After putting down the war report, Qin Bin looked at the relevant progress of the new city construction plan.

Just as Qin Bin imagined at that time, under the premise of fair trade, the merchants of Yizhou and Jingzhou all flocked to Guanzhong after learning that there was a ‘big project’ in Guanzhong and after someone risked tasting the big sweetness.

Among them, there are also commercial houses represented by the family, such as the Wu family, which entered Shu with Liu Yan, and sent a commercial house to enter the customs to test the authenticity.

There are also the Cai family, the Quang family in Jingzhou, and even the Lu family in Yangzhou who also sent people.

As for the Central Plains and Hebei, no one came for the time being, after all, the Eastern Division was in a state of war, and the merchants in these areas had to make a detour if they wanted to come, and it would take some time to come to Guanzhong because of the long distance.

However, Qin Bin was unwilling to wait, so he asked Zhao Xu, the waiter of the agency department, to receive the big businessmen from Yizhou and Jingzhou more than a month ago, and arrange and distribute procurement projects.

As for why it wasn’t Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce to host it?

It’s not that Qin Bin wants to engage in any special treatment, but helplessness.

Because Qin Bin didn’t find a suitable Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce at all.

There is no suitable candidate on the module of the system, so the Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce is still empty.

And this agent department waiter or Qin Bin has been interviewed repeatedly, and as a waiter, he can only be regarded as barely qualified.

Zhao Xu, who was personally elected by King Hongnong as an attendant of the merchant department of the royal palace, as a local merchant in Chang’an, was pleasantly surprised.

Because this is simply a step to heaven.

You must know that the status of merchants in the territory of Dahan is generally low, and it is even more difficult to become an official, and now, with the Hongnong King valued, and promised an official body, even a high-grade official body, Zhao Xu was like being smashed to the head by a pie falling from the sky, and the whole person was in a trance, and he felt unreal for a long time.

When the royal officials posted it, Zhao Xu confirmed that everything was true.

Although Zhao Xu is temporarily a waiter in the agency department, once he has achieved results, it will definitely be no problem to turn positive. So Zhao Xu is full of energy.

And loyal to King Hongnong.

After all, now that the overall situation in Guanzhong has been decided, coupled with the strength of King Hongnong’s soldiers, even Dong Zhuo, who occupies Luoyang, cannot help King Hongnong, which shows that the situation in the Sanfu region has completely stabilized.

Especially with the gradual spread of the news of Liangzhou Pingding, not to mention Zhao Xu, everyone in the whole world, as long as they know about this, will understand that King Hongnong has already sat on the title of ‘King of Guanzhong’.

In this case, as a big businessman in Guanzhong , Zhao Xu understood very well how important it was to follow in the footsteps of King Hongnong, and at the same time, because King Hongnong changed the law, the status of merchants suddenly rose to an incredible level.

With many benefits in front of him, how could Zhao Xu, who was a businessman who was good at studying and weighing the pros and cons, not know who he should be loyal to?

Zhao Xu is also a talent, at least in business.

Being able to become a big businessman in the Guanzhong region, which has been in chaos, at least shows that his own skills are not small.

That’s why Qin Bin activated Zhao Xu.

And Zhao Xu also lived up to expectations, although he was only a waiter in the agency department, but he managed the business of Guanzhong in an orderly manner, and also proposed many loopholes in the commercial part of the new law, so that the new law could be perfected and reduce the loss caused by unknown loopholes in the future.

It was also because of these achievements that Qin Bin personally promised Zhao Xu that as long as Zhao Xu completed the new city construction project and completed it beautifully, he would turn Zhao Xu into a regular and officially become a merchant attendant of the second grade, and also hinted that he would knighted Zhao Xu at an appropriate time in the future.

With King Hongnong’s personal assurance, Zhao Xu dares not to do things hard?

And Zhao Xu was really powerful, he took advantage of his meager reputation in the Han business community, and soon brought in some wealthy businessmen from Nanyang County nearby, and reached several large transactions to purchase materials for city building. It even made a labor introduction project of 2,000 people.

With such achievements in the early stage, Zhao Xu can also be regarded as worthy of Qin Bin’s attention, and Qin Bin also has evidence to block the mouths of Lu Zhi and other cabinet bigwigs.

After all, to promote a businessman to a waiter of the second rank at once, even if it is only an agent, but how to look at it is a bit excessive.

If it weren’t for the fact that all the bigwigs in the cabinet were relatively enlightened people, they might have come to the door to block Qin Bin for advice.

Now that Zhao Xu has made achievements, he can be regarded as sitting firmly in the middle and high-level of the royal palace.

And Zhao Xu also became more and more comfortable, and soon coaxed a lot of big businessmen from Hanzhong County and reached many transactions, and because of these two successful transactions, the fact of the construction of Guanzhong City spread throughout Yizhou and Jingzhou, and from these two states began to spread to the entire Han.

At the same time, because of the reputation of fair trade deliberately created by Zhao Xu, it has gradually spread.

This also led to the fact that merchants from Guanzhong now gather, and goods such as city-building materials and native products are continuously sent into Guanzhong through Qinling and Wuguan.

Even according to household calculations, more than 7,000 households and more than 30,000 people have been sent to Guanzhong by merchants in the past two months.

It can be seen that as long as time goes by, Guanzhong will no longer be troubled by the scarcity of population.

As for the means by which these merchants obtained their labor, Qin Bin and the officials of the royal palace did not care, because they all understood very well that as long as the laborers lived a good life in Guanzhong and under their rule, then everything would not be a problem.

Back to the truth, at this time, the new secretary of the Ministry of Works of the royal government, Shang Shu Song Yingxing, took a whole month, coupled with Qin Bin’s suggestions for some modern urban construction, and finally the construction drawings of the new Xianyang were successfully drawn, and the old site of Xianyang also began the city wall planning and foundation construction, the only pity is that there is still a shortage of labor, resulting in the construction progress has not been fast.

This made Qin Bin have to rack his brains for the population problem again.

As for Song Yingxing, it was Qin Bin who emerged from the system in order to enrich the Ministry of Engineering.

And Song Yingxing’s great name, maybe not many people know, but Song Yingxing’s masterpiece, presumably few people do not know.

“Tiangong Kaiwu”, known as the ‘Chinese 17th century craft encyclopedia’, was compiled by Song Yingxing.

By the way, the influence of “Tiangong Kaiwu” is world-class, just talking about European agriculture in the eighteenth century, because of the introduction of “Tiangong Kaiwu”, directly promoted the revolution ~ life of European agriculture in the eighteenth century.

Again, this is a single example.

In terms of biology, physics, chemistry, nature, and philosophy, “Heavenly Works” has had a huge impact on the world.

This shows how powerful Song Yingxing is in compiling “Heavenly Works”.

And Song Yingxing also served as an official in the Chongzhen period and the Southern Ming Hongguang Emperor period, and his internal affairs ability can be regarded as qualified.

And Song Yingxing’s family are loyal martyrs, after the fall of the Southern Ming, Song Yingxing’s brother Song Yingsheng took poison and was martyred, although Song Yingxing was not martyred, but ignored the Qing court’s solicitation, refused to leave the army, and lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, spending his old age in poverty.

For Qin Bin, whether from the perspective of ability or Qin Bin’s personal preferences, Song Yingxing is very suitable for the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Works of the Royal Government.

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