This star just wants to learn

Chapter 501 Insect Flying

Xie Mu and the staff had lunch together.

Although he really wanted to try the chef's cooking, considering that he had to eat at the same table with his father, he still chose to eat the box lunch alone...

Although he had met the man's eyes many times, each time the two of them would shy away from each other in embarrassment. After all, neither of them knew how to face this former close relative.

On the other hand, Xie Mu actually also deliberately avoided appearing in the official scenes of the show, so that after the first episode of "Where Are We Going, Dad" is broadcast, Ling Ling would not mix up the two words "Xie Mu" and "Ru Mu Chun Breeze"? Connect personally.

Although he felt that with Ling Ling's intelligence, he should have almost guessed who he was, but before the window was completely broken, he still just wanted to be an ordinary netizen.

Do your best and obey destiny.

He rubbed his brows and turned his attention back to the filming of the show. Pu Tong and several celebrity parents and children were eating enthusiastically. Today's dinner party can be said to be a complete success.

And all of this is thanks to Pu Tong's rescue, otherwise it would not be complete, let alone successful... Whether as the main creator or chef of the show, he used his personal ability to turn decay into magic, easily. The deadlock in the program was resolved.

Xie Mu couldn't help but sigh, sometimes it's not a good thing if the master is too dazzling. If he is too mediocre as Pu Tong's apprentice, it will embarrass the master.

If someone else comments that Pu Tong is "a very good person, but he doesn't know how to teach his disciples", then he will be guilty of a great crime.

In order not to discredit his master, it seems that he still has a lot to learn from him.

Just when Xie Mu secretly made up his mind, he looked up and noticed that his father was lovingly wiping the corners of Xie Yang's greasy mouth.

This scene was like an awl piercing his chest on the spot... If that person was still his father, then he should be the one sitting there and being tenderly cared for by him.

Xie Xiang had just finished wiping his son's mouth. I don't know if it was a psychological effect. He subconsciously glanced in the direction of the other son, and then he noticed that Xie Mu, whose eyes were red, was looking at him with burning eyes...

I am afraid that his act of fatherly kindness and filial piety just now was not all noticed by him.

For a moment, Xie Xiang actually felt a strong sense of guilt, like a child who had done something wrong, panicking and not knowing what to do.

In fact, he didn't feel any regrets about his past marriage. Things like feelings fade away when they fade away, and it would be bad for both of them to just make do with each other.

Regarding his ex-wife Su Tang, he only regrets that he could not get to the end with her, and does not feel any guilt, but only for his own son, he feels a little sorry for him...

No matter what happens among adults, the consequences should not be borne by the next generation.

He failed to fulfill any of his fatherly responsibilities in front of Xie Mu and was absent from his entire growth. This was undoubtedly his fault.

Xie Xiang suddenly remembered what Pu Tong told him last time. Some things must be done by him personally, and some words must be explained clearly by him personally.

If he could, he really wanted to say sorry to Xie Mu, but now that his son was right in front of him, he didn't have the courage.

"You can go if you want. Why are you so cowardly?" Pu Tong, who was sitting next to him, coughed a few times and nodded calmly.

The trouble should end it.

The reason why he brought Xie Mu to the show crew was actually to help him untie his knot. This complicated relationship between relatives must be explained clearly by the person involved himself.

Whether as a master or a friend, he wanted to make this happen. If Xie Mu wanted to truly become a man of his own, he needed to get through this.

Xie Xiang was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and finally nodded with determination. After temporarily entrusting his son to other fathers, he silently stood up and walked towards Xie Mu's direction.

Is he coming?

Xie Mu reacted immediately. Unexpectedly, he just took a second look and the man actually walked straight towards him. He didn't know what to do and even subconsciously wanted to run.

The photographer of the show was the first to notice this scene. The "father and son meeting" of the Xie family is an excellent gimmick and selling point. If this scene can be captured, the ratings and popularity will be very high.


Pu Tong immediately coughed violently, obviously dissatisfied with the photographer's behavior. The father and son finally had a chance to chat, so why did he go and cause trouble.

Knowing that there is a conflict between father and son and deliberately filming it, isn't this just like wanting to eat steamed buns with human blood?

Xu Lei immediately understood and called the photographer who was following him back. It's okay not to eat this kind of unconscionable heat!

Recalling the time when he secretly photographed Pu Tong, and looking at it now, he suddenly realized that his moral bottom line had improved a lot.

Xie Xiang glanced at Xu Lei and Pu Tong gratefully. He finally made up his mind to tell the truth to Xie Mu. Naturally, he didn't want to be disturbed by people who didn't want to do it.

"There's something I want to tell you..."

He glanced at Xie Mu with a complicated expression and pointed to the river not far from the shooting location, intending to find a relatively quiet place.

Xie Mu swallowed. To be honest, he was not ready yet. If this man really apologized to him, what would he do?

Forgive him. After missing so many years of companionship, can an apology make him let go? It's obviously impossible.

But as much as he couldn't let go, he actually didn't hate him that much. After all, this person was his closest relative, so how could he hate him?

It was precisely because of this complicated mood that he didn't know what to do and how to be alone with him.

Xie Mu subconsciously looked at Pu Tong, only to find that he was cheering him up.


He then made up his mind. Since Pu Tong was willing to believe in him, why shouldn't he believe in himself?

Xie Mu sighed and quickly followed Xie Xiang's back, and then the father and son disappeared from the filming scene of the show.

Pu Tong was actually quite curious about their conversation, but this time should still be left to them alone.

I hope that the father and son can resolve their knot.

The after-dinner program team originally had nothing planned, but now that Pu Tong is here and he is so well-known, it would be a pity not to take more shots of him. For this reason, the program team plans to record a segment specifically for him.

There is no need to record too much. He plans to teach the children to sing, so it would be just right to record this and make it into a short film.

Pu Tong originally wanted to refuse, but he promised to teach the children how to sing, so he couldn't stand the expectant looks in his eyes.

Lying to children is a very bad behavior, just like parents promise their children to buy things after they pass the exam but do not buy them, or blindly cry poverty in front of them in order to make their children thrifty...

No matter what the reason is for deceiving children, it will leave an immeasurable impact on their young minds.

Do what you promise your children. This is the simplest thing.

"What song do you want to listen to?"

Pu Tong stretched himself. He came up with so many songs, but there were really few works in the field of children's songs.

Several cute children have been eager to give it a try. Children already like singing and dancing. The last time Pu Tong sang on the stage was deeply reflected in their young hearts and lingering.

Perhaps many years later, Pu Tong on the stage will still be a glimpse in their memory, inspiring them to move forward.

"Just the line that my brother sang last time..."

Zeng Yuzhu looked up at Pu Tong. She was the one who liked singing the most among the five children. She had always remembered the few lines of songs that Pu Tong sang casually at the last time.

"It was from last time."

Pu Tong frowned. If he remembered correctly, what Zeng Qing's youngest daughter was talking about should be "Insects Flying" which he sang two lines of.

This children's song has a melodious melody and romantic lyrics, and has been very popular in the past.

Pu Tong still likes this song. The melody of "Chong Er Fei" is light and simple, which is very suitable for children to sing.

In fact, many adults will also like this warm and sweet children's song. After all, it is excellent in both lyrics and music.

However, this song is obviously sad in a sense, which seems a bit weird as a children's song.

"Okay, let's teach you "Chong Er Fei" first."

The staff who were filming were stunned when they heard this. They could clearly understand that Pu Tong was talking about "teaching" the song first, not just teaching the song.

Could it be that he plans to teach something else?

There will be an extra chapter about the conversation between Xie Mu and his father.

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