Yuan Shu looked down on that man from the bones, but Yuan Shu also had to make a look, such as letting the generals be happy, leading the army of five thousand, running a trip, and making a look.

On the other hand, Sun Jian led his headquarters and 10,000 troops, and then tried to attack Daguguan, the southern gateway of Luoyang, and called it ‘encirclement of Wei and rescue Zhao’.

As for Yuan Shu himself, he is very comfortable in Nanyang these days, because of the transaction with the displaced people in Wuguan, Yuan Shu has not been disconnected.

Unlike Yuan Shao and others, after making a transaction with Wuguan, they broke off the transaction because they were exposed by King Hongnong for those dirty things.

But those things had nothing to do with him Yuan Shu, so Yuan Shu continued to trade with peace of mind.

Of course, this does not mean that Yuan Shu will not remember hating King Hongnong, after all, Yuan Shu was humiliated by King Hongnong’s subordinates before Lu Hunguan.

It’s just that Yuan Shu’s head is still relatively clear, at least when facing enough interests, Yuan Shu can put down his hatred temporarily.

It is also because the transaction with the displaced people in Wuguan has never been broken, so Yuan Shu is not short of food now, and it can even be said that the soldiers have enough food. Because of the food, Yuan Shu recruited troops on a large scale, and in this era of displacement, there was no shortage of soldiers, so at this time, Yuan Shu’s headquarters quickly swelled to more than 100,000 people.

And Yuan Shu did not stop because of this, but continued to send displaced people to Wuguan in exchange for more food, so as to continue to recruit troops.

Yuan Shu is very clear that now this world is not a good life with identity and fame, if you want to live in this turbulent ~ chaotic era, live well, you must first have enough soldiers, horses, food and grass and territory.

As for the territory, Yuan Shu took advantage of the fact that Nanyang’s former Taishou was killed by Sun Jian, and the imperial court and Xiangyang had not yet sent a new Taishou, to occupy Nanyang County, which was known as the largest county in the world.

At this time, Nanyang County also withered, especially after the Yellow Turban Rebellion and a series of natural disasters, Nanyang County was somewhat decayed, but the population was still about two million.

In addition, the Yuan family’s leased land was in the adjacent Yuzhou, so now Yuan Shu had the entire Yuzhou, Nanyang County, and several cities in Henan Yin.

In addition to King Hongnong in Guanzhong, Yuan Shu’s power can be called the first in the Central Plains.

Yuan Shu, who was somewhat inflated in his heart, even thought about capturing Luoyang by himself and all the merits of Dong.

But in the end, Yuan Shu still calmed down, after all, that Dong Zhuo is also difficult to deal with, don’t lose the army and lose the general at that time but can’t get benefits, then it is really laughing generously.

In this regard, Yuan Shu said that it is better to continue to increase the trade with the displaced people in Wuguan.

No way, although Yuan Shu occupies a lot of territory, but in recent years, the entire Han natural disasters and man-made disasters, Yuzhou and Nanyang County are also not spared, resulting in a large number of displaced people in these two places, coupled with the beginning of the autumn harvest, it was found that the mass production in the two places failed to harvest, if it was in previous years, this situation was bound to be hungry everywhere, and a bad one would cause a civil uprising.

Usually in this case, the way to deal with the counties of the Han prefectures is to wait for the relief of the imperial court, if the imperial court is unable to help, then it can only close the gates of the main city to prevent the hungry people from storming the city, and at the same time let those hungry people flee the famine and become displaced people.

Therefore, Yuan Shu has no good way to deal with the hungry and displaced people.

But now it is good, there is a Hongnong King willing to exchange grain for the displaced people, Yuan Shu will certainly not miss this opportunity.

Yuan Shu also knew the importance of population, but instead of allowing the hungry and displaced people to gather in the government, maybe when a civil revolt broke out, it was better to send these hungry and displaced people to Wuguan, so as to exchange for more food, so that Yuan Shu could survive the famine and expand the army.

Even Yuan Shu secretly got those rumored new grain seeds from Guanzhong, but Guanzhong was strictly managed, and Yuan Shu’s subordinates only risked death to steal a few from farmers’ homes.

Yuan Shu was quite satisfied with the taste of this potato, and he was looking forward to its high yield, so he secretly tried to cultivate it. If it is done, he Yuan Shu will no longer lack food.

However, Yuan Shu also had doubts in his heart, that is, Guanzhong potato seeds seemed to be different from ordinary grain seeds, as if every time the cultivation period came, farmers needed to go to the Ministry of Agriculture Grain Department of the Hongnong Royal Mansion to get them.

It seems that these potato seeds can only be cultivated for one season and then cannot produce seeds.

In this regard, after Yuan Shu inquired many times, he really got more accurate news from Guanzhong, and also knew that Guanzhong potatoes can indeed only be cultivated for one season.

In this regard, Yuan Shu also understood why King Hongnong only strictly controlled the outflow of potato seeds, but ignored the potatoes that were already planted in the farmland.

In this regard, although Yuan Shu is not dead and wants to cultivate potato seeds, he does not have much hope.

When Yuan Shu was in Nanyang, he was in Hongnong County, where the seat of Hongnong County was located.

Meng Huan and Yu Yunwen were pointing at a map of Jingbei.

Yu Yunwen said, “Puyu, Jingbei in this era is indeed far from our era. ”

Meng Huan nodded, “Yes, that’s why I kept pressing and didn’t make a move, but I disappointed Junshang.” ”

Yu Yunwen shook his head, “Jun Shang is wise and will definitely be able to understand.” Besides, the original order of the sovereign was to let me wait for the opportunity to act. It’s just that Yuan Shu surprised me. ”

Meng Huan nodded with a serious expression, “Not bad, I can’t imagine that Yuan Highway is actually a personality, at least not as unbearable as it is said in the script.” But also, how can a person who can become the strongest prince in the world in the early days of the chaotic era at the end of the Han Dynasty be a fool.

Binfu (Yu Yunwen) and see, Yuan Shu knew that I was waiting for it, and after forcibly occupying Nanyang, he asked Ji Ling to lead an army of 30,000 and stationed on the only way to the junction of Hongnong and Nanyang, and divided two more cavalry to respond, that is, to prevent me and others from suddenly going south.

Looking at the direction of Wuguan, although Yuan Shu did not break the trade of displaced people, he strengthened his guard, and even before Sun Jian moved to Daguguan, Sun Jianbu was stationed at the border of Wuguan. ”

Yu Yunwen frowned, and then smiled, “It’s really a character, it’s just too easy to be complacent.” ”

Meng Heng’s eyes lit up, “Does Binfu have a plan?” ”

Yu Yunwen said, “But there is no need for any strategy, although Yuan Shu now has many soldiers and horses, most of them are newly recruited soldiers, and they are incomparable with my subordinates’ hundred battle elite soldiers, if they start a war, they will be attacked head-on.”

What I lack now is a hands-on excuse. And this excuse was not used against Yuan Shu, but on Jingzhou Liu Biao. ”

As soon as Meng Huan heard this, he figured out that although Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao was newly appointed, he also had some ability, and soon received the support of Jingzhou’s many gatekeepers and gained a firm foothold in Xiangyang.

At the same time, Liu Biao is still a clan relative of the Han family, counting Liu Biao is still the imperial uncle of the monarch, and more importantly, the previous Hongnong King sent a letter to the Tianxia Sect and hoped that the Tianxia Sect would send people to Luoyang to pay tribute, and Liu Biao took the lead in responding.

Therefore, if Meng Hun and they take Nanyang at this time, and Liu Biao will send someone to take it at that time, then the matter will be complicated.

After all, the world is not in chaos now, then Nanyang is still the gateway of Jingzhou, it belongs to the rule of Jingzhou, and Liu Biao sent someone to take it, which can be described as justified.

Yu Yunwen continued, “We can contact Liu Biao first, after all, Yuan Shu forcibly occupied Nanyang, Liu Biao must be dissatisfied, but Liu Biao relied on the family gate valve to get to the top, and Yuan Shu’s Yuan family is the representative of the family gate valve, which makes Liu Biao dissatisfied in his heart and dare not express his position.”

And we, as long as Liu Biao agrees to us borrowing Nanyang temporarily, morally speaking, it is over. ”

Meng Huan smiled, “Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou?” ”

Yu Yunwen also smiled, “Ran.” ”

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