[Server-wide announcement: Lagrange Point Space Station has been occupied by the Burning Corps! 】

[Server-wide announcement: Congratulations to the players "Empty Time", "The Day is Long", "Level 8 Strong Wind"... for winning the limited title of "Savior of Civilization"! This achievement will go into the Hall of Fame! 】

[Server-wide announcement: The beta test will end soon, and the open beta is expected to come with the expansion pack "The Opening of New Channels"! 】


Three consecutive server-wide announcements hit the official website!

The already bustling forum was now like a bucket of gasoline poured on it!

Lagrange Point space station occupied!

The largest evil force in the wasteland has been wiped out!

Of course, these are not the point——

What makes players and cloud players scream the most is the long-awaited open beta and the brand new information! ! !

The moment the announcement appeared on the official website, posts in the forum flooded the screen at a rate of tens of thousands per second, and a huge flow of information emerged like an avalanche!

Tails: "Oh oh oh! New route!! (??)"

Garbage Picking Level 99: "Brother Guang is awesome!!! (broken sound)"

Thunder King Professor Yang: "Public beta!!! My public beta!!! (Screaming)"

What can Ye Ao do to me: "Haha, keep bragging, if this crappy game really happens, I will live stream the handstand and have diarrhea! (sneer)"

Tyrannosaurus: "I'm crying. I've gone from a junior high school student to a high school student, and I've finished testing this game."

Irena: "Then you stay there for two more years, and you will be an adult soon. (Funny)"

Tyrannosaurus Warrior: "Fuck!"

Fujito: "Time flies so fast, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye. (?′?`?)"

Crow Crow: "Yes~"

Sisi: "Well, I almost forgot about the open beta, but I didn't expect Aguang still remembered it."

Aoao Sesame Paste: "It feels like there will be a lot more new players. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o"

Roshan Damomo: "In other words, the server will be full of strange people. (o__)?"

Aoao Sesame Paste: "Ah hahaha... That's inevitable."

Irena: "Like Brother Ye Ao? (Funny)"

Elf King Fugui: "A craft passed down from our ancestors, specializing in treating hypotension. (Funny)"

c There is really a mosquito: "Quack, give him to me, I like cuteness the most. (bad smile)"

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Where are the brothers from the Burning Legion? Why didn't you see them coming down to show off?"

Commander Quan Shui: "I heard from Lao Bai that they plan to take a group photo on the space station. It will probably take a while, haha."

Ye Shi: "Damn it! Don't take this good thing with me! I'm losing blood!!! qAq"

Debt-ridden eyes: "Get out of here! I want to take advantage of everything. I've gone too far! (Angry)"

The construction site boy and Brick: "That's right! You already have a starship, why are you still dissatisfied!!! (angry)"

Tails: "Starship!!! Tails wants it too! qAq"

Sisi: "Uh, let me think of a way? (Guilty)"

Fujito: "(laughing) (laughing)"

Jiujiu loves to eat pineapple: "The starship is ready for you, I will take Dora away, hehehe. (\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/)"

I feel sleepy when I wake up: "I heard it's bigger than a crow. (Stay)"

Makabazi: "Two, the power of two crows?"

Stop talking nonsense: "(nosebleed)(nosebleed)"

Crow Crow: "What the hell is the power of two crows? Don't use me as a reference!!! (angry) (angry)"

Killing the chicken at midnight: "Here, you're welcome. (*??)-?"

Irena: "Shivering. (Funny)"

The forum was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and the quarrel between players and cloud players continued, but the topic had jumped from which planet the new route was opened to the manager's CP.

This is also a common topic


Ever since the alpha version was tested, this matter has been gossiping on the official website.

After all, as we all know, most NPCs in this game have emotions and desires, except for the most NPC-like managers.

This guy seems to have no private life and seems to spend all his time at work, so that most new players only have an impression of him as "the mascot of the alliance" and nothing else.

Someone with good intentions opened a voting post and wrote down the names of NPCs who were suspected of having py transactions.

In addition to Boss Xia, there are also exceptions such as Heya, Nicole, Yin Fang, and Dog Planner, who are not in the game at all.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to select a serious result in this kind of voting post. In the end, the outrageous option must get the most votes.

However, to everyone's surprise, the one who finally topped the list was a wastebasket named Xiaoqi!

The reason why this result was beyond everyone's expectation is not because of Germany's mismatch or anything. After all, Xiaoqi's popularity on the forum is not low, second only to the alliance's real mascot, Xiaoyu.

What’s really surprising is that the voting results were incredibly “serious” and the vote rate was as high as an astonishing 99%!

As a result, the number two planner "Xiao Qi" who appeared on the list with a vote rate of 1% does not have so many advantages.

Many people said that their voting button felt like it had been picked out, and they couldn't make a splash when they pressed it.

Wei Wei: "giao! Did so many people vote for Xiaoqi? Tai Wei voted for Boss Xia. (Guilty)"

Roshan Big Momo: "I'm just like you. (Beep quietly)"

Teng Teng: "I voted for Alyssa... (guilty)"

Debt-eyed: "What the hell is Alyssa?!"

Fujito: "But don't you think it's a good match? Both of us are the kind of people who shine... (whisper)"

Commander Quan Shui: "It's rare that this guy has a slightly normal cp. I thought she would vote for Yin Fang... (Hold her forehead)"

Fujito: "It's not impossible. (\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/)"

c There is really a mosquito: "Quack, quack, I voted for him! (bad smile)"

Edge stroke: "Pfft——"

Ye Shi: "Wait a minute, Alyssa will die, right? Boss Xia's HP is thicker anyway? By the way, I also voted for Yin Fang."

Commander Fountain: "Well, if you want to put it that way, it can only be Frost. Well, so I voted for Ibos."

Edge paddling: "???"

Debt-eyed: "Wait, so who voted for Xiaoqi?! (Shocked)"

What can I do? "Is this really cheating?!"

(Reservation player "Ye Ao Nai Wo He" encountered a random event on the forum and was hit by a meteorite and was hospitalized. He was banned from speaking for 24 hours.)

Thunder Dharma King Professor Yang: "Wait, at least it has to be a human being?!"

(Reservation player "Professor Yang, King of Thunder" encountered a random incident on the forum. He was hit by a flower pot when he went out and was banned for 24 hours.)


Just as the forum was filled with a happy atmosphere, the distant Lagrange Point space station was also filled with a happy atmosphere.

The death rate of the 2,000 good brothers who landed was only half, and a full 1,000 players survived, far exceeding the initial expectations of the staff who planned the operation.

All joking aside, the battle that landed the Heart of Steel was much more difficult than this battle.

Although Tianren is more than a little stronger than General McClun many years ago, the alliance today is not the same as it was back then.

After experiencing so many battles of blood and fire, if anyone from the Burning Corps is picked up and thrown into the past, they will all be strong men above T0.

In contrast, although the Celestial beings hiding behind the scenes have the technology and legacy of the pre-war era, they have less combat experience and determination to win than the Alliance.

It's more than a little off.

From this perspective, their loss was not unfair.

Since the landing craft bound for Lagrange Point does not have a return function, everyone will have to stay here for a while, at least until the Alliance repairs the Orion guided missile cruiser parked in geosynchronous orbit and drives over.

To celebrate this hard-won victory, some players suggested taking a group photo.

So a large group of players carried the flag of the alliance and went outside the space station, posing in various poses to take photos.

In addition to those players who are keen on showing off and checking in, there are also some players who are eager to explore and choose to hang out in the space station.

The previous strategy was so hurried that they didn't even have time to take a closer look at this wonder of the League of Nations era.

Now that the battle is over, I finally have time to rummage through the boxes. A large number of players have poured into various areas of the space station, pondering over this incredibly large space fortress.

In the shipbuilding area of ​​the space station, the empty production area is like a tall building lying horizontally——

And it's the kind of ideal city.

The unfinished hull is moored quietly in the empty cabin.

Judging from the appearance alone, the boxy hull seems to be just a section of a certain layer of plywood on the Orion guided missile cruiser.

Starships in the People's Alliance era seem to have adopted this modular processing technology.

When a set of blocks is produced, it will be moved horizontally or vertically on a fixed track to the "U-shaped port" outside the space station, where it will be assembled with other modules, and finally the entire starship will be cast like building blocks.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this modular design that the Gemini that crashed in Nanmen 2 broke into dozens of pieces of debris.

But even with modular technology, the size of a single module here is staggering.

All the space stations on the earth put together are not as good as the suspension here.

Looking at the armor shell fixed on the bracket and the dense rows of mechanical arms, the man in the corner holding the rifle couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't understand...you said the People's Alliance is so powerful, how come it's not there?"

Fang Chang, who was walking next to him, glanced at him.

"Why are you still asking this question now?"

The sixth person in the corner: "Aren't you curious?"

"Curiosity is curiosity, but you can't discuss two issues that are not logically related together."

Fang Chang sighed and said patiently.

"Strength does not mean immortality. Even the sun will burn out one day, let alone a regime that exists in a specific historical period. When it cannot satisfy the interests of all classes within itself, it will naturally come to the end of its life. This is true for the Legion. , the same was true for the Borneo Kingdom during the Abu Sak period... But at this time, its strength will not only be of no help, but will become a huge hidden danger."

The old man in the corner scratched the back of his head and said with a blank look on his face.


He couldn't understand.

Fang Chang thought for a while and said.

"A ton of black powder or a ton of metallic hydrogen, which explosion is more powerful?"

The old man in the corner was dumbfounded.

"Of course it's metallic hydrogen, but this...isn't an appropriate metaphor?"

Fang Chang said casually.

"This is the most appropriate metaphor. You can figure it out if you use your brain a little bit."

Because the People's Union is so strong, it is impossible to fall.

When everyone thinks so in unison, it is often the beginning of the end of an era of prosperity.

Because behind "it is impossible to fall", there is often another layer of metaphor hidden -

That means I can do whatever I want.

This so-called "mischief" does not actually refer to a specific behavior of a certain high-level member of the People's Federation, but to the bottom-up and top-down differences among different strata of society.

The strength of the People’s Federation is not a castle in the sky floating in the sky, but the power within the People’s Federation

All levels of the ministry possess unparalleled power.

When the differences between the parties reach a critical point, and this unparalleled power is no longer used to create but to eliminate differences, the "Minsky moment" belonging to the People's Federation has arrived.

At that time, unless a stronger force intervenes from the outside to forcibly hold down the exploding powder keg, no one can stop the explosion of the powder keg.


There is no such powerful presence next to the People's Federation.

The academy that dominated the wasteland was nothing more than a loose academic organization during the period of the People's Federation.

Fang Chang himself is not a historian, so it is difficult to analyze the specific reasons for the collapse of the People's League, and it is also difficult to determine at what moment the collapse of the People's League occurred.

However, based on past work experience, he can make a conclusion with certainty that the three-year war was just the fuse that ignited the conflict, or the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"...Even you can't analyze it. It seems that this part is destined to be a blank in the background information."

The sixth man in the corner sighed in resignation, with a bit of unfinished regret on his face.

Actually, think about it.

If the People's Federation really collapses due to the failure of a battle or the wrong decision of a certain person, then no matter who this person is or what he has done, his strength will pale in comparison.

In fact, don’t talk about the People’s League.

Even Boulder City, with a population of only a few hundred thousand, cannot be summed up in two or three sentences.

If we were to put it into the People's League with a population of hundreds of millions, if we really wanted to fully explain the reasons for its collapse and disintegration, I'm afraid we would have to start before the beginning of the Era of Prosperity and cover the contents of an entire book.

The thickness of this book is undoubtedly much thicker than the history of the alliance.

Looking at the regretful sixth man in the corner, Fang Chang smiled faintly and said in an understatement.

"It is nothing to regret that all things will survive after the whale falls. The wonders left by the People's Federation have surpassed the miracles created by any organization that existed in the classical era, and the past hundred years can't be compared to this The changes of this planet in the past tens of thousands of years are even more exciting..."

"Even if their era is over, it won't change the giants they once were."

"Moreover, we did live up to their high expectations and stood up again from the ruins."

After that, he patted the shoulder of the sixth man in the corner, smiled and turned his attention to the next cabin.

"It's time to move on."

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