This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 425 The pangolin has made great contributions

Start by boarding the airship

Teresa clenched her palms tightly and sweated: trying to lower herself.

a sense of existence

However, even though she had tried very hard to make herself look smaller, the man's eyes still fell on her. "Ot Theresa."

When Tetisa's name was called, she straightened her back subconsciously and tried to force a calm smile from her face, but the stammering voice still revealed the tension in her heart.

"Guan, sir manager, do you have any instructions?

“It’s been two weeks and I want to hear your thoughts on work.

Looking at the princess who was hesitating and unable to speak, Chu Guang continued patiently.

"Don't be nervous. It doesn't matter if you don't have an opinion. Just briefly summarize what you do every day." "Morning, I will first get up in the morning..."


Her panic words were interrupted, Teresa blushed and quickly changed her words.

"Yes! Well, Mr. Maban asked me to assist the warehouse manager in warehouse No. 3 to check the warehouse's books, mainly to calculate whether the materials in and out of the warehouse are correct..."

Although a little unfamiliar at first, she quickly became proficient. Including the problems she encountered at work, the friends she met at work, and some ideas for improvement, she gave them all in detail

Rather than a lengthy description.

Chu Guang cast an appreciative look.

It seems that Ma Ban has trained her well, and the warehouse manager in Cangfeng is the most relatable person.

One of the places, this position needs to deal with almost all front-line positions.

From a broom to a bag of bricks and a cart of cement, only by being able to manage these trivial matters well can we lay the foundation for managing larger organizations in the future.

Of course, what he looks forward to most is that she can have more contact with the masses while participating in grassroots labor. As he said before, this knowledge and experience will come in handy sooner or later.

Chu Guang looked at Prince Summer.

"You should have gotten the results you expected. After the war begins, I will provide you and your men with a place to rest. If you are interested, you can participate in the refugee camp

work. If you're not interested, don't force it. "

Summer said respectfully immediately.

“Thank you for the opportunity, I would do it, I would like to learn how you are rebuilding your homes.

Whether it was for the purpose of understanding the alliance or to please the overlord, he felt that he had to agree. Looking at the young prince, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, the young man has a bright future.

In fact, the Alliance accepted the exile of the Miguan royal family. In principle, they are guests and they should provide them with basic living supplies.

But wouldn’t it be too borrowable if we have free labor that we don’t need?

Mr. Ma Ban and himself complained that the refugee camp could not recruit staff with higher cultural literacy. This was not the case. What's more, for this young man himself, this is also a good exercise.


"Tesusha, just take him with you." Chu Guang looked at the tool-man princess. "yes

grown ups. ot

Terusha took the lead respectfully, but Summer, who was standing aside, frowned slightly. "Sir, I want to know in what capacity the princess of the Falcon Kingdom stays here. "I am his prisoner.

Teresa spoke subconsciously, but was interrupted before she could finish her words. "Those who were liberated by the Alliance."

Hearing that voice, Di Jianyang showed a surprised expression.

Summer, who was standing next to Bao, also looked at Chu Guang in surprise and asked subconsciously. "Being liberated is..."

“It literally means that in the eyes of the alliance, both the residents of Oasis State No. 3 and Oasis No. 2 are victims of this chaos.

Chu Guang glanced out the floor-to-ceiling window. The yellow sand floating on the skyline was like billowing flames. "We will free them."

In the depths of Luozhen Province, the yellow sand on the horizon swept across, like rolling magma in hell. Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, no light can pass through.

Colway couldn't remember how many times he had encountered such wonderful weather. He only knew that these unlucky days were finally coming to an end.

This is the western boundary of Oasis No. 9, and the legion's frontline command post is right in front. He and his men were just one last bit away from

"People in front, stop!"

The sound of scolding came from a distance, and a soldier walked from the gate of the military camp, holding a rifle in the wind and sand. "Idiot, put your gun down for me! See who the hell I am!"

Looking at the stunned sentry, Colway cursed and slapped his rifle away, then reached out and grabbed his collar. "Take Maclean's

Find this guy for me! ot

"I am here.

There was a voice nearby, and Colway threw away the sentinel's collar, looked at the man standing at the entrance of the camp and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wearing black boots, a navy blue military coat, and an epaulette with three stars, standing there was General McClun, the commander-in-chief of the legion stationed in the province.

The sagging male bones and the eagle-nosed crane suit really make him look like a cunning fox rather than a tough guy who has experienced many battles.

Korchen liked that face.

I especially like that person.

"You guys have the nerve to come back?"

McClun looked at the embarrassed man in front of him in surprise. He raised his eyebrows and couldn't tell whether he was surprised or smiling. Before Colway could continue speaking, McClung continued in a slow voice.


ot Dealing with a group of natives, a group of savages in the woods, and being able to lose the Heart of Steel, I thought you were so ashamed that you committed suicide.

A flash of annoyance flashed in Colway's eyes.

, but still gritted his teeth and endured it, and said in a calm voice.

"That's not aboriginal at all! We encountered reinforcements from the enterprise! I know what you want to say, but that's the fact. The enterprise sent more than one reinforcement, and what we encountered was the second

branch! Don't think you can escape your responsibility. It was your order to transfer me to the southern part of the River Valley Province! "

"Yes, I gave the order. I asked you to stop the injured employee, but I didn't ask you to confront the people in the company. Now that's it, those cowards on the east coast are getting anxious. I heard

Informants from the Free State said that they built an aviation base on the south bank of the Tianshui tributary, and planes landed there every now and then. "

McClun stared at Colway, his eyes narrowed to slits, and the tip of his nose almost poked into his nostrils.

"...And I thought about it for two nights and still couldn't figure it out. Even if we encountered reinforcements from the enterprise, how could you let them use such a large airship and an airship carrying a shield?"

Snatched? "

Cole's expression froze, but he was not overwhelmed by McClun's momentum. His eyes were also blurred, and he choked back unceremoniously.

"Stop throwing the blame on me. We have already taken down the Pioneer. Is there any possibility of peaceful coexistence between us and the company? Save it, the war has already started!"

It has nothing to do with my strategy in the southern part of the River Valley Province. If it really counts, it’s all your superfluous orders! "

"You still haven't answered me how you lost that airship.

"I will naturally explain that kind of thing to the Air Force Command. I have no obligation to submit a battle report to the Army!" The two quarreled fiercely.

Although only one person was blushing.

The officers and staff officers who followed General McClung were silent and just stood there in embarrassment. The few military officers behind General McClung were also silent, just treating it as

Didn't hear it.

"...That's enough, don't just talk about me. Where is Oasis No. 9? It hasn't been captured yet." Unable to withstand the spiritual torture,

Colway forcibly changed the subject, trying to use the other party's incompetence to justify his failure.

However, McClun just smiled faintly and made a sarcastic comment in a sarcastic voice.

"If your Feiting moves the dial as I said, we will now be in the Imperial Military Parade of the Lion Kingdom.

Before Colway could get angry, he left some dignity for the poor clown, took the initiative to start the topic, and continued calmly.

"The battle situation on the front line is tense. Our military presence in Luoxun Province is a little weak, and we don't have much support for the Falcon Kingdom.

Although Xuan Congjun's combat effectiveness is good, their scores are outstanding.

Occupy Oasis No. 3.

General Colway said disapprovingly.

"We don't need those untouchables in Oasis No. 3 at all. I suggest locking them up and centralizing them, and then moving some more obedient slaves from the west to fill the manpower vacancies. In this way we can

Chiang sent out more manpower and concentrated his efforts to capture Oasis No. 9! "

"The Army doesn't need you to command, you'd better command your airship," McClung glanced at him sarcastically, "We really don't need the untouchables there, but we need the people produced there.

food. With food, we can supply more troops, and more support can be sent from the west of the desert.

Centralized cleaning?

That's so complicated.

Not to mention 1 million people, even 1 million pigs will have to be slaughtered until next year.

It is certainly not impossible to bring some slaves from the west, but large-scale population migration will take time. Although they are also the main militant faction, they have different opinions on how to deal with the occupied areas.

There are also differences of opinion among the residents and the main war faction of the Legion.

Some people support killing those who resist and taming those who do not resist into slaves. Some people support using local forces for indirect control, such as fostering puppets.

Under the same educational conditions, the value created by a slave family maintaining the minimum living standard is usually only 01 to 03 times that of a free person depending on the work performed, and it often requires more than a dozen people to support it.

Live a military population.

But Fu Fu is different.

It maximizes exploitation and can also ensure more than 05 times production capacity.

This is not a scientific basis;

The practical experience of the legions in various occupied territories. McClung sincerely looked down on those aristocratic factions who supported slave recording.

What he implemented in his own territory was a mixture of wage-earning and slave-owning systems. The poor people who received wages worked much harder than the servants in his manor.

Just one

He only has the right to command, and at most he can shoot the junior officers who disobey his orders, but he has no power to deal with this prostitute who obeyed his orders.

And just like Kercheng said, as the person who issued the order, he will also bear joint and several liability if the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Marshal's Mansion or the military court holds him accountable.

Thinking of this, McClun became even more fed up.

"I will arrange a car for you tomorrow, and you and your men can go and stay at Oasis No. 2." Oasis No. 2 is the territory of Huntu Kingdom, and it is also the back garden of the Legion in Luozhen Province.

There were endless amounts of wine and fruits, as well as slaves offered to them by the Hunting royal family.

McClun didn't want to see this guy again, he just wanted him to get away from him.

However, what he didn't expect was that the guy in front of him who fled back with his tail between his legs didn't agree.

"This battle is not over yet, don't try to drive me away," Cole said one word at a time while staring at McClun, "Don't try to drive me away, I'm not going anywhere.

Once he was driven to the rear, he had no chance to make up for his mistakes and could only wait for someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to throw a transfer order in his face.

What's more, he swore an oath.

He will get this place back himself.

He wanted to use the blood of all the wastelanders in the southern part of the Vale Province to comfort the souls of the dead soldiers. McClun stared at Colway with squinted eyes.

"Your troops have been destroyed, what's the use of staying here?"

Korcheng said without changing his expression.

"The Heart of Steel is now in the hands of the enterprise. If they have mastered the use of the Sofeiting, you will be in trouble. Only I know how to deal with it."

Upon hearing this, McClun's expression changed slightly, he glanced at the officer behind him hastily, and asked anxiously. "Didn't you evacuate with your people?"

Facing that murderous look, Colway looked a little embarrassed, but he still said it bravely.

One missing person was Finold. Suddenly, he was flying outside and missed the last flight. That guy is a logistics officer, he probably knows how to drive that thing.

That guy was not a front-line soldier to begin with, and his personality was almost the opposite of Rachel's. If he could surrender, he would never resist.

Kercheng was more than 90% sure that as long as the alliance caught him, there would be a way to pry the flying flying method out of his mouth.

McClun took a deep breath and spent a while to stabilize his emotions.

He was already prepared to face corporate aircraft, but he did not expect that he would have to face not only corporate aircraft, but also his own 400mm main gun.

I will give you a team of personnel, and you will be responsible for containing the airship. I will request more support from the rear. Colway said unceremoniously.

"It's not enough. Give me 10,000 people and the equipment I need to fight Feiting. I know you don't like me, but we are grasshoppers on a rope now. You understand what I mean.

McLean looked at him for a long time, and almost squeezed out an answer through his teeth. "good"

At the same time, roaring sandstorm plumes appeared on the northern front line of Oasis State No. 9! Just swept through. The yellow sand that blocks the sky and the sun is simply like the roar of the Griffin spirit.

I thought I was going to die. "

After emerging from a pile of sand, the warlord searched hard for a while and found a road buried in the sand. He pulled Adan out of the sand.

After spitting out the sand in his mouth, Kaligu wiped his mouth with a shocked expression on his face.


"You're welcome. Just hope you're fine." Warfield said with a loyal look on his face.

It has been almost a week since he left the Golden Lizard Kingdom. In the past three weeks, he has become more and more familiar as an undercover agent.

After patting his good brother on the shoulder, Kaligu glanced ahead, a trace of joy appearing on his frown. "Here we are!"

In front is the location of the Legion's frontline troops. Although I don't know the number of that unit, the flag flying there is unmistakable.

Adan and his group, who got separated from them in the sandstorm, also followed them one after another. Judging from the embarrassed appearance, they obviously had a lot to eat.

Even the caravan used to pull goods was destroyed, and the scattered rifles were hung on Luo's body. "Are you okay?" Adan, who was walking in front thanks to the camel, shouted to them.

We're fine, haha! Thank you Griffin Spirit for your blessing! "Kaligu laughed and waved his hand, motioning for them to come closer.

As the sandstorm dissipated, the military camp not far away obviously noticed them. Under the leadership of a captain, a team of ten people came over.

ot "I am the Centurion under Captain Rachel of the Heart of Steel Air Corps. My name is Kaliman. This is my ID and soldier badge." Looking at the Centurion walking in front, Ka Liman took the initiative to reveal his identity and took out things that could prove his identity.

Several soldiers looked at each other. The captain standing in front frowned, took the certificate and glanced at it, then looked at Kaligu again, with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

"Heart of Steel? Aren't you supposed to be performing missions in the southern part of the Vale Province?"

As frontline troops, they are fighting the Lion Kingdom and are unaware of the situation in other war zones. Kaligu did not answer his inquiry and responded in a business-like manner.

"There was an accident over there. You have to ask your superiors for details. Now I'm going to see your commander. The captain continued to ask questions, nodded, and returned the soldier's card to him, leaving his ID.

"I need to verify your identity. Do you want to wait here or follow me back to the camp?"

"Of course we're going to your camp. Otherwise, why don't we stand here and eat sand?" Kari said impatiently.

After checking the documents in the card, the tenth captain continued to check the documents of the accompanying merchant Adan, and soon released the group after seeing the order.

Following the ten-man team, the group headed to the military camp not far away.

Since entering the camp, the warlord has been quietly observing the layout here.

It was different from the camps he saw in Luoxia Province. There were very few concrete fortifications here, and instead there were sandbag walls made of square sandbags.

This kind of field camp is quite common in reality. This kind of sandbag has good resistance to explosives and explosions. It can be used as a substitute for concrete and can be easily re-deployed.


Bomb shelters were dug behind almost every wall, and the shooting bunkers and sentry towers were covered with desert-colored camouflage nets.

The 20mm one.

It can only be said to be a regular military base, with a capacity of about 500 to 1,000 people.

What surprised Warlord was not the layout here, but that he actually saw a mutant in the camp! That was undoubtedly a mutant.

Although his skin is not green, but bright gray and black, and his chin is covered with beard, his beautiful face is exactly the same as the mutants that the warlord saw on 76th Street in Qingquan City.

Exactly the same…

If those mutants before were orcs, then these people look like trolls...

The mutant glanced at him, showing his blood-red teeth, and then walked toward the camp gate with heavy steps, shaking his head.

These mutants don't seem to live with the Legion people, but have set up a branch camp next to this military base. Come to think of it, no one wants to live with these cannibals.

Watching the figure disappearing at the entrance of the camp, the warlord frowned and asked. "…Mutant?"

Looking along his line of sight, Kaligu said with a smile.

"Mutant mercenaries, from the great desert. Although these beasts are not smart, they are very fierce in fighting. They can charge with machine gun fire, and can grow back their legs even if they are broken. They have rough skin and thick flesh.

Not picky about food, he is simply a born cannon fodder. "

Unexpectedly, Legion actually gained the power of mutants...

"But why is their skin gray-black?" Warland asked in confusion, "The ones I have seen at the junction of River Valley Province... and Jinchuan Province are all green-skinned.

Kalihao said in a casual tone.

"The locals in the Lietang Kingdom say they were cursed by the Griffin spirit. In fact, it's a branch of the subspecies, probably caused by the radioactive material in the desert. Who cares how they came here?

Yes, it just works. "

The warlord nodded inwardly, feeling surprised and secretly excited. Gray and black mutants…

This piece of information is incredible!

But having said that, being an undercover agent doesn't feel difficult at all.

Basically, as long as he pretends not to understand and asks, this guy will talk to him in a showy tone. To be honest, he was a little embarrassed to be so confidant.

Following Kaliman as he walked towards the depths of the military camp, the sighing warrior soon made a new discovery.

In a warehouse with the door open, several engineers were squatting in front of a tank he had never seen before, tightening screws. With a curious expression on his face, the warrior looked at the tanks in the warehouse and asked


"Are those tanks?"

"The Sichuan type of the Conqueror 10 is equipped with a 150mm heavy howitzer, which is considered a self-propelled artillery. The one next to it is the Type 3,

The turret was replaced with an eight-unit anti-aircraft machine gun. Although it is used for anti-aircraft, the Lion Kingdom does not have an air force, so it is usually pushed to the front line to support the infantry.

Looking at the tanks in the warehouse, Kaligu narrowed his eyes, his eyes shining with pride.

"...This time our opponent has an enterprise. I heard that the legion is planning to send a batch of No. 11 tanks. The field man asked immediately following his words.

"What's that?"

Kaliman also didn't believe it. He just paid attention to the distance between him and the businessman Adan and said in a very soft voice.

"I have only heard a little bit about the new heavy tank designed by the Triumph City Army Equipment Research Institute for Gauss weapons. Don't talk nonsense... It is said that the armor of that thing is very hard.

Hard-core armor-piercing bullets and electromagnetic mass bullets are difficult to penetrate, but they are also very expensive. "

Including pre-war inventory, "Prowler" tanks, equipped with Meissner effect armor, these are the gifts we have prepared for enterprises... They probably would not have thought that in the past 200 years,

The equipment can still be used.

A group of survivors could at most get an armor-piercing projectile. The gap armor of the No. 10 tank was enough to perfectly defend against the metal jet of the armor-breaking projectile.

But for the ultra-high-speed steel needles fired by Gauss weapons, the gap armor resistance effect is somewhat insufficient. General Kaliman said with excitement, while the warlord was writing numbly on the side.


It’s true that when the book is used, it will be less regretful.

In fact, daily communication is not very accurate. He has no idea what some proper nouns mean, and it is inconvenient to ask in detail. He can only write them down with onomatopoeia, and wait to communicate with other players on the forum.

Thinking of this, the warlord couldn't help feeling regretful.

If you are uneducated, you are still a dirty person. If you had known that you were just like a square dog, you would have been better off memorizing a few more words! Seeing that Kaligu seemed to be tired, the warlord quickly gave him a message so that he could continue to fuck this guy.

Go on. “Then our tanks have no weaknesses?

"Of course there are weaknesses. The weaknesses of the Conqueror series are mainly concentrated on the top cover and chassis, so these two areas must be carefully protected. Especially the chassis, the armor near the escape door is thin.

And next to the transmission components.

When he said this, Kari suddenly changed the subject and continued with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I heard that the Alliance has a drone that is specially designed to drill into the crotch of tanks, which has caused a lot of suffering to that bone-chewing tribe.

The warrior's heart tightened and he nodded.

ot is...I think I've heard of it too.

Seeing his good brother's nervous expression, Karigu smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, that kind of thing can only deal with the predators who are not smart. We only need to hang a curtain under the tank's crotch to wrap around the propeller of the drone, or hang a baffle.


The bomb is only effective if it explodes directly under the chassis.

If it only explodes on the turret or car body, the shock wave will only scratch their tanks at most. The warlord nodded in understanding, but silently remembered these clues in his heart.

Come down.

The group of people waited in the open space for a while.

Just when the field man had almost understood the situation here, an officer came from a short distance and stopped in front of Kaliman.

"We have verified your identity, and we will arrange a vehicle to take you to the command post." A relieved smile spread across Kaligu's face, and he returned the military salute.

Adan, who was following not far away, stepped forward and congratulated.

otCongratulations, Mr. Karigu, you will be able to return to your team soon.

"Thank you for your help, I will remember this favor," Kaliman shook his hand and continued, "What are your plans in the future?"

Adan thought for a moment and answered with a smile.

"When the logistics officer here completes the handover of supplies to me, I will probably continue on the road to do the next business. The Lion Kingdom should not be able to survive for two months. While this war is not over, I will

Consider making a few more orders. "

"It seems we have to separate," Kari smiled and stretched out his right hand, "But I believe that in the future, this land illuminated by smoke will have a place for you. See you later."

A hint of surprise flashed across Adan's face, he smiled and held his right hand and shook it. “I’ll lend you your kind words and see you soon!

Just when Kaligu said goodbye to Adan, Warlord was looking around, trying to find a place where he could escape and go offline.

New equipment is being sent from the rear, as well as mutant mercenaries in the desert... such exciting information.

1 second to remember:

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