“Well salt is the first of the four salts, and only the Shudi salt well is produced!”

“Now that Liu Yan has cut off his contacts with the Central Plains in Shuzhong, how did Cao Yuan buy so much well salt?”

Sun Qian jumped up and questioned, his expression already a little gaffe.

“The point is that even if you can buy well salt and transport it from Shudi to Feng County, it will take at least three or four months!”

“How can it be done in just one month?”

Mi Zhu was dispelled, but he was also incredulous.

Guan Yu also changed his face and guessed, “Could it be that Cao Mengde was secretly buying well salt from Shu when he was doing business with us?” ”


“If it is really Cao Cao’s handiwork, and the salt is directly transported to Xudu, why is it still transported all the way to Feng County and then back to Xudu, isn’t it stupid?”

Zhang Fei shouted and denied Guan Yu’s guess, but he was smarter.

Guan Yu was stunned and fell into a daze.

Sun Qianmizhu, the two of them frowned deeply, thinking in every way, but they couldn’t figure it out.

Zhao Yun sighed: “Yun is also thinking left and right, and can’t figure it out, but the fact is that Cao Yuan is indeed powerful, and bought 200,000 stone well salt for Cao Mengde, solving the salt shortage in the Central Plains!” ”

In the lobby, there was an immediate silence.


A dull sound sounded, Liu Bei slowed down, and the wine glass smashed on the case table.

Originally, I wanted to borrow Cao Cao’s hand to kill that Cao Yuan, and then grab a sum of military resources from Cao Cao.

Who expected to calculate in every way, Cao Yuan did not kill, and this money was also lost.

The remaining 150,000 stone sea salt, as the little official said, could only be smashed in his hand and eaten by himself.

This moment.

Liu Bei felt the shame of losing his wife and breaking the army.

“Sun Gongyou, what kind of bad idea are you giving to the eldest brother, now that the military funds in hand are gone, how can we recruit troops to deal with those three family slaves?”

Zhang Fei turned his spearhead at Sun Qian again.

Liu Bei slowly turned his head, and his subtle gaze also glared at Sun Qian.

Although he didn’t say it explicitly, he couldn’t see the resentment in his eyes.

Sun Qian’s forehead was sweaty, and he said with a bitter face: “I really didn’t expect that an unknown official in Cao Yuan District would have such a powerful ability, which is really unexpected.” ”

“Gongyou’s scheme is indeed a brilliant plan.”

“It’s just that Cao Yuan’s anomaly is something that none of us have estimated, and it’s no wonder that Gongyou is not responsible for this matter.”

Mi Zhu did not fall into the well, and defended Sun Qian.

Liu Bei’s eyes retracted with resentment, and he sighed with a flick of his hand: “Zi Zhong’s words are reasonable, Yide, you don’t have to blame Gongyou indiscriminately.” ”

Zhang Fei had to swallow his complaints, but he spread his hands: “Now Cao Cao’s meat can’t be scraped, without this military capital, how can we recruit troops to deal with Lü Bu’s three family slaves?” ”

Everyone looked grim, all shook their heads and sighed, but they were helpless.

“Cao Yuan, Cao Yuan…”

Liu Bei’s fists clenched secretly, and he repeated the name in his heart.


“That Cao Yuan, what means did he use?”

“Weird, weird…”

Mi Zhu muttered to himself, and walked all the way into the main hall with a trance.

My younger sister, Mi Zhen, has been waiting for a long time.

As soon as he entered the door, Mi Zhen stepped forward and asked, “Big brother, that Cao Yuan, hasn’t decided to buy our Mi family’s salt yet?” ”

Mi Zhu came back from her distraction, looking at her sister like this, obviously she hadn’t heard from it yet.

People Cao Yuan bought well salt for Cao Cao earlier, where do you need your inferior high-priced sea salt.

He didn’t know how to answer, so he could only smile bitterly.

“Big brother, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and there are some things I have to tell you.”

“Although our Mi family has been in business for generations, since the ancestors, it has been a gentleman who loves money and has a way of taking it.”

“At present, the people of Yanyu Erzhou are suffering from a lack of salt, but we are taking the opportunity to raise the price of salt and seek huge profits!”

“Even if Cao Cao is forced to buy our salt, the money earned is ill-gotten gains, I am afraid that it will hurt the goodwill of our Mi family!”

Mi Zhen held the Xu in her heart, and finally vomited.

From the beginning, she opposed selling salt to Cao Yuan at five times the price, but she couldn’t be the master.

Mi Zhu couldn’t sit down and sighed: “Little sister, you don’t have to worry about the goodwill of our Mi family, that Cao Yuan, he will never buy our sea salt again.” ”


Mi Zhen was stunned, her eyes blank.

“He has great powers, and he has already bought high-grade Shudi well salt for Cao Cao, how can he still rare our Mi family’s sea salt.”

Mi Zhu laughed bitterly and laughed at himself, telling the truth.

Mi Zhen’s body shook, and the flowers immediately piled up endless shock, as if they heard a fantasy!

Mi Zhu was weak, and told his sister what Zhao Yun said.

The more Mi Zhen listened, the more shocked she became, and she couldn’t help but gasp.

“The Shudi mountains are treacherous and far away, transportation is difficult and inconvenient, and the trade routes have long been cut off, so how can Cao Yuan buy well salt?”

“Besides, even if he buys salt, why did he take the extra trouble to transport it to Feng County and then transport it back to Xu Du Cao Cao?”

“It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense!”

Mi Zhen’s voice was hoarse, and he repeated everyone’s questions when the county was deliberating.

Mi Zhu shook his head and smiled bitterly: “What you said is also our doubts, but that Cao Yuan has great powers, and he just did it.” ”

Mi Zhen’s expression was shocked, and she lost her mind for a while.

After a long time.

Mi Zhen took a breath lightly and lowered his eyebrows: “Wouldn’t that lord’s move be a stone and shoot himself in the foot, offending Cao Cao and not earning the military resources to recruit troops to deal with Lü Bu, wouldn’t the situation be even more embarrassing.” ”

Mi Zhu sighed and acquiesced to her sister’s judgment.

After Mi Zhen hesitated again and again, she lowered her voice and said, “Big brother, with all due respect, you bet on all of our Mi family and bet on Liu Xuande, now it seems that maybe you bet on the wrong treasure?” ”

Mi Zhu’s heart was shocked, and a warning color flashed in his eyes.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but think of the scene when he was suspected of secretly communicating with Cao Yuan.

In my heart, a little remorse flashed.

Mi Zhu could only sigh helplessly: “It’s too late to say such things now, and we have no choice.” ”

Mi Zhen fell silent, her eyebrows condensed, and her thoughts turned.

“Cao Yuan, Cao Yuan, are you really not just a nameless official…”

In front of her eyes, the ghost made a difference, and her handsome face floated.

Five days later, Cao Yuan and his party returned to Xudu.

Six days from now, it will be an auspicious day.

When the lights first came on, the Cao Manor in the eastern suburbs of Xudu was already red and full of joy.

The car blew all the way and stopped outside the manor.

In the capacity of Wang Bi, Cao Cao personally sent his niece Xiahou Juan to the Cao Manor.

A low-key wedding, as promised.

Cao Yuan pursued a low-key fortune, Pingsu never befriended his colleague Shangguan, and Cao Cao did not want to reveal his true identity.

The two hit it off, and the wedding was extremely simple and low-key, except for Guo Jia, Xu Chu and a few other henchmen, no other guests were invited.

Worship heaven and earth, worship high churches, husband and wife worship each other.

After the ceremony, the bride is sent to her new house.

Cao Yuan was proud of the spring breeze, and together with Cao Cao, Xu Chu and others, he drank happy wine.

It wasn’t until he was half-drunk that Cao Yuan staggered into the cave room with the help of Gan Mei and Zou Yuer.

The red candle fever in the room was high.

Hi on the bed.

Xia Hou Juan was sitting upright, twisting his skirt with his bare hands, and his beautiful face under Xipa, his face was unstable, showing his inner unease.

With a creak, the door opened.

Cao Yuan walked into the room with the help of Gan Zou’s second daughter.

Xia Hou had a heart, and immediately jumped up wildly, and grabbed the skirt tighter with his bare hands.

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