This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 399 It’s time to test your mobilization ability

While the Heart of Steel was venting its anger towards the deserted city, the official forum in another world was bustling with activity.

Almost as soon as they came off the line, the Death Corps players who participated in the raid couldn't wait to bring their first-hand battle reports from the front line to the official website.

In addition to reporting on the results of the battle, these young players who were the first to eat crabs also expressed their practical experience and test thoughts on the "Wolf Cavalry" tactics.

Yuye Thirteenth Lang: "Damn, I feel so good!"

Carrying an umbrella but not a knife at midnight: “666!

Yang Matabao: "Trashman is awesome! (broken voice)"

Laplace: "No bragging, no slander. Apart from not being very smart, our trash guy has almost no shortcomings!"

You don’t want to think about it either, wife: “It couldn’t be more awesome! There is no more perfect mount than Mr. Junk!”

Picking up trash level 99: “???”

The edge of the water was drawn: "Ahem, you can just call the city privately, but you should restrain yourself a little in front of the garbage man."

Tails: "Damn it, Tails wants to get one too! QAQ Sissi: "Awei doesn't want to ride Rourou anymore? "

Tails: "Children only take multiple-choice questions, of course Ahwei wants them all! There are currently 17 Death Claws equipped with psychic interference devices in Vault 79 in Topsail (V), and almost all of them have been assigned to the Death Corps.

In the ambush battle last night, almost all seventeen wolf cavalry were dispatched, and the results were quite gratifying, living up to the managers' expectations.

Twenty cavalry against Centuries and ten legionary elites.

In less than three minutes from the exchange of fire to the end, the opponent barely formed any effective resistance and was defeated by the charge of the wolf cavalry.

Practice has proved that this outdated cavalry tactic, although it sounds unreliable, combines the biological technology and tactical concepts of the new era, and produces miraculous effects like chemical reactions in the wasteland.

The Death Claw's high melee combat and high mobility, coupled with the players' mid-range and long-range firepower, this "orc-in-one" style of play is almost invincible in rugged terrain, especially urban terrain!

Especially when facing soft targets without armor protection and lack of mobility, those infantry who rely on bunkers to shoot are almost living targets for the Death Claws to hunt. Of course, although the Death Claws have a high DPS, players are still on the battlefield. Its role cannot be ignored either.

For example, in the ambush battle last night.

It's not just the death claws that show off their skills, but also the light weapons designed by Goblin Technology for the "Wolf Cavalry".

Among them, the two most outstanding ones are undoubtedly the LD-50 carbine and the "Tornado" grenade launcher!

The former looks similar to the AK-74U in appearance, but it is improved based on the LD-47 assault rifle. The ammunition it uses is still 7 full-power rounds.

However, the overall structure is more compact than an assault rifle, and its power and stability are slightly stronger than a submachine gun.

The design concept is not to let the cavalry fire on the back of the Deathclaw to kill the enemy, but to allow the cavalry to "dismount" and then cooperate with the Deathclaw, which has strong melee capabilities and a keen sense of smell, to enter the building and eliminate the remaining enemies.

However, practice has proved that although the output environment is not good when firing on the back of the Death Claw, it is not completely without output.

At least for V2 agility players, as long as they grasp the timing of firing and are familiar enough with the weapon, they can still hit the target behind the bunker while in motion.

At the same time, there is almost no need for the Wolf Cavalry to dismount and fight. Retreating after one round of charging is the most efficient way to play.

As for clearing out the remaining enemies in the building.

It can be left to other infantrymen of the Death Corps to do the work for them. Each of these people are masters of street fighting and are good at using cheap weapons to save costs.

As for another piece of equipment built for the Wolf Cavalry, the "Tornado" grenade launcher, it was copied by Goblin Technology based on the real-life MG rotating grenade launcher.

This thing is shaped like a large revolver.

The design of its rotating magazine allows it to launch multiple grenades in a short period of time, pouring out a large amount of firepower to create a suppressive effect and cover the cavalry to quickly break through the defense line.

As the most produced 40 grenade launcher in the world, MGL is roughly equivalent to the AK among grenade launchers and the RPG among rocket launchers.

Its stability and output capabilities are very popular among civilian armed forces, and there are countless imitation versions, so Mosquito copied it into its own product list without hesitation.

In order to facilitate rapid production, Brother Mosquito has also made certain improvements to some parts of the structure of the weapon. For example, the most prominent change is to change the caliber from 40 to 37.

However, although the caliber of the weapon has been reduced by 3, its power is not small at all, even worse!

After all, the power of a weapon cannot only be determined by its caliber, but also by its charge.

The N10-anion salt azide compound currently unlocked by the New Alliance scientific expedition team has perfectly replaced the RDX and T-en-T originally used in the artillery warhead.

This high-performance explosive saves a lot of charging space in the warhead, and the saved space can be used to stuff more steel balls and arc blades.

Not just frag grenades.

Goblin Technology has also developed a special arrow-shaped ammunition for the "Tornado" grenade launcher.

Its structure is similar to shotguns, but the projectiles are not ordinary steel balls, but slender steel needles instead!

This type of special warhead has extremely strong short-range armor-piercing capabilities. It is specifically targeted at the hard armor of legionnaires and the bulletproof patches inserted into the armor by heavy armored soldiers.

Although the 7 full power bullet of the LD-47 rifle has huge kinetic energy and is powerful enough, its armor-piercing performance is actually not outstanding.

Especially when encountering hard armor, once the warhead breaks, the armor-piercing ability will be greatly weakened. It can cause internal injuries, but it is difficult to kill directly.

This kind of "arrow-type armor-piercing bullet" does not have this problem.

When the "Wolf Cavalry" of the Death Corps launched the first round of charge, the five wolf cavalry in the lead used this special ammunition, directly beating several legionnaires wearing heavy armor into hedgehogs.

The wolf cavalry who followed closely behind them used high-explosive grenades to cover the unarmored targets such as the army.

It is precisely because of this that when the death claws hit those people's faces, the entire hundred-man team had almost lost their ability to resist and could only be killed unilaterally...

W is really a mosquito: "Hey, what a pity! There are too many bunkers in the city, which cannot reflect the power of explosives! If it were trench warfare, the damage of my grenade launcher would definitely be even more amazing!"

Rat on the run in the canyon: "Trench warfare is okay, you think you're beating up a kid, (squints)"

Makabazi: “Hey, since I met the Legion, I realized that compared with these well-trained regular troops, the Bone Chewing Tribe is just a younger brother.

Stop talking nonsense: "Wait a minute, are you on the front line yet?

Makabazi: "It doesn't matter. The food I grow goes to the front line, which means I go to the front line. (Funny)"

Stop talking nonsense: "What the hell?! Is this okay?"

Drum hair washing machine: "It would be great if the shield could be used completely. I just realized when I got home that I had been shot in both legs."

Irena: "Do you want to snatch the manager's hammer? I remember that hammer can open shields, and it's quite awesome. (Funny)"

Elf King Fugui: "Actually, there is no need to rob. You should work hard and let our manager change his magic suit as soon as possible. When he gets tired of playing with the hammer, won't you be able to use it? (Funny)"

Drum washing machine: "When you say that, I feel like a garbage collector."

Fang Chang: “Isn’t the essence of this game just picking up trash? (Funny)”

But having said that, not everyone can pick up the equipment used by managers.

This kind of weapon with the label of "unique" and an epic title can fetch sky-high prices at auctions, regardless of whether it is useful or not.

For example, the shotgun used by the "BOSS of the Bloody Hand Clan" that Mosquito obtained early on, even if it is rusted to the point of falling off, is still worth five digits.

Just when the topic among the players had turned to how much the manager's hammer was worth, an announcement suddenly popped up on the official website,

[Server Announcement: The expansion pack "Yellow Sand Ten Thousand Miles" will be launched after shooting down the world-class BOS "Heart of Steel" airship,]

“What the hell?!


After the news came out.

The official website forum was instantly in a state of excitement.

In less than two months, another expansion pack is coming!

Is this update too diligent? !

Ruigu City, West District.

Commander Quan Shui, who was hiding on the roof of the building, was holding a telescope and staring intently at the airship in the sky when he suddenly muttered something in a low voice.

"...something's wrong."

I, who was following me, asked curiously.

"What's wrong?"

Commander Si Fu said after a moment.

"Look at the elevator. Yesterday it was full when going down and empty when going up. Today it is full when going back and empty when going down... Do you think it's strange or not?

not only.

Quan Shui also discovered that several pieces of engineering equipment previously deployed on the ground were also being transferred from the ground to the sky one after another.

Generally speaking, the construction of fortifications is a planned and continuous process, and it makes no sense to remove the engineering equipment after only one month of deployment.


The other side is planning to move their position.

Commander Quan Shui frowned and suddenly remembered the announcement posted on the official website forum last night.

The new expansion will start after the "Heart of Steel" is shot down.

If the other side plans to withdraw...

So the expansion pack can't be opened yet?

Put down the telescope. Commander Quan Shui looked at me and said blackly.

“Notify others to go offline and hold a combat meeting.

"OK!" I nodded immediately, turned around and went downstairs.

Although the Legion can accurately locate the source of radio signals within a range of twenty kilometers, there are more solutions than problems.

Previously, players in the Storm Corps deployed a large number of manually activated "disposable" radios in the city, which could unilaterally deliver orders while the frontline troops maintained radio silence.

As for confirming whether the command is executed, it is also very simple. Just log off and go to the group to lower your voice.

The corps system in "Wasteland" is actually a variant of the guild, and guilds naturally have such things as "groups".

In order to make this off-site gameplay more efficient, Quanshui also specially set up a dispatcher position in the corps, who is responsible for bringing the news fed back to the group by frontline players into the game.

I guess everyone should be offline.

Quan Shui took back the telescope, carefully returned to the building, found a quiet corner, and logged out of the game directly.

Picked up the phone and glanced at the WeChat group.

He was just about to communicate his findings to his teammates when he saw the "Pangolin" he had planted in the enemy camp, excitedly reporting the latest trends of the legion to the good brothers in the group.

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "The latest news! The Yang Qun big noses are planning to withdraw!"

Kakarot: "Evacuate?!

Ghost Hunting at the Grave: “What’s going on???

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “According to the sentry on duty at the gate of Luoye Camp, General Griffin summoned them to go to Oasis No. 9 in Luoxia Province.

They planned to evacuate within a week, but Captain McClung was probably reluctant to part with the outpost they had established in the southern part of the River Valley Province, and planned to dedicate part of the ground troops to stay behind.

I was the darkest: "Damn, are they planning to leave just like that?

Battlefield Atmosphere Group: "Then I don't know, but I heard the soldiers in black robes talking about it. It is said that General McClung lost his temper last night. Those big noses seemed to have finally come to their senses, and they It is not the companies that are at war, but the local indigenous people.

After working hard for almost a month, they realized that they were fighting against the air. The company's reinforcements had already slipped into the desert under their noses.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, the warlord could probably imagine that General McClung was probably furious by now.

But that’s not what other players are paying attention to.

I'm the darkest: What the hell? Did they find out it was us?

Kakarot: "Impossible, we shouldn't have exposed our flaws, right?

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Well, they didn't realize it was us. The Alliance's popularity is still a bit low in the Ruigu City area. Those soldiers wearing exoskeletons... they seemed to have misunderstood it as Boulder City.

Speaking of which, this is partly due to him.

The warlord remembered that Kolwe came to him and asked him which was the strongest regional power in this area. He almost answered without hesitation that it was Boulder City.

Not only that, he also said with added embarrassment that the nobles in the inner city of Boulder City are all corporate dogs, and they even replaced their organs with products from Ideal City.

This sentence is not wrong.

Ever since Brother Fang opened the market for bionic prosthetics in Boulder City, many nobles in the inner city of Boulder City have used high-end products from the East Coast.

Kakarot: "...

Commander Quanshui: “I see, but it makes sense now.

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “What makes sense?

Commander Quanshui: "Since they realized that the company's reinforcements had entered the desert, they were probably called back to defend. I guess that General Griffin should be the commander of the army's garrison in Luoxia Province. Otherwise, I don’t believe that McClun wouldn’t find a way to go to Boulder City and shoot a few shots before leaving.”

Although they had gained a certain advantage recently, he knew very well that this advantage was far from enough to force the legions to retreat and stop their losses.

Unless the other party changes their deployment.

From this point of view, the friendly forces that went deep into the desert had played some role, otherwise the Heart of Steel would not have rushed back to support.

He originally thought that the twenty powered armors would not be of much use.

Now it seems that he underestimated the power of technology.

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Speaking of which, if that world-class BOS escapes, will our new expansion pack still be open?"

I was the worst: "What the hell?! If you didn't mention this, I almost forgot. The condition for opening the new expansion pack is to destroy that airship?"

The messages in the group instantly flooded the screen.

Yesterday they discussed a server announcement during the day. The past 24 hours had not passed, and they were actually told that the expansion pack might be gone? !

Commander Quanshui: "This is also the issue I am most worried about. Putting aside the situation of planning to treat us like monkeys, I speculate that there are two possibilities, one is the expansion pack delay, the other is the missing Iron Heart Become one of the BOs of the new expansion pack."

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “If it’s the latter, does that mean it has no impact?

Commander Quanshui: "No, the latter is the worst situation.

I was the darkest: “Huh?

Commander Quanshui: "If you think about it carefully, an airship is already so difficult to deal with. When it goes back to join the army, settles the troubles in the desert, and then comes back, won't the difficulty rise from hell to dream?"

Most of the troops on the Heart of Steel are light infantry and light armor. However, they have not encountered heavy equipment such as Conqueror series tanks so far.

Not to mention the various infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery with strong support capabilities, and the clone light infantry who are good at human sea assault.

Quan Shui believes that it is impossible for the Legion to be without these things.

Once the Heart of Steel is allowed to go back and join the legion's ground forces, an air-ground integrated combat system will be formed between the two. The enhancement of its combat effectiveness will not be as simple as "1+1=2". By then, the alliance will no longer face only The battleships in the sky turned out to be real "legions"!

Seeing that no one in the group spoke, Commander Quanshui continued typing.

"The most important thing is that if the addition of the Heart of Steel changes the situation on the Western Front battlefield, we will probably have to directly face the threat from the Legion.

"This is the last chance, the only chance. We have to keep it here before it evacuates Vale.

"at all costs!"

If you lose,

The server will reset.

And everything they gain from the game will also be taken back when the server is closed.

Although most players experience the content of the game with a relaxed mood, in fact their fate has already been tied to this "world."

Even if they tease the dog planner behind their back and are not human, most players will not deny that they got a lot of things from "The Wasted Soldier" that they cannot give up.

Whether it's friendship, love, money, knowledge, status or anything else.

this moment.

All the players in the group became serious.

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “Is there any good way?

Commander Quan Shui was silent for a while before typing.


“But we alone are not enough!”

"I need the cooperation of other corps, not only the players in the corps system, but also individual players who have not joined the corps, and even professional players, at least 5,000 people are needed to ensure that our plan can proceed smoothly.

Kakarot: "The server of "Bad Warrior L" with 5,000 people only has 5,000 people in total, right?

Catching Ghosts from Graves: "Including newbies, I can probably make up more than 5,000, but newbies who have just entered the game have a hard time killing cockroaches... I'm confused."

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "And we only have a week at most. Looking at the messages that kept popping up in the group, Commander Quanshui moved his thumbs and continued typing.


“The time has come to test our ability to mobilize.”

(I feel much better today. I don’t have to go in for another injection in the afternoon... I feel like if I travel to the wasteland, I probably won’t survive more than one chapter.)

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