Not to mention Itachi, who is determined to redouble his training in order to maintain his future 'total victory'.

Aoba, who was almost psychologically abused, was checking the sound of the dog system that had been ignored during the battle.

Under the high-intensity duel during this period of time, the level of [White Fight] has finally been raised to LV4!

This is undoubtedly very exciting news!

If Itachi didn't help him with his actual combat training, it would be impossible to upgrade [Shiba] to LV4.

This also proves from the side that the ability of [White Fight] cannot be achieved by simply practicing it. The more powerful and high-pressure battles are carried out, the easier it is to break through.

After all, this is a killing technique extracted from battle and has been tempered, not a performance routine.

But if you want to give full play to the true power of [White Strike], physique, strength, speed, sensitivity, etc. are all indispensable!

Because the cornerstone of supporting body fighting is not various skills, but the most essential things.

Otherwise, it will only be reduced to a bells and whistles in the sky and be knocked down with one punch!

No wonder Kai is so keen on basic training. As long as he can improve his physical qualities such as strength and speed, even simple physical skills can exert great power.

Qing Yu gradually had such a clear understanding in his heart, and his blind pursuit of skills was nothing more than abandoning the basics.

So he decided to increase the amount of basic training in the next period of time, no longer thinking about how to improve the level of [White Strike], and was ready to let nature take its course.

There is also the special state that suddenly entered in the battle before...

He originally thought it was just a coincidence, but in retrospect, it seemed that every time he got out of this state of emptiness similar to 'Epiphany', the level of [White Strike] would be increased accordingly.

He also doesn't know whether this is some kind of potential originally possessed by this body, or some kind of strange ability that he brought after crossing over, or whether it will appear whenever there is a breakthrough in [White Strike] in battle. special status.

"Maybe we can try to actively stimulate this state in the future."

Qing Yu didn't know what the reason was, but he still decided to take some time to try it out. If he was really lucky, it would be another trump card for him.

"Today's duel is here. For the rest of the time, we will continue to practice the mastery of the three-body technique. After you have completely mastered the three-body technique, I will teach you how to accurately control Chakra."

Itachi's words recalled Qingyu's cranky thoughts, and then he nodded, and began to practice the three-body technique under the guidance of Teacher Itachi.

Seriously, Itachi thought Aoba would be able to master these basic ninjutsu very quickly.

After all, these things are like enlightenment education to him. It can't be simpler, and it's not interesting to throw a shuriken.

But after so many days, Qing Yu's mastery of the three-body technique is still at a terrible stage.

It's as if his talent is not there at all!

In addition, Qingyu's chakra volume is not much, like the Fengxian fire technique that Itachi released before, even if he learns the seal and the flow of chakra, he can't release it at all...

It's so embarrassing!

If I change to another teacher, I might have to give up his "crane tail" at this time.

But Itachi didn't, and taught seriously every time.

So cheeky Rao Shi Qingyu is a little embarrassed. Every time he buys a few strings of three-color **** and brings them to the training ground in advance, it is regarded as a reward for Teacher Itachi's 'never give up'.

No way, even if the talent of this body is really not good, this most basic three-body technique must be learned.

Otherwise, even if you go to the ninja school, you won't be able to graduate...

There is also such a thing as a shuriken. He can't even play it. He struggles even to hit a fixed target, not to mention playing like Itachi.

So he simply gave up the shuriken directly. Anyway, except for a very few people, they would not use the shuriken as the main means of attack, would it be harmless.

Since his talent and the only options at present are in physical skills, then he can only invest with all his strength.

As for the future, we can only talk about it later.

After all, he is also a man with golden fingers. If his talent is not good, he will come to join him!

He can always walk out of a ninja road that belongs to him alone!

. . . . . . . . . . . .

On the training ground in the Uchiha station, Itachi was still sweating to his heart's content when he returned home.

It's just that he should be training shuriken at this time, but today he was doing physical training instead.

After Shishui, who had been watching for a while, finally stopped to rest, he said, "Who won today's duel?"

Itachi did not speak, and was still drinking water in small sips to replenish his strength.

Seeing Itachi's state, Shishui knew that Itachi should still win today's duel, but it seems that the process is not easy.

Otherwise, based on his understanding of Itachi, if the opponent wins, Itachi will definitely admit it.

"It seems that Qingyu should have given you a lot of stimulation Otherwise, why would you practice physique at this time...

The last sentence, Shishui did not say.

Itachi nodded this time, but still didn't say anything.

At this time, Zhishui leaned against the wall as if talking to himself and said, "In this world, everyone has their own speciality, it depends on whether they can find it in time. Itachi, do you know that your talent is unique? , as if any problem can't beat you, ninjutsu, illusion, taijutsu, and even the shuriken thrown are so pleasing to the eye..."

"But people's time is limited. I can understand your desire to strengthen taijutsu, but at the same time you have to ask yourself, becoming a ninja specializing in taijutsu and fighting is really what you want to go. the way?"

"Don't ignore your own heart because of Qingyu, and don't feel unwilling because the opponent's physical skills are stronger than you."

"Itachi, your future should be a one-of-a-kind great ninja."

. . . . . . . . . .

After Shishui finished speaking, he left, leaving Itachi alone looking forward and thinking.

"Is the path you want to take in the future?"

"One-of-a-kind great ninja..."

After a while, Itachi, who had recovered a lot of physical strength, continued to start training, still in taijutsu...

But after completing the last set of exercises, he took out the shuriken in the ninja bag, and in the blink of an eye, there was an extra shuriken in the red hearts of the tricky targets everywhere.

At this time, he was hiding in the dark and observing Itachi's Zhishui, and when he saw that he finally stopped digging into the horns, but found his true heart, he couldn't help showing a happy smile.

Itachi, you will definitely become a great ninja like no other.

I believe in it!

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