Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1201: Return of pirates (5)

The words are divided into two, and I don’t know what the progress of the game that Snow and his teammates went to as a teammate. Let’s take a look at the situation of Hongjun.

Unlike Snow, Hongjun is very familiar with Jue... So when he confirms that he is ready to explore the "above the deck", he decisively enters the lower cabin.

This is a kind of trust, a kind of trust similar to "intercompetition."

Hongjun believes that it will definitely be able to get all the relevant events on the deck, and he does not need him to help... So he left the area so that the team's efficiency can be maximized.

"The difficulty of this script is indeed relatively low..." After ten minutes of wandering under the deck, Hongjun also found some doorways. "In addition to the arsenal, storage room and other places, there are other places to guard. Feel free to go in and out; and, these pirates all wear a 'personality', from the appearance point of view... our three 'players' are not conspicuous; under such conditions... the space for fish in the mud is very large. ""

In the midst of thinking about Hongjun, the pace of investigation has not stopped; the first step of his plan is to first explore the internal structure and basic map of the ship in order to carry out subsequent actions.

However, just as he passed the corridor outside the side of the "bar" for the second time, suddenly... a familiar voice rang in his ear.

" brother..."

It was a man's voice, and it didn't sound particularly obvious. But Hongjun knew that he had heard this voice in the past, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"You... calling me?" Hongjun turned his head and asked while looking at the other side.

At this moment, the figure of the speaker appeared in the sight of Hongjun.

The man was wearing a striped sweatshirt, wearing a pair of trousers and a trouser tube rolled over his knees. Looking at the face, he is probably in his thirties... He has a long face of hemorrhoids; although he is not very old, he is like a old man who is hunchbacked and has to rely on a cane to walk.

"Oh... there is no one else here?" The humpback man smiled and replied.

" you have anything?" When Hongjun responded, he looked very cautious.

Because he has already noticed a slight difference from the slightly disgraced name of "glass brother" and began to suspect that... the other is a np that looks far stronger than the outside.

"I..." The hunchback man replied without hesitation. "It’s coming to say hello to you. By the way... remind you..." He stunned for half a second and said, "'You three' are mixed on board. The thing, the black beard already knows."

When this statement came out, Hong Hao was shocked in his heart, but he still tried to maintain a calm color on his face. He asked in a wave of unspeakable tone: "What are you talking about? How can I not understand?"

"You don't have to wear garlic with me..." The hunchback man said again, "Since I can tell you the number of people and the fact that you are on the boat, it means that I know far more than you think; of course, You can also think that I am 'what I saw' or 'what I heard', and then ran here to swindle you... This is also your freedom. However, I will still tell you what should be told..."

At this point, he was slightly silent for two seconds, looked around, then lowered his voice, and said to Hongjun with a look of awkwardness: "At this stage, as far as I know, this ship knows your identity... In addition to me, there should be two more, the captain’s black beard, and the other, the guardian Laurent at the door of the third storage room...”

"And slow." Hearing this, Hongjun immediately interrupted the other party and asked, "Luolang in your mouth, is it the fat man who sleeps in the hammock outside the storage room?"

His words are obviously also tempting.

"Oh..." The next second, the humpback man sneered. "Do you really think... is he sleeping?"

This sentence makes Hong Hao's face change.

The hunchback man was very keen to capture his expression changes, and then said: "If you want to survive here, you and your two companions must recognize one thing, that is, on the black-bearded ship, there is no weak. '.

Any one of these more than 100 people, even if it is just a ‘miscellaneous fish’, must have some sort of excellency.

Think about it well... A character like Black Beard will let a fat man who only snores go to the important storage room? Think about it in turn... A man who has been ordered to guard the storeroom with a black beard, how dare he sleep in his post? ”

Hongjun was said to be speechless and could not help but feel embarrassed about his own intentions.

"Well, I am saying this." The hunchback man said, "What to do next, you should measure it yourself. I hope... all three of you can live to arrive at the Devil Island."

After that, he moved the stick and prepared to turn and leave.

"Wait..." Hongjun saw it and hurriedly answered. "Who are you? Why are you helping us?"

Nowadays, he does not need to continue to load garlic, and he directly throws two very important questions.

"My identity and purpose, you don't need to know for the time being." The humpback man did not stop and turned, but with a voice that the other person could hear, whispered back, "Name..." He hesitated, and then "You call me 'ken'."


At the same time, above the deck, in the captain's room.

Black beard, sitting on a chair... sleeping.

To say that it is "sleeping" is actually not very clear, because he never really "sleeps".

Strictly speaking, the black beard should be "closing a dream while keeping a dream."

This is a very subtle and abnormal state, and the average human being is definitely not experienced.

In this state, the black beard is even more sober than when he is "awake"; he can listen to the report of "Laurang" in the illusory dream, and know the wind around his body.

This is the "sleep" of the black beard.

Some people think that this is a good "ability", but in his own opinion, it is one of the many "curses" he carries.


Suddenly, in a moment without warning, Black Beard breathed a sigh of relief, and... opened his eyes.

"Not only can I mix my boat without revealing it, but it also appears in an impossible place..." After waking up, he began to talk to himself with his rough voice. "Oh... I seem to Smell the taste of 'outside travellers'..." (To be continued.)

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