Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 929: Blades and Magic City (3)

"Oh..." Feng did not hear Hill’s words, and the reaction was unusually calm. "So..." He said, "I can understand... Are you talking about conditions with me?"

"Yes, I am talking about conditions with you." Hill is also war-torn, but on the surface it is quite tough.

"Oh..." Feng smiled and smiled. "You are not afraid that I will immediately read a bunch of trigger words at the communicator and kill you alive?"

"Electric death, you will never find Fan Haixin's diary!" Hill's horns have been sweating, but he still has the courage to do so.

"Well...not bad." Feng Shuan said, "Your courage is OK, and your brain is not stupid."

"Oh... I don't need your compliments." Hill heard his brother's attitude eased, a little relieved, and coldly said, "So... what do you think of this condition?"

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t help but say the next sentence: "Not very good."

"What?" Hill heard a shock. "Don't you want that diary?"

"Oh..." I didn't feel it and laughed twice. "Although I said that you are not stupid, it doesn't mean you are smart enough to play against me." He paused for two seconds. Then again, "Mr. Hill, I think I should remind you again... At this moment, this thing on your body is a 'tracker'... tracker! tracker!!"

The so-called important thing has to be said three times, so I can't stop repeating the word three times at the end of the sentence with a gradually increasing tone and volume.

After being so stunned by him, Hill realized the problem: " know where I have been..."

"Very good." Feng Shou said that the tone of this sentence is like a teacher who is evaluating the correct answer. After a slight pause, he said again, "Where have you been, how long you have stayed, what you said, and all the movements around you, I am all clear..." He concluded, "Simply... ...I can kill you now, and then find out the diary according to your course of action."

"No... this... this..." Hill sat down on the ground and whispered in the mouth.

"In fact, if you don't hide your diary, but take it with you and use torches and petrol to intimidate me... then I can't do it." Feng said. "Although I can still use electric shock to make you lose your ability to move, I can't guarantee the safety of the diary." He sighed. "And development like this is better than it is. The diary has been put on you." In a place that you can't reach... 'safe place'."

As of this point, the unspoken tone has become gloomy: "I must have understood it at the moment... Why do I keep monitoring for you, and I have not used a communicator to stop you when you hide your diary."

"And... give me another chance!" It is now. Hill can only think again, "Don't kill me... I will take the diary... time is up!"

"Ha!" I couldn't help laughing. "So far, do you think I will let you get close to the book?"

When this statement came out, Hill immediately began to tear his suit, seemingly want to take the tracker out.

"Okay, don't waste your efforts."

Between the words of the brothers, there was a great pain in Hill’s back, and the stimulation of the electric shock caused the whole person to lie on the ground for a few seconds.

" is it possible?" Hill was breathing again. I read in a shocking tone.

"You must be wondering why I didn't say 'trigger words', but also let you be charged?" He said with a smile. "Oh, the reason is very simple. From the very beginning, there is no trigger." ”

"What?" Hill stunned again.

"Even if it is my assistant (that is, Musashi Koganei)..." Feng Jie did not know, "I can't make a chip embedded in the human body that can receive and recognize the external specific sound signal in such a short period of time." Come."

"That..." Hill still doesn't understand. "So why do you get electricity every time you say those specific words?"

"You didn't notice... Every time I said those words, I always put a hand in my pocket or hide it behind me?"

Hill heard a word. This second, many memory fragments flashed from their eyes.

"Do you understand?" Feng Shou paused for a few seconds before saying. "I am in the remote control."

"You!" Hilton felt that he was being slammed, and he was so angry that he couldn’t help but swear. "You bastard! You are a devil!"

"It seems that you understand." Jue brother did not care about Hill's curse, and even had a bit of smugness. "There is no 'trigger word' at all, and there is no 'delay trigger'. I just want to edit it. Wherever, anyway, I want you to be charged, you will be charged..." He cleared his throat, "So... I want to persuade you at the moment, 'take the tracker and get back the diary as a beggar' Kind of plan... or give up early. Even if the communication is interrupted, I can still take you to death... just move your finger."

Hearing here, Hill... finally desperate. He realized that ... the "Mr. F" who looks like a child is far more horrible than he imagined. If there is really some kind of "game" between the two of them, then Mr. F can be said to have led him more than five steps... no matter what he does, what he wants... all in vain.

"Okay..." Hill simply squatted on the ground and gave up the resistance. "If you kill, kill it..."

"If I want to kill you, you can do it on your way to hiding the diary." Feng Shuai said, "Why should you waste so much with you?"

Hill snorted: "That... what do you want?"

"Leave your life, naturally because there are still things to be handed over to you." Feng did not feel replied, "Now, if you don't want to die, or take the chip for the rest of your life, then come to the castle. When you come in, stay in the same place... The werewolf will come and pick you up."

"Good!" Hill heard that there was still a way to live. He immediately came to the spirit and climbed up from the ground. "I am going to the city... Wait... Have you just said 'Wolfman?'"


Unlike the Hill that was "pleased" into the castle, the three treatments of the blade are worse...

Soon after they entered the [groundwater area], they found that the road was not working.

Of course... strictly speaking, it is not “the road is not connected”, but the ability that they have not passed.... After killing seven or eight bats and huge “murder fish”, they have a branch line in front of them. One way is to go up. But the platform above is extremely high, and there is nowhere to borrow on the water. It’s hard to get up; the other is down, you need to dive in, but the water is dark, I don’t know where to go, I don’t know how long it takes to get to the ground...

After some consideration. They still decided to fold back and take another route outside the red gate...

So they took another five minutes to quickly fold back through the white corridor and once again came to the place with the pool.

In fact, the groundwater has already swam, and they don't care if they are soaked, they go straight to the opposite side of the pool; while waiting for them in the pool... is a group of earthy fish monsters.

Fortunately, the strength of these stranges is also very low, basically the extent to which Long Ge can kill with a shield.

Not much time. They swam through the pool and came to the opposite bank. The terrain on this side and the route they came in were symmetrical. The three jumped back and forth through two interlaced platforms and entered the next space.

What makes them more unexpected is... In this space, there is actually a wavelet ss...

Although it is a "small" wave ss. But the momentum and volume are quite big. Its appearance... is a giant green dragonfly crawling on the ground with only the upper body.

Because of the huge bone stick on his right hand (not knowing whether it is his own leg bone), it can only crawl back and forth on his left hand. The action is quite slow. However, its courageous shape makes up for the lack of mobility... Because it is indoors, there is not much room for players to return. In a limited space, the giant pillar-like bones slammed down and it was not easy to hide.

Fortunately, the three players in the blade are skilled players. After a little observation of the action law of this wavelet ss, they swarmed up, screaming at the gap of the attack of the goods, directly smashing it into a pile of bone slag.

If it is in other games, after playing such a monster, 80% will explode something, even if it is not lost... At least it should let the players return to the blood for free.

However, this is a thrilling paradise... It is normal to have no hair other than the skill value after playing the super monster.

Therefore, Long Ge, after checking the wavelet ss, checked the body slightly and determined that there was no oil and water and then continued on the road...

The following rooms gradually enriched the architectural decoration, with broken metal stairs, colored floor-to-ceiling windows, beige stone wall stone carvings, and brighter candlesticks.

Upgraded with the decor, as well as the type and strength of the monster...

Armed zombies, eyeballs flying in the air, blue biting crows, hot wheels with lion faces on the shaft, monks throwing bones, monks wearing armor, monks shooting arches, throwing Unmanned armor of the Axe, unmanned armor that throws large stones, etc., in short, is varied, both in the sky and underground, and the attack methods are not the same.

Long Ge, they feel like they are playing some kind of cross-border game. The more they go, the more powerful the enemies are, and this kind of "powerful" is not just a simple increase in blood volume, but "speed of attack and defense." Individual or overall increase in the five aspects of "smart".

Of course... they all came here, letting them go back to the city empty-handed, which is obviously impossible... even if the scalp is hard to go.


Finally, after passing through numerous obstacles, wading, and killing dozens of blame... They passed a white corridor sealed by two red doors and heard the system prompt.

At this point, it was nearly an hour before they first entered the city, and the physical value of the three people also consumed about one-third.

"What is this time? Is that the head of the dead spirit Jiukui?" Looking at a giant burning **** floating in the distance, the dragon sweating with a head full of sweat said.

"It's just like it..." followed by the wolf, "The real spirit should be much stronger than the wave ss in this script."

Seven killed the breath: "So... the old rules, this floating in the air, seemingly inevitable... or by me..." He said, he is ready to use [my road boxing].

"The spirit of you seems to be pretty good." Just as the Seven Kills raised his hand, the burning **** suddenly spoke.

"Oh? All the way in, this is the first monster that can only communicate..." Long Ge immediately read.

"But the progress is still slower than I expected." Shantou ignored the words of Long Ge and took care of himself. "Because of the shrinking of the body, do you need to pay more attention to the distribution of physical fitness than usual?"

As soon as he heard the words "body shrinking", the look of the greedy wolf changed. He took a step forward and sang: "Who are you?" He couldn't wait to guess himself after waiting for the other party to respond. The name was reported, "Is it not?"

"Oh... guessed well." Shantou continued, "Of course... I am not here, I just passed the spell... I chatted with you through the sound of this monster."

"Sure enough, your style..." Seven kills screaming, "Always hide in the dark to control what..."

"I can't say that... This morning, I was still in front of you and I had a positive front, but the result was almost killed." Feng Jie said in a very low voice. "After this, I decided to change the strategy."

"You can say that you are better at playing yin and you don't have to..." Seven kills.

"Since you have asked for it... well." The seal didn't feel a pause, so he raised his voice and shouted with the strange voice of the girl. "Yes! I am good at playing yin! I just like to play." Yin! Even if I don't want to play yin, the audience is expecting me to play yin! I just want to kill you by yin! Wow hahahaha..."

Seeing this scene, the seven killing corners twitch, crying and laughing, but also a fire and dark fire...

When Long Aozhen noticed his expression change, he patted his young shoulder and said: "'s too look at me, never take the initiative to raise the bar..."

"Ha ha ha ha..." The unrecognized villain laughed for 30 seconds before stopping. After the laughter, he sighed. "Call...ok, gentlemen, I was thinking about it." This gives you some tips on the route. But now I have changed my mind, you are going to play in the city... Who makes me so insidious, wow hahahahaha..."

This time, his laughter did not last long, because the seven kills used a [My Road Boxing] to smash the **** into ashes. (To be continued.)

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