After returning home, Cocoa Dora mentioned that she was hungry, which made Jiang Jing a little speechless. She was hungry so soon after exercising for a short time.

He could only prepare supper for it, and it happened that he was also hungry, so he took out his supper partner—instant noodles.

"Ah, that's great!"


After 10:30, after taking a shower, Jiang Jing was lying on the bed. After watching the video of the iron and steel gymnasium master Chen Feng who can be followed by Douyin, he felt that it was time to go to bed. Miss Hui put down the phone.

Cocoa Dora has already fallen asleep in the nest here.

Looking at Cocoa Dora, he thought of the pattern of beads on his chest.

So I closed my eyes, turned off the lights, and the room was dark and silent.

Jiang Jing completely relaxed and calmed down. After a while, his mind sank and his consciousness entered the void space in a trance.

Sure enough, it was here, Jiang Jing looked around, there was only a huge colorful bead, and there was only gray air around.

But compared to the last time he came in, the gray airflow was still the same, the only difference was that he could feel countless gray airflows continuously flowing into the colored beads.

With curiosity, Jiang Jing kept approaching the colored beads, getting closer and closer, and soon his palm touched the surface of the beads, before he had time to feel it.

Then his body shook, and he instantly disappeared in place and appeared in a new area.

This is a colorful space, there is nothing in this space, there are only strips of colorful air currents, permeating the entire space.

Looking around, he can only see a space with a radius of two meters centered on himself, and the rest of the place is completely covered by colored airflow, so he can't see it at all.

Jiang Jing tried to control the colored air currents one after another, making his consciousness capture the colored air currents like a net and guide them out.

With a snap, his consciousness was shaken, and he failed, Jiang Jing tried again.

The second time, it failed.

The third time, failed.

The fourth time, still failed.

Jiang Jing didn't try again this time, but began to think about the reasons for his previous failure.

It seems like my consciousness is still too diffuse, and this air current should not catch them, but guide them?

Thinking of this, Jiang Jing tried again, turning his consciousness into a point at one end of the airflow, hooking it like a hook, and then began to move and flow outward.

Jiang Jing was overjoyed, as expected, it was possible.

So he quickly calmed down, continued to guide the airflow out of the colored beads, came to the gray space, and then continued to guide the flow out, and three seconds passed like this.

The space began to change in an instant, and a colorful air flow appeared in Jiang Jing's body. Under such circumstances, he could feel the organs in his body.

And at that moment, he didn't know where the colored air flow came from, and it appeared on his chest.

Then he continued to guide the airflow through his chest into the air, and the entire dark room seemed to light up a little bit suddenly.

Only Jiang Jing himself could see that a colorful stream of air was fluttering with the wind.

What is the use of this colored airflow?

So far, some of the changes in his body should be related to this colored air current.

First of all, in the past three months, I have grown and become more handsome, my height is still growing, and my physical fitness has doubled.

He is usually the strongest one in physical education class.

Then, Cocodola's talent was improved, from two stars to three stars, and I don't know if I can continue to improve.

Finally, the appearance of the data eye is also a credit to the colored airflow.

So far, I know these three functions. As for whether there are other functions, how to use the colored airflow will take time to explore.

After playing with the colored airflow for a while and guiding it back into his body, he has already decided to study the colored airflow in this summer vacation.


Five days later, July 4th.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Jiang Jing got up on time, Jiang's mother was still sleeping in, and he had already started to get up and wash up.

At 7:20, Jiang Jing, who was ready, took Coco Dora out for a run.

It has been ten days since Cocoa Dora was hatched. After so many days of eating and drinking, it has gradually grown, and its body has become a circle larger than when it was just hatched.

Elf: Cocoa Dora

Attributes: steel, rock

Talent: ★★★

Level: LV7

Features: heavy metal


After five days of feeding and moderate activities, the level has been successfully raised to level 7, and Cocoa Dora can start formal training from today.

Although Cocoa Dora has also followed the morning jog these days, she has not been allowed to run for too long.

Today was different, Jiang Jing took out his phone and turned on the running function of the exercise software.




"Let's go, Coco Dora, follow me closely, today's goal is ten kilometers."

Ke Kedora stomped on the ground with both feet, and a white air flow spewed out from her nostrils, and then burst out and ran.

The direction Jiang Jing was heading towards was Battle Park. One lap along this road was five kilometers, and two laps was ten kilometers.

In the morning, the sun is not as hot as noon, and countless migrant workers have already started a day of moving bricks.

On the other hand, Jiang Jing ran leisurely along the side of the road, and the air in the morning was always fresh.

Cocoa Dora chased after her with her head covered. After running for two kilometers, Cocoa Dora already felt a little tired.

After three kilometers, the speed directly slowed down. Seeing this, Jiang Jing also slowed down, keeping a distance of three meters from him.

After four kilometers, Cocodola was as slow as an old man taking a walk. Every step was extremely difficult, but she did not give up.

At this time, it happened to have run back and forth, Jiang Jing took it back into the ball and said, "Okay, Keke Dora, you can take a rest first."

After speaking, he speeded up and continued to run. His morning run is not over yet.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Jing came back again, his whole body was covered in sweat, and his clothes were covered with watermarks.

Jiang Jing released Ke Kedora while resting, and she had recovered a lot of physical strength after she came out.

But my stomach was already hungry, and I kept crying.

Jiang Jing said, "Okay, let's go back and have breakfast."

He first bought steamed buns, buns and soy milk for two at the old-brand breakfast shop at the gate of the community.

After returning home, I prepared Cocoa Dora's breakfast, but unfortunately Cocoa Dora tasted human food without any taste, so I couldn't enjoy the delicacy.

Soon the usual breakfast was eaten by it, and it was not enough, so Jiang Jing had to take out all the leftover food and ore.

Watching Cocodora quickly dry up the remaining elf food and ore, Cocodora's appetite is a bit big today.

After starting training, Coco Dora's appetite has become bigger.


After returning home, Jiang Jing took a shower and returned to the living room. At this time, Jiang Ma, Pikachu, and Fat Ding also got up, and they happened to have breakfast together.

Turn on the TV while eating breakfast, the national game is still going on.

After so many days, the first round has not yet been played, and many people have not played yet.

In the process of watching the game, Coco Dora could not stop training.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the number one roaring tiger in the book friend universe.

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