After eating the whole family bucket meal that Li Xiaoling personally bought.

Looking at the almanac, today is Thursday.

I still have things to do at night, so I can't eat too much.

Thinking of the bananas that the fat man next door gave him, Qiao Yuan asked Li Xiaoling to assemble these ingredients and send them over.


Then look at the time, almost!

The old rules come to the front of the Yellow Calendar.

Gifts, demolition

Avoid traveling, breaking ground

Ask for auspiciousness and tear until you are satisfied!

Before leaving, he handed a bottle of spiritual liquid to Li Xiaoling, which was not as good as hot water for him.


"Qiao Yuan, what do you want to eat tomorrow, I'll make it for you!" Li Xiaojin was moved when he saw the spiritual liquid in his hand.

"Snail noodles." Qiao Yuan's voice came from the corridor.

"Screw powder?"

"Is Qiao Yuan's mouth so good?"

Looking at Qiao Yuan's back, Li Xiaoling swears inwardly.

"Qiao Yuan, don't worry, I won't let you down, I'm going to double... not triple the powder!"

Then Li Xiaoling turned on his mobile phone, entered the shopping APP, searched for keywords and asked the seller.

"Hello, which type of screw is better?"

Seller: "??????"


That night, the moon and stars were sparse and all sounds were silent.

Still ambush as always!

"Qiao team, why is it still me this time?" The bald-headed spirit said depressedly.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the people will remember you!" Qiao Yuan's voice came from the headset.

The bald Variant Spirit suddenly showed a bitter face, took off the headset and muttered in a low voice.

"It's fine for others to remember me, as long as you don't remember me..."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I said that I am very grateful to the Security Bureau for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely live up to the expectations of the people of Liyang City!"

Qiao Yuan on the other end of the headset was silent.

"Who taught you this?"

"It's not Xia Yaozu!" The bald head hurriedly denied.


Lying on the bed, the bald head began to swipe the short video about the car again. It is better to plan ahead for some things. Maybe I can pick up the new car again tonight.

Next door, Qiao Yuan, Hu Zhanan and the squad leader are still lurking according to the old rules.

However... the whole night passed like this, and nothing happened to Qiao Yuan here.

The same goes for Zhou Jin!

After squatting for a night, I didn't see a single alien spirit.

That's weird!

"As expected of Team Qiao, I didn't need to take action to scare that Variant Spirit away!" The bald head who was falsely alarmed flattered.

I was worried about gain and loss. Last night, it had already picked a luxury car and waited for the security bureau to reimburse it. As a result...


Carefully opening the files in the phone, Qiao Yuan still found nothing strange.

Could it be that such a simple trap was discovered?

Everyone thinks so.

So Qiao Yuan and Zhou Jin kept changing their strategies.

A few days later.

Seven or eight sets of plans have been changed in succession!

The behind-the-scenes Variant Spirit still did not make a move.

At this moment, even Qiao Yuan himself suspected that this was most likely the revenge of the alien spirit that had hatred with Butcher Zhang, not the alien spirit he killed before.

And imitating the slain Variant Spirit is just confusing.

This statement was quickly recognized by Zhou Jin.


Inside the office.

"Brother Qiao Yuan, you've worked hard for the past few days. I think this should be an accidental incident. Let's do it first." Zhou Jin said apologetically to Qiao Yuan.

"Well, we can only do this first. If there is any news later, let me know as soon as possible." Qiao Yuan said.

So the ambush plan began to be cancelled, and everyone began to get busy with other things.

Before leaving, Qiao Yuan suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Team Zhou, do you know that kind of world full of alien spirits?"

"What?" Team Zhou was a little puzzled.

Looking at Zhou Jin's expression, it was obvious that he didn't know.

"How long will Zhou Ju be back?"

"Just a few days!"

The authority of the person in charge is much higher than that of the captain. When he comes back, he may be able to learn about the world from his mouth.

Qiao Yuan always had a feeling that the storm was about to come in his heart.



Because of what happened to Hu Zhannan recently, Zhou Jin deliberately gave him a few days off.

On the way home, the squad leader quietly followed behind Hu Stubble.

"You've been working hard these past few days, so let's take a break for two days for now!" Hu Zhanan turned around and squeezed out a smile.

"Master..." The squad leader looked worried.

"It's alright, didn't Team Zhou say it, Lao Zhang's death was just an accident, I'll return to the team after two days off!"

"By the way, I'm not here for the past two days. You go to the archives to look at the previous materials and gain experience. Your talent is very good, and you are destined to go far!"

The squad leader behind him nodded solemnly.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations. I have already accepted a commission from the bureau. I plan to practice my skills without you these two days."

The stubble man in front staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He stared at the monitor with wide eyes.

"What did you say? You are still in the internship period, what tasks are you taking? Go back and go back! You are not allowed to take tasks if you have not passed the theoretical level!"

The squad leader was stunned, and then said: "But... Qiao Yuan said that only by dealing with the incident and trying frantically on the edge of danger can you grow faster."

The stubborn man was speechless.

Qiao Yuan is Qiao Yuan, you are you, although your talent is very good, but compared to Qiao Yuan... After all, it is a lot worse.

"Listen to me, just listen to what Qiao Yuan has to say. Don't put yourself in danger if you don't have anything to do. You have to remember that only by living can you have a future!"

Hu Stubbs persuaded the monitor with persuasion.


Regarding Qiao Yuan, there has always been a rumor in the Security Bureau that it is an awakened person who is more terrifying than a foreign spirit, and belongs to a pervert!

It's about strength!


"It's nothing, just follow orders!"

"By the way, there is one more thing. I went to get my hair cut. I have long hair at a young age. It looks airy and has a bad image!"

Under Hu Stubborn's compulsion, the squad leader could only stand there and watch the master.

Until the stubborn man disappeared in front of his eyes, the squad leader subconsciously reached out and stroked his hair.

Indeed, I don't know what happened recently, but my hair grows very fast.

"Hello, may I ask where is the nearest barber shop?"

The squad leader stopped a passerby to ask.

The passerby who was stopped was a little annoyed, but when he saw the uniform worn by the squad leader, his attitude improved a lot.

After thinking for a moment, he understood the meaning of the squad leader, this is a mission!

"Comrade, over there!"

According to the instructions of passers-by, the squad leader finally found a barber shop in a small alley.


Whether it is the sign outside or the few seats and mirrors inside, it all proves that this is a barber shop.

Simple and clean.

There are no customers outside, and it seems that the business in the store is not very good.

Not a single hair was seen on the ground.

Push the door to enter.

"Welcome, what does the handsome guy need?"


A woman wearing revealing clothes put down her phone and said subconsciously, but she exclaimed when she saw the uniform on the squad leader.

His face was full of horror.

The squad leader then remembered that he was wearing a patrol uniform, which was somewhat similar to a sheriff.

"Can't we get a haircut here?"

" can!"

The woman looked a little bewildered.

And the squad leader is sitting on a chair

The woman gritted her teeth and rummaged through the box. After searching for a long time, she finally found a pair of scissors.

"Brother Sheriff, what hairstyle do you want?" The woman holding the scissors wanted to cry without tears.

"Inch!" said the squad leader.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief. She was not a hairdresser, so she definitely wouldn't be able to cut anything else, but she could try an inch.

"Handsome guy... your hair is a little hard!" the woman said after cutting a small amount.

However... no one noticed that the hair that fell on the ground floated towards the door as if it had come to life.


The moon was getting darker, and a gust of wind blew through, rolling up a few leaves, looking a bit desolate and lonely.

Stubble man walking on the street.

Deep down, he always felt a little uncomfortable, and he didn't know why, and in the end he could only blame it on the fear of the unknown.

When dealing with Variant Spirit incidents, no one is not afraid. A Variant Spirit who shouts to kill you every day, but just doesn't do it.

The process is very tormenting, especially the alien spirit method is extremely cruel, it is simply dead without a whole corpse.

"I hope I think too much!" Hu Stubborn shook his head.

Just then, he heard someone calling for help in front of him.

"don't want……"


The sense of responsibility drove the stubborn man to run over immediately, just in time to see two backs dragging a woman.

It's worth it!

"Stop!" Hu Stubble Man yelled.

However, the two figures in front of them started to tear the woman's clothes as if they didn't hear them.

It just doesn't make sense!


A shot went off.

The two figures finally reacted and turned their heads blankly.

A pale, bloodless face emerged.

Then quickly attacked the stubble man.


bang bang

Two headshots were shot, and the stubborn man unscrewed the heads of the two.

It's a puppet!

In general, there must be Variant Spirits appearing in places where puppets are infested.

There must have been a phantom incident near here, and the victim is likely to be this woman.

"Miss, are you all right? Has anything strange happened recently?"

Out of professional habit, Hu Stubble decided to ask in detail.

"help me!"

The woman knelt on the ground, revealing most of her smooth and fair body, and hugged the stubble man's thigh.

"Miss, don't be like this, talk about something!" Hu Zhuan wanted to push the woman away.

However, he could not push the woman.

Immediately there was a bad feeling in my heart.

His right hand touched his waist, and when he was about to draw a gun, a strand of hair wrapped around his waist.

Then a long hair wrapped around the knife behind his back.

The woman made a clicking sound from her neck and slowly raised her head.

An incomparably handsome face emerged.

It was the long-haired Variant Spirit who was staring at him before!

"It's over, it's over!"

When Hu Stubble Man found that he couldn't break free no matter what, a flash of despair flashed in his heart.

Are you doomed to die here today?


"Hip open!"

"Hold it down for me!"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.


Hu Stubble's brain hasn't reacted yet, but his legs have been subconsciously opened.


A wave of air hits, and something crosses his span at high speed.

The stubble man shook subconsciously.

Looking down, a hole appeared on the forehead of the long-haired alien spirit.

In the distance, Qiao Yuan was walking towards him with a big knife.


Sure enough, things were the same as what I had guessed, this Variant Spirit did not dare to take action because he was afraid of himself.

Last time I didn't know what means I used to survive, and then continued to do the crime.

He waited for others to lie in ambush for a few days, but it did not dare to appear.

The Variant Spirit is afraid of death, and if he can kill it once, he can kill it twice, which is why he returned empty-handed a few days ago.

The only doubt is how does it know that it is waiting for someone to ambush?

In order to ambush in place, Qiao Yuan discussed several plans with many patrolmen of the Security Bureau.

Guaranteed to be very private!

But it just doesn't appear.

There are only two reasons for this, either it is really a coincidence, or the alien spirit is very smart.

Smarter than everyone else in the security bureau, but that's very unlikely.

Of course... there is also a very small possibility that some patrollers leaked the news!


"Hey, so like to hug other people's legs, come and try mine!"

Qiao Yuan walked forward with a big knife in hand.

Ahead, the hair wrapped around the man with the stubble was retracting very quickly.

Qiao Yuan slashed with a knife, and the scarlet light flashed, and he straightly split the trash can beside Hu Shao Nan in half.


The long-haired Variant Spirit did not fight at all this time, and simply ran over the wall.

Looking at the behavior of the long-haired alien spirit, Qiao Yuan's eyes flickered.

"Yes, that's it, run for me, don't let me down!"

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