This star just wants to learn

Chapter 520: Asking means failing the test

"What brand of underwear does Wanwan use?"

Ni Hui held Yu Wanwan's hands together and folded them on her knees, her smiling eyes full of appreciation and love for her.

This girl, the more she looks at it, the more satisfied she becomes.

"Auntie, this..."

Yu Wanwan's face was already flushed. She had thought that Aunt Ni would ask some strange questions, but she never expected that she would ask such strange questions.

"Girls must pay special attention to their intimate clothing. When you get married and have children, you will have a more intuitive feeling..." Ni Hui rubbed her little hands and explained to her in a sincere way. experience of.

She is not bullying others. In fact, many girls are very shy and don't pay much attention to some private things. They are usually too embarrassed to ask relatives and friends.

In addition, Yu Wanwan's mother is often not around, so it would be helpful to talk to her more.

When she knew that her son liked Danwan, Ni Hui had already regarded her as his daughter. If he didn't love her, who would he love?

It was obviously the first time that Yu Wanwan discussed this with others, not to mention that the person he was facing was Pu Tong's mother. She was really embarrassed to speak, and her face was so red that she could shed tears.

Pu Tong, Pu Tong, come out quickly and save me!

"Ah sneeze!"

Pu Tong, who was checking for the Nth time, sneezed and then looked up at the wall clock in the examination room. Good guy, there are still ten minutes left.

In fact, many people in the examination room had already handed in their papers and left the examination room, and he was one of the few who was still waiting for the time limit like an old dog.

There are not many people like him who are still checking. Most of those who haven't left the examination room are scratching their heads. It's obvious that they are just a flash of inspiration away from doing it...

Many times, there is no need to worry about questions that you don't know how to solve at all. Instead, you feel like you just can't grasp them, which makes people suffer.

Pu Tong sighed. It was really a pity that this situation happened. He almost didn't think about it. I was afraid it would become a lifelong regret.

In order to prevent similar regrets from happening to him, he decided to check again. The opportunity is always in his own hands. Time is not over yet, so this exam is still worth taking seriously for him.

Seeing him turning the page and starting over, the invigilator's brows jumped and he felt like his head was getting bigger.

This kid was too calm. He finished the task half way through, and ended up checking it over and over again until now.

You must know that the questions in the competition are different from ordinary exams. When the questions are difficult to a certain extent, the impact of carelessness can be ignored...

If you can, you can, if you can't, you can't. Carelessness may have an impact, but you can definitely find it after checking it once or twice. Pu Tong spent most of the day checking it, not to mention careless mistakes, even if there are typos, he can check them out.

Most young people can't hold their breath, and there is no one as calm and steady as Pu Tong.

It wasn't until the exam was over and it was time to collect the papers that he asked lightly, "You are so calm."

Pu Tong smiled and said nothing.

Only those who have experienced it will know how many opportunities he has missed by chance in his life. Now that he still has a chance, he must not let it slip away.

He could sit still for three hours, let alone one and a half hours of competition.

After handing in the test paper, he packed up his things and left the venue indifferently. He felt particularly relaxed and calm. Rather than worrying about the answers after the test, he still preferred to spend more time on the test. As for after the test, it was natural to eat and drink. Drink.

Along the way, he also heard a lot of opinions about the answer among his classmates, but this was not his intention, so naturally he would not participate in it.

There were also many students from other schools saying hello to him, as well as those who claimed to be his fans. Pu Tong responded one by one, saying that he is not stingy with his time for those who really like him.

If it weren't for the fact that he wasn't allowed to bring electronic products to the exam, he would have taken a photo with these people.

He didn't know what was going on with his mother and Yu Wanwan. He was really worried that his mother would be too outrageous and scare others.

Pu Tong came all the way to the school gate, only to find that it was very crowded. Many candidates did not seem to leave after leaving the school gate, but gathered at the gate to watch.

What are you looking at?

He was considered tall among his peers. He took a closer look and saw a clue. There was a reporter-looking person at the door randomly interviewing candidates. It was this scene that attracted many people to watch the excitement.

It’s normal for college entrance examinations to have off-site interviews, but why do math competitions even have such things?

Pu Tong thought for a while and probably understood the reason.

There has been a lot of fuss recently about his participation in the high school mathematics league. Naturally, Huailin TV station cannot let go of such exclusive news. They are probably doing it to block themselves...

It’s broken, it’s coming for me!

Pu Tong immediately decided to rub oil on his soles and run away. He was not interested in being raped.

But it was obvious that he had underestimated how much the people at the TV station valued him. He was firmly locked in as soon as he showed his head in the crowd, and he was stopped after just two steps.

The onlookers noticed that Pu Tong was present and seemed to be understanding, and directly gave him a passage so that he could participate in the interview.

Don’t they know who is the core among the crowd? Quick, make way for Xiu'er!

Seeing that he had not escaped, Pu Tong could only sigh helplessly and walked to the reporter.

Ask him quickly. After asking, he is still eager to deal with the "relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law"!

"I didn't expect to meet Pu Tong again. I'm so lucky. We have something to ask you about this math competition, okay?"

I'm still pretending to be lucky. Aren't you here just waiting for me? Pu Tong nodded, their local TV station is really good at it!

"Excuse me, how difficult do you think this exam is?"

The female reporter has actually interviewed many other candidates and received different answers. Some said the difficulty was moderate, while others said it was easy. She wanted to know what level this test paper was for Pu Tong.

"It's really difficult. I have never encountered such a difficult test paper. The teacher who set the questions is so crazy..." Pu Tong made the onlookers look confused as soon as he opened his mouth.

They took the same test paper. Although this test was a bit difficult, it wasn't that exaggerated.

The reporter smiled awkwardly. This was the first time she had heard this answer. It was a bit too exaggerated to say it was so difficult and so heart-wrenching.

"Well, student Putong, how do you think you did in the exam?"

This is also the issue that the majority of netizens are most concerned about. Compared with others, how Pu Tong does in the exam is crucial, and the result determines everything.

"I failed, I completely failed the test." Pu Tong sighed, "I have never taken such a difficult test paper. I guess the score is in single digits, ugh..."

The reporter really couldn't stand it any longer. This guy's calm face didn't look like he had failed the exam at all. He looked like he was talking nonsense to the camera!

This is more than just not cooperating with the interview, this is already a show-off.

"I think Pu Tong is in a good mood. He should get good results."

"There is nothing more sad than heartbreak. In fact, my heart is full of holes..." Pu Tong pretended to be sad and rubbed his eyes, "Stop shooting. If you shoot again, I will cry, wuwu."


The corner of your mouth is obviously smiling, right?

The reporter wanted to continue to inquire and interview a few words, but Pu Tong had already rubbed his eyes and ran away. It felt like he ran away crying after failing the test.

Looking at the microphone held in the air, the reporter sighed. This kid really knows how to play. He can't even ask, and he failed the exam if he asked. He didn't say a word of truth in his mouth.

"As long as I don't set a flag, then I am invulnerable." Pu Tong sighed as he walked. He had seen many interviews where he talked nonsense and ended in embarrassment after the results came out.

It’s better to speak less cruelly in life, otherwise it will be over like a boomerang.

Seeing that Yu Wanwan and Ni Hui had been waiting for him on the roadside for a long time, Pu Tong immediately ran towards them, feeling a little moved in his heart.

Seeing important people when you are exhausted physically and mentally is indeed the best medicine for healing.

"Son, how did you do in the exam?"

"It should be pretty good." He was definitely telling the truth about his own people. Not only was it pretty good, he felt that he would be able to score full marks.

Pu Tong then glanced at Yu Wanwan next to him, a little surprised why she was silent.

This glance frightened him to death. Why was her face so red?

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