After thinking twice and persuading his staff, Yuan Shu had to consider abandoning Nanyang and returning to Yuzhou to plot again.

However, at this time, the envoy came to report, saying that the state of Yun was broken, Zhang Xun and Li Feng led the remnants to flee to Wanxian County, and encountered Qiao Rui and Lei Bo halfway, and the four generals joined forces, wanting to recapture the kingdom of Yun, so they fought another battle with Wu Jiebu under the city of Qiangguo, and the four generals were defeated, and now they can only collect the remnants and withdraw to Wanxian County.

For the country to be breached, Yuan Shu was very calm, after all, he had personally seen the combat power of Meng Jue’s department, and I think that the Wu Ji department under the same Hongnong King was not much different, Zhang Xun, Li Feng’s troops and soldiers’ combat effectiveness were not comparable to Yuan Shu and Ji Ling, if Zhang Xun and Li Feng won the battle, Yuan Shu would be suspicious.

And Qiao Rui and Lei Bo did not measure their strength, and the air consumed troops, and Yuan Shu was somewhat angry in his heart, but now was not the time to blame his subordinate generals.

Yuan Shu also went to meet the four generals Zhang Xun, and then planned how to safely withdraw from Nanyang.

However, at this time, another messenger came to report, saying that Meng Huan’s messenger had sent a letter.

Yuan Shu’s brows furrowed, and he was puzzled in his heart, but finally opened the letter sent by Meng Huan, and when he saw its content, he was surprised.

“This Meng Heng… Or is King Hongnong really determined to fight with me and other clansmen? Could it be that King Hongnong really doesn’t need the support of our clan at all? ”

After saying that, he gave the letter to his aide Yang Hong.

Yang Hong is a long history under Yuan Shu, and he is resourceful on weekdays, and Yuan Shu relies on a lot.

After Yang Hong finished reading the letter, he cursed angrily, “King Hongnong acted perversely, and he went against the Shi clan regardless of the time of day, and he will die in the future!” ”

The reason why Yang Hong was so angry was because the letter directly pointed out that if the Nanyang Gate Clan was willing to follow Yuan Shu and withdraw from Nanyang County, then Meng Jue would give Yuan Shu five days to evacuate.

And Yang Hong himself is from the gate valve clan, plus Yang Hong has heard a little about the Guanzhong change method before, so this letter is like Meng Huan, or the Hongnong King dislikes these gate valve clans, and he doesn’t even bother to clean it up himself, hoping that the entire gate valve clan of Nanyang County will go all the way so that Meng Hun can receive a clean Nanyang County.

This is completely disgusted, which makes the Shi clan who has always been pretentious how to stand it, which is why Yang Hong is so angry.

After cursing angrily, Yang Hong quickly said to Yuan Shu, “Master! Since Meng Hun gave the Lord five days to evacuate, we will have a good search, Nanyang is rich, and there is countless money and grain. And there are many Nanyang family clans, the lord only needs to explain how powerful the tyranny in Guanzhong is, I think most of the Nanyang family clans know that they are no match for the thugs in Guanzhong and are willing to follow the lord.

The lord only needs to bring the Nanyang Shi tribe back to Yuzhou, and Yuzhou will surely prosper.

The Shi clan is the foundation of the world, if the lord can get the support of the world’s Shi clan, Wang Tu’s hegemony is just around the corner!

Return to Yuzhou for good life and development, and report today’s humiliation in the future! ”

Yuan Shu nodded, “Okay, everyone, I will return to Yuzhou for the time being, and I will take revenge in the future!” ”


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the five-day deadline arrived, and Yuan Shu did not dare to stay longer, searched around Wanxian County, and called on most of the family clans of Nanyang County to follow him back to Yuzhou, and after meeting with Zhang Xun and Li Feng’s remnants, he quickly evacuated from the east of Wanxian County, passed through Wuyin County, and entered Wufang in Yuzhou.

After Yuan Shu led these 200,000 people to exit Wanxian County, among which there were 100,000 Shi clans and Shi family servants who left with Yuan Shu alone, the speed of travel was of course not fast, but what made Yuan Shu and those family clans feel at ease for the time being was that Meng Huan later sent people to report that as long as Yuan Shu and others did not enter the city and did not disturb the people, Meng Hun would not pursue, and let Yuan Shu and others safely exit the Nanyang realm.

Although Yuan Shu and those clans were unwilling in their hearts, after all, this situation looked like Meng Hun giving them alms, but they were helpless, after a few battles, Yuan Shu could be regarded as a thorough understanding of the combat power under King Hongnong, at least for now, Yuan Shu still couldn’t defeat Meng Heng, let alone the more powerful Hongnong King in Guanzhong.

In this regard, Yuan Shu also has a plan, he is not out of kindness to bring these Nanyang Shi clans back to Yuzhou, after all, the Shi clan needs to develop, it must have land, and the largest Shi clan in Yuzhou is the Yuan family, these Nanyang Shi clans come to Yuzhou, isn’t it equivalent to competing with his Yuan family for development resources?

So Yuan Shu is essentially to spy on the wealth of these Nanyang Shi clan, and when he arrives in Yuzhou, Yuan Shu will use various means to dig up the wealth in the hands of the Nanyang Shi clan, and then make every effort to build an elite with all iron armor.

Otherwise, Yuan Shu really didn’t have the courage to take revenge on Meng Hun again, let alone against King Hongnong of Guanzhong.

After Yuan Shu retreated, Meng Huan and Wu Jie met in Wanxian County, and saw that Wanxian County and nearby cities had been looted by Yuan Shu’s department, and now these cities were in disarray, and the people were too bitter to speak, and most of them fell into despair.

And most of the great families in the Nanyang Realm also withdrew with Yuan Shu.

In this regard, although Meng Hun and others seemed extremely indignant on the surface, in fact, they were happy to see it in their hearts.

Because if there was no brutal raid by Yuan Shu, where could they reflect the benevolence and righteousness under King Hongnong?

Besides, there were originally many Nanyang families, if Meng Hun and they bravely occupied Nanyang and implemented the new law, then Nanyang would take a year and a half to really settle down, and more importantly, if it was some family that knew how to endure, it would be like a poisonous snake, hidden in the shadows, looking for opportunities to bite back, this kind of family is the most difficult. But in the face of this kind of family, it is the most powerless, because the Guanzhong law change is essentially the supremacy of the legalist, and the legalist pays attention to everything according to the law, so as a subordinate of the Hongnong King, he must not ignore the new law, otherwise his credibility will be questioned.

Meng Hun has deeply experienced this since he governed Hongnong County. It was also because of this that Meng Jue, after discussing with Yu Yunwen many times, decided to let Yuan Shu go, and tried to use the prestige of the Yuan family to take the family clan of Nanyang County away.

But now, it seems, it has succeeded. Although the family clans in Nanyang County were not completely clean, most of the family families chose to follow Yuan Shu to Yuzhou.

And the number of family families who left with Yuan Shu actually exceeded the estimate of Meng Hun and others, after all, it is the heart of the countrymen that the homeland is difficult to leave, but now it seems that it is not an absolute.

However, Meng Huan and others quickly figured it out, thinking that because the Guanzhong change of law infringed on the interests of the gate clan too much, so large that a huge number of the clan could not accept it, and as the representative of the world’s family clan – Yuan Shu, but he was defeated, so these Nanyang family gate valves would leave Nanyang so decisively.

In fact, for the gatekeeper clan, the new law of Guanzhong is harsh government and tyranny.

Even now it is still circulating among the clans who know the new law in Guanzhong that fortunately Dong Zhuo deposed King Hongnong, otherwise if he really wants to let King Hongnong continue to remain in the position of the Son of Heaven, and then make such tyranny, then this big Han world is really a ‘people’ who have no livelihood.

At this time, many of the Shi clan children in the world compared King Hongnong to tyrants like Xia Wei, Di Xin, and Ying Zheng.

To get back to the truth, Nanyang lacked most of the family gates, Meng Hun took over the Nanyang realm, and promulgated a new law, which also became extremely smooth, and the good news was also sent to Chang’an in Guanzhong Province.

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