This Game Is Too Realistic

Final thoughts! ! !

Finished spreading flowers!

Three years!

This novel of nearly 7 million words was finally written to the end without leaving too many regrets.

Strictly speaking, the stories after the behind-the-scenes chapter are all extras of the behind-the-scenes episode.

If you continue writing, it will be a new beginning.

First of all, thank you readers for your support!

In this fast-paced era, it is my lifelong honor to have you by my side!

And thank you so much to the editor! Every time I encounter a bug, thanks to Mayju and Blu-ray Ju for taking timely action! If you have friends who want to open a book, you can submit your manuscript to them. Your character guarantee is absolutely reliable!

And Operations Officer A Qi, I’m really sorry that I’ve been having sex with him for so long! I'm probably an author with relatively little enthusiasm, and novel activities are basically done by him and his friends in the management group. Now that he has graduated from college, he has inherited the family factory and became the boss. Although he is extremely reluctant to give up and can no longer continue to have sex with his good brother for free, I still wish him good luck in his career! (Please be sure to take me with you when you get rich!)

And Brother Nuanyang rewarded me with the first golden alliance in my life! The memory is still fresh to this day!

But I really can’t pay the updates I owe you guys... I can only pay them back with the next book. QAQ

(The main reason is that the number of words in one chapter of this book is indeed a bit too much. I am used to writing a complete plot in one chapter. In fact, sometimes the number of words in one chapter can be worth three or four chapters...probably.)

Anyway, thank you for your continued support!

Especially the good brothers who have followed from the first chapter to now!

Personally, it has been a long time since I have read a long online article in its entirety, especially if I started reading it from a new issue.

It is not easy to build a building, but it is even more difficult for you who watch a building being built from the foundation to the last brick!

I believe that when I uploaded the last chapter with the feeling that "it's done", the smile on your face must be one of relief or unfinished satisfaction.

If so, don’t doubt it!

That’s resonance!

Ha ha!

Resonance is actually the theme of this book.

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's hearts. I dare not lie and write the story in everyone's heart. I only hope that I can live up to your expectations!

If I regret to be let down, I will be extremely ashamed, but also extremely pleased, which means that I am not alone, and you must have a better story in your heart!

A long, long time ago, I actually embarked on the path of writing novels in this way.

Let’s review the past three years!

Let’s start with the unsatisfactory parts.

For myself, my biggest regret may be the emotions of the protagonist.

Unlike several of the more popular couples in the book, as a qualified "behind-the-scenes mastermind", it is difficult for him to meet the other half that he will naturally meet at a certain stage of his life like other characters.

This is also the biggest trouble I encounter in writing.

From my own experience in relationships, an unequal relationship will almost certainly become unbalanced in the end, no matter which party in the relationship it is.

Therefore, if you want to add a CP to a certain character instead of a licking dog, it is best to let them go on adventures together, face and solve problems together.

For example, the most typical Ye Shi and Xiao Jiang, both of them achieved significant growth after the Orion incident.

But the protagonist... With this kind of character positioning, it's hard to find a logical scene for him to take risks.

If compared to chess, his position is obviously in the "handsome" position.

There are several people next to him, and you can count on your fingers what plots they can trigger.

If there is no shared experience, no matter how you write it, it will seem awkward.

Either the other party has some plot against him, and the interests of political groups are mixed into love, such as the most typical Avni (although I didn't write it for CP in the first place).

Or it can easily become a one-way arrow like Boss Xia, Shuangxue, etc., falling in love with that shining person because he was saved by that beam of light that shone into the darkness, but the other person's favorability may not be as high as The level of "love".

Just from the perspective of creative logic, it is much harder to find a CP for Chu Guang than it is to find a CP for Lu Zhou.

Most of the time, the latter still belongs to the human category, and most of the problems they face are human problems, such as "which one should I choose?"

The former is set to be a god created by mortals - that is, the "gestalt life form" hinted at from the beginning of the novel, a cybergod created by technology (biology, sociology, etc.).

Many times, I actually create in this direction.

It even includes adding contrasting characters to highlight his differences from humans, differences from other gods, etc.

In the end, after much deliberation, Xiao Qi, who had accompanied him through 777 rebirths, was the most suitable one.

However, this kind of relationship may be more inclined to companionship, and it is somewhat different from CP in the traditional sense.

Is that love?


Different people may have different answers, but no matter what, I don't want to do this part of reading comprehension for the readers.

For the next book I might try to put the protagonist in another perspective and try something I haven’t written before.

Although this may be nonsense, after all, "Chu Guang" was a character I had never written before writing this book.

Including many characters in this book.

In addition, after talking about the unsatisfactory aspects, I also praised myself for doing well.

I also didn’t expect to be able to fit so many characters into my not-so-large head, and remember what happened to each of them, the bright and dark threads they were going through, the stage they were in in life, the growth they gained during the adventure, and Changes in beliefs and more.

I believe friends who have written books will understand how difficult this is, haha.

In addition, for my own writing career, the biggest improvement of this book is probably to fill in the pits.

To be honest, all the holes dug from the first chapter of the novel have been filled in, and the main plot has basically been completed until the new era.

As for some places that have not been written in detail or have been briefly mentioned, they were basically written from the beginning as blank spaces in the story, or as a shadow to set off the happy ending.

After all, there are so many players. If we really take every perspective into consideration, it would be unrealistic to rely on just me.

And all I can do is to select a few relatively relaxed and representative perspectives and describe a few key events with less heavy brush strokes.

As for the stories that happen outside the perspective, we can only use your imagination to complete them.

please! Help me write some fan fiction for all ages! I'm also curious about what happened after that! (Crazy hint jpg)

(Don’t write any more stuffed versions. I still dare not click on some of the stuff sent to me by big guys.)

Finally, let’s report the results. So far, the book has been ordered for about 91,400!

High order 241520!

The completion of the book is still being scheduled. There have been a lot of new books recently, so I think I will have to wait a week or two, but it shouldn’t be too long!

The next book will probably be around August? If it's soon, maybe July, and at the latest it shouldn't be later than September. Even later, I might not be able to hold back what I want to write.

I will use this time to collect materials carefully and do my best to bring you better stories!

Thank you brothers for your continued support and company!

Thank you for being willing to read my immature stories!

See you in the next story (universe)!

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