Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 134 Comprehensive upgrade

Of course Zhou Xu knew about the bed crossbow, a sharp weapon for attacking cities and villages, but Zhuang Mengdie didn't. She didn't have this concept before.

In other words, this drawing is entirely from her own idea under the burst of inspiration.

The reason why Zhuang Mengdie came up with such an idea is also very simple. When she was making a bamboo bow, she had already discovered that the longer the bamboo bow was made, the longer the range and the stronger the power.

Following this line of thought, a simple and crude concept of bed crossbow appeared in Zhuang Mengdie's mind.

"My question now is how to draw such a strong bow."

Seeing that Zhou Xu looked at the drawing and did not speak, Zhuang Mengdie explained the difficulties he was facing now.

Zhou Xu listened and nodded calmly.

"It seems that you also know where the problem with this thing is."

Hearing Zhou Xu's words, Zhuang Mengdie's expression froze for a moment, and then he spoke...

"Boss, have you thought of this long ago?"

Judging from their leader's tone just now, it was obvious that she had thought of this weapon long before her.

In this regard, Zhou Xu did not deny it.

"That's right."

Under normal circumstances, the bed crossbow is not a weapon that can be drawn purely by human power. If you want to use this, you have to use some mechanism design to make it easier for them to open the bow.

Regarding this, Zhou Xu actually had ideas in his mind, but...

"We don't need this right now."

The bed crossbow is a typical siege equipment, and its main attack targets are those huge city defense facilities, or large enough giant units.

But in this tribal era, how can there be any city defense facilities that need them to push this out?

As for hitting single soldiers with bed crossbows...

This is no longer a problem of anti-aircraft guns being overqualified for killing mosquitoes, but that it is not so accurate, and it can't hit a few individual soldiers once it is fired.

To put it more bluntly, you use 10,000 yuan shells to destroy two 50 yuan soldiers. Is there any point in doing this kind of loss-making business?

Not to mention that it takes time and effort to make the bed crossbow at this stage, how can he have the extra manpower, material resources and time to do this?

In this way, the research and development plan of the bed crossbow will be released first.

After getting this answer from Zhou Xu, Zhuang Mengdie stopped being entangled and started to make a new type of bamboo bow.

At the same time, all the copper arrowheads poured by the forging department will be sent to the equipment department for polishing.

In this way, the comprehensive upgrade of Zhou Xu's tribal weapons is in full swing.

If only the existing fifteen soldiers need to be armed, then the work pressure is actually very small.

But when an armed conflict breaks out, it is definitely impossible for Zhou Xu to bring only fifteen people into battle. In the tribe, tribe fighters from various departments will still be drawn by him, but these fifteen professional soldiers can be used as the core combat force Those who are mobilized will play a role in determining the outcome of the battle.

For this reason, Zhou Xu directly requested to make fifty sets of the casting quantity of the first batch of weapons.

After issuing this order, Zhou Xu fell into deep thought.

He is now struggling with a problem, that is whether to equip the skeleton soldiers with copper weapons.

There is no doubt that the skeleton soldiers are an important force in his hands, and they are also an important part of his current core tactics. If the weapons of the skeleton soldiers can also be fully upgraded, then his combat power will definitely be improved by leaps and bounds .

But the problem now is that normal skeleton soldiers are too fragile. In a frontal conflict, they will soon be defeated by the enemy.

Although he can use the power of mantra to pull the skeleton soldiers back up again.

But in this process, it is difficult to guarantee that their weapons will not be snatched by the enemy.

In other words, there is a high probability that it will be snatched by the enemy.

After all, those enemies are not stupid, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell that their weapons are better.

The weapons of forty or fifty skeleton soldiers are enough to arm the entire tribe on the opposite side. If you are not careful, you will be making wedding dresses for others.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu also completely gave up on this idea.

For now, the core value of skeleton soldiers still lies in constant consumption. He doesn't need to specifically upgrade the weapons of skeleton soldiers to bear this risk.

After figuring this out, Zhou Xu quickly devoted himself to another matter.

Now that you have the weapons, it's time to think about the armor.

Considering the background of the times, the most common armor should be leather armor.

But Zhou Xu skipped this option directly.

Animal skins are one of the most important resources in this era, and their tribes must have them.

Before the tribe was in the barren mountain camp, they could also obtain some leather resources by hunting on the mountain.

But later, with the migration of the tribe, after arriving here, Zhou Xu didn't develop for a long time, and Zhou Xu went straight to the path of fishing and breeding.

This also caused their demand for hunting to plummet, and the source of leather naturally decreased.

Under such circumstances, it is simply unrealistic for them to produce leather armor on a large scale.

Fortunately, Zhou Xu has his own ideas.

Don't forget, what he is best at is the manual work of knitting things.

And in the history of their celestial dynasty, there was a very distinctive unit called rattan armor soldiers!

Rattan armor has the advantages of light weight, low cost, and excellent defensive capabilities.

But relatively, the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, fear of fire.

There is an allusion to burning rattan armored soldiers.

But Zhou Xu just wanted to bet that the primitive people didn't understand this, and at the same time they couldn't discover it.

Zhou Xu, who had already made up his mind, ordered people to collect vines in the surrounding forest.

Although he didn't weave rattan armor before, he did weave rattan baskets, leaving a few openings in the basket so that people can stretch out their hands and heads, and round them up, isn't it just a rattan armor?

Or he could simply split the rattan armor into several parts such as chest guard, shoulder guard, elbow guard, and wrist guard.

In this way, the safety of key parts can be guaranteed, and the weight of the armor can be further reduced without affecting their flexibility.

In fact, these two ideas can already be regarded as the difference between 'heavy armor' and 'light armor', and he still has to think about how to choose.

But Zhou Xu has the confidence to make rattan armor alone, and the rattan armor will not trouble him.

Just when Zhou Xu was thinking about it, the people he sent out had already pushed the trees and vines back one by one.

Seeing him, Zhou Xu signaled his subordinates to quickly process those vines and soak them in the water.

This tree vine can't be used directly. In order to be more durable and easy to weave, it needs to be soaked in water, dried in the sun, and then soaked in oil for processing.

Anyway, that's what his grandma used to do. At that time, he followed her instructions. Later, grandma thought it was too troublesome, so she stopped weaving rattan baskets and rattan hats.

But I didn't expect that the experience I accumulated at that time would come in handy at this time...

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