Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1129: Summer memories (sixteen)

After confirming the "size" of the five bottles of wine, the next steps are relatively simple. ∷∷,

As mentioned above, the law of Hannota is easy to grasp, and if there is no reason for the rain to be solved.

In this way, after another three minutes, five bottles of wine have been moved to the bottom row of the wine rack, and the steps experienced during the period are also the shortest in theory.

When the last bottle of wine was returned to the position, if there was a sound of mechanical and gear rolling in the wall on the side of the rain.

When I saw it, I immediately saw it in front of me: "Here... let me stand in front."

In such a place where danger may be encountered, it is usually that he will grab the front, but it does not mean how much sacrifice he has, but he thinks that such a choice is more efficient and safer.

Just when the buddy and the rain were interchanged, the wall at the end of the wine cellar was slowly opened.

At the rear of the wall, there is a dark, long and narrow ramp. The walls of this ramp look like uncut natural stone walls, the height and width are similar to this wine cellar, but... the depth is unknown, at first glance Not at the end, I only know that it is moving forward...

"'s not quite right." If the rain looked a little inside, he said, "The cellar below the principal's room should be a space between the first and second floors of the school, but this road... ..."

"It's very simple, starting from here...we are going to enter a sub-space-like area." Feng took her words and said, "These settings are obviously independent of the system. It has nothing to do with the principal... As expected, if you continue to move forward, you will be close to the final story..."


The words are divided into two, and then look at the side of the little sigh.

On the premise that he did not feel that he was leading the way, An Yueqin with a flashlight on his hand consciously began to lead the way.

After leaving the principal's room, the four carefully walked down to the first floor.

Since the "snoring" sounds like the movement of the sliding door, their search target is naturally the room with sliding doors.

Fortunately, the space in this school is not big, standing on the stairs and looking around, the players found the anomaly...

At this moment, within the scope of their eyesight, the several classrooms that had been opened before were still open, that is to say... those doors did not change.

However, the door of the "teacher's office" did not know when... it was opened.

"That... should the buddies on the playground open?" Little sighed at the door over there, and lowered his voice to read to the teammates around him.

"From the point where he opened the door of the 'teacher's office'..." Ghostly said, "He may be the teacher in this school?"

"Maybe." Xiaoling said. "But he is certainly not a teacher of class two for two years," she explained. "Because there are no four of the four adults on the photo."

"I think... he may be the squad leader Watanabe when he grows up." An Yueqin then turned back.

"Well, this is also possible." Xiao sighed and nodded. "All the npcs we have seen so far...or monsters seem to be all the people in the second class."

"No... there is one...unsure." The sneaky sneaked immediately. "It was the guy who first squatted on the glass window of the classroom and later turned into a black fog on the stairs." He stunned for half a second and recalled. For a moment, "I have seen his face... There are no four of them in the photo." He looked up at his teammates and said, "If that guy is the squad leader, Watanabe..."

"...Who is the man on the playground?" Xiao slam took his words and fell into meditation.

"No matter who we are, let's talk about it before..." An Yueqin took a deep breath and answered. "Call... and don't say that there are two people trapped upstairs. Let's say that we have two flashlights on hand, and 80% of them are also supported. It won't be long, so..."

Said, she has moved forward and headed for the office. The other three did not say anything, just followed.

After a few steps, everyone came to the door of the "teacher's office."

And waiting for them is actually...

"Sorry, I am late." The players just showed up, and the man in the room said this to them.

This man is the mysterious man who stood on the playground and looked up at the school.

He spoke very quickly, and he didn't have the ghost-like, gloomy feeling, and he still had a flashlight in his hand.

These signs all indicate that... this goods seems to be a living person.

“Who are you?” An Yueqin asked. “What are you doing...?”

At the moment, the man did have some work, but he saw a few sheets of paper on a desk, and wrote some ghostly characters on the desk with a brush that I didn't know where to get it.

"How?" After hearing the question of An Yueqin, the man suddenly stopped the matter at hand and looked up at the players suspiciously. "You... can't think of it?"

"What is it..." Xiaoshen also heard something from the other party's words, and tempted to ask, "I can't think of it again?"

"Ah...several." The man seemed to have identified something at this time. He answered. "After all, you have been 'lost' for too long, and forgetting is normal."

"Then can you explain it to us?" An Yueqin, who was confused, asked again.

"My name is Sakamoto, too, is a Yin and Yang division." Sakamoto re-headed and began to busy with his hands, and he said, "Although this may be a bit rude, I still have to tell you a bit... you are a few It was dead six years ago."

"What?" The four people reacted the same when they heard this.

Previously, I couldn’t help but speculate that the players were actually “ghosts” and they were unfortunate.

"Don't worry, listen to me and explain it to you slowly." Sakamoto's attitude felt that he had become accustomed to similar situations. He continued to draw the characters while he was skillful. "This is what... In the forty-seventh year of the Showa era, that is, twenty-six years ago..."

Players know that the appearance of this npc is likely to mean that the truth of the story will be revealed, so they have no intention of interjecting, listening quietly.

"In May of that year, a fire broke out in the Chongqing Elementary School." Sakamoto’s narrative began. "The fire didn't burn too much, but... still burned a student, and this student, It’s your classmates... Suzuki Takashi.” He paused for a second, as if he wanted to give the players time to digest the information, and then again, “Suzuki Jun is in a warehouse just one door away from the principal’s room. He was burned to death. Before he died, he had to knock on the door to help, but... very unfortunately, the principal, Miyamoto, was an alcoholic. It happened to be a lunch break. After the afternoon of the afternoon, I was not able to sleep in the principal’s room. It’s gone.

"Until the fire truck entered the school, Miyamoto was awakened, and at that time... Suzuki Jun of the door had already entered the shock state because of inhaling too much smoke.

"Then, after the smoky Miyamoto saw the smoke, he instinctively fled the fire. He didn't know... even at that time, if he could open the opposite door, he would have to rescue Suzuki. .

"However, these assumptions are not true... Suzuki Jun was burned to death, and he became a devil.

"The next day, he killed another classmate in your class, Noguchi Hideaki. However, at the time, the case was treated as a general case of disappearance of the population. I also learned this after a later investigation...

"Then, on the third day... it happened to be the day of the Sanshe Festival. Although the town is very remote and not famous, the history is still very long. From ancient times, the 'Mawang Shrine' here has been There is a three-compartment of his own, and this custom has continued.

"But the villagers don't know that the Mawang Shrine has been wearing this kind of ceremonies for thousands of years, not just for worshipping 'Amitabha', 'Guishi Bodhisattva' and 'Big to Bodhisattva'... but to pray for three The Bodhisattva helped the villagers to suppress the 'it' suffocation."

"It?" When the keyword was heard, the sneaky reaction also reacted. "What is ‘it’?”

Note: In the words of Sakamoto, the idea of ​​"it" can also be translated as "a-no-ko".

"'It's a sacred **** in the Mawang Shrine, whose name is no longer rememberable, but it is undoubtedly extremely evil and extremely powerful..." Speaking of this sentence, Sakamoto seems to have thought of it. What, his movements are also slightly stagnation, "Hey..." I don't know why, he sighed. "Later... On the night of the Sanshe Festival, Miyamoto sneaked into the shrine, I think... At that time, he may have been entangled in the suzuki's devil, and he has been desperate because of fear... He ran to the shrine and wanted to pray for the blessing of the gods. But... the response to Miyamoto is not a god. But... 'it'."

"You mean..." An Yueqin heard this and answered. "Is it that Miyamoto put ‘it’?”

"Yes, Miyamoto destroyed the law of the three Bodhisattvas and tore the seal of the town." Sakamoto replied, "and the regaining of the 'it' has fulfilled the promise, to help Miyamoto solved the sorrow of Suzuki. But... Miyamoto soon realized that what he had released was far more terrible than Suzuki’s devil.

“‘It’s soon came to this school at the foot of the shrine. On the second day, your class teacher, Mr. Sato, met ‘the’ and was insane.

"Miyamoto did not persist for too long. Two days later, he broke his own home because of excessive fear..."

Up to this point, the contents of the book are in one-to-one correspondence with those found in the old newspaper.

However, the content of the newspaper is over, but the story of Sakamoto... is not over yet.

"Unfortunately, 'it' won't stop here, its killing has just begun..." Sakamoto continued, "Two days after Miyamoto committed suicide, this school had a **** case that shocked all of Japan. Called the '520 tragedy'; that day... several teachers and more than a dozen students in this school were killed in extremely cruel ways. When the police arrived at the scene, they saw a scene like a human purgatory. And... seven survivors."

Speaking of this, Sakamoto seems to have finished his work, he looked up and glanced at the players: "The seven are all students of the second class, that is... you."

"Wait..." Xiaoling replied, "No, we... we only have six people."

"No, to be precise, it’s six ghosts." Sakamoto said, "I know... you know what to do and you will end up with six of you."

"That oh..." Xiao sang seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "About the tragedy... You said it was ‘It’ killed everyone, but... How did the police settle the case?”

"That case... no result." Sakamoto replied, "The police finally settled the case with the 'murderer not being found', and would rather assume all the pressure of public opinion and not disclose the results of their investigation. ”

"Why?" Xiao sighed again.

" seems to guess the reason..." This moment, the expression of An Yueqin became a bit subtle.

"Oh? What is the reason?" Xiaoling also asked curiously.

"I think..." An Yueqin looked at Sakamoto. "It’s better for him..."

"Well..." Sakamoto took a sigh of relief from his nostrils and said, "The truth is hard to accept because the results of the survey showed that... the killings were the only seven of you who survived. Eight-year-old child."


At the same moment, Feng Buyu and Li Ruoyu were on the side.

The two walked in the ramp for five or six minutes, and immediately saw the light in front.

They quickly approached the light source and found that it was the exit of the ramp.

So, the two turned off the flashlight in their hands and walked out of this repressed passage.

When the rain that came behind came out of the ramp, the passageway behind the two was like a mirage. When they looked back, they could only see a few ordinary country roads.

The scenes that appeared in front of them were actually the gates of the nine primary schools.

"Oh... is it a certain illusion?" Feng did not feel the bright sunshine at the top of his head and the campus in the sun in front of him, smiling.

"That's for sure." If the rain picks up, "I don't think it's impossible to be so fast, even if you don't consider the time factor... From a spatial point of view, we are now outside the heavy nine primary school, if this is not In the illusion, have we already cleared the customs?"

"So..." Guey answered. "Don't go and see?"

"Go." If the rain should be.

When the two said it, they took a step and walked into the "day edition" of the Jiujiu Primary School... (to be continued.)

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