More importantly, before the appearance of King Hongnong, people of insight in the world were almost completely disappointed in the Han Court, and even some sects were disappointed with the current Han Court.

For example, in history, Liu Hua, the clan of the Han Court, was a staunch Cao Cao faction, and agreed with Cao Cao’s entry into the Duke of Wei, and even called the King of Wei, which shows that the Han Court at that time was indeed completely disappointing.

But now it is different, although the current Han Court is majestic and is rubbed on the ground by Dong Zhuo and the princes of the Guandong in turn, but it is at this time that a powerful Hongnong King was born in Guanzhong , and he was still the first emperor’s concubine, and even abolished the emperor status.

The most important point is that King Hongnong’s reputation among the people is like a sage, and his internal affairs are quite Emperor Wen’s style, and externally, Emperor Wu is alive.

This made all the people of insight in Han see a glimmer of hope! It also ignited the last trace of loyalty to the big man!

In this era, the backbone of the Chinese people is proud and looks down on all nations!

Since the Warring States, the bloodiness of the four sides has not been completely worn out, and it is still hidden in the bloodlines of all the Chinese people!

In history, even in the late Three Kingdoms era, when the people of China killed ten rooms and nine empty by themselves, they still couldn’t look at the foreign races around.

Cao Wei, Cao Cao, and Cao Pi had successively marched north and west many times in the era, because foreign races made trouble, so Cao Cao and others wanted to kill those foreign races. And Zhuge Liang of the Shu Han also even went south to the south, for the same reason, that is, the southern barbarians rebelled, so they made the southern barbarians. Sun Quan of Eastern Wu was also the one who went to sea after conquering Shanyue, and he would do whatever he caught.

The reason is the same, that is, if the alien race is not convinced, it will start fighting!

The Chinese people of this era are like this, and if they are not convinced, they will engage you.

And the Chinese people of this era are not only proud, but also proud capital.

In this era, in the same period, only the Roman Empire in the west was the same strength, but the Roman Empire was also at sunset at this time, and it was essentially not comparable to the chaotic Han.

In terms of national strength alone, the Roman Empire can be comparable to the Han Empire, but it is only that, if it really works, the gap in the system will further shorten the time for the Roman Empire to fall apart.

The reason is that there is no other reason, it is the system.

The Han Empire is a great unified system, starting from the first emperor, hundreds of years, the great unification has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Roman Empire said that it was a provincial system, but in essence it was almost the same as the city-state system of the Athenian era, essentially similar to the Spring and Autumn period of China, so that the Roman Empire was like a sand sculpture fortress made of sand on the beach, but the Han Empire is a steel fortress made of reinforced cement in some sense.

Whoever is superior or inferior, you will know when you think about it.

To get back to the truth, Han people of all classes in the Han Dynasty, because of this arrogance, so when the Han Court swept away the majesty and no longer saw a glimmer of hope for the revival of the Han, people of insight in the Han still did not give up their expectations for the Han, and they were more angry and lamented their misfortune.

There are several circumstantial evidence to illustrate this point, that is, why would Liu Bei, who was trying to revive the great Han, have a large number of civil and military sworn to follow when there was nothing?

Why did Cao Cao gain the dominance of righteousness in the world just by greeting the Han Emperor?

Sun Quan called himself Hanchen until Cao Pi usurped Han?

Even at the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, after the Xiongnu went south, the Xiongnu Shan Yu still called himself the son-in-law of the Great Han under the banner of reviving the Han Dynasty, thus winning over the famous men of the Jin Dynasty.

What does this all say? It was the strong centripetal force of the Han Empire that was so strong that during the period when Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, it still caused many civil and military ministers in Northern Wei who regarded themselves as Han ministers to resist to the death. So strong that even foreign races must enter the lord under the banner of reviving the great han!

And now, the appearance of King Hongnong has made these people of insight see hope, and see a glimmer of hope to restore the glory of the period of the Great Han Wudi and Guangwu Emperor!

That’s why people from all walks of life in Han have responded so violently.

In general, now the majesty of the Han Court is still there, the centripetal force of the Han Empire is still constant, coupled with the power of the Hongnong King, it has made Liu Hanzong more powerful in Guanzhong and Liangzhou, and has more than 100,000 troops, which looks like the first force in the world, and has stopped the momentum of the continuous loss of the majesty of the Han Court, and even made the authority of the Han Court a lot more now.

At least in the future, anyone who wants to rebel must consider the existence of King Hongnong in Guanzhong.

Of course, even if the people respond violently, the governors of various prefectures and counties fully support it, but the main force of the Northern Expedition is still the army under the Hongnong Wangfu, in addition, the troops of other prefectures and counties will be mainly defensive.

Unless the army of King Hongnong successfully annihilated the main force of Xianbei in the west and advanced to the central and eastern Xianbei, then the forces of the two states of Yu and Union could take the initiative to attack.

This has nothing to do with feelings, it’s just that the strength of Youzhou and Union Prefecture does not allow it.

Because of this, the strategy and tactics of Qin Bin and others must be adjusted, at least the northern part of the prefecture cannot attack now, and can only be through some political ~ administrative means, or postponed.


In mid-November of the first year of Chuping, Chen Qingzhi led 70,000 troops, Yang Zaixing as the vanguard, and Xu Shu as the counselor, and used military power to attack the western Xianbei and southwestern departments.

The southwestern Xianbei forces in the west seem to have long received the news of the Han army’s main force marching north, and most of the tribes have withdrawn north, seemingly intending to extend the Han army’s supply line and then disrupt the attack through cavalry, so that the Han army hates the grassland because the supply cannot keep up.

It is a pity that the main force of the Han army’s northern expedition this time was not infantry, but large-scale cavalry, so the strategy of western Xianbei did not succeed, but was ambushed by the Han cavalry because of repeated attempts to attack the Han supply line, and suffered a lot of losses.

In this regard, the leaders of the southern Xianbei tribes in the west had to retreat to the east to contact other grassland tribes to deal with the Han army together.

In the same month, Wei Qing, the commander of the Northern Expedition, led more than 80,000 troops, all of whom were elite cavalry, out of Beidi County.

When passing through the Han court reserved for the Southern Xiongnu garrison, Wei Qing sent Qin Qiong to lead a surprise attack with 10,000 elite cavalry, captured the left royal court of the Southern Xiongnu, killed more than 20,000 enemies, and captured more than 1,000 nobles under the left part of the Southern Xiongnu.

According to the order of King Hongnong, Qin Qiong abolished the garrison reserved by the Han court for the Southern Xiongnu, formally returned it to the Han soil, and sent people to send more than 1,000 people including the left part of the Southern Xiongnu back to Chang’an and placed them under house arrest.

After Qin Qiong captured the left part of the Southern Xiongnu, the cabinet of King Hongnong sent Han officials to officially set the Southern Xiongnu station as Hetao Commandery, directly under the administration of the royal palace.

As soon as the left part of the Southern Xiongnu was made, Wei Qing ordered Qin Qiong to attack the right part of the Southern Xiongnu again, and asked Huo Qubing to attract 20,000 elite horses to respond.

The right force of the Southern Xiongnu was stronger than the left, with more than 40,000 troops, but it was not the opponent of the Han army at all, and even before Huo Qu’s department could make a move, it was blitzkrieg tactics by Qin Qiong, and it was defeated in a battle, and after being killed by Qin Qiong’s army of more than 10,000 troops, the leader of the right department led the crowd to surrender.

The right part of the Southern Xiongnu was treated the same as the left part, and the chiefs and nobles were sent to Chang’an under house arrest, and the herders under their rule were completely brought under the administration of the Great Han.

The battle against the Southern Xiongnu, only seven or eight days before and after, Qin Bin, as the mediator, did not participate in it, but just took the Xuanjia army to watch from the sidelines, looking at the so-called Southern Xiongnu, so it was cleaned up by the Han army passing by, and he sighed in his heart.

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