Luoyang, Jia Xu’s residence.

Li Ru came looking for him, with disappointment and loneliness on his face.

Jia Xu received Li Ru in the living room, and seeing Li Ru like this, he also asked, “Can the prime minister take care of the imperial government these days?” ”

Li Ru shook his head and sighed, “Since last month, after the defeat of the Guandong princes and Chen Liu, the prime minister has rarely paid attention to the imperial government, and has even indulged the Western Liang army, plotted horses to cross the city, killed good and risked merit, and made a lot of complaints in Luoyang.

Confucian persuaded many times, but the prime minister did not listen.

But although the Guandong princes lost a battle, the background is still there, and the Luoyang crisis has not yet been solved.

Unfortunately, the prime minister thought that the edict of division had been issued, and the princes of the Kanto region must be torn apart and unable to attack Luoyang again… Alas… Now the absurd behavior of the prime minister has become even more intense, let alone Confucianism, or the advice of Cai Yong, who the prime minister respects the most, and the prime minister is unwilling to listen to more.

Confucianism doesn’t know what to do. ”

Jia Xu also shook his head helplessly, “If there is no Hongnong King, then the princes of the Guandong will definitely be torn apart due to the policy of dividing the seals, and they will annex each other, and the Luoyang crisis will be solved.”

It’s just that the change of King Hongnong is now spread all over the world, and the princes of the Kanto region are all family families, and they will definitely not sit idly by and watch King Hongnong continue to grow. In order to curb the development of King Hongnong, it was necessary to take Luoyang militarily and encircle Hangu Pass and Nanyang County.

In terms of righteousness, it is necessary to control the Son of Heaven in Luoyang and suppress the Hongnong King to change the law in the name of the Son of Heaven, if the Hongnong King does not obey, it is to betray the imperial court, and the great crime of treason is added, and the Kwantung princes can call on the Liu clan of the world to besiege Guanzhong.

However, Luoyang has become a must-attack target for the Kanto princes.

If the prime minister is like this, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape in the future. ”

Li Ru bowed his head and said helplessly, “Ru thinks the same, and even more so persuades the prime minister, but the prime minister does not listen, and Confucian has no choice.”

If he can, Confucian still wants Prime Minister Cheng to be able to hold out in Luoyang for two years, it only takes two years, Hanzhong County and Nanyang County will change the overall situation, and King Hongnong can refuse Xiongguan Jiancheng to wait for the change of the world…”

Jia Xu thought for a while, “Wen You, can you receive news of the continuous movement in Guanzhong? ”

Li Ru looked serious, “But it is.” Presumably, King Hongnong wants to solve the western Xianbei this winter. This warning letter informing the border states had been sent to the prime minister’s house, but the prime minister ignored it. ”

Jia Xu said, “It should be right. Before I heard that Chen Qingzhi, a general under King Hongnong, led troops in and out of the grassland many times, using the strategy of General Sima Da, Wei Qing, to support war with war, at first I couldn’t figure it out, but now I understand that King Hongnong wants to use this to make the western Xianbei fall into winter without food, and can only go south on a large scale to fight grass valleys, and then solve the border troubles in one fell swoop. ”

Li Ru nodded in approval, “If you think about it this way, you can also think that King Hongnong has been gathering troops these days, and even issued a conscription order, which is a deliberate decisive battle with the western Xianbei.” If victorious, the border of Liangzhou can be stable for at least ten years.

However, once the grassland tribes united and went south together, the trouble was not small.

The prefecture is empty, not to mention it, Youzhou has to fight a good battle, I am afraid that Gongsun Zan will not be able to stop the eastern Xianbei and Wuhuan.

At that time, the border people of the two states will be affected. ”

Jia Xu shook his head and said, “Wen You, with your intelligence ability, you must also know that the number of defenders in Hangu Pass, Nanyang County, and Hanzhong County has not decreased, right?” ”

“But it has not decreased, and it has even increased with the recruitment order.” Li Ru thought about it carefully, and was surprised again, “This Hongnong King also needed tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to conquer the grassland, and he didn’t use the defenders of the three lands… Doesn’t it mean that there are at least 100,000 elite soldiers in Guanzhong in total? ”

Jia Xu smiled and nodded, “We still underestimate the heritage of King Hongnong.” ”

Li Ru was relieved and nodded, “Indeed. King Hongnong has this force, if Union Prefecture is attacked by Xianbei and Xiongnu in the central region, I think King Hongnong will not stand idly by, and King Hongnong has this strength, he can also take advantage of the trend to occupy the northern part of Hezhou, and I think it can also give some pressure to the prime minister, so that the prime minister can wake up from the gentle township.

As for Youzhou, it can only be seen by Liu Yu and Gongsun Zhan, hoping that these two will not fight among themselves when the foreign race goes south. ”

“Things are too far away for us to reach, and it depends on the Hongnong King’s actions.” After a pause, Jia Xu said again, “Now that the Hongnong King has become a great trend, the only thing missing is justification. And King Hongnong occupies Guanzhong, and he is a believer in the Legalists, so why not repay the Son of Heaven and let King Hongnong enter the title of King of Qin, and grant the right to open the house? ”

Li Ru was embarrassed, not because he didn’t want to help with this, but because he had mentioned early on that he wanted to open a mansion for King Hongnong, but Dong Zhuo’s side changed his mind, it seemed that because he had been depleted in the hands of King Hongnong before, he couldn’t let go of his heart.

After thinking about it, Li Ru said again, “If King Hongnong wins a big victory in Northern Xinjiang and returns to Guanzhong with the power of a great victory, Ru then takes advantage of the situation and wants to mention it, maybe it can be done.”

Only, why King Qin? ”

Jia Xu smiled and said, “King Han is called Qin Jun, but it’s very interesting, isn’t it?” ”

Li Ru smiled and pointed at Jia Xu, “Wen and you… But it’s interesting. Haha…”

Jia Xu said with a smile again, “At the beginning of spring next year, once King Hongnong wins, he will definitely return to Guanzhong, and at that time, the princes of the Guandong will definitely plan the battle of Henan Yin again, and Cheng Xiang is forced to be under pressure, and he has to rest his heart for King Hongnong to enter the palace.”

Moreover, the Western Liang Army is now an arrogant army, but the Kwantung princes have gone through the battlefield and become elite soldiers, and in the spring battle next year, the Eastern Division is very variable, but Wen You has to arrange a good way back. ”



In front of the Hangu Pass, a handsome young man in neat clothes led a white horse with a Han sword tied around his waist, and a long object tied to cloth next to the saddle, which seemed to be a long-handled weapon such as a spear.

The young man saw the heavy traffic in front of Hangu Pass, and the frequent entry and exit of ordinary merchants, but it didn’t seem like he was always on guard against the military town in the direction of Luoyang.

Not long after, after crossing the moat of Hangu Pass, the young man found that the ground on which he stood was flat and hard, like a large bluestone polished and smooth, covering the main road of Hangu Pass.

Curious, the young man ignored others, squatted down, and knocked on the hard ground with his hand.

“But it’s solid, is this really polished from a whole boulder?”

The young man’s face changed a little, and he even thought of testing the hardness of the ground with the Han sword on his waist, but at this moment, a middle-aged scribe who was passing by came forward, “This strong man, this place is made of cement in Guanzhong, it is extremely hard, and ordinary swords falling on it only create some white marks, no need to try, and look ahead.” ”

The young man paused for a moment, then followed the middle-aged scribe’s point, and then saw that not far in front of Guancheng, several strong men dressed as rangers were testing the hardness of the ground with their swords, and I saw that those rangers struggled to attack the ground with their swords, and more than ten times in a row, actually leaving only some white marks on the ground.

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