Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 145 A Drop of Blood

Two quarters of an hour, almost 30 minutes, and in this short 30 minutes, Zhou Xu received bad news one after another. Those seriously injured tribe members died one after another...

For this result, he had actually already been mentally prepared.

Although he had established the medical department first, the level of medical treatment in this era was undoubtedly too poor, and those tribal members were really injured too badly.

Among the severely injured patients, the fractures can only be regarded as minor injuries. Some limbs were torn off, and some even had their stomachs torn open by the hyena man's sharp claws, and their intestines were hung outside.

Although it is the medical department, where have they encountered such a situation before?

Looking at those seriously injured patients, they were all stupid.

In the past, if this happened in the tribe, they would just wait for death, or simply give the other party a good time.

Let them save now? How can this help them? !

At that time, Zhou Xu had anticipated this situation in advance, so he made a trip to the medical department in advance.

Intestines hanging outside? Throw it back! Broken? Find a good location and fix it with wooden boards! No limbs? Bandage to stop the bleeding first!

At that time, he had really pushed his brain with modern knowledge to its limit, and gave countermeasures for various situations.

But he is not a medical student after all, or to put it bluntly, even if he is a medical student, he is probably powerless under such medical conditions.

According to their current medical level, it is already a huge improvement to be able to treat the wounds of those with minor injuries and prevent them from dying of wound infection.

Back and forth, ten seriously injured patients were added up. At this moment, eight of them had died, and only two remained, still unconscious.

According to the report, these two were soldiers trained by him, and their injuries were fractures. Among the 18 seriously injured patients, they were the two with the highest probability of survival.

Suppress the emotions in your heart and allow your mind to function normally.


This is the loss of his tribe members this time. This number has already exceeded half of the original population of the grassland camp. It is definitely not a small number.

After that, his grassland camp will definitely continue to be maintained. It is also a troublesome thing to transfer such a group of people from other camps to make up for the population loss of the grassland camp.

After all, at this moment, the manpower in Black Moon Village and Salt Lake Camp is not abundant.

After that, he had to face another problem, which was the loss of troops.

Of the fifteen soldiers under his command, all of them were injured this time, and four of them were seriously injured. Now two of them have died, and the remaining two have broken bones. In this era, it is basically impossible to fully recover.

In other words, even if those two survived, they might not be able to continue to join the army. This also reduced the number of soldiers under his command to eleven.

This situation was undoubtedly enough to give him a headache.

Just when he was depressed because of this, Li Ce ran over quickly.

"Boss, the cremation is ready, and it's almost time."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu nodded, and then cheered up a bit, and followed Li Ce towards the outside of the camp.

At this moment, all the tribe members in the camp here have gathered there as far as they can.

Seeing Zhou Xu approaching, everyone's eyes fell on him one after another.

Zhou Xu, who had adjusted his emotions, stepped in front of the crowd, his eyes swept across their faces, and from the expressions of the crowd, he could feel that everyone's mood was very low, and even the air became depressed.

"Today! We lost sixteen brothers!"

Taking a deep breath secretly, Zhou Xuzhong was full of breath, but full of grief, which attracted everyone's attention.

"They died to protect our tribe, to protect our homeland!"

"They will not sacrifice in vain. They used their lives to lay the foundation on this grassland for our tribe and the people who live for us, and it has become the cornerstone of our tribe's future development and growth! And their spirit will live on forever. In our hearts!"

After a brief speech, Zhou Xu took the torch from Li Ce and lit it himself.

The igniter has already been arranged underneath, so that the fire will ignite quickly, and this raging fire will send them off for the last time.

After the bodies were burned to ashes, Zhou Xu signaled everyone to collect the ashes, put them in clay pots, and then bury them in an open space outside the camp.

After finding a suitable piece of wood, I personally carved the names of the sixteen tribe members on one side, and on the other side, it was written that they died heroically in order to protect the camp in the battle with the hyenas!

Back at the camp, those who were alive had work to do, no time to wallow in grief.

That simple funeral let them vent their emotions to a certain extent, and now each of them cheered up and devoted themselves to the work in front of them.

While it was still dark, several experts in the tribe were sweating profusely handling the beast's body.

Zhou Zhongshan had already done half of the work of disemboweling the beast in order to rescue the cub in the belly of the beast, and they did the rest of the work fairly neatly.

Zhou Xu sat by and watched the whole process.

During the period, the cub in his arms must have had enough sleep and began to struggle again.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu simply put it on the ground.

At this time, the cub's four legs were still very slender, and after Zhou Xu put it down, it crawled on the ground with a bit of trembling.

The seemingly thin limbs could not support their own body at all.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu simply let it crawl, as if he were exercising. Anyway, judging by the state of the little guy, he couldn't climb very far.

With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the beast's corpse again.

At this moment, several masters were taking out the viscera of the beast.

For those small animals in the past, their internal organs were basically pulled out in one go, without much effort at all.

But this ferocious beast was different, it was too big, and its internal organs were all glued together, so they had to borrow a crescent halberd to cut off those internal organs.

When the heart was cut, he didn't know if the crescent halberd was too big to operate with one hand, so he directly cut the heart in half.

It doesn't really matter in itself, they just put their hearts aside.

But what people didn't expect was that a drop of ruby-like blood overflowed from the heart that was cut in half, and slowly flowed down the cut.

It was completely visible to the naked eye, and the texture of the blood was completely different from ordinary blood, even different from the blood that this giant beast had shed before.

Zhou Xu's sharp eyes caught the drop of blood immediately, and his first reaction was to rush forward to catch it.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a trembling little guy who couldn't even walk appeared in his field of vision, and then he took a gulp and swallowed the drop of blood into his mouth.

"Fuck, fuck?!!"

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