This Simplification Is Too Outrageous

Chapter 463: Fake Alcohol Harms People! !

Liyang City.


Qiao Yuan prepared the luggage for the headquarters in advance.

Towels, toothbrushes, shower gel...

Clothes, panties, razors...

Red dates, spirit liquid, thermos cup...

All living materials are fully prepared, and the main thing is to be prepared.

But Li Xiaoling hurried back the next morning.

She was busy with work and lay down on the sofa to rest as soon as she got home. One could imagine how terrifying a meeting would be if she was able to tire the ghosts like this.

After everything was packed, Qiao Yuan made a reservation for tomorrow's morning high-speed train, and it will probably be in the afternoon when he arrives at the headquarters.

Although it is possible to use the trick door to travel instantly, this situation is completely unnecessary.


Picking up the phone, he asked the security bureau again to see if there were any similar cases this night.

But unfortunately, the Security Bureau is still investigating.

Qiao Yuan, who had nothing to do, searched the Internet for the keywords of Liao Li's symptoms. He didn't have much hope at first, but he did not expect to find a post.

"Strongly expose the black heart winery!!"

"A friend of mine bought wine at this winery and died within a few days after returning!"

"Cherish life, stay away from fake wine!"


The time was as early as a month ago.

Attached to the post was a picture of a winery and several photos of the deceased, who appeared to be quite young, lying in bed.

The strange thing is that the other party did not show the symptoms of alcoholism and looked as if he was in a deep sleep.

However, the electrocardiogram on the side showed that the other party was dead.

Below the post, a large number of netizens condemned the winery, and one netizen attached news that the winery was blocked for investigation.

Click on the link.

It is indeed news that a winery has been seized.

According to the boss, it was mainly because it was not easy to blend wine recently, so he made a little effort to find a big man who claimed to be able to increase sales.

But it turns out that under the rescue of this big man, the winery's orders suddenly skyrocketed.

The quality of the wine has improved by leaps and bounds, reaching an astonishing level!

Every passerby passing by the winery will be attracted by a unique aroma of wine.

Even people who don't usually drink alcohol will be aroused by gluttons!


The improved wine even made local news for a time.

The fine nectar and jade dew have a long aftertaste!

The market price is as high as 180 for a small cup.

Everyone who has had it says yes!

It's a pity that these drinkers later developed problems. They were dizzy all day long, unresponsive, and weak all over.

There's a little more to these drunken traits.

That is domestic violence!

All those who buy and drink this wine will commit acts of violence against their wives and children.

In severe cases, life is in danger!

The local security bureau intervened in the investigation, quickly took back the sold wine, and issued a wanted warrant. Unfortunately, the wanted criminal has not been arrested so far.

In addition, those who drink this wine will eventually die.

Turned into a sleeping corpse.


After carefully reading it several times, some features in this situation are similar to Liao Li.

It also appears to be muddled, lacking strength, and healthy, but in fact the state is getting worse and worse.

The difference is that Liao Li is cynical and shows inexplicable hostility towards everything.

And those people behaved as domestic violence!

Picking up the phone, he called Di Ting and asked about the situation there.

"Ask Liao Li, did you drink alcohol before?"

Soon, a reply came from inside.

As a laborer, Liao Li has a drink almost every night, but he is never greedy. However, since he felt that there was a problem with his body, he dropped this habit.

Could it be the wine?

After all, according to time, there is such a possibility.

"Boss, how long will I stay here? Does the store need my help, or should I go back to the store?"

"The milk spirit called and said she missed me..."

"The proprietress also urged me to go back..."


On the phone, Di Ting strongly expressed his desire to go back to work in the store, and made up things about it, as if the store couldn't live without its meaning.

"The store is quite busy, you stay with Liao Li, the temperature is high recently, the high temperature subsidy will not deduct you..."

"Boss, is the high temperature subsidy red dates?"

Qiao Yuan: "..."

It was at this moment that the cell phone rang from the opposite side.

It belongs to Liao Li.

In the next second, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded.

"Boss, Liao Li fainted!"

"Female... I... my daughter... died..."

A piercing sound resounded all around.


The sun was setting.

Qiao Yuan rushed to Liao Li's house again in a hurry, and saw Liao Li with a dull face. From the tears on his face, it was not difficult to see how sad he was crying before.

"what happened?"

"Boss, that's how it is. Just now a magistrate called to inform Liao Li that his daughter jumped into the river and died..." Di Ting said it in detail.

Picking up the phone, Qiao Yuan made a call and asked, and got a quick answer.

According to the preliminary appraisal by the magistrate, the deceased died of love!

This is not difficult to see from the suicide note and recording left by the other party.

Intervening in this matter as a consultant to the Liyang City Security Bureau, Qiao Yuan soon got the recording and the suicide note.

"I love you, I am willing to give everything for you, including death!"

"I love you more than death, don't leave me..."


It's hard to imagine how infatuated the other party is.

Asking Di Ting to stay by Liao Li's side, Qiao Yuan rushed to the forensic examination center and saw the deceased.

With just one glance at Qiao Yuan, he frowned.


It was that special dead air again!

It is several times richer than Liao Li's before.

It seems that the other party's death was not just an accident. If Liao Li had mental problems, then his daughter also had mental problems.

In addition, the autopsy report also showed that the deceased had been violated.

There are many scars on the body!

And this kind of scar cannot be caused in a short while.

"Where does the deceased live?" Qiao Yuan asked after a moment of contemplation.

After getting the specific location, Qiao Yuan rushed to the rental house of the deceased.

Just happened to meet the sheriff who was investigating.


"Leader, please be mentally prepared before entering the house." The security officer who was wearing gloves to take pictures at the door said.

"Very bloody?"

The magistrate shook his head, and said with some embarrassment: "It's not bloody, but it's abnormal!"

Qiao Yuan: "..."

Push through the door... enter into it...

Whips, candles...

After staying for a minute, Qiao Yuan stepped back, holding a half bottle of wine in his hand.

The couple played very flamboyantly and pervertedly, Qiao Yuan was speechless for a while.

"Good girl, why is she so perverted and doesn't cherish her body..." the security officer sighed.

Qiao Yuan ignored the words of the sheriff behind him, and his eyes stayed on the half bottle of wine.

Inside, Qiao Yuan found a very evil aura.

The evil that belongs only to weird things!

"By the way, the deceased had a boyfriend. Please check it out as soon as possible and send it to me when you find the location."

"Yes, leader!" the sheriff saluted.

Qiao Yuan, who was about to leave, suddenly thought of something.

"Check again to see if there are similar cases in Liyang City recently. The dead are all young and beautiful women."

The sheriff nodded.


Holding half a bottle of wine, Qiao Yuan hurried back to Liao Li's house.

The other party still hasn't gotten over the pain of losing his daughter. If Di Ting hadn't been by his side, I'm afraid this man would have turned into a murderer on the spot and directly blackened and retaliated against the whole world.

"Do you have any impression of this wine bottle?"

Liao Li raised his head slowly, looking at the wine bottle with red eyes from crying.

"The last time my daughter came back, she also brought me a bottle of this wine. She said it was a gift from a friend and it was very expensive..."

"Have you ever drank?"

Liao Li nodded.

Because the time was too long, the wine bottle that Liao Li drank half a month ago could not be found, and the most direct evidence was gone.

But the whole thing is almost clear too!

Most likely it was caused by alcohol.

The murderer was the boyfriend of the deceased who was three years older than Liao Li.

Made all this with weird things.

But now there is another problem.

Why did the two show different states after drinking the same wine?

As a father, Liao Li is cynical and full of malice towards everything.

As a daughter, the other party behaved... in a naive, obsessed, very perverted way.

Qiao Yuan recalled the deceased's suicide note and recordings, and the deceased was obsessed with that perverted boyfriend.

Even if my dignity is trampled on, I still like each other, and even this obsession once defeated the fear of death!

Without him, I don't want to live anymore!


If this particular incident is the same as the one on the Internet, the same wine can lead to three different results.

Or is the wine different?

That's when the Security Bureau sent a message.

There are no identical files, but there are several similar files.

Happened in various cities.

After flipping through the files, Qiao Yuan made a summary.

In the first case, a certain magistrate amassed money wantonly and was insatiably greedy. He was reported and exposed, and later died.

The suspicious point is that the sheriff showed greed for a certain period of time, and there was no abnormal behavior before that.

And during the period of corruption, he publicly stated that he would do things if he gave money, with great fanfare, without any cover, and without any brains.

Later, his body became weaker and his brain became dizzy...and finally he died.

The body was dissected and found to be in good health.

The reason has not yet been identified.


In the second case, a normal person suddenly became keen on collecting bones. He went to the ancestral grave in the middle of the night and took the bones home to cook and eat.

It is also manifested as a certain period of time, when the local security bureau found the suspect, but was eventually escaped by him.

The last corpse eater died.

Before his death, he also had many symptoms such as ignorance and weakness.


ding dong~

Qiao Yuan received a message.

It was sent by the Public Security Bureau. They have already found out the situation of the deceased's boyfriend.

Identity is false, all information is false!

And the suspect has already left Liyang City.

They're trying to track it down.

The case again stalled.

Vaguely, Qiao Yuan was 90% sure that these incidents were all done by the same person.

After the news was reported, the Liyang City Security Bureau had already issued a wanted order, and if there was news, it would notify itself as soon as possible.

Qiao Yuan was also a little curious about how the other party did this.

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