This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 306 The Knife Out of the Sheath (Happy New Year)

Xizhou City, Fourth New District.

The ruins of broken walls are covered with wooden planks and bridges, and ferocious faces are hidden in the watchtowers made of concrete stones and steel bars.

They carry rifles on their backs and hang human or beast teeth and bones on their bodies as symbols of bravery and barbarism.

This is the urban area closest to Xizhou City and Xizhou Lake.

Due to neglect of maintenance of water conservancy facilities all year round, excess lake water has overflowed into the city, turning half of the Fourth New District into a swamp.

This new river spreads from the low-lying areas of the city to the north and joins the Tianshui flowing eastward.

The headquarters of the Ya clan is located on the north bank of the river.

The river water that floods the streets is a natural barrier, and alien species that like moist environments, such as cleavage crabs, have nested in large numbers nearby.

These looters connected the buildings with wooden plank roads, reinforced the ruins, and built the camp into a fortress surrounded by rivers.

Some spacious buildings were transformed into workshops for the production of weapons and ammunition. Slaves in ragged clothes sat at the workbench, operating simple tools and banging on the rough workpieces. .

The wide roofs have been transformed into plantations, where green wheat, potato or some beans for cooking meat are grown.

In fact, although these predators have little knowledge and are not very willing to use their brains, it does not mean that they are stupid.

Whether it is their leader or the staff of those legions, they are very clear about the huge number of tens of thousands of troops eating, drinking, eating and drinking and consuming ammunition every day.

To solve the supply problem, it is obviously not enough to just rely on a few businessmen to help them handle the loot.

Some new tribesmen who knew production were promoted to "craftsmen". These people designed rafts for transportation, waterwheels for power generation, and simple cranes for lifting goods for the Ya clan. They relied on rivers to complete the logistics of dispersed industrial areas.

In return for them, they can choose three slaves to take with them, and their children do not have to be sent to the clan's "nursery" and can be raised by themselves.

However, even after taking a series of measures, the Ya clan still lacks resources.

There is no shortage of steel and aluminum in the city, but copper, which is relatively easy to process, was almost exhausted a century ago.

They can only search for cables that have not yet been dug, and they have to risk being attacked by resistance guerrillas.

Those rats hiding in the gutter are like ghosts. Although their weapons are poor, they can cause a lot of trouble every time they appear.

It is precisely for this reason that once members of the resistance organization are caught, inhumane torture and torture usually await them.

In the main account of the Ya clan.

Looking at Tie Ya kneeling on one knee at the foot of the steps, the man sitting on a chair made of human bones frowned slightly.

His name is Skullcrusher Goldtooth, the former being a title he gave himself, and the latter being his name.

The two-meter-tall body and shoulders as wide as truck wheels made him look like a hill. His dark skin was faintly glowing with green light, and there were two teeth made of gold embedded in his mouth.

He is the leader of the Ya clan and the chief of the Bone Chewing Tribe, with tens of thousands of people under his command.

Some say he is a descendant of mutants and humans.

But in fact, humans invaded by mutants can only give birth to mutants, and there is no mixing of the two.

"A copper mine was discovered in Yuanxi Town?"

Tie Yaweng, who was kneeling on one knee, said in a voice.

"Yes, respected leader."

Jin Ya continued to ask.

"Why didn't you notice it when you were there?"

Tie Ya hesitated for a moment and said.

"I don't know, Sir, we don't know what a copper mine looks like, but our scouts discovered that the blue gophers in Qingquan City are mining copper mines!"

Everyone in the account was whispering.

Many of the predators' eyes flashed with excitement.

At this time, a hunky-backed man stepped forward, without even looking at Tie Ya who was kneeling on one knee, and facing Jin Ya who was sitting upright with his hands clasped in his fists.

"Lord Leader, please allow me to lead my subordinates to fight! In less than ten days, I will definitely bring Yuanxi Town under your banner!"

His name is Xiongya.

When he said these words, there was a hint of arrogance at the corner of his mouth.

At first, the leader assigned the task of going south to Lion Tooth, but that guy constantly failed to live up to the leader's expectations. He even failed to enter Qingquan City. He stayed in Yuanxi Town for a whole winter and escaped back in despair without firing a shot. Now he is hiding in Qingshi County and digging holes.

Such a cowardly captain is a disgrace to the clan!

If he were to take the lead, not to mention the blue gophers in the northern suburbs, even the legendary boulder city would not be able to last a single round in front of his tiger and wolf army!

Xiong Ya is not the only one who holds this idea.

Seeing this, other captains also stepped forward to ask for orders, expressing their willingness to lead their troops to fight for the clan!

Jinya said nothing.

He stared at Tie Ya who was kneeling on one knee and thought for a moment, then slowly spoke.

"I'll give you five hundred people, and you bring a message to Shiya for me. Within a week, I want to see the flag of the Ya clan planted on the land of Yuanxi Town."

Tie Ya lowered his head and accepted the order.


After the meeting.

Standing next to the gold tooth, a man with a bulge in the middle of his nose nodded slightly and said.

"I'm afraid the copper mine is just a cover. Yuanxi Town is located on the front line. If there really is any copper mine there if we step back ten thousand steps, the survivors in the northern suburbs will definitely not dare to mine it in a big way."

His name was Dillon, and he was once the captain of the Legion's expeditionary force. After the expeditionary force was defeated, he led the remnants of his troops to defect to the Bone Chewing Tribe. After being received by Gold Tooth, he was appointed as a strategist and served as a prophet in the tribe.

After listening to the military advisor's opinions, Jinya, who was sitting upright, smiled faintly.

"I know that the Lion Tooth guys probably want to use the copper mine as an excuse to ask us for reinforcements. I'll just give them five hundred people."

"Reinforcements have arrived. It's unreasonable not to go out to fight."

After taking Yuanxi Town, the north gate of Qingquan City will be under the control of the Ya clan. Regardless of whether there are copper mines there, at least the tens of thousands of acres of fertile farmland south of the Yumu District can be seen.

Recently, more and more raiders have come to Xizhou City to join them. The tribe's population has expanded to more than 30,000, and the little food grown by the slaves is no longer enough.

Coupled with the plague outbreak in Xizhou City, he has been having a lot of headaches about food these days.

Although now is not the best time to go south, you can first defeat Yuanxi Town, and then use the safety of the northern suburbs as a threat to let those blue coats take the initiative to pay tribute to them and solve their immediate urgent needs.

When the autumn harvest came, he ordered people to invade the northern suburbs of Qingquan and completely take over the abundant granaries of the local survivors.

Thinking of this, Jin Ya showed a cruel smile on his face.

This wave.

This wave calls for fattening the sheep and then killing them!

At the same time that Tie Ya led 500 reinforcements to Qingshi County, a "server announcement" was suddenly updated on the official website of Wasteland OL.

Expansion pack: "Knives Out" officially launched!

Introduction: Chaos is spreading in the river valley, and the Ya clan entrenched in Xizhou City is plotting to continue going south. We will nip threats in the bud before they strike.


1. All "corps" please complete the sign-in at the assembly point before the start of the event, and go to the front line after the war mobilization is over.

2. The "points" obtained in the expansion pack will determine the player's income at the end of the campaign and can be used in the lottery after the expansion pack ends.

3. "Life professional players" can also receive points in addition to contribution points and silver coins when completing orders or other tasks with expansion pack tags.


Expansion pack released!

Chu Guang expertly pinned the announcement to the top.

Almost as soon as the announcement was posted, the official website forum, which had been chatting about the gossip between managers and Boss Xia a second ago, instantly shifted the focus of the topic to the newly updated expansion pack!

Tails: "Eh heh heh?! The expansion pack has been updated? Weren't we still talking about adults just now? ω\"

Quit smoking: "Northern Expedition! The wait is finally here, hahaha! I've been torn apart by the corps levels I've been doing these past few days!"

Killing a chicken at midnight: "My big ax is hungry and thirsty!"

Edgestroke: "The Death Corps is ready!!!"

Tails: "Oh! The White Bear Knights attack!`?′"

Lao Bai: "The Burning Legion has arrived in Far Creek Town! Everyone, see you in the game! Bare your teeth."

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Gan! How are you so fast?! Where are the brothers of the Skeleton Division! Gather!"

Commander Quan Shui: "Hahahaha, it's time to show off your true skills. Proud."

There are really mosquitoes in WC: "The ace pilots of the Goblin Corps! Get on board!!! The sound is broken"


The replies below the announcement filled the screen.

Players who signed in the post put on their helmets and logged into the game.

Through the player list interface of the manager system, Chu Guang can clearly see that the number of people online is increasing rapidly!

A smile unconsciously appeared on his face, and Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.


This time he deliberately did not give any advance notice, just to test whether players can log in to the game as an organization to participate in the battle in an emergency.

Now it seems that players' enthusiasm for the new expansion pack is stronger than he expected.

According to the plan he and his staff and officers made, in the first phase of the offensive they will first capture Qingshi Town, which is 80 kilometers away from Yuanxi Town, consolidate the local defenses and build artillery positions, and then launch the second phase of the plan to attack the garrisoned town. The Ya clan in Saizhou City launched a full-scale offensive.

After turning off the backend of the official website, Chu Guang got up from the sofa.


An energetic voice came from the side.

"Here you are! Master."

Chu Guang immediately ordered.

"Deploy two Hummingbird drones to Yuanxi Town. Once the frontline headquarters is deployed, the drones will be immediately transferred to Qingshi County!"

"Also, notify all departments and everything is going according to plan!"

Xiaoqi: "Got it!"

Leave the browsing room.

Chu Guang got on the elevator, went straight to the B1 floor, walked into the maintenance room, and put on the blue power armor.

The thick breastplate exuded a cold light. Chu Guang reached out and grasped the war hammer with a square head and hung it next to the Gauss rifle.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Guang felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

All the planning and deployment has been completed in the past month and a half, and he has put all his chips on the table.

Now he will go out with their soldiers.

This battle will determine the future of the alliance!

Five o'clock in the morning.

The tranquility in the north of Shuguang City was broken by the roar of the camel machine.

I saw a behemoth made of steel, slowly driving out from the industrial area along the railroad tracks, pulling rows of wooden cargo boxes with steel chassis behind it.

Gray clouds continued to float out from the towering chimney, and the reciprocating pistons and connecting rods drove this behemoth forward. Accompanied by the clanging sound of steel, the hundred-meter-long giant beast quickly penetrated the edge of the Elm Area and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

The windows on Shuguangcheng North Street were opened one after another.

The merchants, mercenaries, and local residents whose clear dreams were disturbed stood sleepily in front of the window and looked north, wondering what had just happened.

Many people even walked out of the house wearing only pajamas.

"What was that sound just now?"

"Didn't you see it? A large vehicle as wide as half a road drove out of the industrial area and headed north along the railway track!"

"Train?! Is that a train?"

People exchanged surprised glances and discussed with each other.

Dawn City's railway has been under construction for some time.

However, many of the people living here saw what a train looks like for the first time.

Especially for those survivors who came from small places, the thick and long chimneys and carts were even more strange.

Many people stood on tiptoes and looked north, trying to see more clearly, but they could no longer see it.

The mercenary in a leather jacket muttered and talked to his companions.

"Where is it going?"

"The north seems to be the New Alliance's outpost in Yuanxi Town, and further north is Xizhou City!"

"Is Xizhou City the territory of the Bone Chewing Tribe?"

Bone-chewing tribe!

Upon hearing this name, many merchants and tourists who came to Dawn City for the first time showed expressions of surprise on their faces.

It's not that they were surprised by the Bone Chewing Tribe.

Most of the wastelanders who come to the Vale Province to do business have heard of the bad reputation of those guys who eat people without spitting out their bones.

However, what they didn't expect was that the new alliance actually took the initiative to provoke those demons!

"Are they crazy?!" A merchant from the eastern provinces couldn't help but exclaimed, expressing the thoughts of many travelers in the past.

Take the initiative to start a war with the Bone Chewing Tribe.

In their opinion, this is not a smart decision no matter how you think about it!

However, not everyone thinks so.

This sentence happened to be heard by old Hook standing at the door of the hotel.

Seeing the ignorant expressions of these outsiders, the old man grinned and laughed.

"Crazy? We've been waiting for this day for too long!"

Sun Shiqi, who was standing aside, couldn't help but swallow.

"Do you know what you are facing? There are at least 30,000 people from the Ya clan stationed in Xizhou City! And this was only a month ago!"

Old Hook hasn't spoken yet.

The boy who was taking care of the two-headed cow for them had raised his chin, looked at the direction where the train disappeared, and said proudly.

"so what?"

"Under the rule of the administrator, our alliance is invincible!"

"As long as he gives the order, all of us can now carry our guns and go to the front line! Let alone 30,000 people, so what if it is 300,000 or 3 million!"

Looking at the young man with loyalty written all over his face, Sun Shiqi's Adam's apple moved and he was speechless.

Old Hook looked at him and said softly.

"Those people have destroyed many people's homes once, and we will not let them do it a second time. Not only the survivors of Highway Town, but all the people here are willing to give their last drop for the land that took them in. Blood"

"You don't have a home, you don't understand."

Sun Shiqi argued.

"Who says I don't have one? I'm planning to build one here."

Old Hook smiled and remained silent.

The two mercenaries standing next to Sun Shiqi looked at each other, looking at the residents here, shaking their heads and muttering.


"People here are crazy!"

The survivors throughout Dawn City were talking about the train heading to Far Creek Town.

Many people even saw soldiers with loaded guns and exoskeleton warriors armed to the teeth on several of the carriages.

Those people obviously didn't go to mine!

At the same time, half of a wire was quietly stretched out from a room on the third floor of a certain hotel. Accompanied by rhythmic radio waves, a telegram was sent to the Horseshoe Firm's location in Red River Town.

The office of the company's headquarters.

After reading the telegram sent by his subordinates, Sim's face instantly showed joy like nectar after a long drought, and he looked up to the sky and laughed like crazy.

"The fight started! Hahahaha!"

"My guess is indeed correct!"

"The fight finally started!"

The so-called copper mine is indeed a guise to deceive people!

Once the new alliance's war machine is activated, the demand for resources will flood all directions!

Their speed of industrialization is astonishing, but they can't just create industrial raw materials out of thin air. Those urgently needed resources still need to be bought from them!

To be honest, I’ve been using a lot of timbres recently, and it’s available on both Android and Apple.

Sim's face was filled with ecstasy.

His warehouse full of copper was finally saved!

A train traveling from the industrial area to Yuanxi Town attracted the attention of all parties. Everyone was waiting for the next move of this young survivor colony.

On one side is the new alliance, which has a total permanent population of less than 6,000, and on the other side is the raider tribe, which has experienced hundreds of battles and has a tribe of 30,000 people.

Except for the residents of the New Alliance, almost no one thought they had the slightest chance of winning.

Honghe Town's assessment of the direction of the war is that the new alliance can maintain the front line in the mountainous area between Yuanxi Town and Qingshi County with the advantage of equipment and logistics. The council of Garbage City believes that they may lose a potential trading partner.

As for Boulder City.

Except for the radio host Mr. House, who made some eloquent comments, those in real power didn't seem to pay any attention to this matter.

Whether it's the Bone Chewing Tribe or the New Alliance, that's all a matter in the north.

The north, however, is too far away from their core interests and is not worth caring about at all.

Chu Guang had no time to care what they thought or thought.

The war has begun.

The First and Second Corps and war supplies have already arrived at Yuanxi Town along with the train.

They will establish simple frontline positions there and prepare safe ammunition depots and save points for players.

They were the shield of the entire war, responsible for the security of rear positions and supply lines.

At the same time, more than twenty regiments composed of players had assembled at the gate of the military camp next to the airport.

Their numbers and sizes vary.

In some regiments, thirty men were equipped with twelve 88-8 mortars, and the remaining eighteen men each had an ammunition box. It seemed that they planned to plow the opposite position before charging.

There are also some corps that are full in size, with 100 men without a single cannon, and all members are "conscript suits".

Before the war even started, it was already written on their faces what their gun barrels were doing.

As for a special warfare corps like the Burning Corps, their style of painting is considered normal. The 20 people in the vanguard are all Awakened Type 5 and Type 6 exoskeletons, and their individual combat effectiveness is fully maximized.

The remaining 80 slots were reserved for the reserve team, which was mixed with newbies and big bosses. The team leader bought weapons and equipment out of his own pocket, and all logistics points were spent on the blade exoskeleton.

As for the Skeleton Corps led by Brother Mole, although the style is novel, the configuration is still reasonable. Each of the fifty good brothers has a conscript suit, and the remaining logistics points are all on two quadruple anti-aircraft trucks.

The front and door of the truck are reinforced with welded steel plates, leaving only a seam as an observation window. It seems that they are planning to follow the path of "Bu-tank collaboration".

Commander Quan Shui's Storm Troops are quite satisfactory. There are three platoons and three squads in a company. They are all led by his old teammates. Each squad is equipped with assaulters, support soldiers and squad shooters. Each squad performs its own duties. The firepower is balanced, and it is also the corps that most resembles an NPC corps.

The jungle corps that kills chickens at midnight has a similar idea to the Burning Corps, taking the special warfare route. However, they do not spend expensive logistics points on high-end equipment, but consider both quality and cost.

From the corps commander to the commander, everyone has an LD47j light machine gun, which is completely different from the "Knight Squire" style of play of the Burning Corps.

In addition, there are some individual corps. Although the level of the corps is not low, they have not recruited enough players, and the establishment is still empty.

As young and emerging armed forces, they need to use their records and medals to prove their strength to other players.

Chu Guang gives players enough autonomy to choose, allowing them to find their own teammates, explore tactics that suit them, let them sum up experience in death, and maximize their combat potential.

Anyway, it only lasts three days to die once.

If you can't find the problem after dying once, then die twice.

This special combat mode is not suitable for any army composed of living people, but it is the most suitable for players.

They are summoned heroic spirits.

Death to them is nothing but return

The school grounds outside the military camp were filled with guns and flags.

Chu Guang, wearing power armor, walked to the front of the team.

The surrounding noise subsided slightly.

Looking at the pair of pupils burning with fighting spirit, Chu Guang turned on the armor's speaker and spoke in a calm and steady voice.

"Everyone, it's great to see you here."

“I am inspired by your courage.”

After a pause, Chu Guang glanced at the players present.

“From the day that gate opened, we lit fires in the darkness, we drove away wild beasts with swords, we forged swords into plowshares and rebuilt our homes, we used light to drive away ignorance but the threat of barbarism still lingers. They are never far away from us."

"Chaos still rages in the north and our neighbors are still teetering on the brink of death."

"Those beasts in human skin are grinding their teeth and sucking blood, right under our noses, coveting our towns and farmland with their greedy eyes!"

Chu Guang raised his voice.

He pulled out the war hammer and dropped the hammer's handle heavily on the ground.

"They won't succeed!"

"We will not stop the war against barbarism!"

"Today, now, starting from here, we will take the initiative and cut them off with an ax before they stretch out those dirty claws!"

"Even if we are outnumbered!"

"Even if one thousand versus thirty thousand!"

"We will still never retreat! Never negotiate! Never compromise!"

"Until they are wiped off the map, until they run away from our gunfire, raising their hands above their heads and begging for mercy."

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!!!"

The high fighting spirit was like the roar that resounded throughout the camp.

Chu Guang could feel that the blood flowing in his veins was boiling.

Not only he can feel it, but the players standing on the school field can also feel the excitement of blood.

The New Year's Eve offensive is still vivid in my mind.

Many of the partners they had built their home with stayed behind that night.

Blood feuds must be washed away with the blood of the enemy.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long!

Every cry of "advance" is the answer to the call for war.

After finishing everything he wanted to say in three minutes, Chu Guang waved his right hand forward cleanly.

1,137 professional combat players quickly boarded fifty trucks parked outside the school grounds.

The review has ended, the next stop is the front line!

At the same time, the airport is not far away.

A group of players wearing pilot hats left the military camp, trotted into the hangar, and quickly boarded the cars with their own numbers on them.

These include 50 W2 "Mosquito" ground attack aircraft with shark heads painted on them and equipped with two 10-heavy machine guns, and 70 "Moth" gliders with seven small water pipes hanging on them.

The former is driven by players who have mastered flying and landing skills, a total of twenty people.

The latter, as a "low-cost" reduced version of the former, is driven by unskilled "reservists", a total of thirty people.

Until the end, Mosquito failed to raise the Goblin Corps to LV8, so all the "ace pilots" joined the regiment to work on minimum living allowances, and even fell short of LV5.

But does it matter?

Obviously not important!

Non-staff personnel use non-staff equipment, and staff members use on-staff equipment.

Those 70 "Moth" gliders didn't cost a penny from the alliance's budget. He bought them all out of his own pocket!


No reason!

He is happy!

"Check ammo and batteries!"

He jumped into his car excitedly. While checking the equipment, Mosquito kept his mouth busy and kept shouting.

"Friendly forces have already headed to the front line! These bastards are racing so fast that the wheels are smoking! But no matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than us!"

"Our Goblin Corps will arrive at the battlefield before anyone else! The MVP must be ours!"

Putting on his pilot hat in a panic, Luo Yu said nervously: "Coach! There are no ground troops to guide the air strike. What will we do if we can't see anyone?"

This is his first time on the battlefield.

In the past, he had thrown wood to hit the circles on the ground and used machine guns to shoot at fixed targets that did not move. Now that he was about to go to the sky, he was panicking.

However, Mosquito's answer made him feel no sense of security at all.

"What?! No one in sight? Is this a question my ace pilot should ask??"


Luo Yu was a little confused by the question.

He didn't know if this was a question that an ace pilot should ask.

But is this the answer a normal person would give?

On another plane nearby.

The short-haired girl whose ID is Qingfeng squinted her eyes with a sleepy look on her face, held the joystick in her hand, shook her head and read a poem.

"The clear sky is stained with blue blood. Although the spring spirit is gone, the enchanting spirit is still there, and the sky and the earth are red."

The morning glow in the distance is rising from the horizon, which is quite appropriate.

However, Luo Yu looked confused when he heard this.

Has this begun?

Going up the mountain to fight the tiger, he looked at the joystick in his hand with a daze on his face.

He remembered correctly.

I learned to fly a plane so that I could spray pesticides more easily.

"Wait a minute, why are we farmers coming to join in the fun?"

Makabazi on the other plane chuckled and put on his windshield.


“There are more planes than people, let’s have some fun before we talk!”

Hearing the noise of the boys, Mosquito laughed loudly and reached out to pull on his windshield and started the car's motor.

"Remember what I taught you. When you dive, turn on the buzzer and throw the bomb over their heads! Then fire, pull up, dive and fire again!"

"Also, tie your VM tightly to your thighs! It's your radar and your eyes!"

He raised his voice and screamed amidst the roar of the propellers.

"Brothers! Get on the runway! Press the switch to the end."

"take off!!"

North of Yuanxi Town.

The copper stove crawling on the top of the mountain held a telescope and looked at the small town not far away.

It was peaceful there.

The small town in the morning mist was as silent as a tomb.

However, at this moment, a giant steel beast was slowly driving towards Yuanxi Town from the direction of Qingquan City, puffing out clouds of mist.

One of the plunderers saw it, pointed excitedly at the column of behemoths, and shouted in a low voice.

"Boss! Look, the train!"

"I know!"

Tongluo shouted in a low voice and continued to observe with his telescope.

do not know why.

Looking at the puffing locomotive, he always felt that something was wrong. However, it was too far away and the view was not good. He couldn't see clearly what was in the train.

The predators on the side were whispering excitedly to each other.

"By the way, this train is bigger than the one we saw before!"

"Hey, it's true what you said!"

"Could it be that a large vein of ore has been discovered? So it needs to be transported in a big truck!"

"Hahaha, that makes sense!"

At this moment, the train turned a corner and just revealed its side.

Tonglu did not miss this opportunity.

However, when he saw clearly the figures with guns and ammunition in the carriage, the color of his entire face changed instantly.

Soldier? !

Aren't they here to mine? What are you sending soldiers for?

And there are a lot of them!

Almost at the same time, a roaring sound came from the air, and black dots emerged from the morning mist in the mountains.

The well-informed predator pointed excitedly, demonstrating his knowledge.

"Boss! Look, the plane!"

"Shut up! I know! Everyone get down!" Without enough time to think about where so many planes came from, Tongluo shouted in a low voice with a look of fear, signaling for his teammates to disperse.

Planes roared overhead.

The copper stove got into the bushes and pressed his head to the ground, not daring to move.

Fortunately, these planes were not coming towards them, and they did not even notice the rats hiding in the bushes.

Dozens of planes headed north.

That is the direction of Qingshi County, and it is also the station of the Lion Tooth Thousand Troops!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Tongluo's expression completely changed.

And it became pale.

No matter how stupid he was, he still realized that there was no copper mine in Yuanxi Suppression. The so-called copper mines were just smoke bombs put out by those blue gophers, and those railroads were built from the beginning to transport supplies to the front lines.

As for what they plan to do

That's a no-brainer.

Climbing up from the ground, Tongluo ignored the mud all over his body and urged his brothers to get up, shouting anxiously and angrily.

"Quick! Everyone run! We have to go back quickly!"

"Report the situation here to Lord Lion Tooth!"

"Yes, yes!" The surrounding predators nodded in panic and hurriedly walked down the mountain.


It's obviously too late.

The moment Tongluo finished speaking, trucks were heading north with billowing dust in the direction from which the train had come.

They didn't make any stop in Yuanxi Town at all. They passed through the town from the west and headed straight to Qingshi Town in the north.

Copper Stove has lost count of how many trucks there are.

His intuition told him that it was at least the strength of a thousand-man team. No matter how fast he ran, he couldn't be faster than those in the truck.

Thinking of this, Tongluo's face was filled with despair.

At the same time, fifty-two planes had arrived on the battlefield

Thanks to the leader of "Muddle-headed Wind" for the reward! !

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