This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 632 I have never seen such outrageous tactics

The afternoon sun shines on the quiet No. 06 Defense Area, and it is as sunny as ever today.

Li Shudong, who was patrolling the position, tightened the oxygen tank on his back and glanced at the gray sky above his head, thinking that it would be nice if it rained.

Although it can't get rid of the suffocating musty smell, it can at least make the air look cleaner.

He is a soldier of the First Corps and joined the army just a few years ago. Although the day when the wave broke out was getting closer, he didn't have much fear in his heart, but instead had a trace of expectation.

I heard that after the wave is over, the First Corps will be reorganized into the Alliance's First Army, and will be divided according to the establishment of the People's Alliance era. If he can make a contribution in this battle, he might be able to become a squad leader or platoon leader.

It is always easier to fight against a group of brainless aliens than against the Velant people.

At least that's the theory.

Just as he was thinking this, a long-drawn "beep" sound suddenly came from the back of his head.

He subconsciously turned his head and happened to see a huge speaker sticking out of a window on one wall of the building not far away. To be precise, it was not one, but a bunch of them.

Dozens of loudspeakers, large and small, were dotted on the wall like ivy, facing directly in the direction of the city center.

Just when he was confused about what this was going to do, the string of speakers seemed to have completed the sound test and finally started to speak.

Well-written Chinese couplets floated out from the series of loudspeakers. What seemed to be playing was "Daily Survivor"?

Li Shudong was not the only one who was stunned. Wang Dashan who was standing next to him was also stunned.

...Why is the news suddenly released? "

"have no idea.."

I usually play the news in the canteen during meal time, but this is the first time I play it on the front line.

"What is this for?"

"Did the logistics department connect the wrong line?"

"Who's going to ask?

The soldiers looked at each other and exchanged words.

At this time, their captain came over and coughed.

"Go back to your positions and stop whispering here." Seeing the captain approaching, Li Shudong quickly gave a military salute.

"Report! There seems to be something wrong with the broadcast on the battlefield!" The captain said concisely, as if he had guessed that someone would mention this matter.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the broadcast. This is a new tactic developed by the shelter against the wave. The superiors discussed it during the meeting yesterday.

He specifically told us about this and let them broadcast it.

The operation was codenamed "Bodyguard," as were the building and the radio station.

According to the judgment of the army command, this year's wave is very likely to launch an offensive from a direction they did not expect, and the defense line originally designed based on the concentration of the spore cloud is very likely to be bypassed.

In order to regain the initiative on the battlefield, they need to take advantage of the matrix's misunderstanding of humans and create a false weakness in the middle of the left defense line as a bait.

Although he didn't know how a few loudspeakers were used as bait, after all, it was the idea of ​​the residents of the shelter, so he still believed it.

If the plan goes well, the main force of the slime mold will be pinned to the 06 defense line, and the alliance can concentrate its forces to attack the wave that penetrates deep into our side.

Several soldiers looked at each other with confusion written all over their faces. Even the veterans who had come off the battlefield in Luoxia Province had the same expressions as if they had never seen the world.

New...tactics? What kind of tactic is this?

The news from the Survivor's Daily was played for half an hour, and the newspaper was read for another half an hour, but soon there was nothing left to put.

Standing next to the radio station, the unprepared players started to worry.

Looking back at everyone behind him, Luo Yu scratched his back


"This...what's next?

Everyone looked at each other and suggested to stop the fight.

"Weather forecast?

c There are really mosquitoes turning over

A roll of eyes.

"We don't even have weather satellites, so the forecast is useless... Do you want to play it on a loop?"

Fang Chang shook his head.

"It's best not to. If it's People Lianyu, it's easy to see flaws... Hey, I almost forgot, we can broadcast real-life things!

Lao Bai scratched the back of his head and suggested, "Then... broadcast the real-life news broadcast?"

Luo Yu's eyes lit up.

"That's a good idea."

Fang Chang coughed lightly.

"Open your mind a little. It doesn't have to be news. You can play cross talk, skits, music... as long as it's content that West Asia can't analyze and can't find a pattern."

Mole scratched the back of his head. He always felt that this plan was not very reliable, but he couldn't think of a better way.

"Then it will regard this as our mother's nest? Isn't it too simple?

Fang Chang shook his head and said.

"This alone is of course not enough, we need to

Adjust the deployment of troops when the enemy rises, or launch an attack on areas outside the defense line... These are actually not difficult. As long as we make it believe that we have found the pattern, our operation will be successful.

Finally understanding this sentence, he grinned and picked up the rifle that was lying aside.

"Understood, just leave the sheep attack to our Death Corps!" Mosquito also chuckled.

"Leave the singing to me! I'm good at this job!"

Seeing this guy showing off, Luo Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Go away, you don't send away the friendly troops with your duck voice."

Ye Shi: “Hahahaha!

The room was filled with a happy atmosphere. Even the expressionless Guang Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Only the offended Mosquito had an unhappy expression on his face.

"Tch, you look down on my natural voice, right? I have to show you my voice today!

Having said that, Mosquito reached out and grabbed the microphone placed on the radio station. Luoyu didn't stop him when he saw this, and even smiled and turned the recording on the radio station into a live broadcast for him.


"It's okay, Xiaoyu, this guy wants to show off his skills so much, then let him show off his skills!"

The scene was quiet for a while.

Everyone is waiting for Brother Mosquito to speak.

After brewing his emotions for a moment, Mosquito coughed and cleared his throat vigorously.


Once the mood is brewed, it’s time to start singing. However, something embarrassing happened.

Although he decided to show off his skills, he had no idea what to sing.

But he already had the microphone in his hand, and a pair of eyes were looking at him again. If he didn't sing something, he really wouldn't be able to get off the stage.

Facing the quiet room, Mosquito looked embarrassed and dug his toes into the ground.

It wasn't until just now that he remembered that this radio station was not dealing with a dozen people, but hundreds of thousands.

With the power of the row of speakers outside, even the people in Boulder City could hear his cough!

It doesn't matter what the NPCs think.

But the key point is that there must be some idiot who will record his singing voice and put it on the Internet.

If this is exposed, how can you brag about it? Sweat broke out on his forehead.

At this moment, an idea suddenly came to his mind and he had an idea.

What should I do if I feel embarrassed?

Just play something more embarrassing!


Famous song!

Taking a deep breath, the speaker raised his hand like a skilled carpenter raising the saw blade resting on the violin.

"Just because-"

Before his singing voice could fully open up, and just two words popped out of his mouth, he was pushed down by people on the side and snatched away the microphone.

"Okay, okay, I believe you can sing!"

"Forget it mosquito! Brother Mosquito!"

"I beg you to stop singing!"

Seeing a few strength beasts taking away his microphone and holding him outside the door, the mosquitoes kept howling.

"Let me go! I can still sing! Let me finish singing!"

Looking at the figure disappearing outside the door, Fang Chang silently withdrew his gaze and coughed lightly.

Let's play some normal music. Luo Yu nodded with deep understanding.


After a whole afternoon of messing around, the battlefield radio station codenamed "Bodyguard" finally got on the right track.

In fact, it is said to be a battlefield radio station, but this thing has actually become a song-demand station for players in the sand.

The process of requesting songs is very simple.

You can add your favorite songs to the playlist by leaving a message in the corresponding post on the official website.

Now it is convenient to log in to the official website. You don’t need to go offline. You just need to turn on v within the signal coverage. It is not difficult to synchronize real-life data into the game. It can also be done with a V.

In the beginning, the songs played on the radio were relatively normal.

There are the lonely heroes that children like, and there are also the counterattacks that old uncles and aunts like to listen to.

There are also some popular BGs from certain music genres, such as Berlin Air Defense Tower and I Played with Mud in the Northeast.

But after two days, most of the popular songs have been played once, and everyone is almost tired of listening to them, and they really can't think of anything new.

In fact, except for a few high-level players such as Fang Chang and Quan Shui who are still acting seriously, most players have almost forgotten what the bodyguard operation is about.

So some clever guys came out and stuffed some weird stuff into the playlist.

Such as "My Little Pony".

Another example is "igotske" or something.

One second the radio was still shouting, and the next second it was whipping up Ruike Wu.

The players squatting behind the machine guns held their stomachs and laughed, and followed the rhythm of the music to the edge of going outside.

The water almost stopped the expression on his face.

The NPCs listened to it with great interest. The key was that they didn't understand the lyrics. They just thought it was rhythmic and even hummed along with the brisk beat.

The "Bodyguard" operation has only been started for three days, and the effect of this deception operation is not yet visible.

However, this battlefield radio station called Bodyguard was completely ruined.

Not only Fang Chang, Lao Bai, Quan Shui, Mole, and Bian Bian couldn't stand it any longer, but Chu Guang was also in trouble.

His character in the game is an NPC. Although it is claimed to be a close-to-real artificial intelligence, if he can even understand the jokes in the real world, this "real" is a bit unreasonable.

It is not uncommon for real people to pretend to be AIs and interact with players in some game companies whose selling point is Karlee. However, if players misunderstand that they and the dog planner Aguang are the same person, it will ultimately affect the sense of substitution. .

In the past few days, he was embarrassed to show his face in front of the players because he was afraid that his performance would not be good and he suddenly couldn't hold back his laughter.

Just when Chu Guang and a group of high-ranking players were gradually losing confidence in the "bodyguard" operation, the coveting eyes lurking outside the defense zone finally began to move.

Deep in the dark underground tunnel, in a scarlet palace covered with fungi, Siya stood in the center of the fungus and opened her abstract eyes.

"I found their nest.

The spores floating around it slowly fluctuated, sending this message to the mother who wrapped it.

However, the fluctuations in response to it were unexpectedly violent, as if they heard something unbelievable.

"Their mother's nest?! Those organisms don't have a mother's nest. They are just a bunch of dirty, ugly, messed-up guys!"

Sia thought for a while and conveyed her views in a positive manner.

"No, they do. Remember the hunter I caught last time?

Things? It was an empty shell, all three of them, their heads like a blank sheet of paper. "

Upon hearing this, the Brood fell into a brief silence and did not directly refute.

This was contrary to the common sense she knew, but it was not completely impossible.

After all, a similar situation had happened once before. And just in the last wave!

The humans who suddenly appeared in the north seemed to be different from the humans who lived in the walls. There were many strange things about them that she had never seen before.

She knew very well that these humans were trying to study her, and even built a huge wall for this purpose, and rested on this ruin for countless generations.

There was a hint of alarm in her mood.

She didn't know how far human research had progressed, but if they also evolved a unified consciousness, it would undoubtedly be a huge threat to her.

Seeing that her mother did not answer, Xia continued to convey her findings in a positive tone.

"There is something controlling their emotions, and I sensed his presence. Whenever he makes a sound, his fruiting bodies will have pleasant feelings from the heart. I think that is their mother nest, and His voice is their spores.

It felt all too familiar.

It's just like it was when it was next to its mother!

....If we can assimilate their hive, analyze it, understand it, and even become it...we can control everything about them and make their experience work for us.

There is no doubt that human beings are physically weak. Except for a few individuals with extraordinary strength, most individuals need tools to strengthen themselves.

But this is what makes them unusual.

She can use their tools, an ability she mastered long ago.

However, it is beyond her ability to continuously produce those tools like humans.

It is only a matter of time before it takes over the entire planet. However, if you want to spread the seeds to more distant worlds, she said that what needs to be done is not just to digest them, but to completely digest their knowledge and even lower-level thoughts and culture. .

After thinking for a long time, she slowly spoke.

"You're the smartest of all my children, so maybe that's a great discovery."

At least it's worth a try.

After receiving her mother's approval, Sia felt physically and mentally happy, and the tentacles under her skirt were swinging happily.

"I have a better idea, a better plan than my previous plan to get around them.

"The people in the wall and the people in the north have united together. We just need to put pressure on that wall and contain the power of humans in the north-"

"Then we only need to launch a surprise attack to completely occupy their nest!

Outside Boulder City.

Located at the edge of the West Third Ring Road, Qiao Yin, who was wearing power armor, was staring intently at the projection in the helmet's eyepiece.

According to the footage captured by the drone, millions of fruiting bodies are emerging from the entrances of various subway stations and building ruins within the second to third ring lines, and are consciously rushing towards the direction of Boulder City.

Looking at the raging wave, Qiao Yin's eyebrows were filled with deep solemnity.

The adjutant standing next to him looked even more pale and couldn't help but swallow.

"Damn...why are there so many?"

The annual wave eventually breaks out after airborne spore concentrations breach critical levels.

It's just that the quantity and quality completely exceeded the expectations of the officers of the militia group.

Based on experience in previous years, there are millions of fruiting bodies that can be seen, and the actual number dispatched is probably more than 10 times! What's more concerning is not the quantity.

In addition to cannon fodder such as gnawers, there are also a large number of fruiting bodies with strong individual combat capabilities such as butchers and tyrants, as well as a small number of extremely dangerous evolved bodies.

including three stories high

of behemoth.

Including fluttering flying aliens.

There are various types of these monsters, and all of them have a ferocious appearance.

These guys seemed to have completely forgotten that there was Dawn City to the north, and they all rushed towards Boulder City.

After discovering the conscious gathering of slime mold fruiting bodies, Qiao Yin did not hesitate and immediately mobilized five thousand-man teams of the militia regiment and transferred the 5,000-man punishment battalion to the front line.

At the same time, he ordered the P-2 "Lightning" attack aircraft on standby on the tarmac to take off immediately, and launched the first round of air strikes on the wave on the main road.

Two ion plumes passed through the gray mist-filled sky, throwing down two black shadows and smashing towards the neighborhood densely packed with fruiting bodies.

Orange-red flames shot up into the sky, engulfing the swarms of gnawers.

However, something strange happened.

The flame that was supposed to be burning was like a basin of cold water poured on it. After swallowing up half the street of gnawers, it did not get stronger and stronger. Instead, the fire became weaker and weaker, leaving a patch of incompletely burned ground. Corpses and sticky oil.

If these nutrients cannot be completely burned, the slime molds will quickly reuse them.

On the surface they are fighting the slime molds, but in essence they are fighting the nutrients dominated by the brood.

The slime mold will continuously recycle organic matter from the battlefield and bring it back to the incubation room, where it will be re-converted into combat units according to a certain ratio.

And this is also the most troublesome part of the wave. Qiao Yin frowned.

It seems that the analysis of the Alliance Biological Research Institute is correct. The spore clouds produced by the new wave can effectively prevent the burning of conventional fuels.

He could clearly see through the drone's lens that when the flame ignited, the gray-green mist surged toward the burning flame as if it had self-awareness.

The wave that was hit by the air only stagnated for a moment, and then continued to move toward the direction of Boulder City.

Some gnawers pounced on the burnt corpses, formed a circle on the ground, and devoured them without wasting any nutrients.

Of course, those noble evolved bodies looked down upon these skinny pitiful creatures, and just looked at the sky with falling flames and laughed coldly.

They seem to know where the attack is coming from and that someone must be there watching them.

But it doesn't matter -

Under her will, all resistance is in vain! All carbon-based creatures will be turned into nutrients that promote their prosperity!

The front line of the wave was only 1 kilometer away from the defense line of Boulder City.

If this trend continues, in another hour at most, the first line of defense of the punishment camp will collide with these slime molds.

The adjutant standing next to Qiao Yin clenched his fists and finally couldn't help but say.

“The only option is to use nuclear weapons!

It's not that he feels sorry for those criminals, he doesn't care at all about the life and death of those trash.

He simply didn't think that those bullies could hold off the surging waves with a few machine guns and rifles without the support of incendiary bombs.

Before Qiao Yin could speak, the staff officer of the militia group interrupted the adjutant.

"No! Radioactive substances will accelerate the evolution of slime mold! We have verified before that using nuclear weapons against the wave will only cause

The wave next year will be even more fierce!

The adjutant clenched his fists and couldn't help but say.

"Incendiary bombs don't work, and neither do nuclear weapons... Do you expect to rely on more than 5,000 cannon fodder and conventional artillery to clean up that garbage?

Qiao Yin said solemnly.

“I have requested reinforcements from Alliance Army Command and they have promised to send more men to help us.

The adjutant frowned.

"It's strange, why hasn't the alliance been attacked, and only we have been targeted by the wave? Could it be that the alliance's biological research institute has discovered something that can make the wave ignore him?

Our method-"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by an angry rebuttal.

"Shut up!"

Looking at the stunned adjutant, Qiao Yin reached out and grabbed his collar, stared into his eyes and spoke word by word.

"What I need is for you to give professional advice instead of talking unfounded nonsense here! No one can escape the wave unless it is wiped out. I have met that man and maybe I don't know him well enough, but I’m sure he’s not the idiot you say!”

The adjutant nodded cautiously. "clear.

"If you understand, start moving!" Qiao Yin loosened her grip on his collar.

"The front line needs heavy equipment. I need you to immediately transfer a batch of heavy machine guns and mortars from your inventory and send them over!"

The adjutant took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, stood at attention and performed a military salute.


News of the attack on Boulder quickly spread to the Alliance's positions.

Fang Chang, who was still guarding the radio station, couldn't help but frowned as he looked at the markings on the map. His originally confident expression also showed a slight wavering.

"Plan failed?"

"No...quite the opposite!"

Quan Shui clenched his fists that were resting on the map. Quan Shui, who was standing next to him, was full of excitement and gave a completely different opinion than him.

His view is exactly the opposite.

If a few minutes ago he had doubts about the details of the "Bodyguard" plan, now he was almost certain that their plan had succeeded!

This West Asia has some calculations!

It's just that this level of calculation is still too "simple", so that it seems to be a bit cover-up.

If it were him, he would allocate one-fifth or one-quarter of his troops, put pressure on the alliance, and patiently play out last year's script again.

What it is doing now is tantamount to telling them-I have noticed you, but I pretend not to see you. It is clear!

The main force of the sheep attack wave over at Boulder City is probably already lurking under the thick fog in the northern suburbs, ready to launch at any time. Fang Chang also came to his senses at this time. After being stunned for a moment, his solemn expression gradually relaxed into a smile.

“That’s it. Good guy.

This mother body actually started acting with them. This was something he didn't expect.

Just when Fang Chang came to his senses, Quan Shui had already grabbed the walkie-talkie on the table.

"Our enemies have taken the bait! Yan Yan, take your brothers and immediately move toward the west district of Qingquan City for reinforcements... But be careful not to go too fast, and be ready to turn around at any time! Wait for my news !

The answer from Edge of Water soon came through the communication channel.


After hanging up Brother Bian's communication, Quan Shui then transferred the communication to the front line of Defense Zone 06 and shouted energetically.

"Notify the brothers on the battlefield and ask them to cheer up!

"The prey is ready to move, and a tough battle is coming.

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