This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 80: Miss Prison Customer Service ~ Action plan for the next step!

blu ~ blu ~

Cui Ze silently stared at the phone bug on the desktop, and the strange ringing bell kept echoing in the quiet room.

This is a phone call to the headquarters.

no other meaning.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen the sound and smile of General Kizaru (Kizuna:?), and Cui Ze misses it very much.

He wanted to communicate a few more words with General Kizaru.

By the way, strengthen the relationship between each other.

You know, that's the [Flashing Kiabou]!

Natural type · Sparkling fruit ability!

【Ernest】The perfect match for the scum card!

There is no more suitable printing card object in the sea than General Kisaragi!

Cui Ze's brain couldn't help but tremble with excitement when he thought of the double blessing effect of "printing the [Kizuna] card and sticking the [Human Scum] card.

At this stage, 【Kizuna】is the lowest A-level card.

For the blessing of his four combat attributes, strength, durability, agility, and domineering, he can definitely reach the A-level!

And [Ernest] can reproduce the opponent's [Strength] attribute on the spot!

what does that mean?

This means that once these two cards are used in a stack, Cui Ze can instantly transform into a top-level expert in the true sense of the sea, and he is also a strong-type expert!

"Boss Huang Yuan, hurry up and answer the phone!"

Cui Ze muttered silently in his mouth.

"As long as you can casually print seven, eight, or ten [Kia ape] cards for me, I will forgive you for playing the Yin-Yang script on the Chambord Archipelago, and no longer secretly plan how to punch The dirty trick of blowing your glasses..."

More than ten seconds passed, and Cui Ze only felt that life was like a year.

With a click, the phone bug was finally connected.

What followed was a crisp but majestic young female voice.

"Mosimoxi ~ here is..."

"Miss Domino!"

Cui Ze rarely interrupted the chat with the glamorous policewoman in the prison and called her by her first name.

"I have important affairs to report to the headquarters! Please contact Lieutenant General Polusalino as soon as possible!"

Facing the temptation of 【Kizuna】.

Cui Zecai didn't bother to care about the big waves of blond hair, the hot bump, the brown sunglasses, the deep red high boots on the phone bug's side...

Grandma drops!

The more you think, the more you lose!

I really want to be the baton in Miss Domino's hand!

So she can hold it in her hand...

Thinking of this, Cui Ze's resentment towards Kizaru deepened.

If Boss Huang doesn't print hundreds of [Kimuru] cards...

Cui Ze vowed to blow up Boss Huang's glasses in the future!

Hearing the serious voice from the phone bug, Domino, who was far away in the deep sea prison, also realized the importance of the situation.

"Okay! I'll turn the phone bug to the Navy Headquarters immediately!"

Waited another half a minute.

The crisp female voice disappeared, replaced by a slick and wretched middle-aged male voice.

"Mosimoxi~ is there anyone over there? Why is there no sound?"

"Boss Huang!"

Cui Ze interrupted Kizaru's daily pastime.

"I have an important report on the king of Alabasta Shichibukai Sand Crocodile Crocodile!"

"Oh? I don't know what happened?"

Kizaru's tone did not change in the slightest, and continued to tease Cui Ze.

"It's so late, it's not working time~ Brother Cui Ze probably didn't want to charge overtime, so he contacted the headquarters at this time, right?"

Does this mean that you work night shift and get overtime pay?

For some reason, this was the first thought that popped into Cui Ze's mind.

He shook his head and threw out the unimportant things.

"After my... um, I personally tested it on the spot."

Cui Ze reluctantly found a decent word.

"I found out that King Qiwuhai Crocodile has a false statement!"


The yellow monkey on the phone bug's side fell into a strange silence, seemingly confused by Cui Ze's words.

"It's just a fake? What, what do you mean?"

"It means I got into a fight with a sand alligator."

Cui Ze said lightly.

"This old pirate senior who has been in the sea for more than ten years doesn't talk about martial arts.

"The traditional rules of pirates are to punish without self and keep moving forward. If you can kill the opponent, you will kill the opponent, and if you can't kill the opponent, it's okay if you die!

"The sand crocodile doesn't follow the rules and can't beat anyone, but he turned around and ran away!"


Kizaru fell silent again.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the wall clock in the room, probably suspecting that he was dreaming, or that Cui Ze had gone crazy after drinking in the middle of the night.


Cui Ze?

A recruit?

Defeat the Shichibu Haisha Crocodile?

Or at the opponent's desert home field?


If you can beat the Sand Crocodile on the desert field, I'll give up my alternate spot to—

"Lieutenant General Plus also knows about this matter, and maybe he is also reporting the situation to the headquarters at this time."

Seeing that Huang Yuan didn't reply for a long time, Cui Ze thought that this out-of-tune old ape was dozing off, and he opened his mouth again.

"Ah, um, oh..."

Kizaru's throat is like a rusty organ that hasn't been oiled for decades, sending out incoherent and meaningless auxiliary words, and it barely returns to normal after a long time.

"I see."

"Sand Crocodile was defeated by me once, what should I do with my follow-up investigation mission?"

Cui Zetu saw that his goal was still to print the [Kia ape] card.

"Why don't Boss Huang come to Alabasta in person and give me some pointers and tips for this inexperienced recruit?"

"You don't have to worry about your investigation task, let's wait for the headquarters to confirm the specific situation."

Kizaru ignored Cui Ze's outrageous words and started to act.

If Cui Ze really defeated Crocodile, then the undercover plan under the king's Qiwuhai previously formulated needs to be greatly revised!

The original plan on Marin Fando's side was to arrange more tasks for this kid first.

While exercising strength, continue to accumulate reputation, and finally find one or two weak Qiwuhai as stepping stones, and then replace them and become the Navy's Qiwuhai.

But this is the first task! ?

Cui Ze, you directly overturned the veteran strongman Crocodile?

Still in the desert country of Alabasta!

Do you want to play cards so unconventionally?

Kizuna felt that he needed to notify Teacher Zefa and Granny Crane as soon as possible and ask them how to deal with the current situation.


The undercover program is about to get out of control!

Holding the phone bug, Kizaru turned into a flash of light and flew directly to Teacher Zefa's address.

Cui Ze didn't know the situation, and continued to report: "There is one more thing, Lieutenant General Plus wants to recruit me into the navy, Boss Huang, what should I do with this matter?"

Plus wants you to join the Navy?

What is this situation?

How else are you going to join the navy?

Get two paychecks?

Polsalino was in a mess in an instant, and he almost didn't crash into Zefa's home.

"Where are you now, Cui Ze?"

Kizaru stood at the gate of Zefa's house, and while cutting the mess with a sharp knife, he pressed the doorbell of Zefa's house at the speed of light.

"No matter where you are now, find a hidden place to hide and wait for the response from the headquarters! Crocodile's abilities will be maximized in the desert, and you need to be careful about your own safety at all times. That's it for now!"

I do think Crocodile will "make a comeback"!

Reward him with a few shots of [Heavenly Obstruction Zhenxing]!

Before Cui Ze had time to respond, the phone bug was hung up by the yellow monkey.

Half an hour later, the phone bug rang again.

"Cough cough..."

On the headquarters side, Kizaru cleared his throat a few times and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

As expected by Cui Ze, Plus Ji reported the situation in Alabasta to the headquarters immediately, including the battle scene in which Cui Ze "crushed" Crocodile.

Not to mention Zefa and Crane's shocked expressions when they found out about this.

Kizaru said: "Headquarters, the details of your actions in Alabasta have been verified."

"So, is there any reward from the headquarters for defeating the King's Qiwuhai?"

Cui Ze asked quickly.

"And having said that, when will the animal-type devil fruit that the headquarters planned to give me before will be handed out?"

"Your Devil Fruit will probably be handed over to you next time you return to the headquarters to report on your duties."

Yellow Ape said.

"As for the specific reward for defeating Qiwuhai, it should be reflected in the promotion of military rank and treatment."

"Isn't that a deserved reward?"

Cui Ze asked confidently.

"I risked my life to defeat the sand crocodile with great difficulty in the uninhabited desert area! Wouldn't the headquarters be considerate of the blood and sweat I shed during the battle?"

Blood sweat?

Did you stream that stuff?

Kizaru remembered the extra report.

In the hands of Cui Ze, Sand Crocodile lost almost without any resistance!

Simply outrageous!

When will a navy recruit be comparable - no!

Overwhelming the strength of the big pirates?

Kizaru cleared his mind, "So what other rewards do you want~"

"Devil fruit or something, can you give me one more?"

Cui Ze asked tentatively.

"If I can't get a direct reward, I can also pay for it!"

Kizuna's expression froze.

He immediately remembered that the information sent back by Kaji also included the news that Cui Ze had smashed more than 2 billion Bailey's gambling funds in the Rain Banquet Casino.

More than two billion Baileys!

At this price, what devil fruit can't be bought?

Kizuna rested his forehead and said with some headache: "There is no remaining Devil Fruit here in the headquarters... As for the seamen buying fruits from the headquarters, there is no precedent... Forget it, I will help you pay attention to this matter."

"That's really good!"

Cui Ze was overjoyed. He didn't have any hope at all, but he didn't expect to actually buy Devil Fruits from the headquarters!

"Why do you want so many Devil Fruits?"

Kizuna asked curiously.

"The information sent back by the lieutenant general also mentioned that you are a card fruit person. You must know that there is no way for one person to eat two devil fruits at the same I recently suffered from If you don't collect Devil Fruits, you won't be in the mood to work."

Cui Ze said vaguely.

"Huh? That's a good reason to be lazy—cough! I mean, how can there be such a strange disease in the sea!"

Kizaru rubbed his stubble a few times.

"Since you don't want to say it, you should have your own reasons."

Kizaru secretly guessed that Cui Ze probably wanted to use the power of the Devil Fruit to recruit some powerful men to restore the kingdom of Tobias...

"The chat is almost over, it's time to talk about business."

Kizaru's voice became serious.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cui Ze Feit of the Navy Headquarters, from tomorrow onwards, suspend your activities in Alabasta, and go to the Devil's Triangle waters to launch a crusade against King Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria!

"Retake the forcibly detained naval battleship from the other side! And rescue all the navy members who are still alive in the warship!"

After the joint confirmation of Zefa and Crane, since Cui Ze already has the ability to face the king's Qiwuhai head-on, he should speed up his training plan!

After the Sand Crocodile Crocodile, the second King Shichibukai - Moonlight Moria, is the best target!

Fat House Moriah?

Cui Ze narrowed his eyes.

Another B-grade bait...

I remember that there are two devil fruit capable people in Moria's subordinates, and I don't know if the two devil fruits have been eaten.

Superman-type transparent fruit!

Superman type ghost fruit!

Cui Ze, who had regained his senses, solemnly replied to the phone bug.

"Got it! Sir!"

"Good! Very energetic!"

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