Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 819: Ultimate rescue (11)

Time passed by. Vertex novel,

It took 30 minutes after I entered the Billy’s containment measures.

During this period, the security team outside the door, in addition to constantly trying to communicate with the outside world, can only do what they can do.

However, after thirty minutes, this wait... seems to be no longer sustainable.

"The vice captain... I... I think I saw something." A team member went to Gore and said in a trembling voice.

Although he wears a full-faced mask, he can only guess from his tone that his face is full of fear.

"Don't panic... I saw it too." Gore replied. "It's just a ghost shadow, just an illusion... Ignore it."

"But...but..." the player answered. "I can still feel...he is hiding is staring at me."

"Yeah, deputy captain." At this time, the member named Dan also came over. "Since I heard the ringing of 513, I have always felt this way..."

"me too……"

"What to do? Deputy captain."

The rest of the security team members have also come together, and their inner fears have already reached a critical point. Only need an opportunity, their cowardice and fear will show off!

"Okay! Do you think I am not afraid?" Gore shouted, and the so-called fear was extremely angry. He slammed such a sentence and could give himself and everyone a courage. "I heard 513 like you." The ringtone, my feelings are the same as you! But I am afraid that I can't solve any problems, so you'd better give me the spirit and face the reality like a man!"

"Hehehe... It’s really good." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the radio speakers in the lab. "Gore’s vice captain, you are the only four-level person in this team."

Knowing the truth, Gore looked up and scanned around. And sighed: "How did you pass the wide..."

"That doesn't matter." Feng did not know what the other party wanted to ask. He interrupted directly. "I know that you must be very confused now. The question that bothers you is 'Why can I hear you speak?' I can speak through the radio ', 'Why can't you open the door of the containment room', and 'I am still not in the containment room', etc..." He paused. "I am sorry, I have no time and interest." One answer to these questions. What I can tell you is... As early as twenty minutes ago, I have already left the base where you are. At this moment, I am reminding you of the humanitarian spirit... I was trapped. Your space circulation effect has disappeared and you can already leave the cargo corridor."

Speaking of it here. I feel a bit of a turn: "Of course... even if you can run to the emergency refuge area, I am afraid it will be a lot more." He always used a rather happy tone to announce very bad news. It’s irritating, “As for the reason... naturally it’s the previous scp-513. I’m sorry to tell you that the people affected by this scp basically ended up suicide.” He said it’s like It’s not the same. “As time goes on, 513-1 will appear more and more frequently, which will cause you a very serious mental damage. Even if you force to sleep with sleeping pills or stun yourself, it’s useless. Because in the case of loss of consciousness, he will appear in your 'dreams' to physically attack you... and this will cause you to wake up quickly. Over time, you will collapse due to this uninterrupted psychological pressure. Severe sleep loss can lead to paranoia, hostility, excessive alertness and frustration. At that time... death will be a relief."

" don't hear the 513 ringtones like us!" A security team whispered back after hearing the words. “Why can you say it so easily?”

"Oh... the details of this aspect, I can't tell you." Feng did not feel replied, "In short, I am different from you..."

I feel that there is no fear in my brother. First, as a player, he will not enter a state of sleep or unconsciousness in the script. So 513-1 can't attack him in a dream; second, he doesn't feel fear at all, even if the "small phenomenon" of 513-1 reappears (usually between 14-237 minutes), he can't be What psychological pressure is causing it.

"Bastard..." Gore heard this, but he couldn't stand it anymore. "No matter who you are... even if you escape for a while, you can't escape..."

"La la la la la ~ I can't hear it, I can't hear it, la la la la la ~" I don't feel like a child who is jealous, and I screamed in the radio. "You love it." Anyway, it doesn't matter to me anymore."

After saying this, his voice stopped short.

Then, silence, came to the laboratory...

After more than a minute, Dan said: "The vice captain, if he is telling the truth, then we..."

"This kid is very embarrassed, can't believe him..." Gore is a big fire, but he hasn't lost his rational thinking. "According to my analysis... He has two purposes for us to say this... "He paused. "First, it is to create panic. Even if the effect of 513 is as he said, we may not die. He said it is so vivid... just want to scare us and create pressure for us." Thinking, again, "And his second purpose is to open up us... In my opinion, he is now likely to still hide in the containment room of the anomaly project... the broadcast just used him. The ability of the project was issued," he said coldly. "Oh... if he really left the base twenty minutes ago, there is no need to pay attention to us anymore. What humanitarian spirit, when we are three years old What?"


At the same time, in the b3 corridor.

Unconsciously, Billy was on his shoulders and walked without hesitation.

At this point, he relied on Billy's ability to put Gore's words in the ear.

"Unsurprisingly... the npc intelligence in this script is quite high." He said, "A level4 security guard can make this level of analysis under the premise of 513..."

"Longitudinally..." Billy said. "Don't you still exceed your calculations?" He turned his head and glanced at him. "The reasoning he made is entirely under your guidance, unexpected... ..."

"There is nothing to be proud of." Feng Shuai replied, "From escaping the shelter, to listening to their conversations, to using the radio to communicate with them... all by your power. By myself It is impossible to do these three things at all." His tone sounded quite sincere. "In short... no support of ability, strategy can only be a fantasy."

"Well..." I thought of my brother, using a weird look. "I didn't expect... you also have time to be humble."

"What?" Feng Jie said, "I have always been a person who seeks truth from facts."

"Oh..." Hearing this sentence, Billy laughed and said nothing.

"In short..." Feng Jie also quickly shifted the topic. "The seven guys have followed what I expected... Keeping in the lab." He said as he turned into a corner of the corridor. "Let's put them there first, wait for the effect of 513 to gradually emerge... then you will collect the 'panic energy'."

"Oh... I don’t know." Billy answered. "You don't want to hang on the ‘panic energy’.”

"What's wrong?" He felt a stunned look at him: "Is it not... the way you ingest strength... is it a secret?"

"Yes..." Billy replied. "Even if it is higher than me, I don't know that I grew up in this form."

"Sounds... if the secret is known to the four pillars and their confidants..." Feng Shuan said, "You are not good."

"You can't say 'not good,'" Billy replied. "Just... they might use this to limit my strength."

"Then the problem is coming." Feng did not hesitate to take it. "This kind of information that is quite important...Is it really okay to disclose it to me?"

"In all fairness... I am extremely reluctant to tell you this." Billy replied, "but in order to escape the universe, I can only say it."

"Oh... this is also true." Feng Shou sneered. "In the case of limited power, you must constantly collect and use panic energy to escape. If you insist on concealing this setting, it is likely to create inconvenience in actual action."

"Furthermore..." Billy added, "In terms of your ingenuity. The possibility of deciphering this setting by yourself is also very high. Under the trade-off... I think I still tell you it."

At the time of their conversation, they had already come to Billy to the door of a containment room.

"Very good, the guards here are no longer there." Jing Ge opened the electronic door and looked at the empty space in front of him.

"Loss you can think of taking this gun..." Billy said.

"I wanted to come in and get it when I saw this logo in the hallway. But I didn't get rid of the security guards at the time, so I couldn't help it." Feng Shuh said, he has entered the laboratory. "It is reasonable to say that this thing should not be in this base. I think the universe we are in should be one of the many parallel worlds that exist in the scp foundation... so there are many details that are different from what I know."

During the conversation, he had walked to the middle of the containment room and stood in front of a safe.

[Item No.: scp-1998]

[Item level: safe]

[Special Containment Procedures: scp-1998 should be contained in a locked safe at the [DATA EXPUNGED] site. Experiments conducted in 1998 can only be carried out in the following ways: First, an application should be signed by the Foundation Ethics Committee, who will provide appropriate D-level personnel and corresponding test parameters. Second, everything related to the experiment should be monitored personally by a representative of an ethics committee and presented to the rest of the committee through closed-circuit television. Third, in no case shall 1998 be used for purposes other than experimental testing. Any person or department that attempts to use 1998 to distorter the free will of a d-class person will be considered for direct downgrade or redistribution of the project. 】

[Description: scp-1998 is a shape-specific pistol that is unknown to its manufacturer and manufacturer. This pistol is handled by a piston-like component directly below the barrel. 1998 does not use any form of ammunition, but instead emits an energy pulse through an unknown mechanism. The energy source of 1998 cannot be determined; it does not require any external energy source or energy source, although it does require 5 minutes of cooling after each shot or somehow refilling.

The beam of light emitted by 1998 is ineffective for all inorganic, inanimate, non-human materials and will dissipate after exposure to clothing that is not in the human body or in direct contact with the human body. The pulse will dissipate as soon as the injection distance exceeds 20 meters.

The energy pulses emitted by 1998 mainly work on the human brain, especially the motor cortex, the primary hearing cortex and the hippocampus; these parts are affected regardless of which part of the body the pulse hits.

Individuals hit by 1998 will experience a series of three effects. First, the individual being hit will turn to the controller of 1998. And sit in front of them. Placing an obstacle on its path of travel will result in instability and loss of balance for the affected person; once the affected person moves to the device operator under non-standing conditions, the action will stop - regardless of the position and posture at the time. Whether to make him comfortable.

Second, the affected person will experience functional paralysis, and he will not be able to perform any free manipulation of the moving organs that is not related to the device operator's eye contact.

Third, the affected people will listen carefully and keep in mind everything that the controller said during his numbness, and any words conveyed to the affected person during this time will be completely completed in the rest of the life. It is perfectly remembered that any instructions that inform the affected person during this time will be completed as perfectly as possible after the end of paralysis. This "acceptance of information" will last for about 19 minutes, after which the affected will regain control of the movement.

Often, the 1998 affected person will enter a period of sustained shock and psychological trauma, which is thought to be related to physical traumatic pain (described by two testers as “painful” and “ Such as being in hell"). These pains were caused by exposure to 1998. 】

[Appendix 1998-1: scp-1998 was discovered by a group of hikers walking along the National Scenic Route on the Natchez Highway in western Tennessee. It is housed in a cardboard box with a grammar mixed with Latin and Cherokee, written in Greek letters. The translation of these tags is not fully understood. 】

[Note foot: After the experiment is determined, giving an impossible task (a violation of the laws of the physical order) will cause the affected person to act without following the instructions. But they will feel regret and low self-esteem because they think they have "failed". Affected people who are given orders that may cause physical discomfort or danger will execute the order without ignoring the potential danger and always try to reject treatment for the unhealed wounds they have caused during the mission. 】

This scp project, although classified as "safe", looks at its actual effect... If it falls into the hands of such a person, the destruction of the world is just around the corner.

When I first saw this entry, the first reaction was... this so-called "standard spirit concentration enhancer." Isn't it the "geass" of the pistol version? And there are no side effects. Then his second reaction was to start various kinds of people... Those are not in this list.

"Well... surely the key is needed to open it..." After trying it, the seal didn't stop.

"This is troublesome..." Billy said. "The key to such a project is either on the administrator of this level. Or in the hands of the managers of the base. And those people... this is not an emergency. The refuge area is in the command center.” He stunned for half a second. “Of course... maybe it’s already dead somewhere in the base.”

"You can't use the ability to take out the things inside?" asked the seal.

Billy hesitated for half a second: "Can be... but..."

“Does the consumption be great?” The seal probably guessed the other’s concerns.

"Using space grafting ability to get you out of my own containment room, with the ability to perceive in the area to help you monitor those security players, and then use mechanical interference to help you speak through the radio... These are very energy-intensive. "Billy answered. "In addition. I have to maintain the video and audio signal shielding of b3... Although I have been crouching for quite a long time before today, I have accumulated a lot of energy. But..."

"Well, I won't bother you." Feng did not know, "But then... is this guy really 'restricted to a great extent'? Is it still possible to use so many abilities at the same time? ......"

"It’s all about small insects." Billy smiled bitterly. "I am different from Samodil or Rabit, who have physical combat capabilities. All my strengths are reflected in motivation, space, and various remote interventions. "Capacity." He shook his head. "Do you think I am still strong now? Don't be kidding... In the main universe, as long as the 'system' allows, I can even arrange the script's structure. Here? The folding space I made can't even stand on my own... A straight corridor, looping every few hundred meters... What's the stuff..."

"Well... you have quite pursued it." Feng did not feel guilty.

"Well... compared to temptation and sarcasm..." Billy had already learned what He was doing. He directly exposed the other party and answered. "You might as well think about how to open this safe." Continue to search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster! r527


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