Cao Cao in the seat was about to vomit blood!

How can you understand the seed you gave birth to?

Cao Ang liked guns and sticks since he was a child, but he was not good at studying.

He is not the material to recite poems and compose poems. When the time comes, he will definitely talk nonsense and be embarrassed!

Cao Cao really wanted to rush up, drag this little kid down, and beat him up.

But now the atmosphere of the banquet is lively, and everyone's eyes are focused on Cao Ang, looking forward to his poems. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to go up now?

"Damn it!"

"I must smash him!"

Cao Cao was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. It's a pity that the female family members were not in the palace. Otherwise, he would have scolded Ding Yao for being a bitch. He didn't have time, so wouldn't she have time to take care of it?

But now!

It's too late!

It's too late for everything!

Cao Cao buried his head. Go down, it feels like saying:

"I really, really don’t know him, so don’t look at me!

Yang Ci looked surprised and said with a smile:"That book is too valuable, so I can't keep it, but I can still recite poems and compose it!""

"Mr. Cao built a school for the refugees in Yunwu Villa, and found teachers for them to teach them and solve their doubts. He must have gained a lot of knowledge and a lot of talent!"

The next person, Yuan Wei, suppressed his laughter and did not burst out.

Others may not know the details of Cao Ang, but how could he not know it?

This guy caused himself to lose tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of gold. His details have long been known.

Yuan Wei found out clearly.

What a dandy!

It would be okay if he was asked to do horse racing, make jokes, and flirt with women from good families.

But if he was asked to recite poems and compose poems, this guy would definitely mess it up. Yes.

There was no suspense!

Yuan Wei didn't say anything, just looking at Cao Ang, just waiting for him to make a fool of himself!


, Cao Cao spent half a month to pacify the Jizhou Yellow Turban, which was still fresh in his memory.

According to his own understanding,

Cao Cao is not only knowledgeable and talented, but he is also good at writing poems and poems.

I think his son is not too bad. But this guy is a little open-minded.

There is a poem by Qilinzi Yang Xiu in front of him, but he dares to use it to show off? What's more terrible is that this poem is improvised! This is simply a slap in the face of all the guests! There was a sigh and a lot of discussion:

"Improvisation? Is this kid crazy? He dares to show off his knowledge in front of the Yang family of Kansai Confucius?"

"Think about it for yourself, if this boy dares to offend the Yuan family, there must be something wrong with his brain. Now he is showing his shame in front of the Yang family, what's so strange about it!"

"That's right! What you said is so insightful. There is something wrong with this kid’s brain! I never expected that Cao Cao was so smart that he could give birth to such a son!"


"I'm depreesed!"

"There's something good to watch!"


Under the spotlight, Cao Ang, the great writer, immediately put on his airs.

He frowned in thought for a while, raised the corners of his lips slightly, walked slowly for seven steps, suddenly smiled, and said with cupped hands:"Yes!"

"oh? So fast! Yang Ci suddenly became interested and waved his hand,"Come on!"

Cao Ang gave a salute and said,"You've made a fool of yourself!""

After that, he opened his mouth and said:

"The vicissitudes of the world, the sun and the moon are wasted, and each year passes again."

Yang Ci couldn't help but nodded. He was indeed one year older. This sentence was quite reasonable.

Cao Cao, who was burying his head in the seat, suddenly heard this sentence and suddenly raised his head and looked up curiously. Looking at Cao Ang in the palace, he thought to himself:"Is this a temporary creation by him?"

If we can maintain this level from now on, it won't be too embarrassing!

After Cao Ang recited, he bowed to Yang Ci:"Xi also had a black head, a silver thread between the beginning, an honest and sincere conduct, and a sparse appearance. Hard work."

A few words!

Immediately made the superior Yang Ci burst into tears.

Yes! He turned from black hair to white hair and served as an official in the government for decades. He was really"honest and honest, with few hardships". Every center Others don't know the pain, but you don't know why.

Yang Ci couldn't help but bowed to Cao Ang, and the guests in the hall were shocked!

This proved that Cao Ang's poems successfully moved Yang Ci.

Cao Cao was relieved, as long as there was no big problem, everything would be fine.

However, Yuan Wei, who was the leader, was stunned.

He thought that Cao Ang would collapse immediately, but he didn't expect it.

It also succeeded in impressing Yang Ci.

The importance of this article is sincerity and touching people's hearts. From this analysis, Cao Ang's article is even more precious than that of Yang Xiu!

"Composing poems and reciting poems, lifting the golden cup by oneself, I am confused and now I am feeling sad."

"Mu Yake said that fame, fortune and wealth are fleeting and fleeting."

Cao Ang finished his speech.

Yang Ci personally applauded and shouted:"Wonderful!"

He was an official in the imperial court, and he was upright. He was up and down, occupying the positions of Sikong, Situ, and Taiwei.

Others said that fame, fortune and wealth are like floating clouds, which is definitely bragging.

But if it is Yang Ci!

Absolutely It comes from the heart, and it couldn't be more true!

Especially the word"Mu Yake" in the last sentence got into Yang Ci's heart.

Lu Zhi couldn't help but praise it:"What a poem! It’s really wonderful!"

After he experienced the Yellow Turban War and was falsely accused by an eunuch and imprisoned, he had a deeper understanding of fame and wealth, so he could truly empathize with his experience and marvel at the case!

Cao Ang's interest was also three points higher, and he finished it in one go, like flowing clouds and flowing water. :

"On his birthday, Bo Xian sighed. Hidden in nooks and crannies, there are many noisy rivers and lakes. A coward and a mediocre person can only rely on the wind to steer the ship, but a virtuous and wise man can't save his life. Sitting and talking about Taoism, we are in the environment of the people in the house, leaving only gentleness and good luck. When I put down the pen, my spirit dispersed and I returned to my paradise."

The words fell!

Yang Citeng stood up and burst into tears:"I didn't expect that after living for most of my life, my long-cherished wish was finally revealed by Mr. Cao. I have a confidant in my life, what more can I ask for!"

"Someone is coming!"Yang Ci greeted

"Father!"His son Yang Biao flashed beside him.

"Pour the wine for me, I want to drink with Mr. Cao!"Yang Ci was overjoyed and ordered

"But father, you are not......"Yang Biao said tentatively.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Ci with a wave of his hand:"Mr. Wen, today is my birthday. It's rare to be so happy. I only have this bottle and I will never drink it again. Don't worry, nothing will happen!"


Yang Biao pondered for a long time:"Okay!"

He waved to the servants to deliver wine.

Yang Ci bypassed Chang'an, entered the palace, came to Cao Ang, nodded and smiled lightly:"Master Cao, thank you for your poems. I haven't been as happy as today for many years."

Cao Ang bowed and handed over his hands:"Where! I'm showing off my embarrassment, young man. I hope Mr. Yang will give more advice!"


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