The beast didn't answer, but stared at him in horror with its soybean-like eyes.

That look seemed to say, you are the monster.

However, Chu Guang didn't want to argue with him on this issue. He tightened the war hammer in his hand and walked towards it in an orderly manner.

"I don't think you can speak human language either."

If only there were psychic powers.

However, in fact, even if you have psychic powers, you may not be able to communicate.

The Doma people are able to communicate with the plants on the planet Gaia because they live in that forest. On Earth, they may not be able to communicate with creatures of lower intelligence.

A materialistic explanation is that this special way of transmitting information must be based on resonance, and there are many ways to form resonance.

Just when Chu Guang gave up the plan of communication and picked up the hammer to photograph the monster into a specimen, the opening and closing mouth actually started to spit out human words.

"Do not kill me……"

Chu Guang stopped what he was doing, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Can you speak human language?"

It seemed like this guy was really pissed off.

"Your... language... is very troublesome... I don't know how to speak."

As if to buy time, or just to stay away from him, the lizard twisted its upper body and retreated, speaking in a hoarse voice.

"I have seen...many...things similar to are the strongest..."

Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, not caring about its little movements, and stared at it with interest and continued to ask.

"Have you met many people like me?"

The Death Lizard gasped.

"Yes... they... some... are the same as you. Some use swords and armor. They... all speak different words..."

This sentence contains quite a bit of information.

Chu Guang frowned slightly, stared at it and said.

"You mean, you've been to many worlds?"

The death giant lizard nodded slightly, staring at him in astonishment with its bean-silk pupils written in disbelief.

"Yes...wait, you haven't been to? Other universes?"

Chu Guang wanted to say no, but soon remembered that it didn't seem accurate.

He has not only been there.

He even traveled through time in the first place, but his physical body didn't come with him.

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about, but if you tell me what you know, I might consider saving your life."

The death giant lizard suddenly grinned, as if the monster in front of it suddenly no longer threatened.

However, that was only for a moment.

It seemed to have thought of something, and its eyes became wary again, unwilling to say another word.

"... Then I have nothing to say to you... Goodbye... the ugly upright ape... the hairless kind."

It seemed like the most vicious curse it could come up with, but it didn't sound lethal.

Rather than a few innocuous curses, Chu Guang cared more about the information it revealed from the previous sentence.

What this guy means has been to many different universes?

This sounds a bit ridiculous.

But Chu Guang quickly remembered Nanmen Er's affairs, as well as his own affairs.

If you want to say something ridiculous——

Is there anything more ridiculous than a "player"?

Just as he was thinking about it, the flesh sprouts twisting at the wound of the death monitor suddenly stopped growing.

The energy supporting its regeneration seemed to have finally been exhausted, and it seemed that a certain existence hiding behind it thought that it was meaningless to continue to support it, and it completely breathed its last breath.

Chu Guang stared at it, frowning slightly, but did not relax his vigilance.

After all, no one can say whether this is some kind of clumsy cover-up.

The dust floating around gradually settled, and the sound of rapid footsteps came from the other end of the corridor.

Several players wearing heavy-duty exoskeletons came from the entrance of the elevator, followed by two officers from the Guards Regiment.

Looking at the messy corridor, the three pieces of scrapped power armor cut into eight pieces, and the lifeless lizard, the expressions on everyone's faces became more exciting than the last.

There was shock, astonishment, regret for missing the hidden mission, and incredible surprises.


"I haven't made a move yet!"

"boSS was defeated?!"

“Brother Guang is awesome!!!”

"Gan! My chance!!!"

"What do you mean?"

The players were all noisy, while the two NPC officers were completely stunned.

Obviously, they didn't expect that the manager would be here at all, and they didn't expect that this monster that even the fifth-stage awakened people were helpless would be solved by this adult.

Although they want to remind managers to pay attention to safety out of duty, no matter how you look at it, this sentence seems a bit redundant.

At this time, the sound of chains being pulled came from the safe passage.

As the alarm was lifted, the researchers waiting in the safe passage immediately raised the fire shutter and returned to the messy corridor.

"Oh my God...Did a nuclear bomb explode here? Uh...Chu, Chu Guang?!"

Looking at Chu Guang standing in the "center of the explosion", Yin Fang, who was the first to return to the corridor, was dumbfounded and opened his mouth for a moment not knowing what to say.

After unhooking the visor of his helmet, Chu Guang smiled at him, glanced at the person behind him again, and said in a gentle tone.

"No one in the institute was injured."

"No..." Yin Fang shook his head, noticed the three corpses in the corridor, his Adam's apple moved, lowered his head and said, "...I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, keep your head and chest up."

Putting the warhammer in his hand behind his back, Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang with a look of shame on his face and a group of researchers who had survived the disaster and continued.

"You have done a great job minimizing loss of personnel in the face of unprecedented security conditions. This evacuation can serve as a model for other institutes to follow and you should be proud."

Yin Fang: "But..."

"Risk prevention is not about eliminating risks. No one can eliminate risks. If every researcher has to apologize for unexpected situations and be responsible for losses beyond their duties, then they should stop doing any research and just sit in the office and write reports. safest."

Walking to the side of the safe passage, Chu Guang patted the dust on his shoulders and said in a gentle tone.

"I will let others handle the aftermath, including pensions and compensation. Don't embarrass yourself too much. If I had made it clear that experiments were prohibited, I would not have approved the establishment of the Seventh Research Institute."

Pioneer Civilization did advise someone not to try to break the fourth wall, but Pioneer Civilization is not the father of the Alliance. The fate of human civilization is ultimately the responsibility of human beings themselves, and we cannot rely on a group of illusory fathers to take care of it.

If you expect that thing to be really responsible, you might as well expect your family to direct everything.

This thing is like a nuclear test. People who are making fun of atomic energy warn people who don't have nuclear weapons not to mess around. You really need to listen to the experience of people who have experienced it, but if you interpret "don't mess around" as "don't do research", then That's pure nonsense.

Chu Guang is more willing to believe that as long as a box is left there, it will definitely be opened.

Either it is opened by human civilization, or it is opened by other beings in this universe. There is no difference in the final result.

It is impossible for people to escape fate in the true sense. In most cases, what they escape is just choice, leaving the fate that should be in their own hands to others.

Looking at the researchers who had regained their confidence, Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued.

"...However, the current results are a bit beyond our expectations. I hope you will write a report to me on what has happened, and also improve the experimental facilities in response to this attack. For example... equip with necessary physics disinfecting method. What comes this time is a alien species. I don’t rule out that what comes next time will be a virus or something else.”

"In addition, the Guards recently discovered some unusual 'anomalies' during their investigation in Dawn City. It is currently unclear whether these anomalies are related to the perforator experiment. I hope you will assist the Guards in the investigation."

"Understood!" Looking at the manager, Director Dai nodded solemnly, and then ordered the staff in chemical protective suits to come forward and recover the body lying in the corridor.

This monster climbed out of the perforator. It must be the so-called "existence stuck in the wall."

If they can extract tissue samples from it, it may help them reveal what the void is.

Then at this moment, the accident happened.

A researcher extracted a small amount of blood sample through a dropper and scanned it under a portable sample analyzer, only to find that the lens was completely black and there was nothing.

At first he thought the instrument was broken, so he borrowed a colleague's instrument, but the results were still the same.

No matter how he adjusted the option magnification, all he saw was pure black. Not even a trace of impurities could be seen, let alone platelets or tissue cells soaked in the liquid.


He let out a light sigh, and in line with the principle of finding out what was going on, he switched the optical microscope to radio mode, and raised the magnification directly from 1,000 to the maximum - 100,000!

Under this magnification, he could even see the twist-like chromosomes in the cell nucleus.

However, what surprised him was that the lens was still pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

"What the hell..."

If the penetrating power of visible light is not enough, it would be understandable if he encounters any obstacles. However, he has already switched the visible light source to transmitted electrons, and the result is still pitch black, which is a bit outrageous.

He even had the illusion that what he was observing didn't exist at all.

In other words, it is some kind of substance that is divided into atoms and then divided again. It is impossible to observe it with their existing observation methods.

Of course such things exist in the universe.

For example, "dark matter".

These invisible and intangible things do not interact with electromagnetic waves in any form and are almost unaffected by any force other than gravity.

The academic circles in the People's Federation era proposed using "quark gluon slurry" to interfere with gravitons, and then use gravitons as probes to scan dark matter. Unfortunately, this idea is too advanced, and the technology of the People's Federation is not yet advanced enough. The extent of using gravitons to do such delicate work.

In contrast, although "quark gluon slurry" has not made a big splash in the field of high-energy physics, the by-products produced by a series of studies on it have been widely used in many fields.

For example, phase cannons, deflector shields, anti-gravity devices, and the hyperspace engine that marks the pinnacle of human joint aerospace technology, etc. Although they use nuclear fusion reactors, they essentially use "quark gluon slurry" As a medium for interfering gravitons.

Of course, these are all far off topic.

In short, when the researcher discovered that the monster's blood was suspected to be some kind of "high-density" dark matter, he immediately ran to Yin Fang and Director Dai with an expression as if he had seen a ghost, and reported his findings. .

Yin Fang and Dai Huaian were both stunned for a moment, with expressions on their faces as if they had seen a ghost.

"Dark is this possible?"

Although that thing is everywhere in the universe, and its total mass is much more than the matter visible to the naked eye, its density is extremely thin, and it neither produces nor emits any electromagnetic waves.

As we all know, the reason why human eyes can see things is because the photoreceptor cells in the eyes can distinguish electromagnetic waves of specific wavelengths.

If this thing is really dark matter, then they can't see it at all.

And because dark matter is not affected by the strong and weak interactions, it is simply impossible for this thing to assemble to form an observable stable structure.

Like quicksand, it will pass directly through the surface of all objects visible to the naked eye, and then be carried by gravity to the core of the massive celestial body. Then it will split into isolated particles, fly along the gravity surface, and finally disappear in the invisible.

Of course, this is just a possibility in the hypothesis, and in fact it is impossible for dark matter to gather together at all——

Just when the two of them were stunned, an even more incredible scene happened.

The black blood in the test tube and the liquid lying in the petri dish of the analyzer suddenly became transparent.

Without waiting for anyone to react, they disappeared out of thin air as if they had lost all restraints.

Exclamations came one after another.

"This is……"

Seeing the sample disappearing out of thin air, Dai Huaian was stunned, while Yin Fang, standing next to him, suddenly turned his attention to the monitor lizard body that was broken into two parts.

The same thing seems to be happening over there.

Under the eyes of everyone, the huge body gradually became empty, light and empty... and finally turned into dust and escaped into nothingness like a collapsed sand barrier.

[Bilance], who stood up with support on the wall, widened his eyes and watched helplessly as the monster that killed his three good brothers disappeared into the corridor out of thin air as if it had never been there.


When will this game automatically clean up corpses? !

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