This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 94 If you don’t drink, nothing will happen

Wright arranged to meet with the elf empire's envoy at his home.

He planned to finish the meeting while eating breakfast. In this way, time can be saved to the greatest extent.

Because the kitchen had not yet been repaired, Wright ordered breakfast from the Holy Rose Manor early in the morning. When the elf envoy Sophia Edmin arrived, the meals were still hot.

We haven’t seen each other for three years, and time has not left any trace on this female elf’s face.

She was still elegant and graceful, with golden curly hair and an elf-specific delicate face. She was already out of control, but her curvy figure was still a sharp knife.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they sat down to eat. The eating habits of the elves are relatively light, and Sophia is not used to it.

"Why didn't Mr. Wright make breakfast by himself this time?"

"My kitchen was attacked by unknown terrorists two days ago, and it has not been repaired to this day..."

Sophia chuckled twice: "Master Wright is so funny. Is there anyone in this Holy City who dares to attack your manor?"

"What are you afraid of? Someone assassinated the Pope two days ago."

Wright put the green leaves between the bread, sandwiched two pieces of bacon, spread some salad dressing, covered it with the bread slices and took a big bite.

The crunching sound made Sophia frown slightly.

"We have heard a little bit about this matter. We heard that it is the group of lunatics from the Tower of Truth... The Tower of Truth has been destroyed for so many years, how come there are still remnants who are doing whatever they want?"

"There must be someone behind it..."

Wright threw half a piece of homemade sandwich on the plate: "After all these years, I still can't get used to this thing. By the way, I heard that you led the team by yourself this time.

Where is your princess? "

The corner of Sophia's mouth twitched: "Your Highness, because you were frightened by Mr. Wright's behavior last time, you have not recovered yet. When you sleep on weekdays, you will be awakened by nightmares."

"That was really embarrassing. I thought she was three or four hundred years old at the time, so I didn't avoid her.

Forget that you elves, as immortal species, are not considered adults at this age. "

Wright deliberately covered the remaining knife with ketchup, and then smeared it on the sandwich he had taken a bite of.

This behavior seemed to remind Sophia of some bad memories, and she subconsciously covered her mouth.

"Miss Sophia, I heard that the Elf Empire's magic potions are the best in the entire continent. They are very popular recently."

"Ah? No! If there is no such thing, Mr. Wright must have misunderstood. Our magic potions and magic materials are all made by ourselves.

Never, ever been traded, let alone sold to a human nation. "

Wright raised his eyelids: "Did I just mention humans?"

"Um...I mean..."

"Miss Sophia, don't panic. Magic potions and magic materials are not contraband. You just sold them before. You can make money, so don't shiver.

But after this Holy Advent ceremony, the situation is different.

All human holy kingdoms will be subject to magic control. From magicians to magic supplies, magic props and magic potions, everything needs to be restrained. "

Now Sofia couldn't sit still and stood up suddenly: "What? Mr. Wright, are you serious?"

"The assassination of the Pope is an event that cannot be tolerated by the Holy Light Church! Everyone in the Holy See is very angry. If I hadn't suppressed him, the world would have been a river of blood."

Wright was unfazed: "This is already the Holy Religion's gentlest way of handling this matter.

I know that the strategy my teacher set before was to focus on relaxation and promote coexistence.

But Miss Sophia also understands my personality. I don't like to wait for the knife to be on my neck before I fight back. "

Looking at the stunned Sophia, Wright finally had a smile on his face.

Wright believed that the elves who respected life and nature would definitely not cooperate with the Tower of Truth.

But the magic potions and magic materials they produced became the breeding ground for poisonous thorns.

Therefore, Wright must cut this knife.

Faced with Wright's determination, Sophia didn't even have the courage to protest.

Although the Elf Empire still calls itself an empire, its life is actually worse than that of the dwarf tribe.

After all, the dwarves' iron-casting skills are unparalleled in the world, and their relationship with humans is relatively harmonious, so they can live a more prosperous life in all aspects.

Elves are different. They are delicate and expensive. Not only do they have extremely high requirements for their living environment, but their quality of life must also be high.

Rather than saying that he is a declining noble, it is better to say that he is holding on for the sake of face.

Moreover, elf slaves have always been a hot-selling product in the black market. Just a half-elf can be sold for a sky-high price.

Even if all the remaining population of the Elf Empire were put on the black market, it would be sold out in three months.

They can continue to exist because they are located deep in the dense forest and have geographical advantages.

Secondly, the church still wanted to save face. It explicitly restricted the capture of elves, so that some actions could only be carried out secretly.

If she were facing the gentle pope or someone else in the Holy See, Sophia might argue with reason.

But facing him, St. Wright, that saintly sinner, the turbid light who kills without blinking an eye. Sophia didn't dare to make any mistakes.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that the entire elven clan will be plunged into catastrophe.

The Holy Light Church doesn't even need to target them, it just needs to say that it will no longer pursue the elf slave incident, and the consequences will be disastrous.

However, the current elves are simply unable to maintain a complete social form.

If the potion business is lost, it won't be long before the elves will regress back to the barbaric period.

Miss Sophia swallowed her saliva and asked tentatively: "Your Highness, is there no room for maneuver?"

Wright looked up at her and suddenly laughed.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm just talking about control, not a ban on sales.

Not only will we not prohibit sales, we will also work with you in the official name to operate. "

Such a 180-degree turn caught Sophia off guard.

"Really, really?"

Wright stood up and poured a full glass of milk for Sophia.

"There is an old saying in my hometown, which is that blocking is worse than sparing. Magic medicine is a necessity of life, and it is definitely wrong to ban it.

What we mean is to ensure that the potion does not fall into the wrong hands.

Now in the human world, many magicians with good conduct and clean deeds have no choice but to go to the black market and work with those evil wizards to seize the right to purchase magic potions.

Over time, it will inevitably go astray.

From now on, the Holy See will sell the magical medicines of the elves. Any registered magician with no bad record can purchase these high-quality and low-priced magic potions.

As for the fees earned during the entire process, our Holy See will not take any penny from it, and will all return it to you, the elves.

Moreover, we are happy to help you use this money to purchase any items that the elves need.

I believe that with the mediation of our Holy See, the elves will no longer be afraid of being slaughtered by unscrupulous profiteers.

Is it right? "

After hearing Wright's vision for the future, Sophia became visibly excited.

It has to be said that every one of the various suggestions he put forward accurately hit the elves' pain points.

Although she was dissatisfied with the other party's arrogant attitude, Sophia could not muster the courage to resist at the moment.

After all, it’s too late to enjoy such a good thing, so how dare you resist?

"This... is of great importance. I want to go back and report to our Queen. But we feel the sincerity of the Holy See! I believe that His Highness's proposal will definitely promote the further development of our relationship!"

"So, you agreed?"

Wright asked, gesturing to the full glass of milk in front of Sophia with his hand.

Sofia looked at the tall cup with a confused look on her face. The elves had a light diet, and the milk, which had a somewhat fishy smell to humans, was even more difficult to swallow for elves.

Sofia used her fingers to tuck her hair behind her ears and said awkwardly.

"Mr. Wright, I...this cup..."

"Miss Sophia, our cooperation is more about attitude. You have to understand that I will do this business for you. It is not a bad idea to find another elf to contact you.

As for the elves, I never worry about whether they will cooperate with me.

But I still want to see Miss Sophia’s sincerity. "

Sophia immediately panicked after hearing this. She quickly picked up the milk, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then drank it.

The milk that usually makes one frown when smelling it was drank down in one gulp.

Sofia put the empty cup on the table and looked at Wright breathlessly.

"Your Highness, is this sincerity enough?"

After saying that, she covered her mouth and tried not to spit it out.

Wright stood up and came to her side, putting his hand on her back. With the injection of holy light, Sophia's expression gradually softened.

“Remember how you felt today, it led to you winning another big deal.”

After hearing this, Sophia straightened up immediately and stared at Wright.

"Business, is there any bigger business than this?"

After hearing this, Wright laughed.

“Is the potion business considered big?

In the entire human world, how many magicians can there be, and how many magic potions can be consumed every year.

Even if the potion business is on the table, it can be bought and sold openly, and consumption will increase.

But, that's all.

What I’m talking to you about is a matter of people in the world, a matter that concerns all human beings, and even all living creatures. "

Wright said as he returned to his seat and cut the bread by himself.

“The Holy See is preparing to set aside a large area of ​​land in the southeastern region of the human frontier to form a new United Federation.

We plan to turn that area into a food production base that can feed all mankind.

The Holy See hires you elves to manage production.

I know that everyone in your elven family has very high magical talents.

But that doesn't mean that everyone has the talent to make magic potions or magical creations.

But when it comes to cultivating plants and promoting production! I think there is no more suitable candidate in the entire world than your elves.

Why waste such a good talent?

That joint federal land, if you can manage it well.

The income will be several times, dozens of times that of your potion business! Even hundreds of times!

After all, he is a human being and he has to eat. "

When Elf Sophia heard about this granary project, her whole body trembled with excitement.

If this thing really succeeds, then the status of elves will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Your Highness! Your Highness Wright! Is what you said true? Is it true?"

"Of course, the elves also have to cooperate..."

"Cooperate! The elves will absolutely cooperate with His Highness's plan! Just advance your plan. If there are any obstacles on the elves' side, leave them to me to deal with!"

Sofia became more and more excited as she thought about it, and stood up from her seat with a roar.

"To show my sincerity, I, I, I... I will drink another glass of milk! No, I will drink a bucket!"

"Well...that's not necessary"

"Your Highness Wright! Please give me another drink!"

"There's not that much milk."

"You... think of a way!"

"I'll come up with something, I'm not a cow!"

After much effort, Wright was able to drive this elf out of the house who was already excited and a little crazy.

When he returned to the dining room, the three little ones at home had already come to have breakfast.

Lilith shook the wooden bucket of milk: "Oh~ isn't there still a lot of milk? Why not give it to others?"

"In our hometown, we say that you should eat what you need to supplement your health. I'm thinking, it would be better for you to drink more."

"Hmph! Are you... telling the truth?"

"I said you are a devil, please stop being so superstitious, okay?"

Wright sat back on his seat, and Flandre immediately spoke: "Your Highness, is it not a good idea to hand over the granary of the human world to the elves?"

"You have a great vision, but that's the need for the church to take control of the big picture."

Wright placed the bread on two plates: "I lied to her and said it was a granary, but that place was more of a reservoir.

If there is a food shortage in various places this year, use the food here to provide relief and stabilize food prices.

If there is a good harvest of food everywhere this year, the food here can be used to make wine. Either sell it or store it.

What it plays is more of a guarantee.

But supervision is necessary.

Otherwise, within a few years, the elves' low-priced food will impact the entire human market, and all countries will give up on their own farmers.

At that time, the elves had complete control over the lifeblood of mankind. "

Emily shuddered after hearing this: "Fortunately, the elves didn't think of this trick back then, otherwise..."

"Haha, the wheel of history is rolling forward, and one or two things cannot change the inevitable direction."

Lilith sipped the milk and wiped her mouth for the last time: "Let me guess, you actually want the Protestants to do this business, right?"

"You're half right. To do business, of course we have to let the Chamber of Commerce in the commercial street do it."

"It sounds so good, new businesses will create new jobs. In the end, won't people from Shenggong Town fill them in?

At that time, Shenggong Town, the Protestant Church, and the Chamber of Commerce will be more closely united.

Oh yes, and the empty shell of the temple.

I knew it wasn't that simple for you to ask the Temple to take the lead in establishing the White Mage Foundation.

With the support of those three legs, you can turn the temple from a decoration into a monster with real power! "

Lilith put down the milk bucket in surprise: "You are establishing another right to speak! Do you really want to replace Aphra?"

Wright smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes. Eat quickly, we have to pave the road today!

There is still a good show waiting for everyone at the party. "

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