Thriller Paradise

Vol 4 Chapter 1298: Black Night (6)

Two weeks ago, a multiverse.

At night, on the outskirts of Gotham City, the abandoned carnival will be off the court.

There are two people, and there is an unspeakable transaction here...

As the glory of the glory gradually dimmed, the two items of [崆峒印] and [天罡地煞匣] were turned into dust in the hands of Dr. Manhattan.

"Complete." Then, Dr. Manhattan used his calm tone to say this to the seal.

Jue Ge stood two meters in front of the doctor. He heard the words, he felt his own changes in silence, and then said: "But I don't seem to have any special feelings."

"This is normal, after all... it’s just your 'projection' that accepts this change, not your real body that exists in some other distant dimension." Dr. Manhattan replied, "In fact, for At this point, you should be thankful that if your body is undergoing the kind of 'change' just now, you will inevitably experience tremendous physical pain."

"Well..." He felt his brother screaming and looked down at his body with a data perspective. "With the words 'seeing'... It can be seen that the data intensity has greatly improved."

“Specifically... your body density has now stabilized at a very high value, and even without any protection, it can withstand the conventional weapons of most human worlds.” Dr. Manhattan said, “And Another improvement brought about by this kind of physical change is the surge in strength and speed; with your talent, I want to quickly find out how to control the output... In addition, you store it in [Scorpio] The energy in it has also become a part of you, and your resistance to and control over non-material attacks such as magic, mantra, and pure energy has been significantly enhanced."

At the same time as the doctor gave instructions, he opened the game menu and began to examine his own bags and equipment.

Since Dr. Manhattan is constantly aware of each of his subtle actions and psychological changes, after the previous paragraph is over, the PhD will continue to say in a timely manner: "As for the 'articles' that are more on your body, 】There is some kind of spatiotemporal reversal effect that arises. The principle of this effect... I can’t even parse it, I only know... This [崆峒印] particle shows that it does not belong to any one I know. The universe, and the material it backtracks seems to come from many different universes, a phenomenon that goes beyond the scope of all theories I know."

I didn’t feel it while listening to the other party’s words.

Unfortunately, the results obtained made him a bit of a pain.

Jue thought that [崆峒印] can restore those items that were erased by Twenty-three and that Dream Company would not recover, that is, those that were destroyed when he returned to the script of "Trouble Island". ; but... he is wrong.

The "backtracking" effect of [崆峒印] is not the kind of setting that can be accurate to a certain point in time. If that is the case, he can completely go back and recapture all the items that have been lost, such as The blade that must be broken by the mad eye, the blade that must be broken, and the one-shot killer pistol, the Contra Medal, etc. in the specific script... The strategic significance of these things is better than the one that he lost. The equipment below the level is much higher.

The actual situation is that [backprint] backtracking is randomly selected on the timeline that his character has experienced.

Therefore, Feng did not feel the following items: [Mario's pipe wrench], [children's bat], [running bat cloak], [killed residue], [marijuana*2], [not moving] and [Energy Gloves].

I don't know if it's a coincidence or a certain limitation of the system. In this pile of things, none of the categories belong to the "drama-related".

Of course, this is not the point, the point is... these things, basically... the garbage is mostly.

First of all, [Mario's pipe wrench] has a "medium" attack power, a "fire" attribute, and a special effect of "attacking the head has a chance to cause heavy damage"; in the early game, this is naturally a very powerful weapon. But now... In more than 50 levels, the players’ weapons are basically “strong” or “extremely strong” because they have “strong” or “strong” in the face of a pile. "When the defensive armor is used, the "medium" attack will appear to be weaker; in addition, the special effects of the high-level equipment are generally much better than this, even if it is without attributes.

Secondly, [children's bat], the general quality of the three no (attack, attributes, special effects are none) weapons, rubber, toys, one... In the early days of the game, it was also the fate of the shop, nowadays Not to mention.

Then, [the ruined bat cloak], [marijuana*2] and [energy gloves], these three things are "unable to bring out the script", but not belonging to the "drama items" special items, just because they are not aware I have been in the script, so I was backtracked.

In terms of attributes... the cloak is also a three-nothing; marijuana... um... is the general marijuana, and the player can't use this "high" because the system can't let the player experience drugs in the game; and [energy gloves] It is a bit unclear, its quality is broken, its defense is weak, its defense attributes are not at all, and the special effects are...[? ? ? 】

In the "secondary space" in the "world without games", [Energy Gloves] has a causal control over the material there, but whether it can work in other places is still unknown.

Finally, look at it... [The residue that has been smashed], if you still have the impression, this thing is [zero-type magic guide pulverizer] what will be produced after the failure of the manufacture of the article, literally it is the complete garbage.

In summary, the seal does not go back to things, there is only one thing that is proper and useful, that is, [not moving like a mountain].

When I was in the semi-final of s2, I felt that this jewel had been bombarded with [燚龘], and I fell down the Lin Yan of the "King of the King" in one stroke; now I lost it, which is equivalent to getting back one. The extra skills of the "hard defense" approach, if necessary, can also be used as an ammunition, which is a reward.

"You seem to be slightly disappointed." Dr. Manhattan looked at the reaction of the brother, as asked.

"Ah... okay..." When I didn't feel the response, I put my attention in my skill bar.

Then his appearance changed dramatically...

After being "cleaned up" by the 23rd, Dream Company only recovered two skills, namely [monthly step] and [squatting], and they still have four skills in the storeroom. They are [the obstinacy of the ice sorcerer], [not so sloppy maintenance], [qigong gun] and [Nandou Feilong boxing].

Considering that my skill bar is now very loose, I feel that all of these skills are taken, even if there are two of them (because the level of each specialization is already high, [the ice sorcerer's attachment] is almost no The meaning, and the "qigong cannon", which has its own probability of death, is now unlikely to be released. Basically it will not be used.

However, after Dr. Manhattan conducted a “recovery” for him, he found that his skill bar simply became empty.

"I said..." Jue is of course very opinionful about this. He immediately looked at the doctor and said, "...Is there something wrong? Why didn't I find the lost ability, even the existing one? Are you missing?"

"They are not 'disappeared', but you just turn a blind eye to them." Dr. Manhattan replied.

"Your metaphysical reply is really helpful to me." Feng Shou stunned the eyes of the dead fish, with a sarcasm tone.

"You should understand what I mean." In this regard, Dr. Manhattan did not have any fluctuations in his emotions. He just continued to use a plain and straightforward tone. "Since you have absorbed [崆峒印] and [天罡地煞匣] Dual power, the so-called 'skills bar' given to you by 'destiny'... does it make sense?"

When this statement came out, the seal did not feel the flash of light in the brain.

He immediately grasped the meaning of it, and then he raised his hand, **** together, and made a sudden move toward the distance.

In the next second, there was a psionic shock that shot from its fingertips, passed through the air, and penetrated into the water.

The trick he used was not even the skills he had mastered, but only the skills he had "seen"...

That was when the s2 played against the [Golden Warhammer Team], the [Spiritual Spears] exhibited by the "Xuanling Wang" in the enemy array; at that time, the other side used this move to attack the unidentified robot "Infected Fighter" "(Mu Zang Xiao Jinjing manufacturing), while the feeling brother is watching the data in the dark.

"Understood... ‘invisible’ doesn’t matter, because I’ve ‘no need to see again’.” After finishing the “experiment”, he closed the door.

“Yes.” Dr. Manhattan nodded. “As long as you can 'understand' the 'truth sequence' you see, you can naturally replicate the way it works. This has something in common with my control of elementary particles, but relatively speaking. It’s much simpler.” He paused. “For example... If there is a painting in front of us, your ability is to reproduce a painting that is very similar to it in your own way after reading the painting. And I have to start with the paints of the paintings, the composition of the canvas, and even the brain cells of the original author and their various emotional experiences on the timeline..."

"Well, you don't have to tell me about the knowledge of the quantum observer." I don't know if I want to listen to the doctor. "Unless I become a person with the same ability, it is a waste of time."

"Well..." Dr. Manhattan snorted. "So... are you satisfied now?"

"The transaction was established." Feng did not give a positive reply. "But... there are small things outside the transaction, I want to ask you for help." Then he took out the piece from the bag. The bat cloak], "This... I want to ask you to keep it for the time being."

“On behalf of the custody?” Dr. Manhattan then asked, “So, who do I have to hand over to?”

"Oh..." He felt a smile at him and opened a sentence in English, "you_tell_me."

Dr. Manhattan was silent for a few seconds, then he looked at it and said: "I understand, I will give it to ‘he’.”


Now, the main universe, the monster kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the "Purgatory Unparalleled Explosive Heat Fluctuation Gun" smashes the blasting tunnel; when you don't know how to close a "portal", it is undoubtedly "violently cracked" with this force that smashes time and space. It is a good idea.

At the time of the tunnel bursting, half of the more than a dozen redundant soldiers who had just climbed out were immediately shattered by the collapsed time and space singularities, and the remaining ones did not hesitate to kill a few meters away. Feeling brother.

Although he did not feel that he had just received a move, he was not incompetent in this regard. Even if he did not rely on others, he would have at least three or five ways to cope with this round of offensive.

However, since he had already made arrangements before the action, he did not do anything.


That second, Xiaoshen and Feng Huai both burst into the air... The former flashed at the speed of the electric light to the back of the seal, grabbed the waist of the buddy, and then a step, the figure of the two At the same time disappeared from the air.

At the same instant, the two knives were unsheathed.

Because it is equipped with the passive skill of [left and right fighting skills], you can use two hands to display two different skills at the same time (provided that the skills can theoretically be used with one hand). At the moment, in her hand, [Falling Flowers] [Flying Float] each has a trick, the left hand [blood smoke and wind], the right hand [night and night dance], the two effects and the different scope of the sniper, each with the most appropriate angle, speed And the intensity... to the greatest extent hit the redundant soldiers who are irregular.

When the squadrons were slowly recruited and slowly descended from the air, the bodies of those redundant soldiers had already fallen to the ground early. And Wang Shouzhi and Feng Jie did not feel, just like the momentary movement appeared in the back of Bill and the king of the king.

That's why, I didn't do anything after breaking the tunnel...

Because I felt that my brother had said to two teammates before breaking through the tunnel: "If I had the skills of missing the net after I had finished the skill, I would attack it for me. In case of a small sigh, I was responsible for pulling me to a safe zone. Hey, you are going to give the chase to the second."

After all, I don’t think I want to put it in [Purgatory Unparalleled Hot Volcanic Gun]. Even if his current physical and spiritual limits are already high, he still considers the possibility of “putting into a collapsed state after putting his skills out”. So I made this thoughtful arrangement.

Right now, although he didn't enter that state, but because of his trust in his teammates, and... lazy... so he didn't do anything extra after he made a move.

"Awesome." After seeing the performance of the affair, I couldn’t help but scream at it. "Every time I see you again, your strength will improve. To be honest, I am really I admire you."

"Isn't this a matter of course?" The return to the ground did not show any joy to the unrecognized praise. She just calmly said, "For professional players, 'enhancing strength' is There is nothing to praise or brag about."

"Oh... you said this, let those actors who have suffered bruises and bruises, winters, and skins in the summer will come out and yell at how many 'dedication' they have become very embarrassed." Tucao Road.

"I think you should use the 'sportsman who has a high salary, a stature, and a physical test that can't pass the test.'" is an analogy. "Because the 'actor' in your case..." Having said that, she raised her hands and made a quotation mark. "...Is it right to be an 'actor' is open to question."

"Well... it’s right." Feng did not feel nod. "Think carefully, if the investors who spend money to invite these people to appear are not to buy 'acting skills', but to guarantee the box office... from this perspective They have also completed the work done by the staff."

"Does the two talk enough?" Seeing that the more they talked, the more they started, the King of the Kings used his "unhappy" expression to interrupt. "You know what you said, we can’t hear or listen to 90% of us. Don't understand (the reason for system shielding)?" He turned his head and looked at the black sky in the distance, and said again, "If I don't admit it, it should be a monster kingdom... um... this explains why. They have to send so many troops... In short, now that we have reached our destination, and we have temporarily got rid of the pursuit, what should we do next?"

This question is naturally unanswered.

"Before I said what to do..." Jue Ge also looked at the Pharaoh, and said, "You..." He glanced at the Billy brothers again. "Is it all?"

"Ah..." Billy answered. "The devil is here too, but... at the moment he is still far away from us."

"No accidents..." Feng Jie said, "I think we should just be in time for the fighting monsters and the redundant army to attack the monster kingdom." He paused and asked, "say... war It’s been two years since they started. Why have they attacked here now?”

"On the one hand, the monster kingdom is remote and extremely difficult to reach." Yan Zun then called. "On the other hand... In the early days of the war, the number of redundant troops was not as big as it is now, I am afraid that they were fighting at that time. Force, may not attack this place."

"Oh?" Feng did not know, "Is the monster kingdom so powerful?"

"In terms of individual forces, the monster kingdom is far stronger than any of the four pillars of the gods." Yan Zun said, "Only the residents of the kingdom are living here, without the meaning of the main universe." From the perspective of the four-column god, this 'marginal land' separated from the rest of the main universe has neither the value of occupation nor the hard"

At this time, Billy said in a timely manner: "Using the history of your world to give an example is equivalent to... Iceland in World War II suddenly mastered twice the combat power of the Germans. In this case, I am afraid no one will be in the other. When the battlefield is not fully settled, go attack it?"

"Well..." I thought for a few seconds. "Your example is very good, but that means it means..." His eyes changed slightly during the speech. "At the moment, the monster kingdom is the last of the main universe. A position..."

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